Updating translation committishes

At the beginning of each translated file (except for .po files), there is a committish (i.e., an SHA-1 tag consisting of 40 hexadecimal digits that uniquely identify a specific commit in a git repository) to represent the revision of the sources that you have used to translate this file from the file in English.

When you have pulled and updated a translation, it is very important to update this committish in the files you have completely updated (and only these); to do this, first commit possible changes to any documentation in English which you are sure to have done in your translation as well, then replace in the up-to-date translated files the old committish by the committish of the latest commit, which can be obtained by doing

git rev-list HEAD | head -1

Most of the changes in the LSR snippets included in the documentation concern the syntax, not the description inside texidoc="...". This implies that sometimes you will have to update only the committish of the matching .texidoc file and nothing else. It can be a tedious work if there are many snippets to be marked as up do date; you can use the following command to update the committishes at once:

cd Documentation/MY-LANGUAGE/texidocs
sed -i -r 's/[0-9a-z]{40}/NEW-COMMITTISH/' *.texidoc

See also

LSR work.

LilyPond Contributor’s Guide v2.25.25 (development-branch).