10.19.1 Spacing algorithms

Here is information from an email exchange about spacing algorithms.

On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 15:33 -0500, Boris Shingarov wrote: I am experimenting with some modifications to the line breaking code, and I am stuck trying to understand how some of it works. So far my understanding is that Simple_spacer operates on a vector of Grobs, and it is a well-known Constrained-QP problem (rods = constraints, springs = quadratic function to minimize). What I don’t understand is, if the spacer operates at the level of Grobs, which are built at an earlier stage in the pipeline, how are the changes necessitated by differences in line breaking, taken into account? in other words, if I take the last measure of a line and place it on the next line, it is not just a matter of literally moving that graphic to where the start of the next line is, but I also need to draw a clef, key signature, and possibly other fundamental things – but at that stage in the rendering pipeline, is it not too late??

Joe Neeman answered:

We create lots of extra grobs (e.g., a BarNumber at every bar line) but most of them are not drawn. See the break-visibility property in item-interface.

Here is another e-mail exchange. Janek Warchoł asked for a starting point to fixing 1301 (change clef colliding with notes). Neil Puttock replied:

The clef is on a loose column (it floats before the head), so the first place I’d look would be lily/spacing-loose-columns.cc (and possibly lily/spacing-determine-loose-columns.cc). I’d guess the problem is the way loose columns are spaced between other columns: in this snippet, the columns for the quaver and tuplet minim are so close together that the clef’s column gets dumped on top of the quaver (since it’s loose, it doesn’t influence the spacing).

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.20 (development-branch).