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Enter the exact @node
name of the target reference between
the braces (for example, @ref{Syntax survey}
). While
cross references use the node name as an argument, they are set up
for our documentation to display the corresponding section command
in PDF and HTML output.
command link target @ref
current manual @rchanges
Changes file @rcontrib
Contributor’s Guide @ressay
Engraving Essay @rextend
Extending Manual @rglos
Music Glossary @rinternals
Internals Reference @rlearning
Learning Manual @rlsr
a Snippet section @rprogram
Application Usage @rnotation
Notation Reference @rweb
General Information webpage
All these commands also have a @...named
version, which
allows to specify the displayed text for the reference as a second
argument. This is mainly used in translations, for example
@rlearningnamed{I'm hearing voices, J'entends des voix}
If you want to refer to an external manual as a whole instead of a
specific section, use ‘Top’ as an argument. Example: