3.2.163 vaticana-ligature-interface

A vaticana style Gregorian ligature.

User-settable properties:

glyph-name (string)

The glyph name within the font.

In the context of (span) bar lines or clefs, glyph-name represents a processed form of glyph, where decisions about line breaking, etc., are already taken.

thickness (number)

For grobs made up of lines, this is the thickness of the line. For slurs and ties, this is the distance between the two arcs of the curve’s outline at its thickest point, not counting the diameter of the virtual “pen” that draws the arcs. This property is expressed as a multiple of the current staff-line thickness (i.e., the visual output is influenced by changes to Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness).

Internal properties:

add-cauda (boolean)

Does this flexa require an additional cauda on the left side?

add-join (boolean)

Is this ligature head-joined with the next one by a vertical line?

add-stem (boolean)

Is this ligature head a virga and therefore needs an additional stem on the right side?

delta-position (number)

The vertical position difference.

flexa-height (dimension, in staff space)

The height of a flexa shape in a ligature grob (in staff-space units).

flexa-width (dimension, in staff space)

The width of a flexa shape in a ligature grob (in staff-space units).

x-offset (dimension, in staff space)

Extra horizontal offset for ligature heads.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): NoteHead and VaticanaLigature.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.20 (development-branch).