C. LilyPond index

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Index Entry Section

%2.2.2 Working on input files
%{ ... %}2.2.2 Working on input files


( ... )3.1.3 Ties and slurs


...2.2.2 Working on input files

<3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
< ... >3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
<<Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
<<3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
<< ... >>Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
<< ... \\ ... >>3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
<< \\ >>4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices

>3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
>>Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
>>3.2.5 Single staff polyphony

[3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
[ ... ]3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams

\( ... \)3.1.3 Ties and slurs
\acciaccaturaGrace notes
\addlyrics3.3.1 Setting simple songs
\addlyrics example5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
\addlyrics, example5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
\appoggiaturaGrace notes
\autoBeamOff3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
\autoBeamOff4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\autoBeamOn3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
\book4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\book4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\consists4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
\contextSetting context properties with \context
\fixed3.4.3 Absolute note names
\graceGrace notes
\header3.4.2 Adding titles
\header4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\hideThe transparent property
\keyKey signatures
\layout4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\layoutChanging all contexts of the same type
\lyricmode4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\lyricsto4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\majorKey signatures
\markup3.1.5 Adding text
\midi4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\minorKey signatures
\new3.2.2 Multiple staves
\new4.3.2 Creating contexts
\new ChoirStaff4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\new Lyrics4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\new Staff3.2.2 Multiple staves
\new Voice4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\omitThe stencil property
\omit5.3.2 Size of objects
\omitTying notes across voices
\omit, exampleTying notes across voices
\onceThe \once prefix
\once Overriding once only
\oneVoice4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\overrideThe \override command
\partialPartial measure
\remove4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
\revertThe \revert command
\revert Reverting
\score4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\score4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
\set4.3.4 Modifying context properties
\set, example of usingFingering
\shiftOffNote columns
\shiftOff5.6.1 Moving objects
\shiftOnNote columns
\shiftOn5.6.1 Moving objects
\shiftOnnNote columns
\shiftOnn5.6.1 Moving objects
\shiftOnnnNote columns
\shiftOnnn5.6.1 Moving objects
\singleThe \single prefix
\startTextSpanThe outside-staff-priority property
\stopTextSpanThe outside-staff-priority property
\tempoTempo marks
\textLengthOffThe \textLengthOn command
\textLengthOnThe \textLengthOn command
\timeTime signature
\tweakThe \tweak command
\tweak, AccidentalThe \tweak command
\tweak, exampleThe \tweak command
\tweak, exampleThe \tweak command
\tweak, exampleThe \tweak command
\tweak, specific layout objectThe \tweak command
\unset4.3.4 Modifying context properties
\version2.2.2 Working on input files
\voiceFour4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceFourStyle4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
\voiceNeutralStyle4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
\voiceOne4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceOneStyle4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
\voices4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
\voices4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceThree4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceThreeStyle4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
\voiceTwo4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceTwoStyle4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
\withSetting context properties with \with
\with, example5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
\\3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
\\4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices

]3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams



~3.1.3 Ties and slurs

absolute mode3.4.3 Absolute note names
absolute note names3.4.3 Absolute note names
absolute values for pitches3.4.3 Absolute note names
acciaccaturaGrace notes
accidentalPitch alterations
accidentalWarning: key signatures and pitches
Accidental, example of overridingThe right-padding property
AccidentalPlacement, example of overridingThe right-padding property
accidentalsPitch alterations
AccidentalsSee also
accidentals and key signatureKey signatures
accidentals and relative modePitches
adding engravers4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
adding text3.1.5 Adding text
adjustments, using variables for5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
alignAboveContext property, example5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
aligning lyrics3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
aligning objects on a baselineThe staff-padding property
ambitusChanging a single context
ambitus engraverChanging a single context
anacrusisPartial measure
appoggiaturaGrace notes
articulationWarnings: slurs vs. ties
Articulations and ornamentationsSee also
articulations and slursThe outside-staff-priority property
assigning variables3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
Automatic accidentalsWarning: key signatures and pitches
Automatic accidentalsSee also
automatic beams3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
Automatic beamsSee also

