| Index Entry | Section |
! | | |
| ! | Accidentals |
" | | |
| "|" | Bar and bar number checks |
% | | |
| % | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| % | 3.2.5 File structure |
| %{ … %} | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| %{ … %} | 3.2.5 File structure |
' | | |
| ' | Absolute octave entry |
( | | |
| ( | Slurs |
) | | |
| ) | Slurs |
, | | |
| , | Absolute octave entry |
- | | |
| - | Articulations and ornamentations |
| - | Articulation direction indicators |
| -- | A.15 List of articulations |
| -! | A.15 List of articulations |
| -+ | Fermata scripts |
| -. | A.15 List of articulations |
| -> | A.15 List of articulations |
| -^ | A.15 List of articulations |
| -_ | A.15 List of articulations |
. | | |
| . | Durations |
/ | | |
| / | Extended and altered chords |
| /+ | Extended and altered chords |
1 | | |
| 15ma | Ottava brackets |
| 15mb | Ottava brackets |
8 | | |
| 8va | Ottava brackets |
| 8vb | Ottava brackets |
: | | |
| : | Tremolo repeats |
< | | |
| < | Chorded notes |
| <...> | Chorded notes |
| <> | Chorded notes |
| <> | Changing staff manually |
= | | |
| = | Octave checks |
> | | |
| > | Chorded notes |
? | | |
| ? | Accidentals |
[ | | |
| [ | Manual beams |
\ | | |
| \! | Dynamics |
| \( | Phrasing slurs |
| \) | Phrasing slurs |
| \- | 2.8.3 Graphical notation |
| \< | Dynamics |
| \= | Slurs |
| \= | A.21 Available music functions |
| \> | Dynamics |
| \abs-fontsize | Selecting font and font size |
| \abs-fontsize | A.12.1 Font |
| \absolute | A.21 Available music functions |
| \accent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \accent | A.15 List of articulations |
| \accentus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| \accentus | Repeat sign scripts |
| \accepts | Context definition overview |
| \accepts | Context definition overview |
| \accepts | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| \acciaccatura | Grace notes |
| \acciaccatura | A.21 Available music functions |
| \accidental | A.12.4 Music |
| \accidentalStyle | Automatic accidentals |
| \accidentalStyle | A.21 Available music functions |
| \addChordShape | Predefined fret diagrams |
| \addChordShape | A.21 Available music functions |
| \addInstrumentDefinition | A.21 Available music functions |
| \addlyrics | Aligning lyrics to a melody |
| \addlyrics | Automatic syllable durations |
| \addlyrics | Using \addlyrics |
| \addQuote | Quoting other voices |
| \addQuote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \aeolian | Key signature |
| \after | Dynamics |
| \after | Percent repeats |
| \after | A.21 Available music functions |
| \afterGrace | Grace notes |
| \afterGrace | A.21 Available music functions |
| \aikenHeads | Shape note heads |
| \aikenHeadsMinor | Shape note heads |
| \aikenThinHeads | Shape note heads |
| \aikenThinHeadsMinor | Shape note heads |
| \alias | Context definition overview |
| \alias | Context definition overview |
| \align-on-other | A.12.2 Align |
| \allowPageTurn | Predefined commands |
| \allowPageTurn | A.21 Available music functions |
| \allowVoltaHook | A.21 Available music functions |
| \alterBroken | Modifying broken spanners |
| \alterBroken | A.21 Available music functions |
| \alternative | Alternative endings |
| \alternative | Alternative endings |
| \ambitusAfter | A.21 Available music functions |
| \appendToTag | Using tags |
| \appendToTag | A.21 Available music functions |
| \applyContext | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| \applyContext | A.21 Available music functions |
| \applyMusic | A.21 Available music functions |
| \applyOutput | A.21 Available music functions |
| \applySwing | The ‘swing’ script |
| \applySwingWithOffset | The ‘swing’ script |
| \appoggiatura | Grace notes |
| \appoggiatura | A.21 Available music functions |
| \arabicStringNumbers | String number indications |
| \arpeggio | Arpeggio |
| \arpeggioArrowDown | Arpeggio |
| \arpeggioArrowUp | Arpeggio |
| \arpeggioBracket | Arpeggio |
| \arpeggioNormal | Arpeggio |
| \arpeggioParenthesis | Arpeggio |
| \arpeggioParenthesisDashed | Arpeggio |
| \arrow-head | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \arrow-head | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \articulate | The ‘articulate’ script |
| \ascendens | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \ascendens | Predefined commands |
| \assertBeamQuant | A.21 Available music functions |
| \assertBeamSlope | A.21 Available music functions |
| \auctum | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \auctum | Predefined commands |
| \augmentum | Predefined commands |
| \auto-footnote | A.12.8 Other |
| \autoBeamOff | Automatic beams |
| \autoBeamOff | Selected Snippets |
| \autoBeamOn | Automatic beams |
| \autoBreaksOff | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| \autoBreaksOn | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| \autoChange | Changing staff automatically |
| \autoChange | A.21 Available music functions |
| \autoChange , and relative music | Changing staff automatically |
| \autoLineBreaksOff | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| \autoLineBreaksOn | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| \autoPageBreaksOff | Manual page breaking |
| \autoPageBreaksOn | Manual page breaking |
| \backslashed-digit | A.12.8 Other |
| \balloonGrobText | Balloon help |
| \balloonGrobText | A.21 Available music functions |
| \balloonLengthOff | Balloon help |
| \balloonLengthOn | Balloon help |
| \balloonText | Balloon help |
| \balloonText | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bar | Bar lines |
| \bar | Bar lines |
| \bar | A.21 Available music functions |
| \barNumberCheck | Bar and bar number checks |
| \barNumberCheck | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bassFigureExtendersOff | Entering figured bass |
| \bassFigureExtendersOn | Entering figured bass |
| \bassFigureStaffAlignmentDown | Displaying figured bass |
| \bassFigureStaffAlignmentNeutral | Displaying figured bass |
| \bassFigureStaffAlignmentUp | Displaying figured bass |
| \beam | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \beamExceptions | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| \beamExceptions | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bendAfter | Falls and doits |
| \bendAfter | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bendHold | Default tablatures |
| \bendHold | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bendStartLevel | Default tablatures |
| \bendStartLevel | A.21 Available music functions |
| \blackTriangleMarkup | Customizing chord names |
| \bold | Selecting font and font size |
| \bold | A.12.1 Font |
| \book | 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book |
| \book | 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book |
| \book | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \bookOutputName | 3.2.4 Output file names |
| \bookOutputName | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bookOutputSuffix | 3.2.4 Output file names |
| \bookOutputSuffix | A.21 Available music functions |
| \bookpart | 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book |
| \bookpart | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \bookpart | Manual page breaking |
| \box | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \box | A.12.1 Font |
| \bp | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| \bracket | New dynamic marks |
| \bracket | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \bracket | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \break | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| \breathe | Breath marks |
| \breathe | A.21 Available music functions |
| \breve | Durations |
| \breve | Rests |
| \cadenzaOff | Unmetered music |
| \cadenzaOn | Unmetered music |
| \caesura | Caesuras |
| \caesura | Selected Snippets |
| \caesura | Automatic bar lines |
| \caesura | Automatic bar lines |
| \caesura | Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes |
| \caesura | Predefined commands |
| \caesura | Kievan bar lines |
| \caesura | A.21 Available music functions |
| \caps | A.12.1 Font |
| \cavum | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \cavum | Predefined commands |
| \center-align | Text alignment |
| \center-align | A.12.2 Align |
| \center-column | Text alignment |
| \center-column | A.12.2 Align |
| \change | Changing staff manually |
| \char | A.12.8 Other |
| \chordmode | See also |
| \chordmode | See also |
| \chordmode | Predefined fret diagrams |
| \chordmode | Chord mode |
| \chordRepeats | Default tablatures |
| \chordRepeats | A.21 Available music functions |
| \chords | Printing chord names |
| \chords | Chord mode |
| \circle | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \circle | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \circulus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| \circulus | Repeat sign scripts |
| \clef | Clef |
| \clef | A.21 Available music functions |
| \cm | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| \coda | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \coda | A.12.4 Music |
| \coda | Instrument-specific scripts |
| \codaMark | Automatic bar lines |
| \codaMark | Segno repeat appearance |
| \codaMark | Manual repeat marks |
| \codaMark | A.21 Available music functions |
| \column | Text alignment |
| \column | A.12.2 Align |
| \column-lines | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \combine | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \combine | A.12.2 Align |
| \compound-meter | A.12.4 Music |
| \compoundMeter | Different time signatures with unequal-length measures |
| \compoundMeter | A.21 Available music functions |
| \compressEmptyMeasures | Compressing empty measures |
| \compressMMRests | Full measure rests |
| \compressMMRests | Full measure rests |
| \compressMMRests | Compressing empty measures |
| \compressMMRests | A.21 Available music functions |
| \concat | A.12.2 Align |
| \consists | 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins |
| \consists | Context definition overview |
| \consists | Context definition overview |
| \context | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| \context | Changing all contexts of the same type |
| \context in \layout block | Changing all contexts of the same type |
| \cr | Dynamics |
| \cresc | Dynamics |
| \crescHairpin | Dynamics |
| \crescTextCresc | Dynamics |
| \crossStaff | Selected Snippets |
| \crossStaff | A.21 Available music functions |
| \cueClef | Formatting cue notes |
| \cueClef | A.21 Available music functions |
| \cueClefUnset | Formatting cue notes |
| \cueClefUnset | A.21 Available music functions |
| \cueDuring | Formatting cue notes |
| \cueDuring | A.21 Available music functions |
| \cueDuringWithClef | Formatting cue notes |
| \cueDuringWithClef | A.21 Available music functions |
| \customTabClef | A.12.4 Music |
| \dashBang | Selected Snippets |
| \dashDash | Selected Snippets |
| \dashDot | Selected Snippets |
| \dashHat | Selected Snippets |
| \dashLarger | Selected Snippets |
| \dashPlus | Selected Snippets |
| \dashUnderscore | Selected Snippets |
| \deadNote | Special note heads |
| \deadNote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \deadNotesOff | Special note heads |
| \deadNotesOn | Special note heads |
| \decr | Dynamics |
| \decresc | Dynamics |
| \default | Rehearsal marks |
| \default | Music footnotes overview |
| \defaultchild | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| \defaultTimeSignature | Time signature |
| \defineBarLine | Bar lines |
| \defineBarLine | A.21 Available music functions |
| \deminutum | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \deminutum | Predefined commands |
| \denies | Context definition overview |
| \denies | Context definition overview |
| \denies | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| \descendens | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \descendens | Predefined commands |
| \dim | Dynamics |
| \dimHairpin | Dynamics |
| \dimTextDecr | Dynamics |
| \dimTextDecresc | Dynamics |
| \dimTextDim | Dynamics |
| \dir-column | A.12.2 Align |
| \discant | A.12.7 Accordion Registers |
| \displayLilyMusic | 3.7.1 Displaying LilyPond notation |
| \displayLilyMusic | A.21 Available music functions |
| \displayMusic | A.21 Available music functions |
| \displayScheme | A.21 Available music functions |
| \divisioMaior | Predefined commands |
| \divisioMaxima | Predefined commands |
| \divisioMinima | Predefined commands |
| \dorian | Key signature |
| \dotsDown | Durations |
| \dotsNeutral | Durations |
| \dotsUp | Durations |
| \doubleflat | A.12.4 Music |
| \doublesharp | A.12.4 Music |
| \downbow | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \downbow | Bowing indications |
| \downbow | Fermata scripts |
| \downmordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \downmordent | Articulation scripts |
| \downprall | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \downprall | Articulation scripts |
| \draw-circle | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \draw-circle | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \draw-dashed-line | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \draw-dotted-line | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \draw-hline | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \draw-line | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \draw-line | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \draw-squiggle-line | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \dropNote | Chord inversions and specific voicings |
| \dropNote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \drummode | Instantiating new staves |
| \drummode | Basic percussion notation |
| \drummode | Drum mode |
| \drums | Basic percussion notation |
| \drums | Drum mode |
| \dwn | Arabic note names |
| \dynamic | New dynamic marks |
| \dynamic | A.12.1 Font |
| \dynamicDown | Dynamics |
| \dynamicNeutral | Dynamics |
| \dynamicUp | Dynamics |
| \easyHeadsOff | Easy notation note heads |
| \easyHeadsOn | Easy notation note heads |
| \ellipse | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \EnableGregorianDivisiones | A.22 Context modification identifiers |
| \enablePolymeter | A.21 Available music functions |
| \endcr | Dynamics |
| \enddecr | Dynamics |
| \endSpanners | 5.4.6 Line spanners |
| \endSpanners | A.21 Available music functions |
| \episemFinis | Gregorian articulation signs |
| \episemInitium | Gregorian articulation signs |
| \epsfile | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \epsfile | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \espressivo | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \espressivo | Dynamics |
| \espressivo | A.15 List of articulations |
| \etc | Text markup introduction |
| \etc | Substitution function examples |
| \eventChords | A.21 Available music functions |
| \expandEmptyMeasures | Compressing empty measures |
| \eyeglasses | A.12.8 Other |
| \f | Dynamics |
| \featherDurations | Feathered beams |
| \featherDurations | A.21 Available music functions |
| \fermata | Selected Snippets |
| \fermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \fermata | A.12.4 Music |
| \fermata | Ornament scripts |
| \ff | Dynamics |
| \fff | Dynamics |
| \ffff | Dynamics |
| \fffff | Dynamics |
| \figured-bass | A.12.1 Font |
| \figuremode | Introduction to figured bass |
| \figuremode | Figure mode |
| \figures | Introduction to figured bass |
| \figures | Figure mode |
| \fill-line | Text alignment |
| \fill-line | A.12.2 Align |
| \fill-with-pattern | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| \fill-with-pattern | A.12.2 Align |
| \filled-box | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \filled-box | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \finalis | Predefined commands |
| \fine | Automatic bar lines |
| \fine | Section divisions |
| \fine | Al-fine repeats |
| \fine | Segno repeat structure |
| \fine | Kievan bar lines |
| \finger | Fingering instructions |
| \finger | A.12.1 Font |
| \finger | A.21 Available music functions |
| \first-visible | A.12.8 Other |
| \fixed | Absolute octave entry |
| \fixed | A.21 Available music functions |
| \flageolet | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \flageolet | Fermata scripts |
| \flat | A.12.4 Music |
| \flexa | Predefined commands |
| \fontCaps | A.12.1 Font |
| \fontsize | Selecting font and font size |
| \fontsize | A.12.1 Font |
| \footnote | Footnotes in music expressions |
| \footnote | A.12.8 Other |
| \footnote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \fp | Dynamics |
| \fraction | A.12.8 Other |
| \freeBass | A.12.7 Accordion Registers |
| \frenchChords | Customizing chord names |
| \fret-diagram | Fret diagram markups |
| \fret-diagram | A.12.6 Instrument Specific Markup |
| \fret-diagram-terse | Fret diagram markups |
| \fret-diagram-terse | A.12.6 Instrument Specific Markup |
| \fret-diagram-terse markup | Fret diagram markups |
| \fret-diagram-verbose | Fret diagram markups |
| \fret-diagram-verbose | A.12.6 Instrument Specific Markup |
| \fret-diagram-verbose markup | Fret diagram markups |
| \fromproperty | A.12.8 Other |
| \funkHeads | Shape note heads |
| \funkHeadsMinor | Shape note heads |
| \general-align | Text alignment |
| \general-align | A.12.2 Align |
| \germanChords | Customizing chord names |
| \glide | Gliding fingers |
| \glissando | Glissando |
| \glissandoMap | Glissando |
| \grace | Grace notes |
| \grace | A.21 Available music functions |
| \grobdescriptions | A.21 Available music functions |
| \halfopen | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \halfopen | Custom percussion staves |
| \halfopen | Fermata scripts |
| \halign | Text alignment |
| \halign | A.12.2 Align |
| \harmonic | Special note heads |
| \harmonic | Harmonics |
| \harmonic | Default tablatures |
| \harmonicByFret | Default tablatures |
| \harmonicByFret | A.21 Available music functions |
| \harmonicByRatio | Default tablatures |
| \harmonicByRatio | A.21 Available music functions |
| \harmonicNote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \harmonicsOff | Harmonics |
| \harmonicsOn | Harmonics |
| \harmonicsOn | A.21 Available music functions |
| \harp-pedal | A.12.6 Instrument Specific Markup |
| \haydnturn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \haydnturn | Articulation scripts |
| \hbracket | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \hbracket | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \hcenter-in | A.12.2 Align |
| \header | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \henzelongfermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \henzelongfermata | Ornament scripts |
| \henzeshortfermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \henzeshortfermata | Ornament scripts |
| \hide | Making objects transparent |
| \hide | A.21 Available music functions |
| \hideKeySignature | Bagpipe definitions |
| \hideNotes | Hidden notes |
| \hideSplitTiedTabNotes | Default tablatures |
| \hideStaffSwitch | Staff-change lines |
| \hspace | Text alignment |
| \hspace | A.12.2 Align |
| \huge | Selecting notation font size |
| \huge | Selecting font and font size |
| \huge | A.12.1 Font |
| \ictus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| \ictus | Repeat sign scripts |
| \if | Custom layout for headers and footers |
| \if | A.12.5 Conditionals |
| \IIJ | Special signs |
| \iij | Special signs |
| \ij | Special signs |
| \IJ | Special signs |
| \improvisationOff | Improvisation |
| \improvisationOff | Showing melody rhythms |
| \improvisationOn | Improvisation |
| \improvisationOn | Showing melody rhythms |
| \in | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| \incipit | Incipits |
| \incipit | A.21 Available music functions |
| \inclinatum | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \inclinatum | Predefined commands |
| \include | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \include | 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files |
| \inherit-acceptability | Context definition overview |
| \inherit-acceptability | A.21 Available music functions |
| \inStaffSegno | Automatic bar lines |
| \inStaffSegno | Automatic bar lines |
| \inStaffSegno | Manual repeat marks |
| \inStaffSegno | A.21 Available music functions |
| \instrumentSwitch | A.21 Available music functions |
| \inversion | Inversion |
| \inversion | A.21 Available music functions |
| \invertChords | Chord inversions and specific voicings |
| \invertChords | A.21 Available music functions |
| \ionian | Key signature |
| \italianChords | Customizing chord names |
| \italic | Selecting font and font size |
| \italic | A.12.1 Font |
| \jump | Manual repeat marks |
| \jump | A.21 Available music functions |
| \justified-lines | Text markup introduction |
| \justified-lines | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \justify | Text alignment |
| \justify | A.12.2 Align |
| \justify-field | A.12.2 Align |
| \justify-line | A.12.2 Align |
| \justify-string | A.12.2 Align |
| \keepWithTag | Using tags |
| \keepWithTag | A.21 Available music functions |
| \key | Key signature |
| \key | Shape note heads |
| \key | A.21 Available music functions |
| \kievanOff | Kievan notes |
| \kievanOn | Kievan notes |
| \killCues | Formatting cue notes |
| \killCues | A.21 Available music functions |
| \label | Predefined commands |
| \label | A.21 Available music functions |
| \laissezVibrer | Ties |
| \language | A.21 Available music functions |
| \languageRestore | A.21 Available music functions |
| \languageSaveAndChange | A.21 Available music functions |
| \large | Selecting notation font size |
| \large | Selecting font and font size |
| \large | A.12.1 Font |
| \larger | Selecting font and font size |
| \larger | Selecting font and font size |
| \larger | A.12.1 Font |
| \layout | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \layout | 4.2.1 The \layout block |
| \layout | Output definitions – blueprints for contexts |
| \layout | Changing all contexts of the same type |
| \left-align | Text alignment |
| \left-align | A.12.2 Align |
| \left-brace | A.12.8 Other |
| \left-column | A.12.2 Align |
| \lheel | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \lheel | Fermata scripts |
| \line | A.12.2 Align |
| \linea | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \linea | Predefined commands |
| \lineprall | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \lineprall | Articulation scripts |
| \locrian | Key signature |
| \longa | Durations |
| \longa | Rests |
| \longfermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \longfermata | Ornament scripts |
| \lookup | A.12.8 Other |
| \lower | Text alignment |
| \lower | A.12.2 Align |
| \ltoe | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \ltoe | Fermata scripts |
| \lydian | Key signature |
| \lyricmode | Entering lyrics |
| \lyricmode | Aligning lyrics to a melody |
| \lyricmode | Lyrics mode |
| \lyrics | Lyrics mode |
| \lyricsto | Aligning lyrics to a melody |
| \lyricsto | Automatic syllable durations |
| \lyricsto | Using \lyricsto |
| \magnify | Selecting font and font size |
| \magnify | A.12.1 Font |
| \magnifyMusic | Selecting notation font size |
| \magnifyMusic | A.21 Available music functions |
| \magnifyStaff | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| \magnifyStaff | A.21 Available music functions |
| \major | Key signature |
| \makeClusters | Clusters |
| \makeClusters | A.21 Available music functions |
| \makeDefaultStringTuning | A.21 Available music functions |
| \map-commands | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \marcato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \marcato | A.15 List of articulations |
| \mark | Rehearsal marks |
| \mark | Text marks |
| \mark | A.21 Available music functions |
| \markalphabet | A.12.8 Other |
| \markLengthOff | Metronome marks |
| \markLengthOff | Text marks |
| \markLengthOn | Metronome marks |
| \markLengthOn | Text marks |
| \markletter | A.12.8 Other |
| \markup | Text objects overview |
| \markup | Text marks |
| \markup | Separate text |
| \markup | Separate text |
| \markup | Text markup introduction |
| \markup | Markup mode |
| \markuplist | Separate text |
| \markuplist | Text markup introduction |
| \markupMap | A.21 Available music functions |
| \maxima | Durations |
| \maxima | Rests |
| \medium | A.12.1 Font |
| \melisma | Multiple notes to one syllable |
| \melismaEnd | Multiple notes to one syllable |
| \mergeDifferentlyDottedOff | Collision resolution |
| \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn | Collision resolution |
| \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOff | Collision resolution |
| \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn | Collision resolution |
| \mf | Dynamics |
| \midi | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \midi | Output definitions – blueprints for contexts |
| \minor | Key signature |
| \mixolydian | Key signature |
| \mm | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| \modalInversion | Modal inversion |
| \modalInversion | A.21 Available music functions |
| \modalTranspose | Modal transposition |
| \modalTranspose | A.21 Available music functions |
| \mordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \mordent | Articulation scripts |
| \mp | Dynamics |
| \multi-measure-rest-by-number | A.12.4 Music |
| \musicglyph | A.12.4 Music |
| \musicMap | A.21 Available music functions |
| \n | Dynamics |
| \name | Context definition overview |
