Files to be translated

A translation of file Documentation/en/foo/bar.baz should be stored in file Documentation/MY-LANGUAGE/foo/bar.baz. Unmentioned files should not be translated.

The table below list recommended priorities (lower values mean higher priority) of files to be translated. Files of priority 1 should be submitted along all files generated by starting a new language in the same commit and thus be a unique patch. Translation of files marked with priority 2 should be committed to the git repository at the same time and thus sent in a single patch. Priority 1 files are required before requesting a language-specific mailing list Files marked with priority 3 or lower may be submitted individually. For knowing how to commit your work to the git repository, preferably as a Merge Request, see Working with source code.

Only add translated files to the git repository! All other, untranslated files can be safely deleted. If necessary, skeleton files can be regenerated by calling the new-lang make target again (this doesn’t overwrite existing files).

1The website: web.texi, web/introduction.itexi, and web/download.itexi. Additionally, also translate macros.itexi and search-box.ihtml.
2The tutorial: web/manuals.itexi, learning.tely, learning/installing.itely, learning/tutorial.itely, and learning/common-notation.itely.
3Fundamental concepts in learning/fundamental.itely, as well as usage.tely, usage/running.itely, usage/updating.itely, and web/community.itexi.
4The Changes file: changes.tely.
5More useful information: learning/tweaks.itely, learning/templates.itely, and usage/suggestions.itely.
6The Notation Reference: notation.tely, all of notation/*.itely, and the snippets’ titles and descriptions.
7More tools: usage/lilypond-book.itely and usage/external.itely.
8The Essay and the guide to extend LilyPond: essay.tely and essay/*.itely, as well as extending.tely and extending/*.itely.
9The Music Glossary: music-glossary.tely.
10LilyPond Snippets: snippets.tely. A large portion of them is also included in the NR.

A special case is file Documentation/po/MY-LANGUAGE.po, which holds strings to translate. Currently, there are two helper scripts that access it during a documentation build:

Do not mix up the Documentation/po/ and po/ directories! The latter holds translations of messages emitted by lilypond (the program) and various other tools; they are maintained externally by the Free Translation Project.

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).