Bar and bar number checksSee also
Bar linesBar lines
bar numbers, tweaking placementThe outside-staff-priority property
bare durationTies
BarLine, example of overridingThe stencil property
BarLine, example of overridingThe stencil property
BarLine, example of overridingThe break-visibility property
BarLine, example of overridingThe color property
BarLine, example of overridingThe color property
BarLine, example of overridingThe color property
BarLine, example of overridingThe color property
beamDurations (rhythms)
beam3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
Beam, example of overridingThe positions property
beaming3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beaming and lyrics4.2.3 Voices and vocals
beams, automatic3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beams, by hand3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beams, controlling manuallyThe positions property
beams, manual3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
block comment2.2.2 Working on input files
block comment2.2.2 Working on input files
book4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
book block, implicit4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
bound-details property, exampleThe outside-staff-priority property
bound-details property, exampleThe outside-staff-priority property
brace3.2.3 Staff groups
braces, curly2.2.2 Working on input files
bracket types4.1.5 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties
bracket, tripletThe \tweak command
bracket, tupletThe \tweak command
brackets, enclosing vs. marking4.1.5 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties
brackets, nesting4.1.5 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties
break-visibility propertyThe break-visibility property
break-visibility property, exampleThe break-visibility property

Calculations in Scheme5.2.3 Types of properties
Callback functions5.7.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme
case sensitive2.1 Compiling a file
case sensitive2.2.2 Working on input files
centerThe direction property
Changing context default settingsSee also
Changing context default settingsSee also
changing size of objects5.3.2 Size of objects
characters allowed in variables3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
choir staff3.2.3 Staff groups
choir staff4.2.3 Voices and vocals
ChoirStaff3.2.3 Staff groups
ChoirStaff4.2.3 Voices and vocals
chord3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
chord repetition3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
Chorded notesSee also
ChordNames3.2.2 Multiple staves
chords3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
chords vs. voices4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
ClefSee also
Clef, example of overridingThe color property
Clef, example of overriding5.3.2 Size of objects
Clef, example of overriding5.3.2 Size of objects
Clef, example of overriding5.3.2 Size of objects
Clef, example of overriding5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
clickable examples2.4.1 Omitted material
Collision resolution5.6.3 Real music example
collisions, notesNote columns
collisions, notes5.6.1 Moving objects
color propertyThe color property
color property, exampleThe \override command
color property, exampleThe \revert command
color property, exampleThe \once prefix
color property, exampleThe \tweak command
color property, exampleThe \tweak command
color property, exampleThe color property
color property, exampleThe color property
color property, exampleThe color property
color property, exampleThe color property
color property, setting to Scheme procedure5.7.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme
color, cssThe color property
color, rgbThe color property
color, X11The color property
combining expressions in parallelSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
Command-line usage1.4 Command line setup
comment, line2.2.2 Working on input files
comment, line2.2.2 Working on input files
comments2.2.2 Working on input files
comments2.2.2 Working on input files
common errors2.3.2 Some common errors
Common errors2.3.2 Some common errors
compiling2.1 Compiling a file
compound music expression3.2.1 Music expressions explained
compound music expression4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
concurrent music4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
constructing files, tips2.4.1 Omitted material
content vs. layoutKey signatures
contents of a score block4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
context3.2.2 Multiple staves
context properties4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context properties, modifying4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context properties, setting with \contextSetting context properties with \context
context properties, setting with \withSetting context properties with \with
context, finding Finding the context
context, identifying correct Finding the context
context, notation3.2.2 Multiple staves
context, Voice4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
ContextsSee also
Contexts explainedSee also
contexts explained4.3.1 Contexts explained
contexts, creating4.3.2 Creating contexts
contexts, implicit4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
contexts, naming4.3.2 Creating contexts
controlling tuplets, slurs, phrasing slurs, and beams manuallyThe positions property
Creating and referencing contextsSee also
creating contexts4.3.2 Creating contexts
Creating MIDI output4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
Creating titles headers and footers3.4.2 Adding titles
css colorsThe color property
curly braces2.2.2 Working on input files

default properties, reverting to Reverting
Default values forThe outside-staff-priority property
Default values for outside-staff-priorityThe outside-staff-priority property
direction property, exampleThe \tweak command
direction property, exampleThe direction property
direction property, exampleFingering
Displaying stavesSee also
distances5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
dotted noteDurations (rhythms)
double flatPitch alterations
double sharpPitch alterations
downThe direction property
Download1.1 Graphical setup under GNU/Linux
Download1.2 Graphical setup under Windows
Download1.3 Graphical setup under macOS
Download1.4 Command line setup
durationDurations (rhythms)
duration, bareTies
durationsDurations (rhythms)
Durations4.1.4 Structure of a note entry
Durations4.1.4 Structure of a note entry
DynamicLineSpanner, example of overridingThe staff-padding property
DynamicsSee also
dynamics, tweaking placementDynamics placement
DynamicText, example of overridingGrob sizing
DynamicText, example of overridingThe staff-padding property

