3.1.47 DurationLine

A horizontal duration line, continuing rhythmic items (usually note heads).

DurationLine objects are created by the following engraver(s): Duration_line_engraver.

Standard settings:

after-line-breaking (boolean):


Dummy property, used to trigger callback for after-line-breaking.

arrow-length (number):


Arrow length.

arrow-width (number):


Arrow width.

bound-details (alist, with symbols as keys):
'((right (attach-dir . -1)
         (end-on-accidental . #t)
         (end-on-arpeggio . #t)
         (padding . 0.4)
         (end-style . #f))
  (right-broken (padding . 0.4) (end-style . #f))
  (left-broken (padding . 0.5))
  (left (attach-dir . 1)
        (padding . -0.3)
        (start-at-dot . #f)))

An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

breakable (boolean):


Allow breaks here.

details (alist, with symbols as keys):
'((extra-dot-padding . 0.5)
  (hook-direction . 1)
  (hook-height . 0.34)
  (hook-thickness . #f))

An alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior. See All layout objects for more information on the available parameters and their default values of a particular grob’s details property. See Graphical Object Interfaces for documentation of the available parameters. Supporting interfaces can be found at the bottom of a grob’s description section.

left-bound-info (alist, with symbols as keys):


An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

minimum-length (dimension, in staff space):


Try to make a spanner at least this long, normally in the horizontal direction. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property. If added to a Tie, this sets the minimum distance between noteheads.

minimum-length-after-break (dimension, in staff space):


If set, try to make a broken spanner starting a line this long. This requires an appropriate callback for the springs-and-rods property. If added to a Tie, this sets the minimum distance to the notehead.

right-bound-info (alist, with symbols as keys):


An alist of properties for determining attachments of spanners to edges.

springs-and-rods (boolean):


Dummy variable for triggering spacing routines.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

style (symbol):


This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

thickness (number):


For grobs made up of lines, this is the thickness of the line. For slurs and ties, this is the distance between the two arcs of the curve’s outline at its thickest point, not counting the diameter of the virtual “pen” that draws the arcs. This property is expressed as a multiple of the current staff-line thickness (i.e., the visual output is influenced by changes to Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness).

to-barline (boolean):


If true, the spanner will stop at the bar line just before it would otherwise stop.

vertical-skylines (pair of skylines):

#<unpure-pure-container #<procedure ly:grob::vertical-skylines-from-stencil (_)> #<procedure ly:grob::pure-simple-vertical-skylines-from-extents (_ _ _)> >

Two skylines, one above and one below this grob.

Y-offset (number):


The vertical amount that this object is moved relative to its Y-parent.

Note that many objects have special positioning considerations, which cause any setting of Y-offset to be ignored or modified, even though the object supports the self-alignment-interface.

zigzag-length (dimension, in staff space):


The length of the lines of a zigzag, relative to zigzag-width. A value of 1 gives 60-degree zigzags.

zigzag-width (dimension, in staff space):


The width of one zigzag squiggle. This number is adjusted slightly so that the spanner line can be constructed from a whole number of squiggles.

This object supports the following interface(s): duration-line-interface, font-interface, grob-interface, horizontal-line-spanner-interface, line-interface, spanner-interface and unbreakable-spanner-interface.

This object is of class Spanner (characterized by spanner-interface).

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.24 (development-branch).