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5.9.4 Technical background
A number of Python scripts handle parts of the documentation translation process; they are located in the scripts/auxiliar/ directory.
- check_translation.py – show diff to update a translation,
- texi-langutils.py – parse Texinfo files to make message catalogs and extract Texinfo skeleton files,
- update-snippets.py – synchronize .ly snippets with those from the English documentation.
Python modules used by scripts in scripts/auxiliar/ or scripts/build/ (but not by installed Python scripts) are located in the python/auxiliar/ directory:
- buildlib.py – common functions (read piped output of a shell command, use git, etc.),
- postprocess_html.py (imported by www_post.py) – add footer and tweak links in HTML pages.
And finally there is
- python/langdefs.py – language definitions module.