4.6.1 Installing LilyPond from a local build

If you configured make to install your local build in a directory where you normally have write permission (such as your home directory), and you have compiled LilyPond by running make, you can install the program in your target directory by running:

make install

If instead your installation directory is not one that you can normally write to (such as the default /usr/local/, which typically is only writeable by the superuser), you will need to temporarily become the superuser when running make install:

sudo make install


su -c 'make install'

If you don’t have superuser privileges, then you need to configure the installation directory to one that you can write to, and then re-install. See Configuring target directories.

If you have added BYTECODE=no as an argument to make all, you should do the same for make install.

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).