1.225 octave mark

ES: indicación de octava, I: segno di ottava, F: indication d’octave, D: Oktavierungszeichen, NL: ?, DK: ?, S: ?, FI: oktaavamerkki.

The phrase, abbreviation, or other mark used (with or without an extender line or bracket) to indicate that the music is to be played in a different octave:

For longer passages, it may be more practical to mark the octave change at the beginning with a phrase (see the list below for examples), but without a bracket or extender line. Then, when the music returns to the written pitch, the octave change is canceled with the word loco (q.v.).

To parallel the list above:

In the phrases above, quindicesima is sometimes replaced with quindecima, which is Latin.

The music on an entire staff can be marked to be played in a different octave by putting a small 8 or 15 above or below the clef at the beginning. This octave mark can be applied to any clef, but it is most frequently used with the G and F clefs.

See also

F clef, G clef, loco, octave marking.

LilyPond Music Glossary v2.25.20 (development-branch).