Easier1. Installing
engravers4.3.3 Engravers explained
Engravers and PerformersSee also
engravers, adding4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
engravers, removing4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
Engraving ties manuallyThe staff-position property
errors, common2.3.2 Some common errors
esPitch alterations
esesPitch alterations
example of writing a score4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
example of \omitTying notes across voices
example, first2.1 Compiling a file
examples, clickable2.4.1 Omitted material
expression, music3.2.1 Music expressions explained
expressions2.2.2 Working on input files
expressions, parallelSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
Expressive marksSee also
extender line3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
extra-offset property5.6.1 Moving objects
extra-offset property, exampleThe extra-offset property
extra-spacing-widthGrob sizing
extra-spacing-width property5.6.1 Moving objects
extra-spacing-width property, exampleGrob sizing
extra-spacing-width property, exampleThe staff-padding property

fermata, implementing in MIDISimulating a fermata in MIDI
File structure3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
file structure4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
File structure4.1 How LilyPond input files work
File structure4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
File structureSee also
files, tips for constructing2.4.1 Omitted material
fingering exampleFingering
fingering exampleFingering
fingering exampleFingering
fingering exampleFingering
Fingering instructionsSee also
fingering, chordsFingering
Fingering, example of overridingFingering
Fingering, example of overridingThe extra-offset property
fingering, placementFingering
fingeringOrientations property, exampleFingering
first example2.1 Compiling a file
fixing overlapping notationThe padding property
Flag, example of removingTying notes across voices
flatPitch alterations
flatWarning: key signatures and pitches
flat, doublePitch alterations
Flexible vertical spacing paper variables5.5 Vertical spacing
Flexible vertical spacing within systems5.5 Vertical spacing
Flexible vertical spacing within systems5.5 Vertical spacing
font-series property, example5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
font-shape property, example5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
font-shape property, example5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
font-size property, exampleThe \tweak command
font-size property, exampleThe \tweak command
fontSize property, example5.3.2 Size of objects
fontSize property, example5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
fontSize, default and settingSetting context properties with \with
force-hshift property5.6.1 Moving objects
force-hshift property, exampleThe force-hshift property
force-hshift property, example5.6.3 Real music example
Full measure restsSee also

Grace notesSee also
grace notesGrace notes
grand staff3.2.3 Staff groups
GrandStaff3.2.3 Staff groups
graphical objects4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
grob5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
grob sizingGrob sizing
grobs4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
grobs, moving colliding5.6.1 Moving objects
grobs, positioningThe extra-offset property
grobs, properties of5.2.1 Properties of layout objects

half noteDurations (rhythms)
header4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
header block3.4.2 Adding titles
headers3.4.2 Adding titles
horizontal-shift property5.6.1 Moving objects
how to read the manual2.4.1 Omitted material
hymn structure4.2.3 Voices and vocals
hyphens3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody

identifiers3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
implicit book block4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
implicit contexts4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
Including LilyPond filesSee also
input format4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
Input modes4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
interface5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
interface5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
interface5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
interface properties5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
Internals Reference5.2 The Internals Reference manual
Internals Reference manual5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Internals Reference, example of using5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
isPitch alterations
isisPitch alterations
italic, example5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces

Key signatureSee also
key signatureKey signatures
key signatureWarning: key signatures and pitches
Keyboard and other multi-staff instrumentsSee also

layers4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
layout4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
layout adjustments, using variables for5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
layout block, effect of location4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
layout object5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
layout objects, properties of5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
layout vs. contentKey signatures
length5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
LilyPond Scheme syntaxThe \override command
line comment2.2.2 Working on input files
line comment2.2.2 Working on input files
List of colorsThe color property
List of colorsThe color property
Lyrics3.2.2 Multiple staves
lyrics3.3.1 Setting simple songs
Lyrics4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics and beaming4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics and multiple staves3.3.3 Lyrics to multiple staves
Lyrics context, creating4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics, aligning3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
lyrics, linking to voice4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics, multi-syllable words3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
LyricText, example of overriding5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
LyricText, example of overriding5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments

macros3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
magstep5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
magstep function, example of using5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
majorKey signatures
manual beams3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
Manual beamsSee also
manual, reading2.4.1 Omitted material
manually controlling tuplets, slurs, phrasing slurs, and beamsThe positions property
ManualsLilyPond — Learning Manual
ManualsLilyPond — Learning Manual
markup3.1.5 Adding text
markup example5.4.1 Automatic behavior
markup text, allowing collisionsThe \textLengthOn command
melisma3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
metronomeTempo marks
metronome mark, tweaking placementThe outside-staff-priority property
metronome marksTempo marks
MetronomeMark, example of overridingThe padding property
MetronomeMark, example of overridingSimulating a fermata in MIDI
MetronomeMark, example of overridingSimulating a fermata in MIDI
middle CPitches
midi4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
minorKey signatures
Modifying context plug-insSee also
modifying context properties4.3.4 Modifying context properties
Modifying propertiesSee also
Modifying propertiesThe padding property
modifying templates4.4.1 Soprano and cello
Modifying ties and slursThe positions property
moving colliding grobs5.6.1 Moving objects
moving colliding objects5.6.1 Moving objects
moving overlapping objects5.6.1 Moving objects
MultiMeasureRest, example of overridingThe staff-position property
Multiple scores in a book4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
multiple stavesSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
multiple staves3.2.2 Multiple staves
multiple staves and lyrics3.3.3 Lyrics to multiple staves
multiple vocal verses4.2.3 Voices and vocals
Multiple voicesSee also
multiple voices3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
Multiple voicesSee also
multiple voices4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
music expression3.2.1 Music expressions explained
music expression, compound3.2.1 Music expressions explained
music expression, compound4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
music functions4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
music, concurrent4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
music, simultaneous4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
Musical notation3.4.4 After the tutorial

naming contexts4.3.2 Creating contexts
Naming conventionsSee also
naming conventions for objects5.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties
naming conventions for properties5.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties
naturalWarning: key signatures and pitches
nesting music expressions4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
nesting simultaneous constructs4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
nesting voices4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
neutralThe direction property
new contexts4.3.2 Creating contexts
notating durationsDurations (rhythms)
notating restsRests
notation context3.2.2 Multiple staves
notation, simple2.2.1 Simple notation
note collisionsNote columns
note collisions5.6.1 Moving objects
note columnNote columns
note column5.6.1 Moving objects
note durationsDurations (rhythms)
note durations in chords3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
note names3.4.3 Absolute note names
Note names in other languagesPitches
Note names in other languagesPitch alterations
Note names in other languagesSee also
Note names in other languages4.1.4 Structure of a note entry
note names, absolute3.4.3 Absolute note names
note valueTuplets
NoteColumn, example of overridingThe force-hshift property
NoteColumn, example of overriding5.6.3 Real music example
NoteHead, example of overridingThe \override command
NoteHead, example of overridingThe \revert command
NoteHead, example of overridingThe \once prefix
NoteHead, example of overridingThe \tweak command
NoteHead, example of overridingThe color property
NoteHead, example of overriding5.7.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme
notes, spreading out with textThe \textLengthOn command

object5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
object collision within a staffThe staff-position property
object properties5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
object, layout5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
objects, aligning on a baselineThe staff-padding property
objects, changing size of5.3.2 Size of objects
objects, graphical4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
objects, moving colliding5.6.1 Moving objects
objects, naming conventions5.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties
objects, outside-staff5.4.1 Automatic behavior
objects, positioningThe extra-offset property
objects, removing5.7.1 Other uses for tweaks
objects, size of5.3.2 Size of objects
objects, within-staff5.4.1 Automatic behavior
once override Overriding once only
ossia4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
ossia5.3.2 Size of objects
Ossia stavesSee also
ossias4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
ottava bracketThe outside-staff-priority property
outside-staff objects5.4.1 Automatic behavior
outside-staff-priority property, exampleThe outside-staff-priority property
outside-staff-priority property, exampleThe \textLengthOn command
overlapping notationThe padding property
override commandThe \override command
override example5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
override syntaxThe \override command
overrides, using variables for5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
overriding once only Overriding once only
Overview of modifying properties4.4.3 Building a score from scratch