| \name | Context definition overview |
| \natural | A.12.4 Music |
| \new | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| \newSpacingSection | 4.5.2 New spacing section |
| \noBeam | Manual beams |
| \noBreak | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| \noPageBreak | Manual page breaking |
| \noPageBreak | A.21 Available music functions |
| \noPageTurn | Predefined commands |
| \noPageTurn | A.21 Available music functions |
| \normal-size-sub | A.12.1 Font |
| \normal-size-super | Selecting font and font size |
| \normal-size-super | A.12.1 Font |
| \normal-text | A.12.1 Font |
| \normalsize | Selecting notation font size |
| \normalsize | Selecting font and font size |
| \normalsize | A.12.1 Font |
| \note | A.12.4 Music |
| \note-by-number | A.12.4 Music |
| \notemode | Note mode |
| \null | Text alignment |
| \null | A.12.8 Other |
| \number | A.12.1 Font |
| \numericTimeSignature | Time signature |
| \octaveCheck | Octave checks |
| \octaveCheck | A.21 Available music functions |
| \offset | 5.3.6 The \offset command |
| \offset | A.21 Available music functions |
| \omit | Removing the stencil |
| \omit | A.21 Available music functions |
| \on-the-fly | A.12.8 Other |
| \once | 5.3.2 The \set command |
| \once | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| \once | \offset as an override |
| \once | Modifying broken spanners |
| \once | A.21 Available music functions |
| \oneVoice | Single-staff polyphony |
| \open | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \open | Bowing indications |
| \open | Selected Snippets |
| \open | Fermata scripts |
| \oriscus | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \oriscus | Predefined commands |
| \ottava | Ottava brackets |
| \ottava | A.21 Available music functions |
| \oval | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \overlay | A.12.2 Align |
| \override | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| \override | 5.3.5 \set vs. \override |
| \override | A.12.8 Other |
| \override-lines | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \overrideProperty | 5.3.5 \set vs. \override |
| \overrideProperty | A.21 Available music functions |
| \overrideTimeSignatureSettings | Time signature |
| \overrideTimeSignatureSettings | A.21 Available music functions |
| \overtie | A.12.1 Font |
| \p | Dynamics |
| \pad | A.12.2 Align |
| \pad-around | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \pad-around | A.12.2 Align |
| \pad-markup | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \pad-to-box | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \pad-to-box | A.12.2 Align |
| \pad-x | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \pad-x | A.12.2 Align |
| \page-link | A.12.8 Other |
| \page-ref | Predefined commands |
| \page-ref | A.12.8 Other |
| \pageBreak | Manual page breaking |
| \pageBreak | A.21 Available music functions |
| \pageTurn | Predefined commands |
| \pageTurn | A.21 Available music functions |
| \palmMute | A.21 Available music functions |
| \palmMuteOn | A.21 Available music functions |
| \paper | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \paper | 4.1.2 Paper size and automatic scaling |
| \parallelMusic | Writing music in parallel |
| \parallelMusic | A.21 Available music functions |
| \parenthesize | Parentheses |
| \parenthesize | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \parenthesize | A.21 Available music functions |
| \partCombine | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombine | Polyphony with shared lyrics |
| \partCombine | A.21 Available music functions |
| \partCombine and lyrics | Using \partCombine with lyrics |
| \partCombine and lyrics | Polyphony with shared lyrics |
| \partCombineApart | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombineAutomatic | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombineChords | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombineDown | A.21 Available music functions |
| \partCombineForce | A.21 Available music functions |
| \partCombineSoloI | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombineSoloII | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombineUnisono | Automatic part combining |
| \partCombineUp | A.21 Available music functions |
| \partial | Upbeats |
| \partial | Simple repeats |
| \partial | A.21 Available music functions |
| \path | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \pattern | A.12.8 Other |
| \pes | Predefined commands |
| \phrasingSlurDashed | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurDashPattern | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurDashPattern | A.21 Available music functions |
| \phrasingSlurDotted | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurDown | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurHalfDashed | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurHalfSolid | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurNeutral | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurSolid | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrasingSlurUp | Phrasing slurs |
| \phrygian | Key signature |
| \pitchedTrill | Trills |
| \pitchedTrill | A.21 Available music functions |
| \pointAndClickOff | A.21 Available music functions |
| \pointAndClickOn | A.21 Available music functions |
| \pointAndClickTypes | A.21 Available music functions |
| \polygon | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \portato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \portato | A.15 List of articulations |
| \postscript | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \postscript | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \pp | Dynamics |
| \ppp | Dynamics |
| \pppp | Dynamics |
| \ppppp | Dynamics |
| \prall | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \prall | Articulation scripts |
| \pralldown | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \pralldown | Articulation scripts |
| \prallmordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \prallmordent | Articulation scripts |
| \prallprall | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \prallprall | Articulation scripts |
| \prallup | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \prallup | Articulation scripts |
| \preBend | Default tablatures |
| \preBend | A.21 Available music functions |
| \preBendHold | Default tablatures |
| \preBendHold | A.21 Available music functions |
| \predefinedFretboardsOff | Automatic fret diagrams |
| \predefinedFretboardsOn | Automatic fret diagrams |
| \property-recursive | A.12.8 Other |
| \propertyOverride | A.21 Available music functions |
| \propertyRevert | A.21 Available music functions |
| \propertySet | A.21 Available music functions |
| \propertyTweak | A.21 Available music functions |
| \propertyUnset | A.21 Available music functions |
| \pt | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| \pushToTag | Using tags |
| \pushToTag | A.21 Available music functions |
| \put-adjacent | A.12.2 Align |
| \quilisma | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \quilisma | Predefined commands |
| \quoteDuring | Quoting other voices |
| \quoteDuring | Formatting cue notes |
| \quoteDuring | A.21 Available music functions |
| \raise | Text alignment |
| \raise | A.12.2 Align |
| \raiseNote | Chord inversions and specific voicings |
| \raiseNote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \reduceChords | Showing melody rhythms |
| \reduceChords | A.21 Available music functions |
| \relative | Relative octave entry |
| \relative | See also |
| \relative | See also |
| \relative | Changing staff automatically |
| \relative | A.21 Available music functions |
| \remove | 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins |
| \RemoveAllEmptyStaves | Hiding staves |
| \RemoveAllEmptyStaves | A.22 Context modification identifiers |
| \RemoveEmptyStaves | Hiding staves |
| \RemoveEmptyStaves | A.22 Context modification identifiers |
| \removeWithTag | Using tags |
| \removeWithTag | A.21 Available music functions |
| \repeat | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
| \repeat | See also |
| \repeat | Alternative endings |
| \repeat percent | Percent repeats |
| \repeat segno | Automatic bar lines |
| \repeat segno | Automatic bar lines |
| \repeat segno | Segno repeat structure |
| \repeat tremolo | Tremolo repeats |
| \repeat unfold | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
| \repeat volta | Automatic bar lines |
| \repeat volta | Automatic bar lines |
| \repeat volta | See also |
| \repeat volta | Alternative endings |
| \repeatTie | Ties |
| \repeatTie | Repeats with alternative endings |
| \replace | A.12.1 Font |
| \resetRelativeOctave | Relative octave entry |
| \resetRelativeOctave | A.21 Available music functions |
| \responsum | Special signs |
| \rest | Rests |
| \rest | A.12.4 Music |
| \rest-by-number | A.12.4 Music |
| \retrograde | Retrograde |
| \retrograde | A.21 Available music functions |
| \reverseturn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \reverseturn | Articulation scripts |
| \revert | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| \revertTimeSignatureSettings | Time signature |
| \revertTimeSignatureSettings | A.21 Available music functions |
| \rfz | Dynamics |
| \rheel | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \rheel | Fermata scripts |
| \rhythm | A.12.4 Music |
| \right-align | Text alignment |
| \right-align | A.12.2 Align |
| \right-brace | A.12.8 Other |
| \right-column | A.12.2 Align |
| \rightHandFinger | Right-hand fingerings |
| \rightHandFinger | A.21 Available music functions |
| \roman | A.12.1 Font |
| \romanStringNumbers | Bowing indications |
| \romanStringNumbers | String number indications |
| \rotate | A.12.2 Align |
| \rounded-box | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \rounded-box | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \rtoe | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \rtoe | Fermata scripts |
| \sacredHarpHeads | Shape note heads |
| \sacredHarpHeadsMinor | Shape note heads |
| \sans | A.12.1 Font |
| \scale | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \scaleDurations | Scaling durations |
| \scaleDurations | Polymetric notation |
| \scaleDurations | A.21 Available music functions |
| \score | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| \score | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \score | A.12.4 Music |
| \score-lines | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \section | Automatic bar lines |
| \section | Section divisions |
| \section | Kievan bar lines |
| \sectionLabel | Segno repeat structure |
| \sectionLabel | Section labels |
| \sectionLabel | A.21 Available music functions |
| \segno | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \segno | A.12.4 Music |
| \segno | Instrument-specific scripts |
| \segnoMark | Automatic bar lines |
| \segnoMark | Automatic bar lines |
| \segnoMark | Segno repeat appearance |
| \segnoMark | Manual repeat marks |
| \segnoMark | A.21 Available music functions |
| \semicirculus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| \semicirculus | Repeat sign scripts |
| \semiflat | A.12.4 Music |
| \semiGermanChords | Customizing chord names |
| \semisharp | A.12.4 Music |
| \sesquiflat | A.12.4 Music |
| \sesquisharp | A.12.4 Music |
| \set | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| \set | 5.3.2 The \set command |
| \set | 5.3.5 \set vs. \override |
| \settingsFrom | A.21 Available music functions |
| \sf | Dynamics |
| \sff | Dynamics |
| \sfz | Dynamics |
| \shape | Specifying displacements from current control points |
| \shape | A.21 Available music functions |
| \sharp | A.12.4 Music |
| \shiftDurations | A.21 Available music functions |
| \shiftOff | Collision resolution |
| \shiftOn | Collision resolution |
| \shiftOnn | Collision resolution |
| \shiftOnnn | Collision resolution |
| \shortfermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \shortfermata | Ornament scripts |
| \showKeySignature | Bagpipe definitions |
| \showStaffSwitch | Staff-change lines |
| \signumcongruentiae | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \signumcongruentiae | Repeat sign scripts |
| \simple | A.12.1 Font |
| \single | Time-based footnotes |
| \single | \offset as an override |
| \single | A.21 Available music functions |
| \skip | Invisible rests |
| \skip | Repeats with alternative endings |
| \skip | A.21 Available music functions |
| \slashed-digit | A.12.8 Other |
| \slashedGrace | Grace notes |
| \slashedGrace | A.21 Available music functions |
| \slashSeparator | \paper variables concerning headers and markups |
| \slashturn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \slashturn | Articulation scripts |
| \slurDashed | Slurs |
| \slurDashPattern | Slurs |
| \slurDashPattern | A.21 Available music functions |
| \slurDotted | Slurs |
| \slurDown | Slurs |
| \slurHalfDashed | Slurs |
| \slurHalfSolid | Slurs |
| \slurNeutral | Slurs |
| \slurSolid | Slurs |
| \slurUp | Slurs |
| \small | Selecting notation font size |
| \small | Selecting font and font size |
| \small | A.12.1 Font |
| \smallCaps | A.12.1 Font |
| \smaller | Selecting font and font size |
| \smaller | Selecting font and font size |
| \smaller | A.12.1 Font |
| \snappizzicato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \snappizzicato | Fermata scripts |
| \sostenutoOff | Piano pedals |
| \sostenutoOn | Piano pedals |
| \sourcefileline | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \sourcefilename | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \southernHarmonyHeads | Shape note heads |
| \southernHarmonyHeadsMinor | Shape note heads |
| \sp | Dynamics |
| \spp | Dynamics |
| \staccatissimo | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \staccatissimo | A.15 List of articulations |
| \staccato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \staccato | A.15 List of articulations |
| \staff-space | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| \staffHighlight | Staff highlights |
| \staffHighlight | A.21 Available music functions |
| \startGroup | Analysis brackets |
| \startStaff | Staff symbol |
| \startStaff | Ossia staves |
| \startTrillSpan | Trills |
| \stdBass | A.12.7 Accordion Registers |
| \stdBassIV | A.12.7 Accordion Registers |
| \stdBassV | A.12.7 Accordion Registers |
| \stdBassVI | A.12.7 Accordion Registers |
| \stemDown | Stems |
| \stemNeutral | Stems |
| \stemUp | Stems |
| \stencil | A.12.8 Other |
| \stopGroup | Analysis brackets |
| \stopped | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \stopped | Custom percussion staves |
| \stopped | Selected Snippets |
| \stopped | Fermata scripts |
| \stopStaff | Staff symbol |
| \stopStaff | Ossia staves |
| \stopStaff | Hiding staves |
| \stopStaffHighlight | Staff highlights |
| \stopTrillSpan | Trills |
| \storePredefinedDiagram | Predefined fret diagrams |
| \storePredefinedDiagram | ChordChanges for FretBoards |
| \storePredefinedDiagram | A.21 Available music functions |
| \string-lines | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \stringTuning | Custom tablatures |
| \stringTuning | A.21 Available music functions |
| \stropha | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \stropha | Predefined commands |
| \strut | A.12.8 Other |
| \styledNoteHeads | A.21 Available music functions |
| \sub | Selecting font and font size |
| \sub | A.12.1 Font |
| \super | Selecting font and font size |
| \super | A.12.1 Font |
| \sustainOff | Piano pedals |
| \sustainOn | Piano pedals |
| \tabChordRepeats | Default tablatures |
| \tabChordRepeats | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tabChordRepetition | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tabFullNotation | Default tablatures |
| \table | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \table-of-contents | Predefined commands |
| \table-of-contents | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \tag | Using tags |
| \tag | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tagGroup | Using tags |
| \tagGroup | A.21 Available music functions |
| \taor | Bagpipe definitions |
| \teeny | Selecting notation font size |
| \teeny | Selecting font and font size |
| \teeny | A.12.1 Font |
| \tempo | Metronome marks |
| \temporary | \offset as an override |
| \temporary | Modifying broken spanners |
| \temporary | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tenuto | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \tenuto | A.15 List of articulations |
| \text | A.12.1 Font |
| \textEndMark | Text marks |
| \textEndMark | A.21 Available music functions |
| \textLengthOff | Full measure rests |
| \textLengthOff | Positioning multi-measure rests |
| \textLengthOff | Text scripts |
| \textLengthOn | Full measure rests |
| \textLengthOn | Positioning multi-measure rests |
| \textLengthOn | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| \textLengthOn | Text scripts |
| \textMark | Text marks |
| \textMark | A.21 Available music functions |
| \textSpannerDown | Text spanners |
| \textSpannerNeutral | Text spanners |
| \textSpannerUp | Text spanners |
| \thumb | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \thumb | Fingering instructions |
| \tie | A.12.1 Font |
| \tied-lyric | A.12.4 Music |
| \tieDashed | Ties |
| \tieDashPattern | Ties |
| \tieDashPattern | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tieDotted | Ties |
| \tieDown | Ties |
| \tieHalfDashed | Ties |
| \tieHalfSolid | Ties |
| \tieNeutral | Ties |
| \tieSolid | Ties |
| \tieUp | Ties |
| \time | Time signature |
| \time | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| \time | A.21 Available music functions |
| \times | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tiny | Selecting notation font size |
| \tiny | Selecting font and font size |
| \tiny | A.12.1 Font |
| \tocItem | Predefined commands |
| \tocItem | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tocItemWithDotsMarkup | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| \translate | Text alignment |
| \translate | A.12.2 Align |
| \translate-scaled | Text alignment |
| \translate-scaled | A.12.2 Align |
| \transparent | A.12.8 Other |
| \transpose | See also |
| \transpose | Transpose |
| \transpose | See also |
| \transpose | A.21 Available music functions |
| \transposedCueDuring | Formatting cue notes |
| \transposedCueDuring | A.21 Available music functions |
| \transposition | Instrument transpositions |
| \transposition | Quoting other voices |
| \transposition | A.21 Available music functions |
| \treCorde | Piano pedals |
| \triangle | Graphic notation inside markup |
| \triangle | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \trill | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \trill | Trills |
| \trill | Articulation scripts |
| \tripletFeel | The ‘swing’ script |
| \tuplet | Tuplets |
| \tuplet | Polymetric notation |
| \tuplet | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tupletDown | Tuplets |
| \tupletNeutral | Tuplets |
| \tupletSpan | Selected Snippets |
| \tupletSpan | A.21 Available music functions |
| \tupletUp | Tuplets |
| \turn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \turn | Articulation scripts |
| \tweak | 5.3.4 The \tweak command |
| \tweak | 5.3.5 \set vs. \override |
| \tweak | A.21 Available music functions |
| \type | Context definition overview |
| \type | Context definition overview |
| \typewriter | A.12.1 Font |
| \unaCorda | Piano pedals |
| \underline | Selecting font and font size |
| \underline | A.12.1 Font |
| \undertie | A.12.1 Font |
| \undo | \offset as an override |
| \undo | A.21 Available music functions |
| \unfolded | Alternative endings |
| \unfolded | A.21 Available music functions |
| \unfoldRepeats | Alternative endings |
| \unfoldRepeats | 3.6.6 Using repeats with MIDI |
| \unfoldRepeats | A.21 Available music functions |
| \unHideNotes | Hidden notes |
| \unless | Custom layout for headers and footers |
| \unless | A.12.5 Conditionals |
| \unset | 5.3.2 The \set command |
| \upbow | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \upbow | Bowing indications |
| \upbow | Fermata scripts |
| \upmordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \upmordent | Articulation scripts |
| \upprall | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \upprall | Articulation scripts |
| \upright | A.12.1 Font |
| \varcoda | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \varcoda | A.12.4 Music |
| \varcoda | Instrument-specific scripts |
| \vcenter | A.12.2 Align |
| \verbatim-file | A.12.8 Other |
| \version | 3.2.5 File structure |
| \versus | Special signs |
| \verylongfermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \verylongfermata | Ornament scripts |
| \veryshortfermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| \veryshortfermata | Ornament scripts |
| \virga | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| \virga | Predefined commands |
| \virgula | Predefined commands |
| \voiceFour | Single-staff polyphony |
| \voiceFourStyle | Voice styles |
| \voiceNeutralStyle | Voice styles |
| \voiceOne | Single-staff polyphony |
| \voiceOneStyle | Voice styles |
| \voices | Voice order |
| \voices | A.21 Available music functions |
| \voiceThree | Single-staff polyphony |
| \voiceThreeStyle | Voice styles |
| \voiceTwo | Single-staff polyphony |
| \voiceTwoStyle | Voice styles |
| \void | 3.7.1 Displaying LilyPond notation |
| \void | A.21 Available music functions |
| \volta | Alternative endings |
| \volta | Alternative endings |
| \volta | A.21 Available music functions |
| \vshape | A.21 Available music functions |
| \vspace | Text alignment |
| \vspace | A.12.2 Align |
| \walkerHeads | Shape note heads |
| \walkerHeadsMinor | Shape note heads |
| \whiteout | A.12.8 Other |
| \whiteTriangleMarkup | Customizing chord names |
| \with | 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins |
| \with | Changing just one specific context |
| \with-color | Coloring objects |
| \with-color | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-dimension | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-dimension-from | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-dimensions | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-dimensions-from | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-link | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-outline | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-string-transformer | A.12.1 Font |
| \with-true-dimension | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-true-dimensions | A.12.8 Other |
| \with-url | A.12.3 Graphic |
| \withMusicProperty | A.21 Available music functions |
| \woodwind-diagram | A.12.6 Instrument Specific Markup |
| \wordwrap | Text alignment |
| \wordwrap | A.12.2 Align |
| \wordwrap-field | A.12.2 Align |
| \wordwrap-internal | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \wordwrap-lines | Text markup introduction |
| \wordwrap-lines | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \wordwrap-string | A.12.2 Align |
| \wordwrap-string-internal | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| \xNote | Special note heads |
| \xNote | A.21 Available music functions |
| \xNotesOff | Special note heads |
| \xNotesOn | Special note heads |
| \[ | Ligatures |
| \] | Ligatures |
] | | |
| ] | Manual beams |
^ | | |
| ^ | Extended and altered chords |
| ^ | Articulation direction indicators |
_ | | |
| _ | Multiple syllables to one note |
| _ | Articulation direction indicators |
` | | |
| ‘accent’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘accent’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘accentus’ Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| ‘accentus’ Gregorian articulation | Repeat sign scripts |
| ‘circulus’ Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| ‘circulus’ Gregorian articulation | Repeat sign scripts |
| ‘coda’ sign | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘coda’ sign | Instrument-specific scripts |
| ‘coda’ sign, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| ‘coda’ sign, variant | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘coda’ sign, variant | Segno repeat appearance |
| ‘coda’ sign, variant | Instrument-specific scripts |
| ‘coda’ sign, with repeats | Segno repeat structure |
| ‘down pralltriller’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘down pralltriller’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘down-bow’ bowing indication | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘down-bow’ bowing indication | Fermata scripts |
| ‘episem finis’ Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| ‘episem initium’ Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| ‘espressivo’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘espressivo’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘flageolet’ harmonics | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘flageolet’ harmonics | Fermata scripts |
| ‘half open’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘half open’ articulation | Fermata scripts |
| ‘Haydn turn’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘Haydn turn’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘heel’ pedal mark | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘heel’ pedal mark | Fermata scripts |
| ‘ictus’ Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| ‘ictus’ Gregorian articulation | Repeat sign scripts |
| ‘lower mordent’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘lower mordent’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘marcato’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘marcato’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘mordent’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘mordent’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘mordent, lower’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘mordent, lower’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘mordent, upper’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘mordent, upper’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘open’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘open’ articulation | Selected Snippets |
| ‘open’ articulation | Fermata scripts |
| ‘portato’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘portato’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘pralltriller’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘pralltriller’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘pralltriller, down’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘pralltriller, down’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘pralltriller, long’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘pralltriller, long’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘pralltriller, up’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘pralltriller, up’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘reverse turn’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘reverse turn’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘segno’ sign | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘segno’ sign | Instrument-specific scripts |
| ‘segno’ sign, bar line | Bar lines |
| ‘segno’ sign, bar line | Segno repeat appearance |
| ‘segno’ sign, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| ‘segno’ sign, with repeats | Segno repeat structure |
| ‘segno’ sign, with repeats | Segno repeat appearance |
| ‘semicirculus’ Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| ‘semicirculus’ Gregorian articulation | Repeat sign scripts |
| ‘signum congruentiae’ mensural notation | Repeat sign scripts |
| ‘signum congruentiae’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘slash turn’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘slash turn’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘snappizzicato’ sign | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘snappizzicato’ sign | Fermata scripts |
| ‘staccatissimo’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘staccatissimo’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘staccato’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘staccato’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘stopped’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘stopped’ articulation | Selected Snippets |
| ‘stopped’ articulation | Fermata scripts |
| ‘tenuto’ articulation | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘tenuto’ articulation | A.15 List of articulations |
| ‘thumb’ fingering | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘thumb’ fingering | Fingering instructions |
| ‘thumb’ fingering | Fermata scripts |
| ‘toe’ pedal mark | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘toe’ pedal mark | Fermata scripts |
| ‘trill’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘trill’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘turn’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘turn’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘up pralltriller’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘up pralltriller’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| ‘up-bow’ bowing indication | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘up-bow’ bowing indication | Fermata scripts |
| ‘upper mordent’ ornament | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ‘upper mordent’ ornament | Articulation scripts |
| | | |
| | | Bar and bar number checks |
| | | Bar and bar number checks |
~ | | |
| ~ | Ties |
A | | |
| a due | See also |
| a due part | Automatic part combining |
| absolute | Absolute octave entry |
| absolute dynamics | Dynamics |
| absolute octave entry | Absolute octave entry |
| absolute octave specification | Absolute octave entry |
| accent | See also |
| acciaccatura | See also |
| acciaccatura, multi-note | Known issues and warnings |
| accidental | See also |
| Accidental | See also |
| accidental | See also |
| Accidental | See also |
| accidental | See also |
| accidental glyph set | A.10 Accidental glyph sets |
| accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, choral | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, choral-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, default | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, default | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, dodecaphonic | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, dodecaphonic-first | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, dodecaphonic-no-repeat | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, forget | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, modern | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, modern | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, modern-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, modern-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, modern-voice-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, neo-modern | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, neo-modern-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, neo-modern-voice | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, neo-modern-voice-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, no-reset | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, piano | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, piano-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, teaching | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental style, voice | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental, alternate glyphs | Alternate accidental glyphs |
| accidental, and simultaneous notes | See also |
| accidental, automatic | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental, cautionary | Accidentals |
| accidental, Gregorian | Gregorian accidentals and key signatures |
| accidental, hiding, on tied notes at start of system | Selected Snippets |
| accidental, in cadenzas | Unmetered music |
| accidental, in chords | See also |
| accidental, in unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| accidental, Kievan | Kievan accidentals |
| accidental, mensural | Mensural accidentals and key signatures |
| accidental, modern style | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental, multi-voice | Automatic accidentals |
| accidental, musica ficta | Annotational accidentals (musica ficta) |
| accidental, on tied note | Accidentals |
| accidental, parenthesized | Accidentals |
| accidental, quarter tone | See also |
| accidental, reminder | Accidentals |
| accidental-interface | See also |
| accidental-suggestion-interface | See also |
| accidental-switch-interface | See also |
| AccidentalCautionary | See also |
| AccidentalPlacement | See also |
| AccidentalSuggestion | Controlling the vertical ordering of scripts |
| AccidentalSuggestion | See also |
| Accidental_engraver | See also |
| Accidental_engraver | See also |
| Accidental_engraver | See also |
| accordion | 2.2.3 Accordion |
| accordion discant symbol | Discant symbols |
| accordion register symbol | Discant symbols |
| accordion shift symbol | Discant symbols |
| acoustic bass | A.17 Percussion notes |
| acoustic snare | A.17 Percussion notes |
| add-grace-property | Using grace note slashes with normal heads |
| add-stem-support | Controlling the placement of chord fingerings |
| add-toc-item! | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| Adding and removing engravers | See also |
| adding custom fret diagram | Predefined fret diagrams |
| adding white background, to text | A.12.8 Other |
| addition, in chords | Extended and altered chords |
| additional voices in polyphonic music | Selected Snippets |
| additionalPitchPrefix | Customizing chord names |
| AdHocMarkEvent | See also |
| Advanced command line options for LilyPond | Installation Instructions |
| aeolian | Key signature |
| afterGraceFraction | parser variable |
| agogo | A.17 Percussion notes |
| Aiken shape note head | Shape note heads |
| Aiken shape note head, thin variant | Selected Snippets |
| al coda | Segno repeat structure |
| al fine | Segno repeat structure |
| al niente | See also |
| al niente, hairpin | Moving the ends of hairpins |
| align to object | Using the break-alignable-interface |
| alignAboveContext | Selected Snippets |
| alignAboveContext | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| alignBelowContext | Selected Snippets |
| alignBelowContext | Simple repeats |
| alignBelowContext | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| Aligning lyrics to a melody | See also |
| Aligning lyrics to a melody | See also |
| aligning markup | Text alignment |
| aligning markup text | Text alignment |
| aligning text | Text alignment |
| aligning to cadenza | Aligning to cadenzas |
| alignment, bar numbers | Alternative bar numbering |
| alignment, horizontal, lyrics | Selected Snippets |
| alignment, text, commands | Text alignment |
| alignment, vertical, dynamics | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| alignment, vertical, text | Text alignment |
| alignment, vertical, text scripts | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| alist | alist |
| All context properties | See also |
| All layout objects | Resizing individual layout objects |
| All layout objects | See also |
| All layout objects | Properties which may be offset |
| All layout objects | Properties which may be offset |
| All layout objects | See also |
| All layout objects | See also |
| all-layout-objects | See also |
| alla coda | Segno repeat structure |
| alpha transparency | Coloring objects |
| alteration, figured bass, glyphs | Changing the positions of figured bass alterations |
| alteration, figured bass, position | Selected Snippets |
| Alteration_glyph_engraver | See also |
| altered chord | Extended and altered chords |
| alternate accidental glyph | Alternate accidental glyphs |
| alternate fretboard table | ChordChanges for FretBoards |
| alternative chord name | Customizing chord names |
| alternative ending | Alternative endings |
| alternative ending, and lyrics | Repeats with alternative endings |
| alternative ending, with ties | Ties |
| alternative melody, switching to | Switching to an alternative melody |
| alternative style of breve notes | Selected Snippets |
| alto clef | Clef |
| alto clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| alto varC clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| Amazing Grace bagpipe example | Bagpipe example |
| Ambitus | See also |
| ambitus | See also |
| ambitus | See also |
| ambitus, line gap | Ambitus with multiple voices |
| ambitus, multiple voices | Adding ambitus per voice |
| ambitus, per voice | Selected Snippets |
| ambitus, placement | Changing the ambitus gap |
| ambitus-interface | See also |
| AmbitusAccidental | See also |
| ambitusAfter | Changing the ambitus gap |
| AmbitusLine | Ambitus with multiple voices |
| AmbitusNoteHead | See also |
| Ambitus_engraver | See also |
| An extra staff appears | Written-out repeats |
| An extra staff appears | Alternative endings |
| An extra staff appears | See also |
| anacrusis | See also |
| anacrusis, in a repeat | Simple repeats |
| analysis bracket, musicological | Analysis brackets |
| analysis bracket, with label | Analysis brackets above the staff |
| ancient clef | Clef |
| ancient music clef | Mensural clefs |
| ancient music clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| angled hairpin | Rotating layout objects |
| annotate-spacing | 4.6.1 Displaying spacing |
| AnnotateOutputEvent | See also |
| anthem | 2.1.5 Choral |
| appoggiatura | See also |
| Arabic improvisation | Selected Snippets |
| Arabic key signatures | Arabic key signatures |
| Arabic maqam | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| Arabic music | References for Arabic music |
| Arabic music example | Arabic music example |
| Arabic music template | Arabic music example |
| Arabic note name | Arabic note names |
| Arabic semi-flat symbol | Arabic note names |
| Arabic time signatures | Arabic time signatures |
| arpeggio | See also |
| Arpeggio | See also |
| Arpeggio | Properties which may be offset |
| arpeggio and ties | Selected Snippets |
| arpeggio bracket, cross-staff | Cross staff stems |
| arpeggio bracket, marking divided voices | Selected Snippets |
| arpeggio symbol, special | Arpeggio |
| arpeggio, cross-staff | Selected Snippets |
| arpeggio, cross-staff parenthesis-style | Known issues and warnings |
| arpeggio, cross-voice | Creating cross-staff arpeggios in other contexts |
| arpeggio-direction | Arpeggio |
| articulate script | The ‘articulate’ script |
| articulate.ly | The ‘articulate’ script |
| articulation, accent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, accent | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation, default values, modifying | Selected Snippets |
| articulation, espressivo | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, espressivo | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation, Gregorian | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, accentus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, accentus | Repeat sign scripts |
| articulation, Gregorian, circulus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, circulus | Repeat sign scripts |
| articulation, Gregorian, episem finis | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, episem initium | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, ictus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, ictus | Repeat sign scripts |
| articulation, Gregorian, semicirculus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| articulation, Gregorian, semicirculus | Repeat sign scripts |
| articulation, half open | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, half open | Fermata scripts |
| articulation, marcato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, marcato | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation, open | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, open | Selected Snippets |
| articulation, open | Fermata scripts |
| articulation, portato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, portato | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation, staccatissimo | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, staccatissimo | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation, staccato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, staccato | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation, stopped | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, stopped | Selected Snippets |
| articulation, stopped | Fermata scripts |
| articulation, tenuto | Articulations and ornamentations |
| articulation, tenuto | A.15 List of articulations |
| articulation-event | Quoting other voices |
| articulations | A.15 List of articulations |
| Articulations and dynamics | See also |
| artificial harmonics | Harmonics |
| associatedVoice | Aligning lyrics to a melody |
| associatedVoice | Automatic syllable durations |
| associatedVoice | Switching to an alternative melody |
| association list | alist |
| Association lists (alists) | See also |
| aug | Common chords |
| augmentation dot, change number of | Alternative breve notes |
| auto-beaming, properties for time signatures | Time signature |
| auto-first-page-number | \paper variables for page numbering |
| autoBeaming | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| autoBeaming | Output definitions – blueprints for contexts |
| AutoChangeMusic | See also |
| automatic accidental | Automatic accidentals |
| automatic bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| automatic chord diagram | Automatic fret diagrams |
| automatic fret diagram | Automatic fret diagrams |
| automatic part combining | Automatic part combining |
| automatic staff change | Changing staff automatically |
| Auto_beam_engraver | See also |
| Auto_beam_engraver | See also |
| available fonts, listing | Single entry fonts |
| Axis_group_engraver | See also |
| Axis_group_engraver | Spacing of non-staff lines |
B | | |
| Backend | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Backend | See also |
| Backend | See also |
| backslashed digit | A.12.8 Other |
| bagpipe | Bagpipe definitions |
| bagpipe example | Bagpipe example |
| balance in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| balloon | Balloon help |
| balloon help | Balloon help |
| balloon-interface | See also |
| BalloonText | See also |
| Balloon_engraver | Balloon help |
| banjo tablature | 2.4 Fretted string instruments |
| banjo tablature | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-c-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-double-c-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-double-d-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-modal-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-open-d-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-open-dm-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| banjo-open-g-tuning | Banjo tablatures |
| bar check | Bar and bar number checks |
| bar check, with repeats | Simple repeats |
| bar line | Bar lines |
| bar line, automatic | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, avoided by lyrics | Known issues and warnings |
| bar line, between staves | Bar lines |
| bar line, between staves | Display bracket with only one staff in a system |
| bar line, cadenzas | Unmetered music |
| bar line, caesura | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, caesura | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, default | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, default, changing | Bar lines |
| bar line, defining | Bar lines |
| bar line, double | Bar lines |
| bar line, double | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, double | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, double | Section divisions |
| bar line, final | Bar lines |
| bar line, final | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, final | Section divisions |
| bar line, hairpin, stopping at | Selected Snippets |
| bar line, in ChordNames | chord name major7 |
| bar line, in Gregorian chant | Divisiones |
| bar line, in hymns | Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes |
| bar line, in Kievan chant | Kievan bar lines |
| bar line, invisible | Bar lines |
| bar line, list of | A.18 List of bar lines |
| bar line, manual | Bar lines |
| bar line, measure | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, phrase | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, phrase | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, repeat | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, section | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, section | Section divisions |
| bar line, segno | Bar lines |
| bar line, segno | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, segno | Segno repeat appearance |
| bar line, short | Bar lines |
| bar line, single | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, symbols on | Text marks |
| bar line, text over | Text marks |
| bar line, tick | Bar lines |
| bar line, underlying repeat | Automatic bar lines |
| bar line, unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| bar number | Bar numbers |
| bar number | Time administration |
| bar number check | Bar and bar number checks |
| bar number, alignment | Alternative bar numbering |
| bar number, alternative, in repeat | Adding volta brackets to additional staves |
| bar number, broken measure | Printing bar numbers with changing regular intervals |
| bar number, cadenzas | Unmetered music |
| bar number, centered | Removing bar numbers from a score |
| bar number, collision | See also |
| bar number, modulo bar number | Printing bar numbers for broken measures |
| bar number, printed at regular intervals | Printing the bar number for the first measure |
| bar number, printed in first measure | Selected Snippets |
| bar number, regular spacing | Bar numbers |
| bar number, removal | Aligning bar numbers |
| bar number, style | Printing bar numbers using modulo-bar-number-visible |
| bar number, unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| bar number, with letter, in repeat | Adding volta brackets to additional staves |
| barCheckSynchronize | Bar and bar number checks |
| baritone clef | Clef |
| baritone clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| baritone varC clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| baritone varF clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| BarLine | See also |
| BarNumber | Bar numbers |
| BarNumber | Known issues and warnings |
| barNumberVisibility | Bar numbers |
| barre indication | Fret diagram markups |
| bartype | Bar lines |
| Bartók pizzicato | Snap (Bartók) pizzicato |
| Bar_engraver | See also |
| Bar_number_engraver | See also |
| base-shortest-duration | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| baseMoment | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| baseMoment | Selected Snippets |
| Basic command line options for LilyPond | 3.5.3 Alternative output formats |
| bass | A.17 Percussion notes |
| bass clef | Clef |
| bass clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| bass note, for chords | Extended and altered chords |
| bass, figured | Introduction to figured bass |
| bass, thorough | Introduction to figured bass |
| BassFigure | See also |
| BassFigure | See also |
| BassFigureAlignment | See also |
| BassFigureAlignment | See also |
| BassFigureBracket | See also |
| BassFigureBracket | See also |
| BassFigureContinuation | See also |
| BassFigureContinuation | See also |
| BassFigureLine | See also |
| BassFigureLine | See also |
| basso continuo | Introduction to figured bass |
| bayati | See also |
| Beam | See also |
| Beam | See also |
| Beam | See also |
| Beam | See also |
| Beam | See also |
| beam, cadenzas | Unmetered music |
| beam, cross-staff | Changing staff manually |
| beam, customizing rules | Automatic beams |
| beam, endings, in a score | Conducting signs, measure grouping signs |
| beam, endings, with multiple voices | Conducting signs, measure grouping signs |
| beam, feathered | Feathered beams |
| beam, horizontal | Selected Snippets |
| beam, in tablature | Selected Snippets |
| beam, line breaks | Predefined commands |
| beam, line breaks | Selected Snippets |
| beam, manual | Automatic beams |
| beam, manual | Manual beams |
| beam, nibs | Selected Snippets |
| beam, subdividing | Selected Snippets |
| beam, unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| beam, with knee gap | Predefined commands |
| beam, with knee gap, changing | Beams across line breaks |
| beam, with lyrics | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| beam, with melisma | Automatic beams |
| beam, with polymetric meters | Different time signatures with equal-length measures |
| beam, \partCombine with \autoBeamOff | Changing beam knee gap |
| beam-interface | See also |
| beam-interface | See also |
| beam-interface | See also |
| beamed tuplet, line break within | Printing tuplet brackets on the note head side |
| BeamEvent | See also |
| BeamEvent | See also |
| BeamForbidEvent | See also |
| BeamForbidEvent | See also |
| beaming, strict-beat | Subdividing beams |
| beaming, time signature default properties | Time signature |
| beamlet, orientation | Subdividing beams |
| Beam_engraver | See also |
| Beam_engraver | See also |
| beat repeat | Percent repeats |
| beat, grouping | Strict beat beaming |
| beats per minute | Metronome marks |
| beatStructure | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| beatStructure | Selected Snippets |
| beginners’ music | Easy notation note heads |
| bending, string, in tablature notation | Default tablatures |
| big point (bp) | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| binding gutter | \paper variables for two-sided mode |
| binding-offset | \paper variables for two-sided mode |
| bisbigliando | References for harps |
| Bison | parser |
| blackmensural clef | Mensural clefs |
| blackmensural clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| blank-after-score-page-penalty | \paper variables for page breaking |
| blank-last-page-penalty | \paper variables for page breaking |
| blank-page-penalty | \paper variables for page breaking |
| block comment | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| block comment | 3.2.5 File structure |
| BNF | parser |
| bongo | A.17 Percussion notes |
| bookmarks | 3.3.5 Reference to page numbers |
| bookmarks | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| bookpart-level-page-numbering | \paper variables for page numbering |
| bookTitleMarkup | Custom layout for titles |
| bottom-margin | 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables |
| bounding box | 5.4.3 Dimensions |
| bounding box, of glyph | A.12.8 Other |
| bowing indication | Bowing indications |
| bowing, down | Articulations and ornamentations |
| bowing, down | Fermata scripts |
| bowing, up | Articulations and ornamentations |
| bowing, up | Fermata scripts |
