Appendix C Index

Jump to:   !   #   %   '   (   ,   -   <   >   [   \   ]   ^   _   {   ~  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y  
Index Entry  Section

\! Dynamics

#, Scheme expressions 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
#, Scheme expressions 5.2.3 Types of properties
#f (false) 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
#f (false) 5.2.3 Types of properties
#t (true) 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
#t (true) 5.2.3 Types of properties

% 2.2.2 处理输入文件
%{ ... %} 2.2.2 处理输入文件

' 音高

( ... ) 3.1.3 Ties and slurs
\( ... \) 3.1.3 Ties and slurs

, 音高

- Fingering

\< Dynamics
< 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
< ... > 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
<< Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
<< 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
<< ... \\ ... >> 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
<< ... \\ ... >> 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
<< ... >> Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves

\> Dynamics
> 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
>> Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
>> 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony

[ 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams

\\ 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
\\ 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices

] 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams

^ Fingerings
^ Fingering

_ Fingerings
_ Fingering

{ ... } 2.2.2 处理输入文件

~ 3.1.3 Ties and slurs

absolute mode 3.4.3 Absolute note names
absolute note names 3.4.3 Absolute note names
absolute value, for pitches 3.4.3 Absolute note names
accent Articulations
\acciaccatura Grace notes
AccidentalPlacement, example of overriding The right-padding property
accidentals Pitch alterations
accidentals and relative mode (变音记号和相对模式) 音高
accidentals, and key signature Key signatures
adding engravers 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
adding text 3.1.5 Adding text
\addlyrics 3.3.1 Setting simple songs
\addlyrics, example 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
\addlyrics, example 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
adjustment, using variable for 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
alignAboveContext property, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
alignAboveContext property, example 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
aligning lyrics 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
aligning object, on a baseline The staff-padding property
alto (中音谱号) 谱号(音部记号)
ambitus engraver 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
anacrusis Partial measure
\appoggiatura Grace notes
articulation Articulations
articulation, and slurs The outside-staff-priority property
assigning variables 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
\autoBeamOff 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
\autoBeamOff 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\autoBeamOn 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
automatic beams 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
avoid-slur property The outside-staff-priority property

bar number, tweaking placement The outside-staff-priority property
bare duration Ties
BarLine, example of overriding The stencil property
BarLine, example of overriding The stencil property
BarLine, example of overriding The break-visibility property
BarLine, example of overriding The color property
BarLine, example of overriding The color property
BarLine, example of overriding The color property
BarLine, example of overriding The color property
basic-distance sub-property 5.6 Vertical spacing
bass (低音谱号) 谱号(音部记号)
beam, automatic 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beam, by hand 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beam, controlling manually The positions property
Beam, example of overriding The positions property
beam, manual 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beaming 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
beaming, and lyrics 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
block comment 2.2.2 处理输入文件
block comment 2.2.2 处理输入文件
\book 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\book 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\book block, implicit 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
bound-details property, example The outside-staff-priority property
bound-details property, example The outside-staff-priority property
braces, curly 2.2.2 处理输入文件
bracket types 4.1.5 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties
bracket, enclosing vs. marking 4.1.5 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties
bracket, nesting 4.1.5 On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties
bracket, triplet The \tweak and \offset commands
bracket, tuplet The \tweak and \offset commands
break-visibility property The break-visibility property
break-visibility property, example The break-visibility property

