3.3.2 Automated testing

When a merge request is opened, a bot automatically adds the Patch::new label to it, and it enters the countdown cycle. GitLab triggers automated testing, which ensures that the patch completes make, make check, and make doc.

After testing succeeds, the patch author or a reviewer should check the regression test comparison. There is a link to the comparison page from the merge request page, below the text “Merge request pipeline #… passed”. Click the “View app” button.

If tests display no obviously bad differences, the patch can be advanced to Patch::review. If the size of the regression test visual differences allows it, please paste screenshots of them on the merge request page for easier review. Otherwise, simply paste a link to the that page. Also, for changes that are by nature not expected to yield regression test differences, such as documentation improvements, it is not necessary to leave a comment at all. In case any of the testing steps fails, the patch should be set to Patch::needs_work. When revisions are made, this process repeats (if the regression test diff is not changed by the latest iteration, a comment stating so can replace posting screenshots again).

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).