3.5 Commit access

New contributors are not able to push branches directly to the main repository – only members of the LilyPond development team have commit access. If you are a contributor and are interested in joining the development team, contact the Project Manager through the mailing list (lilypond-devel@gnu.org). Generally, only contributors who have already provided a number of patches which have been merged to the main repository will be considered for membership.

If you have been approved by the Project Manager, navigate to https://gitlab.com/lilypond and ‘Request access’ to the group. Make sure that your account can be related to your activity on the mailing list. If in doubt, please post the user name after requesting access.

Note that you will not have commit access until the Project Manager activates your membership. Once your membership is activated, LilyPond should appear under the heading “Groups” on your profile page. When this is done, you can test your commit access with a dry run:

git push --dry-run --verbose

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).