セーニョとコーダを (改行を挟んで) 配置する
“D.S. al Coda” のようなテキストを加えたい場合、以下のスニペットを用いることができます。コーダは新しい行から始まります。また、このスニペットには、コーダが同じ行に続くバージョンも用意されています。
%% Updating this snippet with convert-ly to 2.25. returns:
%% "Not smart enough to convert music following \fine.
%% Warning: \fine no longer enforces the end of the music. If your piece
%% has music following \fine that you want to exclude when it is
%% unfolded, use \volta to exclude it.
%% Please refer to the manual for details, and update manually."
%% Alas, the use of \fine here is not problematic here --harm
\relative c'' {
c4 c c c c c c c c c c c
\repeat segno 2 {
c4 c c c c c c c
\alternative {
\volta 1 {
c4 c c c c c c c c c c c
% If you don't use \break at Coda, use \noBreak here
% and after \bar "" below.
\section % double bar line
\cadenzaOn % pause bar count
\stopStaff % remove staff lines
% Increasing the unfold counter will expand the staff-free space
\repeat unfold 6 {
\bar ""
% Place JumpScript where the staff would normally be.
\once \override Score.JumpScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
\once \override Score.JumpScript.Y-offset = 0
\startStaff % resume bar count
\cadenzaOff % show staff lines again
\sectionLabel "Coda"
% Show Coda on a new line
\repeat unfold 8 { c4 c c c }
\paper { = ##f }