case sensitive 2.2.2 处理输入文件
case sensitive (大小写敏感) 2.1 编译文件
CENTER The direction property
changing size, of objects 5.3.2 Size of objects
character, allowed in variables 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
choir staff 3.2.3 Staff groups
choir staff 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
ChoirStaff context 3.2.3 Staff groups
ChoirStaff context 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
ChoirStaff context 5.6 Vertical spacing
chord 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
chord repetition 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
chord, vs. voice 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
ChordNames context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
\clef 谱号(音部记号)
clef (谱号) 谱号(音部记号)
Clef, example of overriding The color property
Clef, example of overriding 5.3.2 Size of objects
Clef, example of overriding 5.3.2 Size of objects
Clef, example of overriding 5.3.2 Size of objects
Clef, example of overriding 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
clickable examples (可以点开看的例子) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
collision, notes 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
collision, notes 5.7.1 Moving objects
color property The color property
color property, example The \override command
color property, example The \revert command
color property, example The \once prefix
color property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
color property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
color property, example The color property
color property, example The color property
color property, example The color property
color property, example The color property
color property, setting to Scheme procedure 5.8.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme
color, css The color property
color, rgb The color property
color, X11 The color property
combining expressions, in parallel Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
comma (逗号) 音高
comment, line 2.2.2 处理输入文件
comment, line 2.2.2 处理输入文件
comments 2.2.2 处理输入文件
comments 2.2.2 处理输入文件
common errors (常见的错误) 2.3.2 常见的错误
compiling (编译) 2.1 编译文件
compound music expression 3.2.1 Music expressions explained
compound music expression 4.1.2 A score is a (single) compound musical expression
concurrent music 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\consists 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
constructing files, tips (创建文件,小提示) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
content, vs. layout Key signatures
contents of a \score block 4.1.2 A score is a (single) compound musical expression
\context 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
context properties 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context properties, modifying 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context properties, setting with \context 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context properties, setting with \with 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
context, creating 4.3.2 Creating contexts
context, explained 4.3.1 Contexts explained
context, finding 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
context, identifying correct 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
context, implicit 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
context, naming 4.3.2 Creating contexts
context, notation 3.2.2 Multiple staves
context, Voice 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
controlling tuplets, slurs, phrasing slurs, and beams manually The positions property
creating contexts 4.3.2 Creating contexts
crescendo Dynamics
css colors The color property
curly braces 2.2.2 处理输入文件

decrescendo Dynamics
default properties, reverting to 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
direction property 5.5.2 Within-staff objects
direction property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
direction property, example The direction property
direction property, example Fingering
distance, between objects 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
dotted note (附点音符) 时值 (节奏)
double flat Pitch alterations
double sharp Pitch alterations
DOWN The direction property
duration, bare Ties
durations (时值) 时值 (节奏)
DynamicLineSpanner, example of overriding The staff-padding property
dynamics Dynamics
dynamics, tweaking placement Dynamics placement
DynamicText, example of overriding Grob sizing
DynamicText, example of overriding The staff-padding property

engravers 4.3.3 Engravers explained
engravers, adding 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
engravers, removing 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
errors, common (常见的错误) 2.3.2 常见的错误
es Pitch alterations
eses Pitch alterations
example, first (第一个例子) 2.1 编译文件
example, of writing a score 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
examples, clickable (例子,可以点开看) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
expression, multiple in parallel Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
expression, music 3.2.1 Music expressions explained
expressions 2.2.2 处理输入文件
extender line 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
extra-offset property 5.7.1 Moving objects
extra-offset property, example The extra-offset property
extra-spacing-width property Grob sizing
extra-spacing-width property 5.7.1 Moving objects
extra-spacing-width property, example Grob sizing
extra-spacing-width property, example The staff-padding property

\f Dynamics
false (#f) 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
false (#f) 5.2.3 Types of properties
fermata, implementing in MIDI Simulating a fermata in MIDI
\ff Dynamics
file, structure 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
files, tips for constructing (文件,创建小提示) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
fingering Fingerings
fingering, chords Fingering
fingering, example Fingering
fingering, example Fingering
fingering, example Fingering
fingering, example Fingering
Fingering, example of overriding Fingering
Fingering, example of overriding The extra-offset property
fingering, placement Fingering
fingeringOrientations property Fingering
fingeringOrientations property, example Fingering
first example (第一个例子) 2.1 编译文件
\fixed 3.4.3 Absolute note names
fixing overlapping notation The padding property
Flag, example of removing Tying notes across voices
flat Pitch alterations
flat, double Pitch alterations
font-series property, example 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
font-shape property, example 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
font-shape property, example 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
font-size property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
font-size property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
fontSize property, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
fontSize property, example 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
force-hshift property 5.7.1 Moving objects
force-hshift property, example The force-hshift property
force-hshift property, example 5.7.3 Real music example

