8.1 Introduction to issues

Note: All the tasks in this chapter require no programming skills and can be done by anyone with a web browser, an email client and the ability to run LilyPond.

The term ‘issues’ refers not just to software bugs but also includes feature requests, documentation additions and corrections as well as any other general code ‘TODOs’ that need to be kept track of. Tasks revolving around issues include:

To start working on bug triage, follow these steps:

  1. Read every section of the Issues chapter in this guide.
  2. Subscribe your email account to bug-lilypond. See https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond.
  3. Create your own GitLab login (required to manage issues):
    • Go to https://gitlab.com/users/sign_in.
    • Click on the ‘Register’ tab to create a new account.
    • Fill in your details as required and click the Register button to complete the registration.
  4. Go to https://gitlab.com/lilypond and ‘Request access’ to the group. Additionally send your GitLab username (not your email address) to bug-lilypond@gnu.org, asking to be given appropriate permissions to manage issues.
  5. Configure your email client to use some kind of sorting and filtering as this will significantly reduce and simplify your workload. Suggested email folder names are mentioned below to work when sorted alphabetically.

    Any email sent To: or CC: to bug-lilypond should be configured to go into a bug-current folder.

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).