| brace | See also |
| brace, at start of single staff | Use square bracket at the start of a staff group |
| brace, nesting of | Nested staff groups |
| brace, various sizes | Music fonts |
| brace, vertical | Grouping staves |
| bracket | Piano pedals |
| bracket | Analysis brackets |
| bracket, angle | Chorded notes |
| bracket, at start of single staff | Use square bracket at the start of a staff group |
| bracket, cross-staff | Cross staff stems |
| bracket, horizontal | Analysis brackets |
| bracket, nesting of | Nested staff groups |
| bracket, phrasing | Analysis brackets |
| bracket, phrasing, with label | Analysis brackets above the staff |
| bracket, square, at start of staff group | Selected Snippets |
| bracket, vertical | Grouping staves |
| bracket, vertical, marking divided voices | Selected Snippets |
| bracket, volta | Manual repeat marks |
| break align symbol | Spacing between adjacent non-musical items |
| break, in unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| break-align-symbols | Using the break-alignable-interface |
| break-alignable-interface | See also |
| break-alignable-interface | Using the break-alignable-interface |
| break-aligned-interface | Spacing between adjacent non-musical items |
| break-aligned-interface | See also |
| break-aligned-interface | Using the break-alignable-interface |
| break-alignment-interface | Spacing between adjacent non-musical items |
| break-alignment-interface | See also |
| break-alignment-interface | Using the break-alignable-interface |
| break-visibility | Using break-visibility |
| breakable | Predefined commands |
| breakable glissando | Adding timing marks to long glissandi |
| BreakAlignGroup | See also |
| BreakAlignment | See also |
| breakbefore | Default layout of bookpart and score titles |
| breaking lines | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| breaking pages | 4.5.5 Line width |
| Break_align_engraver | See also |
| breath mark | See also |
| breath mark symbol, changing | Breath marks |
| breath mark symbol, list of | A.16 List of breath marks |
| BreathingEvent | See also |
| BreathingSign | See also |
| BreathingSign | See also |
| Breathing_sign_engraver | See also |
| breve | See also |
| breve | See also |
| breve note, alternative style | Selected Snippets |
| breve rest | Rests |
| broken chord | Arpeggio |
| broken spanner, modifying | Modifying broken spanners |
| Built-in templates | References for choral |
| Bézier curve, control points | Modifying ties and slurs |
C | | |
| C clef | Clef |
| C clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| cabasa | A.17 Percussion notes |
| cadenza | See also |
| cadenza | See also |
| cadenza, accidentals | Unmetered music |
| cadenza, aligning to | Aligning to cadenzas |
| cadenza, bar lines | Unmetered music |
| cadenza, bar numbers | Unmetered music |
| cadenza, beams | Unmetered music |
| cadenza, line breaks | Unmetered music |
| cadenza, page breaks | Unmetered music |
| caesura | See also |
| caesura | See also |
| caesura bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| caesura bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| caesura bar line, in hymns | Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes |
| caesura bar line, in Kievan chant | Kievan bar lines |
| CaesuraEvent | See also |
| CaesuraScript | See also |
| CaesuraScript | See also |
| caesuraType | See also |
| caesuraTypeTransform | See also |
| Caesura_engraver | See also |
| callback | callback |
| Callback functions | See also |
| canticle | 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns |
| canticle | Selected Snippets |
| capo | Fret diagram markups |
| cautionary accidental | Accidentals |
| centered dynamics in piano music | References for keyboards |
| CenteredBarNumber | See also |
| CenteredBarNumberLineSpanner | See also |
| Centered_bar_number_align_engraver | See also |
| centering column of text | A.12.2 Align |
| centering text on page | Text alignment |
| centimeter (cm) | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| change number of augmentation dots | Alternative breve notes |
| change tempo without metronome mark | Printing metronome and rehearsal marks below the staff |
| change tuplet number | Entering several tuplets using only one tuplet command |
| changing breath mark symbol | Breath marks |
| changing chord separator | Volta below chords |
| changing direction of text column | A.12.2 Align |
| changing font | Selecting font and font size |
| changing instrument name | Instrument names |
| changing property | 5.3.2 The \set command |
| changing staff automatically | Changing staff automatically |
| changing staff manually | Changing staff manually |
| chant | 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns |
| chant | Selected Snippets |
| character name | Character names |
| chart, fingering | Fingering symbols for wind instruments |
| check mark | Breath marks |
| check-consistency | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| chinese cymbal | A.17 Percussion notes |
| choir staff | Grouping staves |
| ChoirStaff | See also |
| ChoirStaff | See also |
| ChoirStaff | See also |
| choral | Automatic accidentals |
| choral accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| choral tenor clef | Clef |
| choral-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| choral-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| chord | See also |
| chord | See also |
| chord | See also |
| chord diagram | Fret diagram markups |
| chord diagram | Predefined fret diagrams |
| chord diagram, automatic | Automatic fret diagrams |
| chord grid | See also |
| chord inversion | Chord inversions and specific voicings |
| chord mode | Chord mode overview |
| chord name | Chord mode overview |
| chord name | Printing chord names |
| chord name, with fret diagrams | Predefined fret diagrams |
| chord names, exceptions | Selected Snippets |
| chord quality | Common chords |
| chord separator, changing | Volta below chords |
| chord shape, for fretted instrument | Predefined fret diagrams |
| chord step, altering | Extended and altered chords |
| chord voicing | Chord inversions and specific voicings |
| chord, accidentals in | See also |
| chord, alternative name | Customizing chord names |
| chord, and relative octave entry | Relative octave entry |
| chord, and tie | Ties |
| chord, broken | Arpeggio |
| chord, cross-staff | Selected Snippets |
| chord, empty | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| chord, empty | Dynamics |
| chord, empty | Chorded notes |
| chord, empty | Changing staff manually |
| chord, fingering | Fingering instructions |
| chord, glissando, in tablatures | Slides in tablature |
| chord, jazz | Customizing chord names |
| chord, major 7, layout | Chord name exceptions |
| chord, modifying one note in | 5.3.4 The \tweak command |
| chord, power | Indicating power chords |
| chord, relative pitch | Chorded notes |
| chord, repetition | Chord repetition |
| chord, repetition | Default tablatures |
| chord, rotating | Chord inversions and specific voicings |
| chord, splitting across staves with \autoChange | Known issues and warnings |
| chord, suppressing repeated | Defining predefined fretboards for other instruments |
| chord, suppressing repeated | Selected Snippets |
| chordChanges | Defining predefined fretboards for other instruments |
| chordChanges | Selected Snippets |
| ChordGrid | Chord grids |
| ChordGridScore | See also |
| ChordName | See also |
| chordNameExceptions | Customizing chord names |
| chordNameExceptions | Selected Snippets |
| chordNameLowercaseMinor | Customizing chord names |
| ChordNames | Predefined fret diagrams |
| ChordNames | See also |
| ChordNames , with bar lines | chord name major7 |
| chordNameSeparator | Customizing chord names |
| chordNameSeparator | Volta below chords |
| chordNoteNamer | Customizing chord names |
| chordPrefixSpacer | Customizing chord names |
| chordRootNamer | Customizing chord names |
| chords, volta repeat, below | Adding bar lines to ChordNames context |
| ChordSquare | See also |
| Chord_name_engraver | See also |
| Chord_square_engraver | See also |
| chorus level in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| Christian Harmony note head | Shape note heads |
| church mode | See also |
| church rest | Numbering single measure rests |
| circling text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| claves | A.17 Percussion notes |
| Clef | See also |
| clef | See also |
| Clef | See also |
| clef | See also |
| clef | See also |
| clef | Kievan clefs |
| clef style | Mensural clefs |
| clef style | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, alto | Clef |
| clef, alto | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, alto varC | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, ancient | Clef |
| clef, ancient music | Mensural clefs |
| clef, ancient music | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, baritone | Clef |
| clef, baritone varC | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, baritone varF | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, bass | Clef |
| clef, bass | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, blackmensural | Mensural clefs |
| clef, blackmensural | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, C | Clef |
| clef, C | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, F | Clef |
| clef, F | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, french | Clef |
| clef, french | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, G | Clef |
| clef, G | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, G2 | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, GG | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, Kievan | Mensural clefs |
| clef, Kievan | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, mensural | Mensural clefs |
| clef, mensural | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, mezzosoprano | Clef |
| clef, mezzosoprano | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, moderntab | Custom tablatures |
| clef, percussion | Basic percussion notation |
| clef, percussion | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, Petrucci | Mensural clefs |
| clef, Petrucci | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, soprano | Clef |
| clef, soprano | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, subbass | Clef |
| clef, subbass | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, tab | Custom tablatures |
| clef, tab | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, tenor | Clef |
| clef, tenor | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, tenor G | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, tenor varC | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, transposing | Clef |
| clef, treble | Clef |
| clef, treble | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, tweaking properties | Selected Snippets |
| clef, varbaritone | Clef |
| clef, varbaritone | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, varC | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, violin | Clef |
| clef, violin | A.11 Clef styles |
| clef, visibility following explicit change | Visibility following explicit changes |
| clef, visibility of transposition | Transposed clefs |
| clef, with cue notes | Clef |
| clef-interface | See also |
| clef-interface | See also |
| ClefModifier | See also |
| ClefModifier | See also |
| Clef_engraver | See also |
| Clef_engraver | See also |
| clip-regions | 3.5 Controlling output |
| closure | closure |
| cluster | See also |
| ClusterSpanner | See also |
| ClusterSpannerBeacon | See also |
| Cluster_spanner_engraver | See also |
| coda | Segno repeat structure |
| coda sign, variant | Instrument-specific scripts |
| CodaMark | See also |
| CodaMark | See also |
| collision | Collision resolution |
| collision, bar number | See also |
| collision, cross-staff voices | Changing staff manually |
| collision, ignoring | Simultaneous expressions |
| collision, ignoring | See also |
| color | Coloring objects |
| color blind | Coloring objects |
| color in chord | See also |
| color, css-like codes | Coloring objects |
| color, list of | Normal colors |
| color, rgb | Coloring objects |
| color, suitable for dichromatism | Color-blind-safe colors |
| colored note | Coloring objects |
| colored note in chord | See also |
| colored object | Coloring objects |
| coloring note | Coloring objects |
| coloring object | Coloring objects |
| coloring object | Painting objects white |
| coloring text | A.12.8 Other |
| coloring voice | Voice styles |
| column | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| column, text | Selected Snippets |
| column, text | Text alignment |
| Combining notes into chords | See also |
| combining parts | Automatic part combining |
| combining parts, changing text | Combining two parts on the same staff |
| comma interval | References for Turkish classical music |
| Command-line usage | See also |
| comment | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| comment | 3.2.5 File structure |
| Common Practice Period | See also |
| Common Practice Period | See also |
| common-shortest-duration | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| Completion_heads_engraver | Automatic note splitting |
| Completion_rest_engraver | Automatic note splitting |
| compound time signature | Different time signatures with unequal-length measures |
| compressing music | Scaling durations |
| concatenating text | A.12.2 Align |
| concert pitch | See also |
| condensing rests | Known issues and warnings |
| conducting signs | Strict beat beaming |
| conga | A.17 Percussion notes |
| constante hairpin | Printing hairpins using al niente notation |
| contemporary glissando | Selected Snippets |
| context definitions with MIDI | Setting MIDI block properties |
| context property, changing default | 5.1.5 Changing context default settings |
| context, adding alias | Context definition overview |
| context, creating and referencing | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| context, defining in MIDI | New contexts in MIDI |
| context, defining new | Context definition overview |
| context, implicit | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| context, keeping alive | 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive |
| context, layout order | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| context, lifetime | 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive |
| context, Score-level | Replacing the Score context |
| context-spec-music | Selected Snippets |
| ContextChange | See also |
| Contexts | Within-system spacing properties |
| Contexts | See also |
| Contexts | See also |
| Contexts | See also |
| Contexts | 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins |
| Contexts | See also |
| Contexts and engravers | The double backslash construct |
| Contexts and engravers | See also |
| contexts, overlaying | Grouping staves |
| continuation, of notes | 2.8.3 Graphical notation |
| control pitch | Octave checks |
| control point, Bézier curve | Modifying ties and slurs |
| control point, tweaking | Known issues and warnings |
| controlling general text alignment | A.12.2 Align |
| controlpitch | Octave checks |
| copyright sign | Unicode |
| count visibility of percent repeats | Percent repeat counter |
| counter, percent repeat | Selected Snippets |
| countPercentRepeats | Selected Snippets |
| cowbell | A.17 Percussion notes |
| crash cymbal | A.17 Percussion notes |
| creating a table | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| creating empty text object | A.12.8 Other |
| creating horizontal space, in text | A.12.2 Align |
| creating text fraction | A.12.8 Other |
| creating vertical space, in text | A.12.2 Align |
| creating vertical space, in text | A.12.8 Other |
| crescendo | See also |
| crescendo-event | Quoting other voices |
| crescendoSpanner | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| crescendoText | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| cross | Special note heads |
| cross note head | Special note heads |
| cross-staff arpeggio | Selected Snippets |
| cross-staff arpeggio bracket | Cross staff stems |
| cross-staff beam | Changing staff manually |
| cross-staff chord | Selected Snippets |
| cross-staff collision | Changing staff manually |
| cross-staff line | Staff-change lines |
| cross-staff note | Changing staff manually |
| cross-staff note | Selected Snippets |
| cross-staff parenthesis-style arpeggio | Known issues and warnings |
| cross-staff stem | Selected Snippets |
| cross-staff tremolo | Selected Snippets |
| cross-voice arpeggio | Creating cross-staff arpeggios in other contexts |
| css color codes | Coloring objects |
| cue clef | Clef |
| cue note | Quoting other voices |
| cue note | Formatting cue notes |
| cue note, formatting | Formatting cue notes |
| cue note, removing | Formatting cue notes |
| cue, in vocal score | Selected Snippets |
| cue, musical | Musical cues |
| cue-notes | See also |
| CueVoice | Formatting cue notes |
| CueVoice | See also |
| cuica | A.17 Percussion notes |
| currentBarNumber | Bar numbers |
| currentBarNumber | Time administration |
| custodes | Custodes |
| custom fret diagram | Fret diagram markups |
| custom fret diagram | Changing fret orientations |
| custom fret diagram, adding | Predefined fret diagrams |
| custom fretboard fret diagram | Selected Snippets |
| custom metronome mark markup | Changing the tempo without a metronome mark |
| custom rehearsal mark | Rehearsal marks |
| custom string tuning | Custom tablatures |
| customized fret diagram | Fret diagram markups |
| customizing chord name | Customizing chord names |
| custos | See also |
| Custos | See also |
| custos | See also |
| cymbal, various | A.17 Percussion notes |
D | | |
| D.C. | Segno repeat structure |
| D.C., manual | Manual repeat marks |
| D.S. | Segno repeat structure |
| D.S., forced at start | Segno repeat appearance |
| D.S., manual | Manual repeat marks |
| da capo | See also |
| da capo, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| dal segno | See also |
| dal segno, forced at start | Segno repeat appearance |
| dal segno, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| dampened note, on fretted instrument | Indicating harmonics and dampened notes |
| dash patterns, slur | Slurs |
| dash patterns, slur | Positioning text markups inside slurs |
| dashed phrasing slur | Phrasing slurs |
| dashed slur | Slurs |
| dashed tie | Ties |
| dead note, percussion | Ghost notes |
| debug-beam-scoring | \paper variables for debugging |
| debug-slur-scoring | \paper variables for debugging |
| debug-tie-scoring | \paper variables for debugging |
| Debugging scoring algorithms | \paper variables for debugging |
| decorating text | Graphic notation inside markup |
| decrescendo | See also |
| decrescendoSpanner | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| decrescendoText | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| default | Automatic accidentals |
| default | Automatic accidentals |
| default accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| default accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| default bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| default bar line, changing | Bar lines |
| default context property, changing | 5.1.5 Changing context default settings |
| default note duration | Durations |
| default note name | Accidentals |
| default pitch | Durations |
| default vertical direction (- ) | Articulation direction indicators |
| default, offsetting | 5.3.6 The \offset command |
| default-staff-staff-spacing | Within-system spacing properties |
| define predefined fretboard | Customizing fretboard fret diagrams |
| defining bar line | Bar lines |
| delayed turn ornamentation | Controlling the vertical ordering of scripts |
| desk parts | 1.6.3 Writing parts |
| diagram, chord for fretted instruments | Fret diagram markups |
| diagram, fret | Fret diagram markups |
| diagram, fret, customized | Fret diagram markups |
| diagram, fret, transposing | Predefined fret diagrams |
| diamond note head | Special note heads |
| diamond-shaped note head | Harmonics |
| dichromatism, suitable colors | Color-blind-safe colors |
| Difficult tweaks | See also |
| dim | Common chords |
| dimension | 5.4.3 Dimensions |
| dimension units | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| dimensions, of bounding box | A.12.8 Other |
| diminuendo | Dynamics |
| direction, automatic, of stem, on center line | Default direction of stems on the center line of the staff |
| direction, default (- ) | Articulation direction indicators |
| direction, default, of stem, on center line | Selected Snippets |
| direction, down (_ ) | Articulation direction indicators |
| direction, up (^ ) | Articulation direction indicators |
| discant symbol, accordion | Discant symbols |
| Displaying music expressions | 3.7.2 Displaying scheme music expressions |
| Displaying music expressions | 5.3.4 The \tweak command |
| Displaying music expressions | See also |
| distance, absolute | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| distance, between staves | 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems |
| distance, scaled | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| divided lyrics | Divisi lyrics |
| divided voices | Selected Snippets |
| divisi staves | Hiding staves |
| divisio | See also |
| Divisio | See also |
| divisiones | Divisiones |
| dodecaphonic | Automatic accidentals |
| dodecaphonic accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| dodecaphonic-first | Automatic accidentals |
| dodecaphonic-first accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| dodecaphonic-no-repeat | Automatic accidentals |
| dodecaphonic-no-repeat accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| doit | See also |
| dorian | Key signature |
| DotColumn | See also |
| Dots | See also |
| dotted note | Durations |
| dotted note, change number of dots | Alternative breve notes |
| dotted note, moving horizontally | Additional voices to avoid collisions |
| dotted phrasing slur | Phrasing slurs |
| dotted slur | Slurs |
| dotted tie | Ties |
| double bar line | Bar lines |
| double bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| double bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| double bar line | Section divisions |
| double flat | See also |
| double sharp | See also |
| double slurs, for legato chords | Selected Snippets |
| double-dotted note | Durations |
| double-time signature | Polymetric notation |
| DoublePercentEvent | See also |
| DoublePercentRepeat | See also |
| DoublePercentRepeatCounter | See also |
| DoubleRepeatSlash | See also |
| doubleSlurs | Selected Snippets |
| Double_percent_repeat_engraver | See also |
| down direction (_ ) | Articulation direction indicators |
| down-bow indication | Bowing indications |
| drawing beam, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing box, with rounded corners | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing box, with rounded corners, around text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing circle, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing dashed line, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing dotted line, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing ellipse, around text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing graphic object | Graphic notation inside markup |
| drawing line, across a page | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing line, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing oval, around text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing path | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing polygon | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing solid box, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing squiggled line, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drawing triangle, within text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| drum | Basic percussion notation |
| drum | Percussion staves |
| drum staff | Instantiating new staves |
| drum, various | A.17 Percussion notes |
| drumPitchNames | Custom percussion staves |
| drumPitchTable | Custom percussion staves |
| DrumStaff | Instantiating new staves |
| DrumStaff | See also |
| drumStyleTable | Custom percussion staves |
| DrumVoice | See also |
| duration line | 2.8.3 Graphical notation |
| Duration names notes and rests | See also |
| duration, default | Durations |
| duration, isolated | Durations |
| duration, of note | Durations |
| duration, scaling | Scaling durations |
| dynamic mark, multiple on one note | Dynamics |
| dynamic mark, new | New dynamic marks |
| dynamic-event | Quoting other voices |
| DynamicLineSpanner | Dynamics |
| DynamicLineSpanner | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| dynamics | Dynamics |
| Dynamics | See also |
| dynamics in MIDI | 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics |
| dynamics in MIDI, custom | Selected Snippets |
| dynamics, absolute | Dynamics |
| dynamics, centered in keyboard music | References for keyboards |
| dynamics, editorial | New dynamic marks |
| dynamics, extender line, hiding | Vertically aligned dynamics and textscripts |
| dynamics, parenthesis | New dynamic marks |
| dynamics, text spanner, customize | Selected Snippets |