\grace Grace notes
grace notes Grace notes
grand staff 3.2.3 Staff groups
GrandStaff context 3.2.3 Staff groups
graphical object 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
grob 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
grob 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
grob, moving colliding 5.7.1 Moving objects
grob, positioning The extra-offset property
grob, properties of 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
grob, sizing Grob sizing

half note (二分音符) 时值 (节奏)
\header 3.4.2 Adding titles
\header 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
header block 3.4.2 Adding titles
\hide The transparent property
horizontal-shift property 5.7.1 Moving objects
how to read the manual (如何阅读手册) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
hymn structure 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
hyphen 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody

identifier 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
implicit \book block 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
implicit contexts 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
input format 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
interface 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
interface 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
interface 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
interface properties 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
Internals Reference 5.2 The Internals Reference manual
Internals Reference, example of using 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
is Pitch alterations
isis Pitch alterations
italic, example 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces

\key Key signatures
key signature Key signatures

layers 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\layout 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\layout 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
layout adjustment, using variable for 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
\layout block, effect of location 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
layout object 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
layout object, properties of 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
layout, vs. content Key signatures
length, of objects 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
line comment 2.2.2 处理输入文件
line comment 2.2.2 处理输入文件
\lyricmode 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics 3.3.1 Setting simple songs
Lyrics context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
Lyrics context, creating 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics, aligning 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
lyrics, and beaming 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics, and multiple staves 3.3.3 Lyrics to multiple staves
lyrics, linking to voice 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
lyrics, multi-syllable words 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
\lyricsto 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
LyricText, example of overriding 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
LyricText, example of overriding 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments

macro 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
magstep function, example of using 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
\major Key signatures
major key Key signatures
manual beams 3.1.6 Automatic and manual beams
manual, reading (手册,阅读) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
manually controlling tuplets, slurs, phrasing slurs, and beams The positions property
\markLengthOff The \textLengthOn command
\markLengthOn The \textLengthOn command
\markup 3.1.5 Adding text
markup example 5.5.1 Automatic behavior
markup text, allowing collisions The \textLengthOn command
melisma 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
metronome mark, tweaking placement The outside-staff-priority property
metronome marks (节拍器记号) 速度记号
MetronomeMark, example of overriding The padding property
MetronomeMark, example of overriding Simulating a fermata in MIDI
MetronomeMark, example of overriding Simulating a fermata in MIDI
\mf Dynamics
\midi 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\minor Key signatures
minor key Key signatures
modifying context properties 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
modifying templates 4.4.1 Soprano and cello
moving colliding grobs 5.7.1 Moving objects
moving colliding objects 5.7.1 Moving objects
moving overlapping objects 5.7.1 Moving objects
\mp Dynamics
MultiMeasureRest, example of overriding The staff-position property
multiple staves Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
multiple staves 3.2.2 Multiple staves
multiple staves and lyrics 3.3.3 Lyrics to multiple staves
multiple vocal verses 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
multiple voices 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
multiple voices 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
music expression 3.2.1 Music expressions explained
music expression, compound 3.2.1 Music expressions explained
music expression, compound 4.1.2 A score is a (single) compound musical expression
music functions 4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
music, concurrent 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
music, simultaneous 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices

naming contexts 4.3.2 Creating contexts
naming convention, for objects 5.1.2 Naming conventions of objects and properties
naming convention, for properties 5.1.2 Naming conventions of objects and properties
natural Pitch alterations
nesting music expressions 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
nesting simultaneous constructs 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
nesting voices 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\new 3.2.2 Multiple staves
\new 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\new 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\new 4.3.2 Creating contexts
new contexts 4.3.2 Creating contexts
\new Voice 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing property 5.6 Vertical spacing
nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing property 5.6 Vertical spacing
notating durations (时值记法) 时值 (节奏)
notating rests (休止符记法) 休止符
notation context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
notation, simple (简单记谱法) 2.2.1 简单记谱法
note column 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
note column 5.7.1 Moving objects
note durations (音符时值) 时值 (节奏)
note name 3.4.3 Absolute note names
note name, absolute 3.4.3 Absolute note names
note, collision 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
note, collision 5.7.1 Moving objects
note, duration, in chords 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
note, increase width with text The \textLengthOn command
NoteColumn, example of overriding The force-hshift property
NoteColumn, example of overriding 5.7.3 Real music example
NoteHead, example of overriding The \override command
NoteHead, example of overriding The \revert command
NoteHead, example of overriding The \once prefix
NoteHead, example of overriding The \tweak and \offset commands
NoteHead, example of overriding The color property
NoteHead, example of overriding 5.8.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme

object 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
object, aligning on a baseline The staff-padding property
object, changing size of 5.3.2 Size of objects
object, collision within a staff The staff-position property
object, graphical 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
object, layout 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
object, moving colliding 5.7.1 Moving objects
object, naming conventions 5.1.2 Naming conventions of objects and properties
object, outside-staff 5.5.1 Automatic behavior
object, positioning The extra-offset property
object, properties 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
object, removing 5.8.1 Other uses for tweaks
object, size of 5.3.2 Size of objects
object, within-staff 5.5.1 Automatic behavior
\offset The \tweak and \offset commands
\offset, example The \tweak and \offset commands
\omit The stencil property
\omit 5.3.2 Size of objects
\omit Tying notes across voices
\omit, example Tying notes across voices
\once The \once prefix
\once 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
\once \override 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
\oneVoice 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
ossias 4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
ottava bracket The outside-staff-priority property
outside-staff objects 5.5.1 Automatic behavior
outside-staff-priority property 5.5.1 Automatic behavior
outside-staff-priority property, example The outside-staff-priority property
outside-staff-priority property, example The \textLengthOn command
overlapping notation The padding property
\override The \override command
\override, example 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
override, only once 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
override, using variable for 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments

\p Dynamics
padding The padding property
padding property 5.7.1 Moving objects
padding property, example The padding property
padding property, example The padding property
padding sub-property 5.6 Vertical spacing
parallel expression, and relative notes Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
parallel expression, multiple Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
\partial Partial measure
partial measure Partial measure
phrasing slur 3.1.3 Ties and slurs
phrasing slur, controlling manually The positions property
PhrasingSlur, example of overriding The positions property
piano staff 3.2.3 Staff groups
PianoStaff context 3.2.3 Staff groups
pickup Partial measure
pitch, absolute values 3.4.3 Absolute note names
pitches (音高) 音高
polyphony Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
polyphony 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
polyphony 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
polyphony, and relative note entry 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
positioning grobs The extra-offset property
positioning objects The extra-offset property
positions property 5.7.1 Moving objects
positions property, example The positions property
positions property, example The positions property
post-event 4.1.4 Structure of a note entry
post-event, in variables 4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
\pp Dynamics
property, in interfaces 5.2.2 Properties found in interfaces
property, naming conventions 5.1.2 Naming conventions of objects and properties
property, object 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
property, of grob 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
property, of layout object 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
property, operating in contexts 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
property, sub-property 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
property, types 5.2.3 Types of properties

q 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
quarter note (四分音符) 时值 (节奏)
quote, single (单引号) 音高

reading the manual (阅读手册) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
rehearsal mark, tweaking placement The outside-staff-priority property
\relative 音高
relative mode (相对模式) 音高
relative mode, and accidentals (变音记号和相对模式) 音高
relative notes, and parallel expressions Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
relative notes, and simultaneous music Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
relative notes, entry and polyphony 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\remove 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
removing engravers 4.3.5 Adding and removing engravers
removing objects 5.8.1 Other uses for tweaks
repetition, of chords 3.2.4 Combining notes into chords
rest (休止符) 休止符
rest, spacer 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
\revert The \revert command
\revert 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
reverting to a single voice 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
rgb-color The color property
rhythms (节奏) 时值 (节奏)
right-padding property 5.7.1 Moving objects
right-padding property The right-padding property
right-padding property, example The right-padding property

