2.2.32 Current_chord_text_engraver

Catch note and rest events and generate the appropriate chord text using chordNameFunction. Actually creating a chord name grob is left to other engravers.

Music types accepted: general-rest-event and note-event

Properties (read)

chordNameExceptions (list)

An alist of chord exceptions. Contains (chord . markup) entries.

chordNameFunction (procedure)

The function that converts lists of pitches to chord names.

chordNoteNamer (procedure)

A function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for single pitches.

chordRootNamer (procedure)

A function that converts from a pitch object to a text markup. Used for chords.

majorSevenSymbol (markup)

How should the major 7th be formatted in a chord name?

noChordSymbol (markup)

Markup to be displayed for rests in a ChordNames context.

Properties (write)

currentChordCause (stream event)

Event cause of the chord that should be created in this time step (if any).

currentChordText (markup)

In contexts printing chord names, this is at any point of time the markup that will be put in the chord name.

Current_chord_text_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: ChordGrid and ChordNames.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.20 (development-branch).