2.1.26 OneStaff

Provides a common axis for the contained staves, making all of them appear in the same vertical space. This can be useful for typesetting staves of different types in immediate succession or for temporarily changing the character of one staff or overlaying it with a different one. Often used with \stopStaff and \startStaff for best results.

This context creates the following layout object(s): VerticalAxisGroup.

This is not a ‘Bottom’ context; search for such a one will commence after creating an implicit context of type Staff.

Context OneStaff can contain ChordNames, DrumStaff, Dynamics, FiguredBass, FretBoards, GregorianTranscriptionLyrics, GregorianTranscriptionStaff, KievanStaff, Lyrics, MensuralStaff, NoteNames, PetrucciStaff, RhythmicStaff, Staff, TabStaff, VaticanaLyrics and VaticanaStaff.

This context is built from the following engraver(s):


Group all objects created in this context in a VerticalAxisGroup spanner.

Properties (read)

currentCommandColumn (graphical (layout) object)

Grob that is X-parent to all current breakable items (clef, key signature, etc.).

hasAxisGroup (boolean)

True if the current context is contained in an axis group.

keepAliveInterfaces (list)

A list of symbols, signifying grob interfaces that are worth keeping a staff with remove-empty set around for.

Properties (write)

hasAxisGroup (boolean)

True if the current context is contained in an axis group.

This engraver creates the following layout object(s): VerticalAxisGroup.

LilyPond Internals Reference v2.25.24 (development-branch).