Flamenco notation
For flamenco guitar, special notation is used:
- a golpe symbol to indicate a slap on the guitar body with the nail of the ring finger
- an arrow to indicate (the direction of) strokes
- different letters for fingering (“p”: thumb, “i”: index finger, “m”: middle finger, “a”: ring finger and “x”: little finger)
- 3- and 4-finger rasgueados; stroke upwards with all fingers, ending with an up- and down using the index finger
- abanicos: strokes (in tuples) with thumb (down), little and index finger (both up). There’s also an abanico 2 where middle and ring finger are used instead of the little finger.
- alza pua: fast playing with the thumb
Most figures use arrows in combination with fingering; with abanicos and rasgueados, noteheads are printed only for the first chord.
This snippet contains some header-like code that can be copied as ‘flamenco.ly’ and included in source files.
%%%%%%% Cut here ----- Start 'flamenco.ly' % Text indicators : abanico = ^\markup\small { \italic Abanico } rasgueado = ^\markup\small { \italic Ras. } alzapua = ^\markup\small { \italic Alzapua } % Finger stroke symbols : strokeUp = \markup\combine\override #'(thickness . 1.3) \draw-line #'(0 . 2)\raise #2 \arrow-head #Y #UP ##f strokeDown = \markup\combine\arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \override #'(thickness . 1.3) \draw-line #'(0 . 2) % Golpe symbol : golpe = \markup { \filled-box #'(0 . 1) #'(0 . 1) #0 \hspace #-1.6 \with-color #white \filled-box #'(0.15 . 0.85) #'(0.15 . 0.85) #0 } % Strokes, fingers and golpe command : RHp = \rightHandFinger #1 RHi = \rightHandFinger #2 RHm = \rightHandFinger #3 RHa = \rightHandFinger #4 RHx = \rightHandFinger #5 RHu = \rightHandFinger \strokeUp RHd = \rightHandFinger \strokeDown RHg = \rightHandFinger \golpe % Just handy :) tupletOff = { \once \omit TupletNumber \once \omit TupletBracket } tupletsOff = { \omit TupletNumber \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam } tupletsOn = { \override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = #'default \undo \omit TupletNumber } headsOff = { \hide TabNoteHead \hide NoteHead \override NoteHead.no-ledgers = ##t } headsOn = { \override TabNoteHead.transparent = ##f \override NoteHead.transparent = ##f \override NoteHead.no-ledgers = ##f } %%%%%%% Cut here ----- End 'flamenco.ly' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% part = \relative c' { \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up) \key a\major <a, e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>8 <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>8 r4 r2^\markup\golpe <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi>8 <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>8 <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi\RHg>8 <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>8 r2 <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHa>16\rasgueado \headsOff <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHm> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi> <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>~ \headsOn <a e' a cis e>2 r4 \tupletOff \tuplet 5/4 { <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx>16\rasgueado \headsOff <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHa> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHm> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi> <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHi>~ \headsOn } <a e' a cis e>2 r4 \tupletsOff \tuplet 3/2 { <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8\abanico \headsOff <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi> \headsOn } \tuplet 3/2 { <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8 \headsOff <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi> \headsOn } \tuplet 3/2 { <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8 \headsOff <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi> \headsOn } \tuplet 3/2 { <a e' a cis e\RHd\RHp>8 \headsOff <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHx> <a e' a cis e\RHu\RHi> \headsOn } \tupletsOff \override Beam.positions = #'(2 . 2) \tuplet 3/2 { a8\RHp\alzapua <e' a\RHu\RHg> <e a\RHd> } \tuplet 3/2 { a,8\RHp <e' a\RHu\RHg> <e a\RHd> } \tuplet 3/2 { a,8\RHp <e' a\RHu\RHg> <e a\RHd> } \tuplet 3/2 { a,8\RHp <e' a\RHu\RHg> <e a\RHd> } \tupletsOn <a, e' a\RHu\RHm>1 \bar "|." } \score { \new StaffGroup << \context Staff = "part" << \clef "G_8" { \part } >> \context TabStaff { \part } >> \layout { ragged-right = ##t } } \paper { tagline = ##f }
![[image of music]](../6c/lily-a1abfc68.png)