10.4 Finding functions

When making changes or fixing bugs in LilyPond, one of the initial challenges is finding out where in the code tree the functions to be modified live. With nearly 3000 files in the source tree, trial-and-error searching is generally ineffective. This section describes a process for finding interesting code.

Using the ROADMAP

The file ROADMAP is located in the main directory of the lilypond source. ROADMAP lists all of the directories in the LilyPond source tree, along with a brief description of the kind of files found in each directory. This can be a very helpful tool for deciding which directories to search when looking for a function.

Using grep to search

Having identified a likely subdirectory to search, the grep utility can be used to search for a function name. The format of the grep command is

grep -i functionName subdirectory/*

This command will search all the contents of the directory subdirectory/ and display every line in any of the files that contains functionName. The -i option makes grep ignore case – this can be very useful if you are not yet familiar with our capitalization conventions.

The most likely directories to grep for function names are scm/ for scheme files, ly/ for lilypond input (*.ly) files, and lily/ for C++ files.

Using git grep to search

If you have used git to obtain the source, you have access to a powerful tool to search for functions. The command:

git grep functionName

will search through all of the files that are present in the git repository looking for functionName. It also presents the results of the search using less, so the results are displayed one page at a time.

Using TAGS support

Many programs, including Emacs, ex, vi, and less, provide the ability to jump directly to the definition of an identifier based on precomputed cross-reference data. This data is usually contained in files named TAGS, for Emacs, or tags, for vi and other programs.

To generate these cross-reference data files the source code must be installed, but it is not necessary to compile LilyPond. Follow the instructions found in Getting the source code through ‘Checking build dependencies’. Once the configure command has run successfully, invoke the following command in the build directory.

make TAGS

This will create both TAGS and tags files in the source directory tree. To enable and use tags in a particular program, see the associated program documentation.

Searching on the git repository at GitLab and Savannah

GitLab’s web interface provides a built-in search.

Alternatively you can also use the equivalent of git grep on the Savannah server.

This will initiate a search of the remote git repository.

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.20 (development-branch).