| dynamics, text, style | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| dynamics, vertical alignment | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| dynamics, vertical positioning | Dynamics |
| DynamicText | See also |
| Dynamic_performer | Creating custom dynamics in MIDI output |
| Dynamic_performer | See also |
| Dynamic_performer | See also |
E | | |
| easy notation | Easy notation note heads |
| easy notation, using numbers | Selected Snippets |
| easy play note head | Easy notation note heads |
| editorial dynamics | New dynamic marks |
| effects in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| electric snare | A.17 Percussion notes |
| embedded graphics | Graphic notation inside markup |
| embedding graphic object | Graphic notation inside markup |
| Emmentaler font | A.8 The Emmentaler font |
| empty chord | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| empty chord | Dynamics |
| empty chord | Changing staff manually |
| empty staff | Hiding staves |
| encapsulated postscript output | 3.5.3 Alternative output formats |
| enclosing text in box, with rounded corners | A.12.3 Graphic |
| enclosing text within a box | A.12.1 Font |
| end repeat | Manual repeat marks |
| engraver, including in context | Context definition overview |
| Engravers and Performers | See also |
| Engravers and Performers | 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins |
| Engravers and Performers | See also |
| Engravers explained | See also |
| Engraver_group | Context definition overview |
| ensemble music | References for opera and stage musicals |
| entering lyrics | Entering lyrics |
| entering multiple tuplets | Selected Snippets |
| Episema | See also |
| EpisemaEvent | See also |
| Episema_engraver | See also |
| EPS output | 3.5.3 Alternative output formats |
| equalization, instrument, replacing MIDI default | Selected Snippets |
| espressivo articulation | Dynamics |
| exception, chord names | Selected Snippets |
| expanding music | Scaling durations |
| explicitClefVisibility | Visibility following explicit changes |
| explicitKeySignatureVisibility | Visibility following explicit changes |
| Explicitly instantiating voices | The double backslash construct |
| Explicitly instantiating voices | See also |
| expression in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| expression, markup | Text markup introduction |
| extended chord | Extended and altered chords |
| extender | Extenders and hyphens |
| extender line, dynamics, hiding | Vertically aligned dynamics and textscripts |
| extent, of actual inking | A.12.8 Other |
| extent, of bounding box | A.12.8 Other |
| extra natural sign, preventing | Hiding accidentals on tied notes at the start of a new system |
| extra voice for handling breaks | Selected Snippets |
| extra-offset | Within-system spacing properties |
| extra-spacing-height | Spacing between adjacent columns |
| extra-spacing-width | Spacing between adjacent columns |
| Ez_numbers_engraver | Selected Snippets |
F | | |
| F clef | Clef |
| F clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| fall | See also |
| false note, percussion | Ghost notes |
| feathered beam | Feathered beams |
| feature, OpenType font | Font features |
| feature, OpenType font | A.12.1 Font |
| fermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| fermata | Ornament scripts |
| fermata, Henze | Articulations and ornamentations |
| fermata, Henze | Ornament scripts |
| fermata, long | Articulations and ornamentations |
| fermata, long | Ornament scripts |
| fermata, on bar line | Selected Snippets |
| fermata, on multi-measure rest | Full measure rests |
| fermata, short | Articulations and ornamentations |
| fermata, short | Ornament scripts |
| Ferneyhough hairpin | Printing hairpins using al niente notation |
| Feta font | A.8 The Emmentaler font |
| fifth | See also |
| figured bass | See also |
| figured bass, alignment | Predefined commands |
| figured bass, alteration, glyphs | Changing the positions of figured bass alterations |
| figured bass, alteration, position | Selected Snippets |
| figured bass, extender lines | Predefined commands |
| figured bass, vertical distance of elements | Displaying figured bass |
| FiguredBass | See also |
| FiguredBass | See also |
| FiguredBass | See also |
| figuredBassAlterationDirection | Selected Snippets |
| figuredBassPlusDirection | Selected Snippets |
| figuredBassPlusStrokedAlist | Changing the positions of figured bass alterations |
| final bar line | Bar lines |
| final bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| final bar line | Section divisions |
| final bar line, in Gregorian chant | Divisiones |
| final bar line, in Kievan chant | Kievan bar lines |
| finalis | Divisiones |
| finding available fonts | Single entry fonts |
| fine | See also |
| fine | See also |
| fine | See also |
| FineEvent | See also |
| FineEvent | See also |
| finger change | Fingering instructions |
| finger-glide-interface | See also |
| finger-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| FingerGlideSpanner | See also |
| fingering | Fingering instructions |
| Fingering | See also |
| Fingering | See also |
| Fingering | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| Fingering | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| fingering chart | Fingering symbols for wind instruments |
| fingering chord | Fingering instructions |
| fingering instruction, for chords | Fingering instructions |
| fingering vs. string number | String number indications |
| fingering, adding to fret diagram | Automatic fret diagrams |
| fingering, and multi-measure rest | See also |
| fingering, glide | Gliding fingers |
| fingering, inside of staff | Controlling the placement of chord fingerings |
| fingering, orientation | Selected Snippets |
| fingering, right-hand, for fretted instruments | Right-hand fingerings |
| fingering, right-hand, placement | Selected Snippets |
| fingering, stem support | Controlling the placement of chord fingerings |
| fingering, symbols for wind instruments | Selected Snippets |
| fingering, thumb | Articulations and ornamentations |
| fingering, thumb | Fingering instructions |
| fingering, thumb | Fermata scripts |
| fingering-event | See also |
| fingering-event | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| fingering-event | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| fingering-glide-event | See also |
| FingeringEvent | See also |
| FingeringEvent | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| FingeringGlideEvent | See also |
| fingeringOrientations | Selected Snippets |
| Fingering_engraver | See also |
| Fingering_engraver | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering_engraver | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering_engraver | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Fingering_engraver | 5.2.3 Determining the grob property |
| Finger_glide_engraver | See also |
| first-page-number | \paper variables for page numbering |
| Fixing overlapping | Changing staff manually |
| Fixing overlapping notation | Changing staff manually |
| Fixing overlapping notation | See also |
| flag | See also |
| flag | See also |
| flag, mensural | Mensural flags |
| flags, flat | Selected Snippets |
| flared hairpin | Printing hairpins using al niente notation |
| flat | See also |
| flat flags | Selected Snippets |
| flat, double | Accidentals |
| Flex | lexer |
| Flexible architecture | Text objects overview |
| Flexible architecture | See also |
| floor tom tom | A.17 Percussion notes |
| follow voice | Staff-change lines |
| followVoice | Staff-change lines |
| font | glyph |
| font family | Selecting font and font size |
| font family, setting | Entire document fonts |
| font feature, OpenType | Font features |
| font feature, OpenType | A.12.1 Font |
| font size | Selecting font and font size |
| font size (notation) | Selecting notation font size |
| font size (notation), scaling | Selecting notation font size |
| font size (notation), standard | Understanding the fontSize property |
| font size, setting | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| font switching | Selecting font and font size |
| font, changing for entire document | Entire document fonts |
| font, Emmentaler | A.8 The Emmentaler font |
| font, external files | Finding fonts |
| font, Feta | A.8 The Emmentaler font |
| font, finding | Finding fonts |
| font, finding available | Single entry fonts |
| font, music notation | Music fonts |
| font, non-text in markup | Music fonts |
| font, Parmesan | A.8 The Emmentaler font |
| font-encoding | Music fonts |
| font-interface | Understanding the fontSize property |
| font-interface | Music fonts |
| font-interface | A.12.8 Other |
| font-size | Selecting notation font size |
| font-size | Understanding the fontSize property |
| FontConfig | 1.8.3 Fonts |
| fontSize | Selecting notation font size |
| foot mark | Articulations and ornamentations |
| foot mark | Fermata scripts |
| footer | 3.3 Titles and headers |
| footer, page | Default layout of headers and footers |
| footnote | 3.3.4 Creating footnotes |
| Footnote | See also |
| footnote, event-based | Event-based footnotes |
| footnote, in music expressions | Footnotes in music expressions |
| footnote, in stand-alone text | Footnotes in stand-alone text |
| footnote, time-based | Time-based footnotes |
| footnote-separator-markup | \paper variables concerning headers and markups |
| FootnoteEvent | See also |
| Footnote_engraver | See also |
| Forbid_line_break_engraver | Printing tuplet brackets on the note head side |
| forced vertical direction of grobs | Articulation direction indicators |
| forget | Automatic accidentals |
| forget accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| format, rehearsal mark | Rehearsal marks |
| formatting, cue notes | Formatting cue notes |
| formatting, in lyrics | Entering lyrics |
| formatting, text spanner | Text spanners |
| four-bar music | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| Four-part SATB vocal score | References for choral |
| Four-part SATB vocal score | See also |
| four-string-banjo | Banjo tablatures |
| fragment | Formatting cue notes |
| fragment, music | 3.5 Controlling output |
| fragment, quoting | Quoting other voices |
| framing text | Graphic notation inside markup |
| French clef | Clef |
| French clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| Frenched score | See also |
| Frenched staff | See also |
| Frenched staff | See also |
| Frenched staves | See also |
| fret | Default tablatures |
| fret diagram | Fret diagram markups |
| fret diagram | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, adding custom | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, adding fingering | Automatic fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, automatic | Automatic fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, changing orientation | Selected Snippets |
| fret diagram, custom | Fret diagram markups |
| fret diagram, customized | Fret diagram markups |
| fret diagram, customized | Changing fret orientations |
| fret diagram, left-handed | Fret diagram markups |
| fret diagram, mandolin | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, markup | Fret diagram markups |
| fret diagram, transposing | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, ukulele | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret diagram, with chord names | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret-diagram-interface | Fret diagram markups |
| fret-diagram-interface | See also |
| fret-diagram-interface | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fret-diagram-interface | See also |
| fret-diagram-interface | Automatic fret diagrams |
| fret-diagram-interface | See also |
| fretboard fret diagram, customized | Selected Snippets |
| fretboard, alternate table | ChordChanges for FretBoards |
| fretboard, define predefined | Customizing fretboard fret diagrams |
| FretBoards | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fretted instrument, chord shape | Predefined fret diagrams |
| fretted instrument, dampened note | Indicating harmonics and dampened notes |
| fretted instrument, harmonics | Indicating harmonics and dampened notes |
| fretted instrument, indicating position and barring | Indicating position and barring |
| fretted instrument, predefined string tunings | Custom tablatures |
| fretted instrument, right-hand fingering | Right-hand fingerings |
| full score | 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals |
| full score | References for opera and stage musicals |
| full-measure rest | Full measure rests |
| funk shape note head | Shape note heads |
G | | |
| G clef | Clef |
| ghost note | Parentheses |
| ghost note, percussion | Ghost notes |
| glide | Gliding fingers |
| gliding fingering | Gliding fingers |
| Glissando | See also |
| glissando | See also |
| Glissando | See also |
| glissando, across repeats | Making glissandi breakable |
| glissando, and repeats | Known issues and warnings |
| glissando, breakable | Adding timing marks to long glissandi |
| glissando, chords in tablatures | Slides in tablature |
| glissando, contemporary | Selected Snippets |
| glissando, timing marks | Contemporary glissando |
| global variable | parser variable |
| glyph | glyph |
| glyph set, accidental | A.10 Accidental glyph sets |
| glyph, alternate accidentals | Alternate accidental glyphs |
| glyph, bounding box | A.12.8 Other |
| glyph, for figured bass alteration | Changing the positions of figured bass alterations |
| grace note | Grace notes |
| grace note | Bagpipe definitions |
| grace note, and lyrics | Adding syllables to grace notes |
| grace note, and strict spacing | Redefining grace note global defaults |
| grace note, changing layout settings | Grace notes |
| grace note, changing layout settings | Using grace note slashes with normal heads |
| grace note, following | Grace notes |
| grace note, synchronization | Known issues and warnings |
| grace note, tweaking | Grace notes |
| grace note, tweaking | Using grace note slashes with normal heads |
| grace notes | See also |
| GraceMusic | See also |
| Grace_auto_beam_engraver | See also |
| Grace_beam_engraver | See also |
| Grace_engraver | See also |
| Grace_spacing_engraver | See also |
| grammar, for LilyPond | parser |
| grand staff | See also |
| GrandStaff | See also |
| GrandStaff | See also |
| graphic notation | Graphic notation inside markup |
| graphic object, drawing | Graphic notation inside markup |
| graphic object, embedding | Graphic notation inside markup |
| graphical object | grob |
| graphical object interface | interface |
| Graphical Object Interfaces | See also |
| graphics, embedding | Graphic notation inside markup |
| graphics, embedding | Graphic notation inside markup |
| Gregorian accidental | Gregorian accidentals and key signatures |
| Gregorian articulation | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, accentus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, accentus | Repeat sign scripts |
| Gregorian articulation, circulus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, circulus | Repeat sign scripts |
| Gregorian articulation, episem finis | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, episem initium | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, ictus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, ictus | Repeat sign scripts |
| Gregorian articulation, semicirculus | Gregorian articulation signs |
| Gregorian articulation, semicirculus | Repeat sign scripts |
| Gregorian key signature | Gregorian accidentals and key signatures |
| Gregorian music, modern transcription | Chant or psalms notation |
| Gregorian square neumes ligature | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| Gregorian transcription staff | Instantiating new staves |
| GregorianTranscriptionStaff | Instantiating new staves |
| grid line | Grid lines |
| grid lines, changing appearance | Selected Snippets |
| grid-line-interface | See also |
| grid-point-interface | See also |
| GridChordName | See also |
| gridInterval | Grid lines |
| GridLine | See also |
| GridPoint | See also |
| Grid_chord_name_engraver | See also |
| Grid_line_span_engraver | Grid lines |
| Grid_point_engraver | Grid lines |
| grob | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| grob | grob |
| grob, and whiteout | Ties |
| grob, and whiteout | Painting objects white |
| grob, overwriting | Ties |
| grob, overwriting | Painting objects white |
| grob, property | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| grob, vertical position | Articulation direction indicators |
| grob, visibility of | 5.4.7 Visibility of objects |
| grob-interface | interface |
| grob-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| grob-interface | See also |
| grob-interface | See also |
| grouping beats | Strict beat beaming |
| grow-direction | Feathered beams |
| guiro | A.17 Percussion notes |
| guitar note head | Special note heads |
| guitar tablature | 2.4 Fretted string instruments |
| guitar, chord chart | Showing melody rhythms |
| guitar, strumming rhythm, showing | Showing melody rhythms |
| guitar, strumming rhythm, showing | Selected Snippets |
| gutter | \paper variables for two-sided mode |
H | | |
| Hairpin | See also |
| hairpin | See also |
| Hairpin | Properties which may be offset |
| Hairpin | Properties which may be offset |
| Hairpin | Properties which may be offset |
| hairpin, al niente | Moving the ends of hairpins |
| hairpin, aligning ends to NoteColumn directions | Setting the minimum length of hairpins |
| hairpin, angled | Rotating layout objects |
| hairpin, constante | Printing hairpins using al niente notation |
| hairpin, Ferneyhough | Printing hairpins using al niente notation |
| hairpin, flared | Printing hairpins using al niente notation |
| hairpin, minimum length | Setting hairpin behavior at bar lines |
| hairpin, moving ends of | Aligning the ends of hairpins to NoteColumn directions |
| hairpin, stopping at bar lines | Selected Snippets |
| half open high hat | A.17 Percussion notes |
| half-open high hat | Articulations and ornamentations |
| half-open high hat | Custom percussion staves |
| hammer on | Chord glissando in tablature |
| handclap | A.17 Percussion notes |
| Harmonia Sacra note head | Shape note heads |
| harmonic indication, in tablature notation | Default tablatures |
| harmonic note head | Special note heads |
| harmonic, in tablatures | Polyphony in tablature |
| harmonics | See also |
| harmonics, artificial | Harmonics |
| harmonics, flageolet | Articulations and ornamentations |
| harmonics, flageolet | Fermata scripts |
| harmonics, natural | Harmonics |
| harmonics, on fretted instrument | Indicating harmonics and dampened notes |
| harp | References for harps |
| harp pedal | Harp pedals |
| harp pedal diagram | Harp pedals |
| header | 3.3 Titles and headers |
| header, page | Default layout of headers and footers |
| Hel-arabic note name | Arabic note names |
| help, balloon | Balloon help |
| Henze fermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| Henze fermata | Ornament scripts |
| hidden note | Hidden notes |
| hiding accidentals, on tied notes at start of system | Selected Snippets |
| hiding ancient staves | Hiding staves |
| hiding dynamics extender line | Vertically aligned dynamics and textscripts |
| hiding rhythmic staves | Hiding staves |
| hiding staves | Hiding staves |
| hiding vaticana staves | Hiding staves |
| high bongo | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high conga | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high hat | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high hat, half open | Articulations and ornamentations |
| high hat, half open | Custom percussion staves |
| high hat, half open | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high hat, open | Articulations and ornamentations |
| high hat, open | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high hat, pedal | Articulations and ornamentations |
| high hat, pedal | Custom percussion staves |
| high hat, pedal | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high timbale | A.17 Percussion notes |
| high tom tom | A.17 Percussion notes |
| highlight, staff | Staff highlights |
| horizontal alignment, lyrics | Selected Snippets |
| horizontal beams | Selected Snippets |
| horizontal bracket | Analysis brackets |
| horizontal padding in markup | Text alignment |
| horizontal shift of notes | Moving dotted notes in polyphony |
| horizontal spacing | 4.5 Horizontal spacing |
| horizontal spacing, between columns | Spacing between adjacent columns |
| horizontal spacing, between non-musical items | Spacing between adjacent non-musical items |
| horizontal text alignment | Text alignment |
| horizontal-bracket-interface | See also |
| horizontal-bracket-text-interface | See also |
| horizontal-shift | \paper variables for shifts and indents |
| HorizontalBracket | See also |
| HorizontalBracketText | Analysis brackets above the staff |
| horizontally centering text | A.12.2 Align |
| Horizontal_bracket_engraver | Analysis brackets |
| How LilyPond input files work | See also |
| How LilyPond input files work | See also |
| hufnagel | 2.9 Ancient notation |
| hufnagel | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| hymn | 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns |
| hymn | Selected Snippets |
| hymn, and partial measures | Partial measures in hymn tunes |
| hyphen | Extenders and hyphens |
I | | |
| I'm hearing Voices | See also |
| I'm hearing Voices | Percussion staves |
| I'm hearing Voices | See also |
| image, embedding | Graphic notation inside markup |
| immutable object | immutable |
| immutable property | immutable |
| implicit context | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| importing stencil, into text | A.12.8 Other |
| improvisation | Improvisation |
| improvisation, Arabic | Selected Snippets |
| inch (in) | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| incipit, adding | Incipits |
| include settings | Using global settings |
| including files | 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files |
| indent | Instrument names |
| indent | \paper variables for shifts and indents |
| indent | 4.5.5 Line width |
| indicating No Chord in ChordNames | Printing chord names |
| indicating position and barring for fretted instrument | Indicating position and barring |
| individual parts | 1.6.3 Writing parts |
| inlining an Encapsulated PostScript image | A.12.3 Graphic |
| inner-margin | \paper variables for two-sided mode |
| inserting music, into text | A.12.4 Music |
| inserting PostScript directly, into text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| inserting URL link, into text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| instrument equalization in MIDI, replacing default | Selected Snippets |
| instrument name | Instrument names |
| instrument name | 3.6.9 Enhancing MIDI output |
| instrument name, adding to other contexts | Instrument names |
| instrument name, centering | Instrument names |
| instrument name, changing | Instrument names |
| instrument name, complex | Instrument names |
| instrument name, short | Instrument names |
| instrument, transposing | Transpose |
| instrument-specific-markup-interface | See also |
| instrument-specific-markup-interface | A.12.8 Other |
| InstrumentName | See also |
| interface | interface |
| interface, layout | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| Interfaces for programmers | See also |
| interleaved music | Writing music in parallel |
| Intermediate | Modifying broken spanners |
| Intermediate substitution | \offset as an override |
| Internals Reference | 5. Changing defaults |
| interval | See also |
| inversion | Inversion |
| inversion, modal | Modal inversion |
| invisible note | Hidden notes |
| invisible rest | Invisible rests |
| invisible stem | Stems |
| ionian | Key signature |
| iraq | See also |
| isolated duration | Durations |
| isolated percent repeat | Percent repeat count visibility |
| isolated pitch | Durations |
| item, musical | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| item, non-musical | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| item-interface | See also |
| item-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
J | | |
| jazz chord | Customizing chord names |
| JumpScript | See also |
| JumpScript | See also |
| JumpScript | See also |
| Jump_engraver | See also |
| Jump_engraver | See also |
| justified text | Text alignment |
| justifying lines of text | A.13 Text markup list commands |
| justifying text | A.12.2 Align |
K | | |
| keep tagged music | Using tags |
| keepAliveInterfaces | Hiding staves |
| Keep_alive_together_engraver | See also |
| key signature | See also |
| key signature | See also |
| key signature, Gregorian | Gregorian accidentals and key signatures |
| key signature, mensural | Mensural accidentals and key signatures |
| key signature, non-traditional | Preventing natural signs from being printed when the key signature changes |
| key signature, preventing natural signs | Selected Snippets |
| key signature, visibility following explicit change | Visibility following explicit changes |
| key-signature-interface | See also |
| key-signature-interface | See also |
| keyboard instrument staff | References for keyboards |
| keyboard music, centering dynamics | References for keyboards |
| KeyCancellation | See also |
| KeyChangeEvent | See also |
