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5.2.1 Properties of layout objects
Suppose you have a slur in a score which, to your mind,
appears too thin and you’d like to draw it a little heavier.
How do you go about doing this? You know from the statements
earlier about the flexibility of LilyPond that such a thing
should be possible, and you would probably guess that an
command would be needed. But is there a
heaviness property for a slur, and if there is, how might it
be modified? This is where the Internals Reference manual
comes in. It contains all the information you might need to
construct this and all other \override
Before we look at the Internals Reference a word of warning. This is a reference document, which means there is little or no explanation contained within it: its purpose is to present information precisely and concisely. This means it might look daunting at first sight. Don’t worry! The guidance and explanation presented here will enable you to extract the information from the Internals Reference for yourself with just a little practice.
Let’s use a concrete example with a simple fragment of real music:
{ \key es \major \time 6/8 \relative { r4 bes'8 bes[( g]) g | g8[( es]) es d[( f]) as | as8 g } \addlyrics { The man who | feels love's sweet e -- | mo -- tion } }![]()
Suppose now that we decide we would like the slurs to be a little heavier. Is this possible? The slur is certainly a layout object, so the question is, ‘Is there a property belonging to a slur which controls the heaviness?’ To answer this we must check the Internals Reference, or IR for short.
The IR for the version of LilyPond you are using may be found on the LilyPond website at https://lilypond.org. Go to the documentation page and click on the Internals Reference link. For learning purposes you should use the standard HTML version, not the ‘one big page’ or the PDF. For the next few paragraphs to make sense you will need to actually do this as you read.
Under the heading Top you will see five links. Select
the link to the Backend, which is where information about
layout objects is to be found. There, under the heading
Backend, select the link to All layout objects.
The page that appears lists all the layout objects used in your
version of LilyPond, in alphabetic order. Select the link to
, and the properties of slurs are listed.
An alternative way of finding this page is from the Notation Reference. On one of the pages that deals with slurs you may find a link to the Internals Reference. This link will take you directly to this page, but if you have an idea about the name of the layout object to be tweaked, it is easier to go straight to the IR and search there.
This Slur
page in the IR tells us first that Slur
objects are created
by the Slur_engraver
. Then it lists the standard settings. Browse
through them looking for a property that might control the heaviness of
slurs, and you should find
thickness (number) 1.2 [...] For slurs and ties, this is the distance between the two arcs of the curve's outline at its thickest point, [...] This property is expressed as a multiple of the current staff-line thickness [...]
This looks a good bet to change the heaviness. It tells us that
the value of thickness
is a simple number,
that the default value is 1.2, and that this value depends on the
thickness of staff lines – which means more or less that smaller
staves have thinner slurs.
As we said earlier, there are few to no explanations in the IR,
but we already have enough information to try changing the
slur thickness. We see that the name of the layout object
is Slur
, that the name of the property to change is
and that the new value should be a number
somewhat larger than 1.2 if we are to make slurs thicker.
We can now construct the \override
command by simply
substituting the values we have found for the names, omitting
the context. Let’s use a very large value for the thickness
at first, so we can be sure the command is working. We get:
\override Slur.thickness = 5.0
The final question is, ‘Where should this command be placed?’ While you are unsure and learning, the best answer is, ‘Within the music, before the first slur and close to it.’ Let’s do that:
{ \key es \major \time 6/8 \relative { % Increase thickness of all following slurs from 1.2 to 5.0 \override Slur.thickness = 5.0 r4 bes'8 bes[( g]) g | g8[( es]) es d[( f]) as | as8 g } \addlyrics { The man who | feels love's sweet e -- | mo -- tion } }![]()
and we see that the slur is indeed heavier.
So this is the basic way of constructing \override
commands. There are a few more complications that we
shall meet in later sections, but you now know all the
essentials required to make up your own – but you will
still need some practice. This is provided in the examples
that follow.
Finding the context
But first, what if we had needed to specify the context?
What should it be? We could guess that slurs are in
the Voice
context, as they are clearly closely associated
with individual lines of music, but can we be sure? To
find out, go back to the top of the IR page describing the
grob, where it says ‘Slur
objects are created
by the following engraver(s): Slur_engraver
So slurs will be created in whichever context
the Slur_engraver
is in. Follow the link to the
page. At the very bottom it tells
us that Slur_engraver
is part of ten voice contexts,
including the standard voice context, Voice
, so our
guess was correct. And because Voice
is one of the
lowest-level contexts, which is implied unambiguously by
the fact that we are entering notes, we can omit it in this
Overriding once only
As you can see, all the slurs are thicker in the final example
above. But what if we wanted just the first slur to be thicker? This
is achieved with the \once
command. Placed immediately before
the \override
command it causes it to change only the slur
which begins on the immediately following note. If the
immediately following note does not begin a slur the command has no
effect at all – it is not remembered until a slur is encountered, it
is simply discarded. So the command with \once
must be
repositioned as follows:
{ \key es \major \time 6/8 \relative { r4 bes'8 % Increase thickness of immediately following slur only \once \override Slur.thickness = 5.0 bes8[( g]) g | g8[( es]) es d[( f]) as | as8 g } \addlyrics { The man who | feels love's sweet e -- | mo -- tion } }![]()
Now only the first slur is made heavier.
The \once
command can also be used before the \set
An alternative to \once \override
is to use the
command; you get the same result if you replace
\once \override Slur.thickness = 5.0 bes8[(
in the previous example with
bes8[\tweak thickness 5.0 (
Finally, what if we wanted just the first two slurs to be
heavier? Well, we could use two commands, each preceded by
placed immediately before each of the notes where
the slurs begin:
{ \key es \major \time 6/8 \relative { r4 bes'8 % Increase thickness of immediately following slur only \once \override Slur.thickness = 5.0 bes[( g]) g | % Increase thickness of immediately following slur only \once \override Slur.thickness = 5.0 g8[( es]) es d[( f]) as | as8 g } \addlyrics { The man who | feels love's sweet e -- | mo -- tion } }![]()
or we could omit the \once
command and use the \revert
command to return the thickness
property to its default value
after the second slur:
{ \key es \major \time 6/8 \relative { r4 bes'8 % Increase thickness of all following slurs from 1.2 to 5.0 \override Slur.thickness = 5.0 bes[( g]) g | g8[( es]) es % Revert thickness of all following slurs to default of 1.2 \revert Slur.thickness d8[( f]) as | as8 g } \addlyrics { The man who | feels love's sweet e -- | mo -- tion } }![]()
The \revert
command can be used to return any property
changed with \override
back to its default value.
You may use whichever method best suits what you want to do.
That concludes our introduction to the IR, and the basic method of tweaking. Several examples follow in the later sections of this chapter, partly to introduce you to some of the additional features of the IR, and partly to give you more practice in extracting information from it. These examples will contain progressively fewer words of guidance and explanation.
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