padding5.6.1 Moving objects
paddingThe padding property
padding property5.6.1 Moving objects
padding property, exampleThe padding property
padding property, exampleThe padding property
Painting objects whiteThe color property
parallel expressionsSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
parallel expressions and relative notesSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
partial measurePartial measure
phrasingPhrasing slurs
phrasing slur3.1.3 Ties and slurs
Phrasing slursSee also
phrasing slurs, controlling manuallyThe positions property
PhrasingSlur, example of overridingThe positions property
piano staff3.2.3 Staff groups
PianoStaff3.2.3 Staff groups
pickupPartial measure
pitchWarning: key signatures and pitches
Pitch namesWarning: key signatures and pitches
PitchesSee also
pitches, absolute values3.4.3 Absolute note names
polyphonySimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
polyphony3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
polyphony4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
polyphony and relative note entry4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
positioning grobsThe extra-offset property
positioning objectsThe extra-offset property
positions property5.6.1 Moving objects
positions property, exampleThe positions property
positions property, exampleThe positions property
post-events4.1.4 Structure of a note entry
post-events, in variables4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
properties in interfaces5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
properties of grobs5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
properties of layout objects5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
properties operating in contexts4.3.4 Modifying context properties
properties, naming conventions5.1.3 Naming conventions of objects and properties
properties, object5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
properties, sub-properties4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
property types5.2.3 Types of properties

q3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
quarter noteDurations (rhythms)
quote, singlePitches

reading the manual2.4.1 Omitted material
rehearsal marks, tweaking placementThe outside-staff-priority property
relative modePitches
relative mode, and accidentalsPitches
relative note entry and polyphony4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
relative notes and parallel expressionsSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
relative notes and simultaneous musicSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
removing engravers4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
removing objects5.7.1 Other uses for tweaks
repetition, of chords3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
rest, spacer3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
revert Reverting
revert commandThe \revert command
reverting to a single voice4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
rgb colorsThe color property
rgb-colorThe color property
rhythmsDurations (rhythms)
RhythmsSee also
right-padding property5.6.1 Moving objects
right-padding propertyThe right-padding property
right-padding property, exampleThe right-padding property

SATB structure4.2.3 Voices and vocals
SATB template4.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score
Scheme tutorial5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
Scheme tutorialSee also
Scheme tutorialSee also
Scheme tutorial Installed from a package manager or compiled from source
Scheme tutorial5.7.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme
Score3.2.2 Multiple staves
score4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
score4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
score block, contents of4.1.2 Score is a (single) compound musical expression
Score layout4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
score, example of writing4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
scores, multiple4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
Script, example of overridingThe padding property
self-alignment-X property5.6.1 Moving objects
self-alignment-X property, exampleThe self-alignment-X property
setting properties within contexts4.3.4 Modifying context properties
sharpPitch alterations
sharpWarning: key signatures and pitches
sharp, doublePitch alterations
shift commandsNote columns
shift commands5.6.1 Moving objects
simple notation2.2.1 Simple notation
simultaneous music4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
simultaneous music and relative notesSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
Simultaneous notesSee also
single staff polyphony3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
size of objects5.3.2 Size of objects
size, changing5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
sizing grobsGrob sizing
slurPhrasing slurs
slurWarnings: slurs vs. ties
Slur example of overriding5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Slur, example of overriding Overriding once only
Slur, example of overriding Reverting
Slur, example of overriding Reverting
Slur, example of overridingThe direction property
slur, phrasing3.1.3 Ties and slurs
SlursSee also
slurs and articulationsThe outside-staff-priority property
slurs and outside-staff-priorityThe outside-staff-priority property
slurs crossing brackets4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
slurs versus tiesWarnings: slurs vs. ties
slurs, controlling manuallyThe positions property
songs3.3.1 Setting simple songs
spacer rest3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
spacing notes4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
spanner5.1.2 Objects and interfaces
spannersThe outside-staff-priority property
staff3.2.3 Staff groups
Staff3.2.2 Multiple staves
staff group3.2.3 Staff groups
staff line spacing, changing5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
staff, choir3.2.3 Staff groups
staff, grand3.2.3 Staff groups
staff, piano3.2.3 Staff groups
staff, positioning4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
staff-padding property5.6.1 Moving objects
staff-padding property, exampleThe staff-padding property
staff-position property5.6.1 Moving objects
staff-position property, exampleThe staff-position property
staff-position property, example5.6.3 Real music example
staff-space property, example5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
StaffSymbol, example of overridingThe color property
StaffSymbol, example of overriding5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
staves, multipleSimultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
staves, multiple3.2.2 Multiple staves
staves, stretchability4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
staves, temporary4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
stem directions and voices4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
stem down4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
stem length, changing5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
stem up4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
Stem, example of overridingThe color property
Stem, example of overriding5.6.3 Real music example
Stem, example of removingTying notes across voices
stencil propertyThe stencil property
stencil property, exampleThe stencil property
stencil property, exampleThe stencil property
stencil property, exampleThe transparent property
stencil property, example5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
stencil property, exampleThe right-padding property
stencil property, exampleSimulating a fermata in MIDI
stencil property, use ofSimulating a fermata in MIDI
stretchability of staves4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
StringNumber, example of overridingThe self-alignment-X property
Structure of a scoreSee also
sub-properties4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
Suggestions for writing files2.4.3 Overview of manuals
system3.2.3 Staff groups
systemSee also
systemSee also