| keyed instrument staff | References for keyboards |
| KeySignature | See also |
| KeySignature | See also |
| KeySignature | See also |
| KeySignature | See also |
| Key_engraver | See also |
| Key_performer | See also |
| Kievan accidental | Kievan accidentals |
| Kievan clef | Mensural clefs |
| Kievan clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| Kievan ligature | Kievan melismata |
| kievan notation | See also |
| kievan notation | See also |
| kievan notation | See also |
| kievan notation | See also |
| KievanStaff | Kievan contexts |
| KievanVoice | Kievan contexts |
| kirchenpause | Numbering single measure rests |
| knee gap, with beams | Predefined commands |
| knee gap, with beams, changing | Beams across line breaks |
| koron | Persian music notation |
| kurd | See also |
L | | |
| laissez vibrer | See also |
| LaissezVibrerTie | See also |
| LaissezVibrerTieColumn | See also |
| language, note names in other | Note names in other languages |
| language, pitch names in other | Note names in other languages |
| last-bottom-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| layer | Painting objects white |
| layout interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| layout object | grob |
| layout, file | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| layout, major 7 chord | Chord name exceptions |
| layout-set-staff-size | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| lead sheet | Showing chords at changes |
| ledger line | See also |
| ledger line, internal | Staff symbol |
| ledger line, modifying | Staff symbol |
| ledger-line-spanner-interface | See also |
| LedgerLineSpanner | See also |
| Ledger_line_engraver | See also |
| left-aligning text | A.12.2 Align |
| left-handed fret diagram | Fret diagram markups |
| left-margin | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| Length and thickness of objects | See also |
| Length and thickness of objects | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| Length and thickness of objects | See also |
| length of multi-measure rest | Selected Snippets |
| length of note | Durations |
| lexer | lexer |
| ligature | See also |
| ligature | See also |
| ligature | See also |
| ligature | See also |
| ligature | See also |
| ligature | See also |
| ligature, in text | A.12.2 Align |
| ligature, Kievan | Kievan melismata |
| ligature, mensural | White mensural ligatures |
| ligature, square neumes | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| LilyPond grammar | parser |
| line | See also |
| line break | Bar lines |
| line break, beams | Predefined commands |
| line break, beams | Selected Snippets |
| line break, cadenzas | Unmetered music |
| line break, managing with extra voice | Selected Snippets |
| line break, unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| line comment | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| line comment | 3.2.5 File structure |
| line, cross-staff | Staff-change lines |
| line, grid | Grid lines |
| line, staff-change | Staff-change lines |
| line, staff-change follower | Staff-change lines |
| line, to indicate duration | 2.8.3 Graphical notation |
| line-interface | 5.4.5 Line styles |
| line-spanner-interface | See also |
| line-width | Text alignment |
| line-width | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| line-width | 4.5.5 Line width |
| LineBreakEvent | See also |
| lines, vertical, between staves | Grid lines |
| list of colors | Normal colors |
| list of keys in woodwind diagrams | Changing the size of woodwind diagrams |
| list of markups | Text markup introduction |
| list of woodwind diagrams | Selected Snippets |
| listing available fonts | Single entry fonts |
| Literature list | Customizing chord names |
| Literature list | See also |
| locrian | Key signature |
| long fermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| long fermata | Ornament scripts |
| longa | See also |
| longa | See also |
| longa rest | Rests |
| low bongo | A.17 Percussion notes |
| low conga | A.17 Percussion notes |
| low timbale | A.17 Percussion notes |
| low tom tom | A.17 Percussion notes |
| lowering text | A.12.2 Align |
| lute tablature | Lute tablatures |
| lute tuning | Lute tablatures |
| ly:minimal-breaking | Minimal page breaking |
| ly:one-line-auto-height-breaking | One-line-auto-height page breaking |
| ly:one-line-breaking | One-line page breaking |
| ly:one-page-breaking | One-page page breaking |
| ly:optimal-breaking | Optimal page breaking |
| ly:page-turn-breaking | Optimal page turning |
| lydian | Key signature |
| LyricCombineMusic | See also |
| LyricCombineMusic | See also |
| LyricExtender | See also |
| LyricHyphen | See also |
| Lyrics | See also |
| Lyrics | See also |
| Lyrics | See also |
| Lyrics | See also |
| Lyrics | See also |
| lyrics, aligning to a melody | Aligning lyrics to a melody |
| lyrics, aligning with sporadic melody | 5.1.3 Keeping contexts alive |
| lyrics, and markup | Selected Snippets |
| lyrics, and melodies | Automatic syllable durations |
| lyrics, and tied notes | Repeats with alternative endings |
| lyrics, assigned to one voice | Single-staff polyphony |
| lyrics, avoid bar lines | Known issues and warnings |
| lyrics, divided | Divisi lyrics |
| lyrics, entering | Entering lyrics |
| lyrics, formatting | Entering lyrics |
| lyrics, horizontal alignment | Selected Snippets |
| lyrics, increasing space between | Placing syllables horizontally |
| lyrics, keeping inside margin | See also |
| lyrics, keeping inside margin | Known issues and warnings |
| lyrics, on grace notes | Adding syllables to grace notes |
| lyrics, positioning | Selected Snippets |
| lyrics, positioning | Placing lyrics vertically |
| lyrics, punctuation | Entering lyrics |
| lyrics, repeating | Lyrics and repeats |
| lyrics, repeats with alternative endings | Repeats with alternative endings |
| lyrics, shared among voices | Polyphony with shared lyrics |
| lyrics, skip | Invisible rests |
| lyrics, skipping notes | Repeats with alternative endings |
| lyrics, using variables | Working with lyrics and variables |
| lyrics, version 2.12 spacing | Selected Snippets |
| lyrics, with beam | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| LyricText | See also |
| LyricText | See also |
| LyricText | See also |
M | | |
| m | Common chords |
| magnification->font-size | Selecting notation font size |
| magnification->font-size | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| magnifying text | A.12.1 Font |
| magstep | Selecting notation font size |
| magstep | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| magstep | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| maj | Common chords |
| major | Key signature |
| major 7 chord, layout | Chord name exceptions |
| major seven symbol | Predefined commands |
| majorSevenSymbol | Customizing chord names |
| majorSevenSymbol | Chord name exceptions |
| makam | See also |
| makam | References for Turkish classical music |
| makam | Turkish note names |
| makam, example | Selected Snippets |
| makamlar | See also |
| makamlar | See also |
| makamlar | Turkish note names |
| make-dynamic-script | New dynamic marks |
| make-pango-font-tree | Entire document fonts |
| manual bar line | Bar lines |
| manual beam | Automatic beams |
| manual beam | Manual beams |
| manual beam, direction shorthand for | Manual beams |
| manual beam, grace notes | Manual beams |
| manual engraving of ties | Using ties with arpeggios |
| manual line break | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| manual measure line | Bar lines |
| manual rehearsal mark | Rehearsal marks |
| manual repeat mark | Manual repeat marks |
| manual staff change | Changing staff manually |
| Manuals | LilyPond — Notation Reference |
| Manuals | LilyPond — Notation Reference |
| maqam | See also |
| maqam | References for Arabic music |
| maracas | A.17 Percussion notes |
| marcato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| margin, text running over | See also |
| mark, on every staff | Selected Snippets |
| mark, phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| mark, rehearsal | Rehearsal marks |
| mark, rehearsal, below staff | Selected Snippets |
| mark, rehearsal, format | Rehearsal marks |
| mark, rehearsal, manual | Rehearsal marks |
| mark, rehearsal, style | Rehearsal marks |
| mark, text | Text marks |
| markup | Text markup introduction |
| Markup construction in Scheme | New dynamic marks |
| Markup construction in Scheme | See also |
| Markup construction in Scheme | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| markup expression | Text markup introduction |
| Markup functions | Text markup introduction |
| Markup functions | See also |
| markup list | Text markup introduction |
| markup mode, quoted text | Text markup introduction |
| markup mode, special characters | Text markup introduction |
| markup object | Text objects overview |
| markup syntax | Text markup introduction |
| markup text | Text markup introduction |
| markup text, aligning | Text alignment |
| markup text, alignment command | Text alignment |
| markup text, decorating | Graphic notation inside markup |
| markup text, framing | Graphic notation inside markup |
| markup text, justified | Text alignment |
| markup text, line width | Text alignment |
| markup text, multi-page | Text markup introduction |
| markup text, padding | Graphic notation inside markup |
| markup text, wordwrapped | Text alignment |
| markup, aligning | Text alignment |
| markup, centering on page | Text alignment |
| markup, conditional | Custom layout for headers and footers |
| markup, in lyrics | Selected Snippets |
| markup, multi-line | Text alignment |
| markup, multi-measure rest | Positioning multi-measure rests |
| markup, multi-page | Text markup introduction |
| markup, music notation inside | Music notation inside markup |
| markup, on multi-measure rest | Full measure rests |
| markup, rhythm | A.12.4 Music |
| markup, score inside | Music notation inside markup |
| markup, text, inside slurs | Using double slurs for legato chords |
| markup, two-column | Selected Snippets |
| markup-markup-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| markup-system-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| Mark_engraver | Selected Snippets |
| max-systems-per-page | \paper variables for line breaking |
| maxima | See also |
| maxima | See also |
| maxima rest | Rests |
| measure check | Bar and bar number checks |
| measure counter | Measure counts |
| measure grouping | Strict beat beaming |
| measure line | Bar lines |
| measure line | Automatic bar lines |
| measure line, invisible | Bar lines |
| measure line, manual | Bar lines |
| measure number | Bar numbers |
| measure number | Time administration |
| measure number check | Bar and bar number checks |
| measure number, and repeats | Known issues and warnings |
| measure number, style | Printing bar numbers using modulo-bar-number-visible |
| measure repeat | Percent repeats |
| measure subgrouping | Strict beat beaming |
| measure, partial | Upbeats |
| measure, partial, in hymns | Partial measures in hymn tunes |
| measure, pickup | Upbeats |
| measure-counter-interface | See also |
| measure-spanner-interface | See also |
| measureBarType | Bar lines |
| MeasureCounter | See also |
| measureLength | Setting automatic beam behavior |
| measureLength | Time administration |
| measurePosition | Upbeats |
| measurePosition | Time administration |
| MeasureSpanner | See also |
| Measure_counter_engraver | See also |
| Measure_grouping_engraver | Strict beat beaming |
| Measure_spanner_engraver | See also |
| measuring units | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| Medicaea, Editio | 2.9 Ancient notation |
| Medicaea, Editio | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| medium interval | References for Arabic music |
| melisma | Multiple notes to one syllable |
| melisma | See also |
| melisma, with beams | Automatic beams |
| melismata | Multiple notes to one syllable |
| melody rhythm, showing | Showing melody rhythms |
| mensural | 2.9 Ancient notation |
| mensural | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| mensural clef | Mensural clefs |
| mensural clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| mensural flag | Mensural flags |
| mensural ligature | White mensural ligatures |
| mensural music, transcription of | Display bracket with only one staff in a system |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation | See also |
| mensural notation, signum congruentiae | Repeat sign scripts |
| MensuralStaff | Instantiating new staves |
| MensuralStaff | Mensural contexts |
| MensuralVoice | Mensural contexts |
| mensuration sign | Mensural time signatures |
| mensurstrich | See also |
| Mensurstriche | Mensurstriche layout |
| mensurstriche layout | Display bracket with only one staff in a system |
| merging notes | Collision resolution |
| merging text | A.12.2 Align |
| merging text | A.12.2 Align |
| meter | See also |
| meter style | Time signature |
| meter, polymetric | Polymetric notation |
| metronome | See also |
| metronome mark | See also |
| metronome mark, below staff | Selected Snippets |
| metronome mark, custom markup | Changing the tempo without a metronome mark |
| MetronomeMark | See also |
| metronomic indication | See also |
| mezzosoprano clef | Clef |
| mezzosoprano clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| microtone | Note names in other languages |
| microtone, tab | Custom tablatures |
| mid tom tom | A.17 Percussion notes |
| MIDI | Instrument transpositions |
| MIDI | 3.6 Creating MIDI output |
| MIDI, balance | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, block | 3.6.3 The MIDI block |
| MIDI, channels | 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping |
| MIDI, chorus level | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, context definitions | Setting MIDI block properties |
| MIDI, custom dynamics | Selected Snippets |
| MIDI, dynamics | 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics |
| MIDI, effects | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, equalization | 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics |
| MIDI, expression | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, instrument | 3.6.9 Enhancing MIDI output |
| MIDI, metadata | 3.3.3 Creating output file metadata |
| MIDI, one channel per voice | Selected Snippets |
| MIDI, pan position | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, replacing default instrument equalization | Selected Snippets |
| MIDI, reverb | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, stereo balance | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| MIDI, supported notation | 3.6 Creating MIDI output |
| MIDI, tracks | 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping |
| MIDI, transposition | Instrument transpositions |
| MIDI, unsupported notation | 3.6.1 Supported notation for MIDI |
| MIDI, using repeats | 3.6.6 Using repeats with MIDI |
| MIDI, volume | 3.6.4 Controlling MIDI dynamics |
| midiBalance | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| midiChannelMapping | 3.6.7 MIDI channel mapping |
| midiChorusLevel | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| midiDrumPitches | Custom percussion staves |
| midiExpression | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| midiPanPosition | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| midiReverbLevel | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| millimeter (mm) | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| min-systems-per-page | \paper variables for line breaking |
| minimum length, hairpin | Setting hairpin behavior at bar lines |
| minimum-Y-extent | Within-system spacing properties |
| minimumFret | Default tablatures |
| minimumFret | Automatic fret diagrams |
| minimumPageTurnLength | Optimal page turning |
| minimumRepeatLengthForPageTurn | Optimal page turning |
| minor | Key signature |
| minorChordModifier | Customizing chord names |
| mirroring markup | A.12.3 Graphic |
| mixed | Piano pedals |
| mixolydian | Key signature |
| modal inversion | Modal inversion |
| modal transformation | Modal transformations |
| modal transposition | Modal transposition |
| mode | parser variable |
| modern | Automatic accidentals |
| modern accidental | Automatic accidentals |
| modern accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| modern accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| modern style accidental | Automatic accidentals |
| modern transcription of Gregorian music | Chant or psalms notation |
| modern-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| modern-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| modern-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| modern-voice | Automatic accidentals |
| modern-voice-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| modern-voice-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| moderntab clef | Custom tablatures |
| modifier, in chord | Common chords |
| Modifying context properties | See also |
| movements, multiple | 3.2.2 Multiple scores in a book |
| Moving objects | Text alignment |
| Moving objects | See also |
| multi-line comment | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| multi-line comment | 3.2.5 File structure |
| multi-line markup | Text alignment |
| multi-line text | Text alignment |
| multi-measure notes, contracting | Compressing empty measures |
| multi-measure notes, expanding | Compressing empty measures |
| multi-measure rest | See also |
| multi-measure rest, and fingerings | See also |
| multi-measure rest, attaching fermata | Full measure rests |
| multi-measure rest, attaching text | Full measure rests |
| multi-measure rest, length | Selected Snippets |
| multi-measure rest, markup | Positioning multi-measure rests |
| multi-measure rest, numbering | Selected Snippets |
| multi-measure rest, positioning | Multi-measure rest length control |
| multi-measure rest, script | Full measure rests |
| multi-measure rest, style | Numbering single measure rests |
| multi-measure rest, with markup | Full measure rests |
| multi-measure rest, within text, by duration | A.12.4 Music |
| multi-measure rest, within text, by duration-scale | A.12.4 Music |
| multi-measure rests, contracting | Compressing empty measures |
| multi-measure rests, expanding | Compressing empty measures |
| multi-note acciaccatura | Known issues and warnings |
| multi-page markup | Text markup introduction |
| multi-voice accidental | Automatic accidentals |
| MultiMeasureRest | See also |
| MultiMeasureRest | See also |
| MultiMeasureRestNumber | See also |
| MultiMeasureRestNumber | See also |
| MultiMeasureRestScript | Full measure rests |
| MultiMeasureRestScript | See also |
| MultiMeasureRestScript | See also |
| MultiMeasureRestText | Full measure rests |
| MultiMeasureRestText | See also |
| multiple dynamic marks, on one note | Dynamics |
| Multiple notes at once | See also |
| multiple phrasing slurs | Phrasing slurs |
| multiple slurs | Slurs |
| multiple voices | Collision resolution |
| Music classes | See also |
| Music definitions | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| Music expressions explained | See also |
| music fragment | 3.5 Controlling output |
| Music functions | 3.4.3 Using music functions |
| Music functions | See also |
| music, beginners’ | Easy notation note heads |
| music, inside markup | Music notation inside markup |
| music, unmetered | Time administration |
| musica ficta | Annotational accidentals (musica ficta) |
| musical cue | Musical cues |
| musical item | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| musical theater | 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals |
| musicological analysis | Analysis brackets |
| musicQuotes | parser variable |
| mutable object | mutable |
| mutable property | mutable |
| mute bongo | A.17 Percussion notes |
| mute conga | A.17 Percussion notes |
| mute timbale | A.17 Percussion notes |
| muted note, percussion | Ghost notes |
N | | |
| N.C. symbol | Printing chord names |
| N.C. symbol, customizing | Simple lead sheet |
| name of singer | Adding singers’ names to stanzas |
| name, character | Character names |
| natural harmonics | Harmonics |
| natural pitch | Accidentals |
| natural sign | Accidentals |
| natural sign, extra, preventing | Hiding accidentals on tied notes at the start of a new system |
| natural sign, preventing in key signatures | Selected Snippets |
| neo-modern | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern-voice | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern-voice accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern-voice-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| neo-modern-voice-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| neomensural | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| nested repeat | Known issues and warnings |
| nested staff bracket | Nested staff groups |
| Nesting music expressions | Ossia staves |
| Nesting music expressions | See also |
| Nesting music expressions | 5.1.7 Context layout order |
| Nesting music expressions | See also |
| nesting of staves | Nested staff groups |
| new context | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| new dynamic mark | New dynamic marks |
| New markup command definition | A.12.1 Font |
| new spacing section | 4.5.2 New spacing section |
| new staff | Instantiating new staves |
| New_fingering_engraver | See also |
| New_fingering_engraver | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| niente, al, hairpin | Moving the ends of hairpins |
| no-chord symbol | Printing chord names |
| no-chord symbol, customizing | Simple lead sheet |
| no-reset | Automatic accidentals |
| no-reset accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| noChordSymbol | Simple lead sheet |
| non-ASCII character | 3.4.4 Special characters |
| non-default tuplet numbers | Changing the tuplet number |
| non-empty text | Text scripts |
| non-musical item | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| non-musical symbol | Graphic notation inside markup |
| non-text font, in markup | Music fonts |
| NonMusicalPaperColumn | See also |
| nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing | Within-system spacing properties |
| nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing | Within-system spacing properties |
| nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing | Within-system spacing properties |
| notation, explaining | Balloon help |
| notation, font size | Selecting notation font size |
| notation, graphic | Graphic notation inside markup |
| notation, inside markup | Music notation inside markup |
| note cluster | Clusters |
| note collision | Collision resolution |
| note continuation | 2.8.3 Graphical notation |
| note duration | Durations |
| note duration, default | Durations |
| note grouping bracket | Analysis brackets |
| note head | See also |
| note head | See also |
| note head style | Special note heads |
| note head style | A.9 Note head styles |
| note head, Aiken | Shape note heads |
| note head, Aiken, thin variant | Selected Snippets |
| note head, ancient | Mensural note heads |
| note head, ancient | Kievan notes |
| note head, Christian Harmony | Shape note heads |
| note head, cross | Special note heads |
| note head, diamond | Special note heads |
| note head, diamond-shaped | Harmonics |
| note head, easy notation | Easy notation note heads |
| note head, easy play | Easy notation note heads |
| note head, funk | Shape note heads |
| note head, guitar | Special note heads |
| note head, Harmonia Sacra | Shape note heads |
| note head, harmonic | Special note heads |
| note head, improvisation | Improvisation |
| note head, parlato | Special note heads |
| note head, practice | Easy notation note heads |
| note head, Sacred Harp | Shape note heads |
| note head, shape | Shape note heads |
| note head, shape, merging | Aiken head thin variant noteheads |
| note head, slashed | Improvisation |
| note head, Southern Harmony | Shape note heads |
| note head, special | Special note heads |
| note head, Walker | Shape note heads |
| note length | Durations |
| note name, Arabic | Arabic note names |
| note name, default | Accidentals |
| note name, Dutch | Accidentals |
| note name, Hel-arabic | Arabic note names |
| note name, other languages | Note names in other languages |
| note name, printing | Note names |
| note pitch, default | Durations |
| note value | See also |
| note, colored | Coloring objects |
| note, colored in chords | See also |
| note, cross-staff | Changing staff manually |
| note, cross-staff | Selected Snippets |
| note, dotted | Durations |
| note, dotted, moving horizontally | Additional voices to avoid collisions |
| note, double-dotted | Durations |
| note, ghost | Parentheses |
| note, hidden | Hidden notes |
| note, horizontal shift | Moving dotted notes in polyphony |
| note, invisible | Hidden notes |
| note, parenthesized | Parentheses |
| note, smaller | Formatting cue notes |
| note, spacing horizontally | 4.5.2 New spacing section |
| note, splitting | Automatic note splitting |
| note, transparent | Hidden notes |
| note, transposition of | Transpose |
| note, within text, by duration | A.12.4 Music |
| note, within text, by log and dot-count | A.12.4 Music |
| note-event | Quoting other voices |
| note-event | See also |
| note-event | See also |
| note-head-interface | See also |
| note-head-interface | See also |
