Arranging separate lyrics on a single line
Sometimes you may want to put lyrics for different performers on a
single line: where there is rapidly alternating text, for
example. This snippet shows how this can be done with
\override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing.minimum-distance = ##f
\header { = ##f }
\layout {
\context {
\override VerticalAxisGroup
.minimum-distance = ##f
aliceSings = \markup { \smallCaps "Alice" }
eveSings = \markup { \smallCaps "Eve" }
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "alice" {
f'4^\aliceSings g' r2 |
s1 |
f'4^\aliceSings g' r2 |
s1 | \break
% ...
s2 a'8^\aliceSings a' b'4 |
\new Voice = "eve" {
s1 |
a'2^\eveSings g' |
s1 |
a'2^\eveSings g'
% ...
f'4^\eveSings a'8 g' f'4 e' |
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "alice" {
may -- be
sec -- ond
% ...
Shut up, you fool!
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "eve" {
that the
words are
% ...
…and then I was like–
![[image of music]](../6f/lily-f03cc102.png)