A.1.1 SATB template

The music may be set out with one or two voices per staff by setting TwoVoicesPerStaff to ##f or ##t, respectively.

Here’s the complete input file for producing a full four-part SATB arrangement with individual lyrics and piano accompaniment:

SopranoMusic = \relative { a'4\f a8 a a4 a }
SopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { Sop -- ra -- no ly -- rics }
AltoMusic = \relative { d'4\f d d d }
AltoLyrics = \lyricmode { Al -- to ly -- rics }
TenorMusic = \relative { a4\p a a a }
TenorLyrics = \lyricmode { Te -- nor ly -- rics }
BassMusic = \relative { c2\p c4 c }
BassLyrics = \lyricmode { Bass ly -- rics }
PianoRHMusic = \relative { c' e g c }
PianoDynamics = { s2\mp s4 s4 }
PianoLHMusic = \relative { c e g c }
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

The same input can be used to produce a score with two voices per staff just by setting TwoVoicesPerStaff to ##t. Again, each voice has individual lyrics.

SopranoMusic = \relative { a'4\f a8 a a4 a }
SopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { Sop -- ra -- no ly -- rics }
AltoMusic = \relative { d'4\f d d d }
AltoLyrics = \lyricmode { Al -- to ly -- rics }
TenorMusic = \relative { a4\p a a a }
TenorLyrics = \lyricmode { Te -- nor ly -- rics }
BassMusic = \relative { c2\p c4 c }
BassLyrics = \lyricmode { Bass ly -- rics }
PianoRHMusic = \relative { c' e g c }
PianoDynamics = { s2\mp s4 s4 }
PianoLHMusic = \relative { c e g c }
TwoVoicesPerStaff = ##t
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

When TwoVoicesPerStaff is set to #f (false) or allowed to default, any of the music variables may be omitted to produce arrangements with fewer voices. Here, for example, is how the input file for a Soprano-Bass duet might be written:

SopranoMusic = \relative { c'' c c c }
SopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { High voice ly -- rics }
BassMusic = \relative { a a a a }
BassLyrics = \lyricmode { Low voice ly -- rics }
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

A second verse or alternative lyrics may be added to each of the parts:

SopranoMusic = \relative { a'4 a a a }
SopranoLyricsOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Words to verse one
SopranoLyricsTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  Words to verse two
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

When the lyrics and rhythms are the same for every part, the vocal music is best arranged on two staves with two voices in each. Up to nine verses may be provided. Here’s an unaccompanied example with just three verses.

SopranoMusic = \relative { a' a a a }
AltoMusic = \relative { f' f f f }
VerseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
  Words to verse one
VerseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
  Words to verse two
VerseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."
  Words to verse three
TenorMusic = \relative { a a a a }
BassMusic = \relative { f f f f }
TwoVoicesPerStaff = ##t
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

Other variables may be given values. The key signature and the time signature may be changed from the default:

Key = \key a \major
Time = {
  \time 5/4
  \tempo "Allegro" 4 = 144
SopranoMusic = \relative { gis' gis gis gis gis }
AltoMusic = \relative { cis' cis cis cis cis }
VerseOne = \lyricmode { Words to this du -- et }
TwoVoicesPerStaff = ##t
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

The instrument names and/or the short instrument names may be changed:

SopranoMusic = \relative { c'' c c c }
SopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { High voice ly -- rics }
SopranoInstrumentName = "Soprano 1"
SopranoShortInstrumentName = "S1"
AltoMusic = \relative { a' a a a }
AltoLyrics = \lyricmode { Low voice ly -- rics }
AltoInstrumentName = "Soprano 2"
AltoShortInstrumentName = "S2"
\include "satb.ly"

[image of music]

although rather than doing this it might be easier to use the ssaattbb.ly template, see SSAATTBB template.

A descant may be added by defining values for the variable DescantMusic and descant lyrics may be provided by defining values for DescantLyrics. In a similar way a solo part may be added above the grouped choir staves by defining values for SoloMusic and SoloLyrics.

\header and \paper blocks may be added as normal. A \layout block may be provided as usual at top level, and the contents will be combined with (but will not override) the default settings provided in the template. Alternatively, all the default settings provided by the template can be discarded by defining a Layout variable containing all the required settings:

Layout = \layout { ... }

The complete set of variables which may be changed can be seen by examining the file ly/satb.ly, see Other sources of information.

See also

Learning Manual: Organizing pieces with variables, Vocal ensembles templates, Extending the templates, Other sources of information.

Known issues and warnings

The setting of the TwoVoicesPerStaff variable applies for the entire duration of the score: it cannot be given different values at different times.

More complex arrangements of SATB choral music are not possible with this simple built-in template.

LilyPond Learning Manual v2.25.20 (development-branch).