| note-head-interface | See also |
| NoteCollision | See also |
| NoteColumn | See also |
| NoteHead | See also |
| NoteHead | See also |
| NoteHead | See also |
| NoteName | See also |
| noteNameFunction | Note names |
| NoteNames | Note names |
| noteNameSeparator | Note names |
| NoteSpacing | See also |
| NoteSpacing | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| NoteSpacing | See also |
| Note_heads_engraver | Automatic note splitting |
| Note_heads_engraver | See also |
| Note_heads_engraver | See also |
| Note_heads_engraver | See also |
| Note_head_line_engraver | See also |
| Note_name_engraver | Note names |
| Note_spacing_engraver | See also |
| NullVoice | Polyphony with shared lyrics |
| number, bar | Bar numbers |
| number, in easy notation | Selected Snippets |
| number, measure | Bar numbers |
O | | |
| object, colored | Coloring objects |
| object, coloring | Painting objects white |
| object, markup | Text objects overview |
| object, overwriting | Painting objects white |
| object, rotating | Rotating layout objects |
| object, visibility of | 5.4.7 Visibility of objects |
| Objects and interfaces | See also |
| Objects and interfaces | See also |
| Objects and interfaces | See also |
| octavation | See also |
| octave changing mark | Absolute octave entry |
| octave check | Octave checks |
| octave correction | Octave checks |
| octave entry, absolute | Absolute octave entry |
| octave entry, relative | Relative octave entry |
| octave specification, absolute | Absolute octave entry |
| octave specification, relative | Relative octave entry |
| octave transposition | Clef |
| octave transposition, optional | Clef |
| offsetting | 5.3.6 The \offset command |
| On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties | See also |
| On the un-nestedness of brackets and ties | See also |
| OneStaff | Grouping staves |
| open bongo | A.17 Percussion notes |
| open conga | A.17 Percussion notes |
| open high hat | Articulations and ornamentations |
| open high hat | A.17 Percussion notes |
| open string indication | Bowing indications |
| open timbale | A.17 Percussion notes |
| OpenType, font feature | Font features |
| OpenType, font feature | A.12.1 Font |
| opera | 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals |
| operation, inversion | Inversion |
| operation, modal | Modal transformations |
| operation, modal inversion | Modal inversion |
| operation, retrograde | Retrograde |
| operation, transposition | Modal transposition |
| Optical spacing | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| Optical spacing | See also |
| optional octave transposition | Clef |
| oratorio | 2.1.5 Choral |
| orchestra, notation for | References for opera and stage musicals |
| orchestral music | References for opera and stage musicals |
| orchestral strings | 2.3 Unfretted string instruments |
| ordering, vertical, of scripts | Modifying default values for articulation shorthand notation |
| organ pedal mark | Articulations and ornamentations |
| organ pedal mark | Fermata scripts |
| Organizing | Using variables |
| Organizing pieces with variables | See also |
| Organizing pieces with variables | See also |
| Organizing pieces with variables | See also |
| Organizing pieces with variables | See also |
| Organizing pieces with variables | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| Organizing pieces with variables | See also |
| orientation of fret diagram, changing | Selected Snippets |
| orientation, of fingerings | Selected Snippets |
| orientation, of string numbers | Selected Snippets |
| orientation, of stroke finger | Selected Snippets |
| ornament | Grace notes |
| ornament, down pralltriller | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, down pralltriller | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, Haydn turn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, Haydn turn | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, lower mordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, lower mordent | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, mordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, mordent | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, mordent, lower | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, mordent, lower | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, mordent, upper | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, mordent, upper | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, pralltriller | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, pralltriller | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, pralltriller, down | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, pralltriller, down | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, pralltriller, long | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, pralltriller, long | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, pralltriller, up | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, pralltriller, up | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, reverse turn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, reverse turn | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, signum congruentiae | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, slash turn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, slash turn | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, trill | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, trill | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, turn | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, turn | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, up pralltriller | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, up pralltriller | Articulation scripts |
| ornament, upper mordent | Articulations and ornamentations |
| ornament, upper mordent | Articulation scripts |
| ornamentation, turn, delayed | Controlling the vertical ordering of scripts |
| ossia | See also |
| ossia | Hiding staves |
| ossia, positioning | Selected Snippets |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files |
| Other sources of information | 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | Installation Instructions |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | Known issues and warnings |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other sources of information | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| Other sources of information | See also |
| Other uses for tweaks | References for keyboards |
| Other uses for tweaks | See also |
| ottava | Ottava brackets |
| ottava spanner, modify slope | Adding an ottava marking to a single voice |
| ottava text | Selected Snippets |
| ottava, for single voice | Changing ottava text |
| ottava-bracket-interface | See also |
| OttavaBracket | See also |
| ottavation | Selected Snippets |
| ottavation-numbers | Ottava brackets |
| ottavation-ordinals | Ottava brackets |
| ottavation-simple-ordinals | Ottava brackets |
| ottavationMarkups | Ottava brackets |
| Ottava_spanner_engraver | See also |
| Ottoman music | References for Turkish classical music |
| Ottoman, classical music | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| outer-margin | \paper variables for two-sided mode |
| output definition | Output definitions – blueprints for contexts |
| output-count | parser variable |
| output-def | output-def |
| output-suffix | parser variable |
| outside-staff-horizontal-padding | 4.4.3 Vertical collision avoidance |
| outside-staff-padding | 4.4.3 Vertical collision avoidance |
| outside-staff-priority | 4.4.3 Vertical collision avoidance |
| overlaying contexts | Grouping staves |
| override, reverting | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| OverrideProperty | See also |
| overriding for only one moment | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| overriding property within text markup | A.12.8 Other |
| overtie-ing text | A.12.1 Font |
| overwriting grob | Ties |
| overwriting object | Painting objects white |
P | | |
| padding | 5.2.3 Determining the grob property |
| padding around text | Graphic notation inside markup |
| padding in markup, horizontal | Text alignment |
| padding in markup, vertical | Text alignment |
| padding text | A.12.2 Align |
| padding text horizontally | A.12.2 Align |
| page break | 4.5.5 Line width |
| page break, cadenzas | Unmetered music |
| page break, managing with extra voice | Selected Snippets |
| page break, unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| page breaking, manual | Manual page breaking |
| page breaks, within markup | Text markup introduction |
| page footer | Default layout of headers and footers |
| page header | Default layout of headers and footers |
| page layout | 4.5.5 Line width |
| page number, auto-numbering | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page number, in roman numerals | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page number, specify first | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page number, suppress | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page numbers, independent for introduction | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page numbers, per bookpart | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page numbers, referencing | 3.3.5 Reference to page numbers |
| page size | 4.1.2 Paper size and automatic scaling |
| page, orientation | Setting the paper size |
| page-breaking | \paper variables for page breaking |
| page-breaking-system-system-spacing | \paper variables for page breaking |
| page-count | \paper variables for page breaking |
| page-number-type | \paper variables for page numbering |
| page-spacing-weight | \paper variables for page breaking |
| pan position in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| Pango | 1.8.3 Fonts |
| paper column | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| paper size | 4.1.2 Paper size and automatic scaling |
| paper size, landscape | Setting the paper size |
| paper size, orientation | Setting the paper size |
| paper-height | 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables |
| paper-width | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| parallel music | Writing music in parallel |
| Parentheses | See also |
| parentheses-interface | See also |
| parenthesis | Parentheses |
| Parenthesis_engraver | See also |
| parenthesized accidental | Accidentals |
| parlato | Spoken music |
| parlato note head | Special note heads |
| Parmesan font | A.8 The Emmentaler font |
| parser | parser |
| parser variable | parser variable |
| part | See also |
| part combiner | Automatic part combining |
| part combiner, changing text | Combining two parts on the same staff |
| part song | 2.1.5 Choral |
| partCombineListener | parser variable |
| PartCombineMusic | See also |
| partial measure | Upbeats |
| partial measure, in hymns | Partial measures in hymn tunes |
| parts, desk | 1.6.3 Writing parts |
| parts, individual | 1.6.3 Writing parts |
| parts, section | 1.6.3 Writing parts |
| path, drawing | A.12.3 Graphic |
| pause mark | Caesuras |
| pause mark | Breath marks |
| PDF metadata | 3.3.3 Creating output file metadata |
| pedal diagram, harp | Harp pedals |
| pedal high hat | Articulations and ornamentations |
| pedal high hat | Custom percussion staves |
| pedal high hat | A.17 Percussion notes |
| pedal indication style | Piano pedals |
| pedal indication, bracket | Piano pedals |
| pedal indication, mixed | Piano pedals |
| pedal indication, text | Piano pedals |
| pedal mark, heel | Articulations and ornamentations |
| pedal mark, heel | Fermata scripts |
| pedal mark, organ | Articulations and ornamentations |
| pedal mark, organ | Fermata scripts |
| pedal mark, toe | Articulations and ornamentations |
| pedal mark, toe | Fermata scripts |
| pedal sustain style | Piano pedals |
| pedal, harp | Harp pedals |
| pedal, piano | Piano pedals |
| pedal, sostenuto | Piano pedals |
| pedal, sustain | Piano pedals |
| pedalSustainStyle | Piano pedals |
| percent | Percent repeats |
| percent repeat | See also |
| percent repeat counter | Selected Snippets |
| percent repeat, count visibility | Percent repeat counter |
| percent repeat, isolated | Percent repeat count visibility |
| PercentRepeat | See also |
| PercentRepeatCounter | See also |
| PercentRepeatedMusic | See also |
| Percent_repeat_engraver | See also |
| percussion | Basic percussion notation |
| percussion | Percussion staves |
| percussion clef | Basic percussion notation |
| percussion clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| percussion staff | Instantiating new staves |
| percussion, custom | Custom percussion staves |
| percussion, dead note | Ghost notes |
| percussion, false note | Ghost notes |
| percussion, ghost note | Ghost notes |
| percussion, muted note | Ghost notes |
| percussion, silenced note | Ghost notes |
| Performer_group | New contexts in MIDI |
| Persian accidentals (sori, koron) | Persian music notation |
| Persian classical music | 2.10.4 Persian classical music |
| Persian makam | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| Persian makam | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| Petrucci | 2.9 Ancient notation |
| Petrucci | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| Petrucci clef | Mensural clefs |
| Petrucci clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| phrase bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| phrase bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| phrase bar line, in Gregorian chant | Divisiones |
| phrase bar line, in hymns | Phrase bar lines in hymn tunes |
| phrase bar line, in Kievan chant | Kievan bar lines |
| phrasing bracket | Analysis brackets |
| phrasing mark | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur | Slurs |
| phrasing slur | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur, dashed | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur, defining dash patterns | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur, dotted | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur, half solid and half dashed | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur, multiple | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing slur, simultaneous | Phrasing slurs |
| phrasing, in lyrics | Multiple notes to one syllable |
| PhrasingSlur | See also |
| phrygian | Key signature |
| piano | Automatic accidentals |
| piano accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| piano music, centering dynamics | References for keyboards |
| piano pedal | Piano pedals |
| piano staff | Grouping staves |
| piano staff | References for keyboards |
| piano-cautionary | Automatic accidentals |
| piano-cautionary accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| PianoPedalBracket | See also |
| PianoStaff | References for keyboards |
| PianoStaff | Changing staff automatically |
| PianoStaff | See also |
| PianoStaff | See also |
| PianoStaff | See also |
| PianoStaff | See also |
| Piano_pedal_engraver | See also |
| pickup measure | Upbeats |
| pickup, in a repeat | Simple repeats |
| pitch | Absolute octave entry |
| pitch name | Absolute octave entry |
| pitch name, other languages | Note names in other languages |
| Pitch names | See also |
| Pitch names | See also |
| Pitch names | See also |
| Pitch names | See also |
| Pitch names | See also |
| pitch range | Ambitus |
| pitch, default | Durations |
| pitch, isolated | Durations |
| pitch, transposition of | Transpose |
| pitched trill | Trills |
| pitched trill, with accidental | Trills |
| Pitched_trill_engraver | See also |
| Pitches and key signatures | Accidentals |
| Pitches and key signatures | See also |
| Pitches and key signatures | Key signature |
| Pitches and key signatures | See also |
| Pitches and key signatures | See also |
| pitches, ‘smart’ transposition | Selected Snippets |
| pitchnames | parser variable |
| Pitch_squash_engraver | Showing melody rhythms |
| Pitch_squash_engraver | See also |
| pizzicato, Bartók | Snap (Bartók) pizzicato |
| pizzicato, snap | Snap (Bartók) pizzicato |
| placeholder event | Chorded notes |
| Placement of objects | Articulations and ornamentations |
| Placement of objects | See also |
| Placement of objects | Text scripts |
| Placement of objects | See also |
| placement, lyrics | Placing lyrics vertically |
| placement, right-hand fingering | Selected Snippets |
| placing horizontal brackets, around text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| placing parentheses, around text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| placing vertical brackets, around text | A.12.3 Graphic |
| point (pt) | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| point, big (bp) | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| polymetric | See also |
| polymetric | See also |
| polymetric meter, with beams | Different time signatures with equal-length measures |
| polymetric signatures | Polymetric notation |
| polymetric time signature | See also |
| polyphonic music | Collision resolution |
| polyphony | See also |
| polyphony, additional voices | Selected Snippets |
| polyphony, in tablatures | Stem and beam behavior in tablature |
| polyphony, shared lyrics | Polyphony with shared lyrics |
| polyphony, single-staff | Single-staff polyphony |
| portato | See also |
| position, figured bass alteration | Selected Snippets |
| position, lyrics | Selected Snippets |
| position, multi-measure rest | Multi-measure rest length control |
| position, ossia | Selected Snippets |
| position, vertical, of grobs | Articulation direction indicators |
| post-events | A.15 List of articulations |
| postscript | Graphic notation inside markup |
| power chord | See also |
| practice note head | Easy notation note heads |
| predefined string tuning, for fretted instruments | Custom tablatures |
| predefinedDiagramTable | ChordChanges for FretBoards |
| prefatory material | Overview of object-specific horizontal spacing tweaks |
| prima volta | Alternative endings |
| print-all-headers | \paper variables concerning headers and markups |
| print-first-page-number | \paper variables for page numbering |
| print-page-number | \paper variables for page numbering |
| printAccidentalNames | Note names |
| printing chord name | Printing chord names |
| printing order | Painting objects white |
| printing reserved character | Text markup introduction |
| printing special character | Text markup introduction |
| printNotesLanguage | Note names |
| printOctaveNames | Note names |
| prob | prob |
| Properties found in interfaces | See also |
| Properties of layout objects | See also |
| property | 5.3.2 The \set command |
| property object | prob |
| property, grob | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| PropertySet | See also |
| psalm | 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns |
| psalm | Selected Snippets |
| Psalms | Pointing a psalm |
| Psalms | See also |
| pull off | Chord glissando in tablature |
| punctuation, in lyrics | Entering lyrics |
| putting space around text | A.12.2 Align |
Q | | |
| q , chord repetition | Chord repetition |
| q , chord repetition | Default tablatures |
| quarter tone | See also |
| quarter tone accidental | See also |
| quarter tone, tab | Custom tablatures |
| quote, in lyrics | Entering lyrics |
| quote, in lyrics | Multiple syllables to one note |
| quote, voices | Quoting other voices |
| quoted text | Text scripts |
| quoted text, in markup mode | Text markup introduction |
| quotedCueEventTypes | Quoting other voices |
| quotedEventTypes | Quoting other voices |
| QuoteMusic | See also |
R | | |
| r | Rests |
| R | Full measure rests |
| ragged-bottom | 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables |
| ragged-last | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| ragged-last | 4.5.5 Line width |
| ragged-last-bottom | 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables |
| ragged-right | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| ragged-right | 4.5.5 Line width |
| raising text | A.12.2 Align |
| range of pitches | Ambitus |
| rast | See also |
| Ratisbona, Editio | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| Real music example | Collision resolution |
| Real music example | See also |
| Real music example | References for keyboards |
| Real music example | See also |
| referencing context | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| referencing page label, in text | A.12.8 Other |
| referencing page number, in text | A.12.8 Other |
| referencing page number, in text | A.12.8 Other |
| register symbol, accordion | Discant symbols |
| regular line break | 4.3.1 Line breaking |
| rehearsal mark | Rehearsal marks |
| rehearsal mark, below staff | Selected Snippets |
| rehearsal mark, format | Rehearsal marks |
| rehearsal mark, manual | Rehearsal marks |
| rehearsal mark, style | Rehearsal marks |
| RehearsalMark | See also |
| RehearsalMarkEvent | See also |
| relative | Relative octave entry |
| relative music, and \autoChange | Changing staff automatically |
| relative octave entry | Relative octave entry |
| relative octave entry, and chords | Relative octave entry |
| relative octave entry, and transposition | See also |
| relative octave specification | Relative octave entry |
| relative pitch, chords | Chorded notes |
| RelativeOctaveCheck | See also |
| RelativeOctaveMusic | See also |
| religious music | 2.1.7 Chants psalms and hymns |
| reminder accidental | Accidentals |
| removal, in chord | Extended and altered chords |
| remove tagged music | Using tags |
| remove-empty | Hiding staves |
| remove-first | Hiding staves |
| remove-grace-property | Using grace note slashes with normal heads |
| remove-layer | Hiding staves |
| removing bar numbers | Aligning bar numbers |
| removing cue notes | Formatting cue notes |
| renaissance music | Display bracket with only one staff in a system |
| repeat | See also |
| repeat bar | Bar lines |
| repeat bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| repeat bar line, underlying | Automatic bar lines |
| repeat number, changing | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat volta, changing | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, al fine | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, alla coda | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, alternative bar numbers | Adding volta brackets to additional staves |
| repeat, ambiguous | Known issues and warnings |
| repeat, and glissandi | Making glissandi breakable |
| repeat, and glissandi | Known issues and warnings |
| repeat, and lyrics | Lyrics and repeats |
| repeat, and measure number | Known issues and warnings |
| repeat, and slur | Known issues and warnings |
| repeat, bar numbers with letters | Adding volta brackets to additional staves |
| repeat, beat | Percent repeats |
| repeat, D.C. | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, D.C., manual | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, D.S. | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, D.S., forced at start | Segno repeat appearance |
| repeat, D.S., manual | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, da capo | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, da capo, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, dal segno | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, dal segno, forced at start | Segno repeat appearance |
| repeat, dal segno, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, double, style for volta | Selected Snippets |
| repeat, e poi la coda | Segno repeat structure |
| repeat, end | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, measure | Percent repeats |
| repeat, nested | Known issues and warnings |
| repeat, percent | Percent repeats |
| repeat, percent counter | Selected Snippets |
| repeat, percent, count visibility | Percent repeat counter |
| repeat, percent, isolated | Percent repeat count visibility |
| repeat, short | Percent repeats |
| repeat, simple | See also |
| repeat, slash | Percent repeats |
| repeat, start | Manual repeat marks |
| repeat, timing information | Known issues and warnings |
| repeat, tremolo | Tremolo repeats |
| repeat, unfold | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
| repeat, with alternative endings | Alternative endings |
| repeat, with anacrusis | Simple repeats |
| repeat, with bar checks | Simple repeats |
| repeat, with pickup | Simple repeats |
| repeat, with segno | Segno repeat appearance |
| repeat, with ties | Ties |
| repeat, with upbeat | Simple repeats |
| repeat, written-out | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
| repeatCommands | Manual repeat marks |
| repeatCountVisibility | Percent repeat counter |
| repeated chords, suppressing | Defining predefined fretboards for other instruments |
| repeated chords, suppressing | Selected Snippets |
| RepeatedMusic | See also |
| RepeatedMusic | See also |
| repeating lyrics, with alternative endings | Repeats with alternative endings |
| repeating tie | Ties |
| repeats in MIDI | 3.6.6 Using repeats with MIDI |
| RepeatSlash | See also |
| RepeatSlashEvent | See also |
| Repeat_acknowledge_engraver | See also |
| repetition, using q | Chord repetition |
| repetition, using q | Default tablatures |
| reserved character, printing | Text markup introduction |
| reset-footnotes-on-new-page | \paper variables concerning headers and markups |
| resizing of staves | Ossia staves |
| Rest | See also |