SATB structure 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
SATB template 4.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score
Scheme expressions (#) 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
Scheme expressions (#) 5.2.3 Types of properties
\score 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
\score 4.1.2 A score is a (single) compound musical expression
\score block, contents of 4.1.2 A score is a (single) compound musical expression
Score context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
score, example of writing 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
\score, multiple 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
Script, example of overriding The padding property
self-alignment-X property 5.7.1 Moving objects
self-alignment-X property, example The self-alignment-X property
\set 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
\set, example of using Fingering
setting properties, within contexts 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
sharp Pitch alterations
sharp, double Pitch alterations
shift commands 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
shift commands 5.7.1 Moving objects
\shiftOff 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\shiftOff 5.7.1 Moving objects
\shiftOn 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\shiftOn 5.7.1 Moving objects
\shiftOnn 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\shiftOnn 5.7.1 Moving objects
\shiftOnnn 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\shiftOnnn 5.7.1 Moving objects
simple notation (简单记谱法) 2.2.1 简单记谱法
simultaneous music 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
simultaneous music, and relative notes Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
\single The \single prefix
single-staff polyphony 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
size, changing 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
size, of objects 5.3.2 Size of objects
sizing grobs Grob sizing
slur 3.1.3 Ties and slurs
slur, and articulations The outside-staff-priority property
slur, and outside-staff-priority The outside-staff-priority property
slur, controlling manually The positions property
Slur, example of overriding 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Slur, example of overriding 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Slur, example of overriding 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Slur, example of overriding 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Slur, example of overriding The direction property
slur, phrasing 3.1.3 Ties and slurs
slur, vs. tie Warnings: slurs vs. ties
songs 3.3.1 Setting simple songs
spacer rest 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
spacer rest 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
spanner 5.1.1 Objects and interfaces
spanner The outside-staff-priority property
staccato Articulations
Staff context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
staff group 3.2.3 Staff groups
staff line spacing, changing 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
staff space, unit 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
staff, choir 3.2.3 Staff groups
staff, grand 3.2.3 Staff groups
staff, piano 3.2.3 Staff groups
staff, positioning 4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
staff-padding property 5.7.1 Moving objects
staff-padding property, example The staff-padding property
staff-position property 5.7.1 Moving objects
staff-position property, example The staff-position property
staff-position property, example 5.7.3 Real music example
staff-space property, example 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
staffgroup-staff-spacing property 5.6 Vertical spacing
StaffGrouper 5.6 Vertical spacing
StaffSymbol, example of overriding The color property
StaffSymbol, example of overriding 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
\startTextSpan The outside-staff-priority property
staves, multiple Simultaneous music expressions: multiple staves
staves, multiple 3.2.2 Multiple staves
staves, stretchability 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
staves, temporary 4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
stem direction, and voices 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
stem down 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
stem length, changing 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
stem up 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
Stem, example of overriding The color property
Stem, example of overriding 5.7.3 Real music example
Stem, example of removing Tying notes across voices
stencil property The stencil property
stencil property, example The stencil property
stencil property, example The stencil property
stencil property, example The transparent property
stencil property, example 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
stencil property, example Simulating a fermata in MIDI
\stopTextSpan The outside-staff-priority property
stretchability of staves 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
StringNumber, example of overriding The self-alignment-X property
sub-property 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch

