2.2.70 Key_engraver

Engrave a key signature.

Music types accepted: key-change-event

Properties (read)

createKeyOnClefChange (boolean)

Print a key signature whenever the clef is changed.

explicitKeySignatureVisibility (vector)

break-visibility’ function for explicit key changes. ‘\override’ of the break-visibility property will set the visibility for normal (i.e., at the start of the line) key signatures.

extraNatural (boolean)

Whether to typeset an extra natural sign before accidentals that reduce the effect of a previous alteration.

forbidBreak (boolean)

If set to #t, prevent a line break at this point, except if explicitly requested by the user.

forceBreak (boolean)

Set to #t when an event forcing a line break was heard.

keyAlterationOrder (list)

A list of pairs that defines in what order alterations should be printed. The format of an entry is (step . alter), where step is a number from 0 to 6 and alter from -1 (double flat) to 1 (double sharp), with exact rationals for alterations in between, e.g., 1/2 for sharp.

keyAlterations (list)

The current key signature. This is an alist containing (step . alter) or ((octave . step) . alter), where step is a number in the range 0 to 6 and alter a fraction, denoting alteration. For alterations, use symbols, e.g., keyAlterations = #`((6 . ,FLAT)).

lastKeyAlterations (list)

Last key signature before a key signature change.

middleCClefPosition (number)

The position of the middle C, as determined only by the clef. This can be calculated by looking at clefPosition and clefGlyph.

printKeyCancellation (boolean)

Print restoration alterations before a key signature change.

Properties (write)

keyAlterations (list)

The current key signature. This is an alist containing (step . alter) or ((octave . step) . alter), where step is a number in the range 0 to 6 and alter a fraction, denoting alteration. For alterations, use symbols, e.g., keyAlterations = #`((6 . ,FLAT)).

lastKeyAlterations (list)

Last key signature before a key signature change.

tonic (pitch)

The tonic of the current scale.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): KeyCancellation and KeySignature.

Key_engraver is part of the following context(s) in \layout: GregorianTranscriptionStaff, InternalGregorianStaff, InternalMensuralStaff, KievanStaff, MensuralStaff, PetrucciStaff, Staff and VaticanaStaff.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.20 (development-branch).