Plantilla para un pentagrama único con música, letra, acordes y trastes
Presentamos a continuación un ejemplo de plantilla para una hoja
guía de acordes con melodía, letra, acordes y diagramas de
verseI = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
This is the first verse
verseII = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"2."
This is the second verse.
theChords = \chordmode {
% insert chords for chordnames and fretboards here
c2 g4 c
staffMelody = \relative c' {
\key c \major
\clef treble
% Type notes for melody here
c4 d8 e f4 g
\bar "|."
\score {
\context ChordNames { \theChords }
\context FretBoards { \theChords }
\new Staff {
\context Voice = "voiceMelody" { \staffMelody }
\new Lyrics = "lyricsI" {
\lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseI
\new Lyrics = "lyricsII" {
\lyricsto "voiceMelody" \verseII
\layout { }
\midi { }