template, modifying 4.4.1 Soprano and cello
template, SATB 4.4.2 Four-part SATB vocal score
template, writing your own 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch
templates (模板) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
\tempo 速度记号
tempo marks (速度记号) 速度记号
temporary staves 4.1.3 Nesting music expressions
tenor (次中音谱号) 谱号(音部记号)
text property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
text spanner The outside-staff-priority property
text, adding 3.1.5 Adding text
\textLengthOff The \textLengthOn command
\textLengthOn The \textLengthOn command
TextScript, example of overriding The outside-staff-priority property
TextScript, example of overriding The \textLengthOn command
TextSpanner, example of overriding The outside-staff-priority property
TextSpanner, example of overriding The outside-staff-priority property
thickness property, example 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
thickness property, example 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
thickness property, example 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
thickness property, example 5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
thickness, of objects 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
tie 3.1.3 Ties and slurs
Tie, example of overriding 5.7.3 Real music example
\time 拍子记号
time signature (拍子记号) 拍子记号
TimeSignature, example of overriding The transparent property
TimeSignature, example of overriding The transparent property
TimeSignature, example of overriding The color property
TimeSignature, example of overriding 5.3.2 Size of objects
TimeSignature, example of overriding 5.3.2 Size of objects
TimeSignature, example of overriding 5.3.2 Size of objects
TimeSignature, example of overriding 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
tips for constructing files (创建文件的小提示) 2.4.1 忽略掉的内容
title 3.4.2 Adding titles
transparent property The transparent property
transparent property, example The \tweak and \offset commands
transparent property, example The transparent property
transparent property, example 5.7.3 Real music example
transparent property, example Simulating a fermata in MIDI
treble (高音谱号) 谱号(音部记号)
triplet bracket The \tweak and \offset commands
triplets Tuplets
triplets, nested The \tweak and \offset commands
troubleshooting (解决问题) 2.3 处理报错
true (#t) 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
true (#t) 5.2.3 Types of properties
\tuplet Tuplets
tuplet beam, controlling manually The positions property
tuplet bracket The \tweak and \offset commands
tuplet-number function, example The \tweak and \offset commands
TupletBracket The \tweak and \offset commands
TupletNumber, example of overriding The \tweak and \offset commands
tuplets Tuplets
tuplets, nested The \tweak and \offset commands
\tweak The \tweak and \offset commands
\tweak, accidental The \tweak and \offset commands
\tweak, example The \tweak and \offset commands
\tweak, example The \tweak and \offset commands
\tweak, example The \tweak and \offset commands
tweak, generated from \override The \single prefix
\tweak, specific layout object The \tweak and \offset commands
tweaking bar number placement The outside-staff-priority property
tweaking dynamics placement Dynamics placement
tweaking methods 5.1.3 Tweaking methods
tweaking metronome mark placement The outside-staff-priority property
tweaking rehearsal mark placement The outside-staff-priority property
tying notes across voices Tying notes across voices

underscore 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
\unset 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
UP The direction property
using variables 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables

variable 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variable 4.1.1 Introduction to the LilyPond file structure
variable 4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variable, characters allowed in 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variable, containing functions 4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variable, containing music expressions 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variable, containing post-events 4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variable, containing tweaks 4.4.4 Saving typing with variables and functions
variable, defining 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variable, using 3.4.1 Organizing pieces with variables
variable, using for overrides 5.8.2 Using variables for layout adjustments
verses, multiple vocal 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
\version 2.2.2 处理输入文件
version 2.2.2 处理输入文件
version number 2.2.2 处理输入文件
versioning 2.2.2 处理输入文件
VerticalAxisGroup 5.6 Vertical spacing
vocal score, structure 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
vocal score, with multiple verses 4.2.3 Voices and vocals
Voice context 3.2.2 Multiple staves
Voice context 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
Voice context, creating 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voice, and stem directions 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
voice, continued 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voice, multiple 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
voice, multiple on one staff 3.2.5 Single-staff polyphony
voice, naming 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
voice, nesting 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voice, reverting to single 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voice, temporary 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
voice, vs. chord 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\voiceFour 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceFourStyle 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\voiceNeutralStyle 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\voiceOne 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceOneStyle 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\voices 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\voices 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceThree 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceThreeStyle 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices
\voiceTwo 4.2.2 Explicitly instantiating voices
\voiceTwoStyle 4.2.1 I’m hearing voices

whitespace insensitive 2.2.2 处理输入文件
whole note (全音符) 时值 (节奏)
\with 4.3.4 Modifying context properties
\with, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example 5.3.2 Size of objects
\with, example 5.3.3 Length and thickness of objects
within-staff objects 5.5.1 Automatic behavior
words, in lyrics, with multiple syllables 3.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody
writing a score, example 4.4.3 Building a score from scratch

X-extent property 5.4 Offsets and alignments
X-offset property 5.4 Offsets and alignments
X-offset property, example 5.4 Offsets and alignments
x11-color The color property
x11-color, example of using The color property
x11-color, example of using 5.8.5 Advanced tweaks with Scheme

Y-extent property 5.4 Offsets and alignments
Y-offset property 5.4 Offsets and alignments
Y-offset property, example 5.4 Offsets and alignments

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