template, modifying4.4.1 Soprano and cello
template, SATB4.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score
template, writing your own4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
templates2.4.1 Omitted material
tempo indicationTempo marks
tempo marksTempo marks
temporary staves4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
text property, exampleThe \tweak command
text property, exampleThe right-padding property
text spannerThe outside-staff-priority property
Text spannersThe outside-staff-priority property
text, adding3.1.5 Adding text
TextScript, example of overridingThe outside-staff-priority property
TextScript, example of overridingThe \textLengthOn command
TextSpanner, example of overridingThe outside-staff-priority property
TextSpanner, example of overridingThe outside-staff-priority property
The set commandSee also
The tweak commandSee also
thickness5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
thickness property, example5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
thickness property, example Overriding once only
thickness property, example Reverting
thickness property, example Reverting
tieWarnings: slurs vs. ties
Tie, example of overriding5.6.3 Real music example
TiesSee also
ties crossing brackets4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
time signatureTime signature
Time signatureSee also
TimeSignature, example of overridingThe transparent property
TimeSignature, example of overridingThe transparent property
TimeSignature, example of overridingThe color property
TimeSignature, example of overriding5.3.2 Size of objects
TimeSignature, example of overriding5.3.2 Size of objects
TimeSignature, example of overriding5.3.2 Size of objects
TimeSignature, example of overriding5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
tips for constructing files2.4.1 Omitted material
title3.4.2 Adding titles
Top2.4.3 Overview of manuals
Top2.4.3 Overview of manuals
transparencyThe transparent property
transparent propertyThe transparent property
transparent property, exampleThe \tweak command
transparent property, exampleThe transparent property
transparent property, example5.6.3 Real music example
transparent property, exampleSimulating a fermata in MIDI
TransposeSee also
transpositionWarning: key signatures and pitches
triplet bracketThe \tweak command
triplets, nestedThe \tweak command
troubleshooting2.3 Dealing with errors
Troubleshooting2.3.1 General troubleshooting tips
Tunable context propertiesSee also
tuplet beams, controlling manuallyThe positions property
tuplet bracketThe \tweak command
tuplet-number function, exampleThe \tweak command
TupletBracketThe \tweak command
TupletNumber, example of overridingThe \tweak command
TupletsSee also
tuplets, nestedThe \tweak command
tweak commandThe \tweak command
tweak, generated from overrideThe \single prefix
tweaking bar number placementThe outside-staff-priority property
tweaking dynamics placementDynamics placement
tweaking methods5.1.4 Tweaking methods
tweaking metronome mark placementThe outside-staff-priority property
tweaking rehearsal mark placementThe outside-staff-priority property
tying notes across voicesTying notes across voices

underscore3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
upThe direction property
UpbeatsSee also
Updating files with convert-ly4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
using variables3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables

variables3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variables4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
variables4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variables containing functions4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variables containing music expressions3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variables containing post-events4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variables containing tweaks4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variables, characters allowed in3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variables, defining3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variables, using3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variables, using for overrides5.7.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
verses, multiple vocal4.2.3 Voices and vocals
version2.2.2 Working on input files
version number2.2.2 Working on input files
versioning2.2.2 Working on input files
Vocal musicSee also
Vocal musicSee also
Vocal musicSee also
vocal score structure4.2.3 Voices and vocals
vocal scores with multiple verses4.2.3 Voices and vocals
Voice3.2.2 Multiple staves
Voice context4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
voice contexts, creating4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voices and stem directions4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
voices crossing brackets4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
voices vs. chords4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
voices, continued4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voices, more on one staff3.2.5 Single staff polyphony
voices, multiple4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
voices, naming4.2.1 I’m hearing Voices
voices, nesting4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voices, reverting to single4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voices, temporary4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices

whitespace insensitive2.2.2 Working on input files
whole noteDurations (rhythms)
within-staff objects5.4.1 Automatic behavior
words with multiple syllables in lyrics3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
writing a score, example4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
Writing partsSee also
Writing pitchesSee also
Writing restsSee also
Writing rhythmsSee also
Writing textSee also

X11 colorsThe color property
x11-colorThe color property
x11-color function, example of using5.7.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme
x11-color, example of usingThe color property

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