5.6.1 Working on subsections

In the NR, we highly recommend focusing on one subsection at a time. For each subsection,


In general, any \set or \override command should go in the “selected snippets” section, which means that they should be added to the LSR and not to the .itely file. For some cases, the command obviously belongs in the “main text” (i.e., not inside @predefined or @morerefs or whatever) – instrument names are a good example of this:

\set Staff.instrumentName = "foo"

On the other side of this,

\override Score.Hairpin.after-line-breaking = ##t

clearly belongs to the LSR.

One place where a documentation writer can profitably spend time writing or upgrading tweaks is creating code to deal with known issues. It would be ideal if every significant known issue had a workaround to avoid the difficulty.

See also

Adding and editing snippets.

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).