2.2.144 Tab_note_heads_engraver

Generate one or more tablature note heads from event of type NoteEvent.

Music types accepted: fingering-event, note-event and string-number-event

Properties (read)

defaultStrings (list)

A list of strings to use in calculating frets for tablatures and fretboards if no strings are provided in the notes for the current moment.

fretLabels (list)

A list of strings or Scheme-formatted markups containing, in the correct order, the labels to be used for lettered frets in tablature.

highStringOne (boolean)

Whether the first string is the string with highest pitch on the instrument. This used by the automatic string selector for tablature notation.

maximumFretStretch (number)

Don’t allocate frets further than this from specified frets.

middleCPosition (number)

The place of the middle C, measured in half staff-spaces. Usually determined by looking at middleCClefPosition and middleCOffset.

minimumFret (number)

The tablature auto string-selecting mechanism selects the highest string with a fret at least minimumFret.

noteToFretFunction (procedure)

Convert list of notes and list of defined strings to full list of strings and fret numbers. Parameters: The context, a list of note events, a list of tabstring events, and the fretboard grob if a fretboard is desired.

stringOneTopmost (boolean)

Whether the first string is printed on the top line of the tablature.

stringTunings (list)

The tablature strings tuning. It is a list of the pitches of each string (starting with the lowest numbered one).

tablatureFormat (procedure)

A function formatting a tablature note head. Called with three arguments: context, string number and, fret number. It returns the text as a markup.

tabStaffLineLayoutFunction (procedure)

A function determining the staff position of a tablature note head. Called with two arguments: the context and the string.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): TabNoteHead.

Tab_note_heads_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: TabVoice.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.24 (development-branch).