| rest | Rests |
| rest, ancient | Mensural rests |
| rest, church | Numbering single measure rests |
| rest, collisions of | Known issues and warnings |
| rest, condensing ordinary | Known issues and warnings |
| rest, entering durations | Rests |
| rest, full-measure | Full measure rests |
| rest, invisible | Invisible rests |
| rest, multi-measure | Rests |
| rest, multi-measure | Full measure rests |
| rest, specifying vertical position | Rests |
| rest, splitting | Automatic note splitting |
| rest, style | Selected Snippets |
| rest, whole, for a full measure | Full measure rests |
| rest, whole-measure | Rests |
| rest, within text, by duration | A.12.4 Music |
| rest, within text, by log and dot-count | A.12.4 Music |
| rest-event | Quoting other voices |
| RestCollision | See also |
| restNumberThreshold | Selected Snippets |
| restoring default properties for time signatures | Time signature |
| restrainOpenStrings | Default tablatures |
| Rest_engraver | See also |
| retrograde transformation | Retrograde |
| reverb in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| reverting override | 5.3.3 The \override command |
| RevertProperty | See also |
| rgb color | Coloring objects |
| rgb-color | Coloring objects |
| rhythm, in text | A.12.4 Music |
| rhythm, showing melody | Showing melody rhythms |
| rhythmic staff | Instantiating new staves |
| RhythmicStaff | Instantiating new staves |
| RhythmicStaff | See also |
| RhythmicStaff | See also |
| ride bell | A.17 Percussion notes |
| ride cymbal | A.17 Percussion notes |
| right-aligning text | A.12.2 Align |
| right-hand fingering, for fretted instruments | Right-hand fingerings |
| right-hand fingering, placement | Selected Snippets |
| right-margin | \paper variables for widths and margins |
| root of chord | Common chords |
| rotating object | Rotating layout objects |
| rotating text | A.12.2 Align |
S | | |
| s | Invisible rests |
| Sacred Harp note head | Shape note heads |
| SATB | 2.1.5 Choral |
| scalable vector graphics output | 3.5.3 Alternative output formats |
| scaling duration | Scaling durations |
| scaling markup | A.12.3 Graphic |
| scaling text | A.12.2 Align |
| Scheme functions | Custom tablatures |
| Scheme functions | See also |
| Scheme object | smob |
| Scheme tutorial | 5. Changing defaults |
| Scheme variable | parser variable |
| scordatura | See also |
| Score | See also |
| Score context, replacing | Replacing the Score context |
| Score is a (single) compound musical expression | See also |
| score, inside markup | Music notation inside markup |
| score, vocal, adding cues | Selected Snippets |
| score-markup-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| score-system-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| Scores and parts | 3.4.1 Including LilyPond files |
| Scores and parts | See also |
| scoreTitleMarkup | Custom layout for titles |
| Score_engraver | Replacing the Score context |
| Score_performer | Replacing the Score context |
| Scottish highland bagpipe | Bagpipe definitions |
| Script | See also |
| Script | See also |
| script, on multi-measure rest | Full measure rests |
| script, vertical ordering | Modifying default values for articulation shorthand notation |
| ScriptEvent | See also |
| scripts | A.15 List of articulations |
| Script_engraver | See also |
| seconda volta | Alternative endings |
| section bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| section bar line | Section divisions |
| section bar line, in Gregorian chant | Divisiones |
| section bar line, in Kievan chant | Kievan bar lines |
| section label | Section labels |
| section parts | 1.6.3 Writing parts |
| SectionEvent | See also |
| SectionLabel | See also |
| SectionLabel | See also |
| SectionLabelEvent | See also |
| segno | Segno repeat structure |
| segno bar line | Bar lines |
| segno bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| segno bar line | Segno repeat appearance |
| segno, forced at start | Segno repeat appearance |
| segno, forced at start | Manual repeat marks |
| SegnoMark | See also |
| SegnoMark | See also |
| SegnoRepeatedMusic | See also |
| selecting font size (notation) | Selecting notation font size |
| self-alignment-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| self-alignment-interface | 5.4.9 Aligning objects |
| self-alignment-X | Within-system spacing properties |
| semai | See also |
| semai form | Arabic time signatures |
| semi-flat | Accidentals |
| semi-flat | Note names in other languages |
| semi-flat symbol, appearance | Arabic note names |
| semi-flat symbol, Persian (koron) | Persian music notation |
| semi-sharp | Accidentals |
| semi-sharp | Note names in other languages |
| semi-sharp symbol, Persian (sori) | Persian music notation |
| semi-transparent colors | Coloring objects |
| separate text | Separate text |
| separation-item-interface | See also |
| sesqui-flat | Note names in other languages |
| sesqui-sharp | Note names in other languages |
| set-global-fonts | Entire document fonts |
| set-global-staff-size | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| setting extent of text object | A.12.8 Other |
| setting extent of text object | A.12.8 Other |
| setting extent of text object | A.12.8 Other |
| setting extent of text object | A.12.8 Other |
| setting extent of text object | A.12.8 Other |
| setting horizontal text alignment | A.12.2 Align |
| Setting simple songs | References for vocal music |
| Setting simple songs | See also |
| setting subscript, in standard font size | A.12.1 Font |
| setting superscript, in standard font size | A.12.1 Font |
| seventh chord | Common chords |
| shape note | Shape note heads |
| shape note, merging | Aiken head thin variant noteheads |
| shaping slurs and ties | Specifying displacements from current control points |
| shared property | immutable |
| sharp | See also |
| sharp, double | Accidentals |
| shift note | Collision resolution |
| shift rest, automatic | Collision resolution |
| shift symbol, accordion | Discant symbols |
| shifting voice | Collision resolution |
| short bar line | Bar lines |
| short bar line, in Gregorian chant | Divisiones |
| short fermata | Articulations and ornamentations |
| short fermata | Ornament scripts |
| short-indent | Instrument names |
| short-indent | \paper variables for shifts and indents |
| shortened volta brackets | Selected Snippets |
| show-available-fonts | Single entry fonts |
| showFirstLength | 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music |
| showFirstLength | parser variable |
| showLastLength | 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music |
| showLastLength | parser variable |
| side-position-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| side-position-interface | 5.4.9 Aligning objects |
| sidestick | A.17 Percussion notes |
| sidestick | A.17 Percussion notes |
| sign, coda | Articulations and ornamentations |
| sign, coda | Instrument-specific scripts |
| sign, coda, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| sign, coda, variant | Articulations and ornamentations |
| sign, coda, variant | Segno repeat appearance |
| sign, coda, variant | Instrument-specific scripts |
| sign, coda, with repeats | Segno repeat structure |
| sign, conducting | Strict beat beaming |
| sign, segno | Articulations and ornamentations |
| sign, segno | Instrument-specific scripts |
| sign, segno, bar line | Bar lines |
| sign, segno, bar line | Segno repeat appearance |
| sign, segno, manual | Manual repeat marks |
| sign, segno, with repeats | Segno repeat structure |
| sign, segno, with repeats | Segno repeat appearance |
| sign, snappizzicato | Articulations and ornamentations |
| sign, snappizzicato | Fermata scripts |
| sign, variant coda | Articulations and ornamentations |
| sign, variant coda | Segno repeat appearance |
| sign, variant coda | Instrument-specific scripts |
| signature, polymetric | Polymetric notation |
| sikah | See also |
| silenced note, percussion | Ghost notes |
| simile | See also |
| simple repeat | See also |
| simple text string, with tie characters | A.12.4 Music |
| simultaneous notes and accidentals | See also |
| simultaneous phrasing slurs | Phrasing slurs |
| simultaneous slurs | Slurs |
| singer name | Adding singers’ names to stanzas |
| single bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| single staff with bracket or brace | Use square bracket at the start of a staff group |
| single-line comment | 3.2.1 Structure of a score |
| single-line comment | 3.2.5 File structure |
| single-staff polyphony | Single-staff polyphony |
| Size of objects | See also |
| skip | Invisible rests |
| skip typesetting | 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music |
| skipBars | Compressing empty measures |
| SkipMusic | See also |
| skipping notes in lyrics | Repeats with alternative endings |
| skipTypesetting | 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music |
| slash repeat | Percent repeats |
| slashChordSeparator | Customizing chord names |
| slashed digit | A.12.8 Other |
| slashed note head | Improvisation |
| slashed stem | Selected Snippets |
| Slash_repeat_engraver | See also |
| slide, in tablature notation | Fretted-string harmonics in tablature |
| slope, ottava spanner, modification | Adding an ottava marking to a single voice |
| slur | See also |
| Slur | See also |
| Slur | See also |
| slur style | Slurs |
| slur, above notes | Slurs |
| slur, and repeats | Known issues and warnings |
| slur, below notes | Slurs |
| slur, dashed | Slurs |
| slur, dashed phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, defining dash patterns | Slurs |
| slur, defining dash patterns | Positioning text markups inside slurs |
| slur, defining dash patterns for phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, dotted | Slurs |
| slur, dotted phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, for tuplets | Tuplets |
| slur, half dashed and half solid | Slurs |
| slur, half solid and half dashed phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, manual placement | Slurs |
| slur, modifying | Modifying ties and slurs |
| slur, multiple | Slurs |
| slur, multiple phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, phrasing | Slurs |
| slur, phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, phrasing, defining dash patterns | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, simultaneous | Slurs |
| slur, simultaneous phrasing | Phrasing slurs |
| slur, solid | Slurs |
| slur, text markup inside | Using double slurs for legato chords |
| slur-event | Quoting other voices |
| slurs, double, for legato chords | Selected Snippets |
| smaller note | Formatting cue notes |
| smob | smob |
| snap pizzicato | Snap (Bartók) pizzicato |
| snare | A.17 Percussion notes |
| Solesmes | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| solid slur | Slurs |
| solo part | Automatic part combining |
| Songs | See also |
| Songs | See also |
| soprano clef | Clef |
| soprano clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| sori | Persian music notation |
| sos. | Piano pedals |
| sostenuto pedal | Piano pedals |
| SostenutoEvent | See also |
| SostenutoPedal | See also |
| SostenutoPedalLineSpanner | See also |
| sound | 3.6 Creating MIDI output |
| Southern Harmony note head | Shape note heads |
| space, between staves | 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems |
| space, in lyrics | Entering lyrics |
| space, in lyrics | Multiple syllables to one note |
| space, inside systems | 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems |
| space-alist | Spacing between adjacent non-musical items |
| spacer note | Invisible rests |
| spacer rest | Invisible rests |
| spacing | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| spacing lyrics | Placing syllables horizontally |
| spacing section, new | 4.5.2 New spacing section |
| spacing, display of layout | 4.6.1 Displaying spacing |
| spacing, horizontal | 4.5 Horizontal spacing |
| spacing, vertical | 4.4 Vertical spacing |
| SpacingSpanner | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| SpacingSpanner | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| SpacingSpanner | See also |
| SpacingSpanner | See also |
| span bar | Bar lines |
| SpanBar | See also |
| spanner | 5.4.4 Spanners |
| spanner | spanner |
| spanner, modifying | Modifying broken spanners |
| spanner-interface | See also |
| Span_stem_engraver | Selected Snippets |
| special arpeggio symbol | Arpeggio |
| special character | 3.4.4 Special characters |
| special character, in markup mode | Text markup introduction |
| special note head | Special note heads |
| splash cymbal | A.17 Percussion notes |
| splice into tagged music | Using tags |
| splitting notes | Automatic note splitting |
| splitting rests | Automatic note splitting |
| Sprechgesang | Spoken music |
| square bracket, at start of staff group | Selected Snippets |
| square neumes ligature | Gregorian square neume ligatures |
| staccatissimo | Articulations and ornamentations |
| staccato | See also |
| stacking text in a column | A.12.2 Align |
| staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| staff | See also |
| staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | See also |
| Staff | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| staff change, automatic | Changing staff automatically |
| staff change, manual | Changing staff manually |
| staff distance | 4.4.1 Flexible vertical spacing within systems |
| staff group | Grouping staves |
| staff group, with square bracket at start | Selected Snippets |
| staff initiation | Instantiating new staves |
| staff instantiation | Instantiating new staves |
| staff line, modifying | Staff symbol |
| staff line, stopping and starting | Staff symbol |
| staff size, setting | 4.2.2 Setting the staff size |
| staff switching | Staff-change lines |
| staff symbol | Staff symbol |
| staff, choir | Grouping staves |
| staff, drum | Instantiating new staves |
| staff, empty | Hiding staves |
| staff, Frenched | Ossia staves |
| staff, grand | Grouping staves |
| staff, hiding | Hiding staves |
| staff, highlight | Staff highlights |
| staff, keyboard instruments | References for keyboards |
| staff, keyed instruments | References for keyboards |
| staff, metronome mark below | Selected Snippets |
| staff, multiple | Grouping staves |
| staff, nested | Nested staff groups |
| staff, new | Instantiating new staves |
| staff, percussion | Instantiating new staves |
| staff, piano | Grouping staves |
| staff, piano | References for keyboards |
| staff, resizing of | Ossia staves |
| staff, single | Instantiating new staves |
| staff, single, with bracket or brace | Use square bracket at the start of a staff group |
| staff-affinity | Within-system spacing properties |
| staff-change line | Staff-change lines |
| staff-highlight-event | See also |
| staff-highlight-interface | See also |
| staff-padding | Controlling the placement of chord fingerings |
| staff-staff-spacing | Within-system spacing properties |
| staff-symbol-interface | See also |
| Staff.midiInstrument | 3.6.9 Enhancing MIDI output |
| StaffGroup | Known issues and warnings |
| StaffGroup | See also |
| StaffGroup | See also |
| staffgroup-staff-spacing | Within-system spacing properties |
| StaffGrouper | See also |
| StaffGrouper | Within-system spacing properties |
| StaffGrouper | See also |
| StaffGrouper | See also |
| StaffGrouper | 5.3.7 Modifying alists |
| StaffHighlight | See also |
| StaffHighlightEvent | See also |
| StaffSpacing | See also |
| StaffSymbol | See also |
| StaffSymbol | See also |
| StaffSymbol | See also |
| Staff_collecting_engraver | Selected Snippets |
| Staff_collecting_engraver | Selected Snippets |
| Staff_highlight_engraver | See also |
| Staff_symbol_engraver | Hiding staves |
| stand-alone text | Separate text |
| standard font size (notation) | Understanding the fontSize property |
| stanza number | Adding stanza numbers |
| StanzaNumber | See also |
| start of system | Grouping staves |
| start repeat | Manual repeat marks |
| start-repeat | Manual repeat marks |
| startAcciaccaturaMusic | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| startAppoggiaturaMusic | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| startGraceMusic | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| staves | See also |
| staves, divisi | Hiding staves |
| stem | Stems |
| Stem | See also |
| Stem | See also |
| Stem | Properties which may be offset |
| stem, automatic direction on center line | Default direction of stems on the center line of the staff |
| stem, cross-staff | Selected Snippets |
| stem, default direction on center line | Selected Snippets |
| stem, direction | Stems |
| stem, down | Stems |
| stem, in tablature | Selected Snippets |
| stem, invisible | Stems |
| stem, neutral | Stems |
| stem, up | Stems |
| stem, with slash | Selected Snippets |
| stem-interface | See also |
| stem-spacing-correction | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| stemLeftBeamCount | Manual beams |
| stemLeftBeamCount | Selected Snippets |
| stemRightBeamCount | Manual beams |
| stemRightBeamCount | Selected Snippets |
| Stem_engraver | See also |
| Stem_engraver | See also |
| stencil | stencil |
| stencil, removing | Removing the stencil |
| stereo balance in MIDI | 3.6.8 Context properties for MIDI effects |
| stopAcciaccaturaMusic | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| stopAppoggiaturaMusic | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| stopGraceMusic | Tweaking grace layout within music |
| strict spacing and grace notes | Redefining grace note global defaults |
| strict-beat beaming | Subdividing beams |
| strictBeatBeaming | Subdividing beams |
| string bending, in tablature notation | Default tablatures |
| string number | Bowing indications |
| string number | String number indications |
| string numbers, orientation | Selected Snippets |
| String quartet templates | References for unfretted strings |
| String quartet templates | See also |
| string vs. fingering number | String number indications |
| string, indicating open | Bowing indications |
| StringNumber | See also |
| stringNumberOrientations | Selected Snippets |
| strings, orchestral | 2.3 Unfretted string instruments |
| strings, writing for | 2.3 Unfretted string instruments |
| stringTunings | Custom tablatures |
| stringTunings | Predefined fret diagrams |
| stroke finger, orientation | Selected Snippets |
| StrokeFinger | See also |
| strokeFingerOrientations | Selected Snippets |
| strokeFingerOrientations | Selected Snippets |
| Structure of a note entry | A.15 List of articulations |
| strumming rhythm, showing | Showing melody rhythms |
| strumming rhythm, showing | Selected Snippets |
| Style sheets | Using global settings |
| Style sheets | See also |
| style, bar number | Printing bar numbers using modulo-bar-number-visible |
| style, double repeat for volta | Selected Snippets |
| style, measure number | Printing bar numbers using modulo-bar-number-visible |
| style, multi-measure rests | Numbering single measure rests |
| style, note heads | Special note heads |
| style, rehearsal mark | Rehearsal marks |
| style, rests | Selected Snippets |
| style, slur | Slurs |
| style, text dynamics | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| style, voice | Voice styles |
| subbass clef | Clef |
| subbass clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| subdivideBeams | Selected Snippets |
| subdividing beams | Selected Snippets |
| subscript | Selecting font and font size |
| subscript text | A.12.1 Font |
| suggestAccidentals | Controlling the vertical ordering of scripts |
| suggestAccidentals | Annotational accidentals (musica ficta) |
| superscript | Selecting font and font size |
| superscript text | A.12.1 Font |
| suppressing repeated chords | Defining predefined fretboards for other instruments |
| suppressing repeated chords | Selected Snippets |
| sus | Extended and altered chords |
| sustain pedal | Piano pedals |
| sustain pedal style | Piano pedals |
| SustainEvent | See also |
| SustainPedal | See also |
| SustainPedalLineSpanner | See also |
| SVG output | 3.5.3 Alternative output formats |
| swing | A.12.4 Music |
| swing script | The ‘swing’ script |
| swing.ly | The ‘swing’ script |
| switching font | Selecting font and font size |
| syllable duration, automatic | Automatic syllable durations |
| symbol, breath mark, changing | Breath marks |
| symbol, major seven | Predefined commands |
| symbol, non-musical | Graphic notation inside markup |
| syntax, markup | Text markup introduction |
| system | Grouping staves |
| system separator mark | Separating systems |
| system start delimiter | Grouping staves |
| system start delimiter, nested | Nested staff groups |
| system-count | \paper variables for line breaking |
| system-separator-markup | \paper variables concerning headers and markups |
| system-system-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| systems-per-page | \paper variables for line breaking |
| SystemStartBar | See also |
| SystemStartBar | See also |
| SystemStartBrace | See also |
| SystemStartBrace | See also |
| SystemStartBracket | See also |
| SystemStartBracket | See also |
| SystemStartSquare | See also |
| SystemStartSquare | See also |
T | | |
| tab clef | Custom tablatures |
| tab clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| tab microtones | Custom tablatures |
| tab quarter tones | Custom tablatures |
| tablature | Instantiating new staves |
| tablature | 2.4 Fretted string instruments |
| tablature, and beams | Selected Snippets |
| tablature, and harmonic indications | Default tablatures |
| tablature, and harmonics | Polyphony in tablature |
| tablature, and polyphony | Stem and beam behavior in tablature |
| tablature, and slides | Fretted-string harmonics in tablature |
| tablature, and stems | Selected Snippets |
| tablature, and string bending | Default tablatures |
| tablature, banjo | 2.4 Fretted string instruments |
| tablature, banjo | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, banjo | Banjo tablatures |
| tablature, basic | Default tablatures |
| tablature, bass | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, bass guitar | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, cello | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, chord glissando | Slides in tablature |
| tablature, custom | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, custom string tunings | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, default | Default tablatures |
| tablature, double bass | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, guitar | 2.4 Fretted string instruments |
| tablature, guitar | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, hammer on | Chord glissando in tablature |
| tablature, lute | Lute tablatures |
| tablature, mandolin | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, predefined string tunings | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, pull off | Chord glissando in tablature |
| tablature, ukulele | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, viola | Custom tablatures |
| tablature, violin | Custom tablatures |
| table of contents | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| table of contents, customized functions | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| TabNoteHead | See also |
| TabStaff | Instantiating new staves |
| TabStaff | Default tablatures |
| TabVoice | Default tablatures |
| Tab_note_heads_engraver | See also |
| tag | Using tags |
| tag groups | Using tags |
| tam tam | A.17 Percussion notes |
| tambourine | A.17 Percussion notes |
| taqasim | See also |
| teaching | Automatic accidentals |
| teaching accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| template, Arabic music | Arabic music example |
| tempo | Metronome marks |
| tempo indication | See also |
| tempo, change, without metronome mark | Printing metronome and rehearsal marks below the staff |
| tempo, with rhythm | A.12.4 Music |
| tenor clef | Clef |
| tenor clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| tenor clef, choral | Clef |
| tenor G clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| tenor varC clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| tenuto | See also |
| text | Piano pedals |
| text alignment command | Text alignment |
| text column, left-aligned | A.12.2 Align |
| text column, right-aligned | A.12.2 Align |
| text dynamics, style | Hiding the extender line for text dynamics |
| text item, non-empty | Text scripts |
| text mark | Text marks |
| text mark, alignment | Text marks |
| text mark, below staff | Text marks |
| text mark, on every staff | Selected Snippets |
| text mark, vertical stacking | Text marks |
| text markup | Text markup introduction |
| text markup, inside slurs | Using double slurs for legato chords |
| text object | Text objects overview |
| text script | Text scripts |
| text script, vertical alignment | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| text size | Selecting font and font size |
| text spanner | Text spanners |
| text spanner, dynamics, customize | Selected Snippets |
| text spanner, formatting | Text spanners |
| text, aligning | Text alignment |
| text, at beginning of line | Text marks |
| text, at end of score | Text marks |
| text, between notes | Text marks |
| text, centering on page | Text alignment |
| text, decorating | Graphic notation inside markup |
| text, framing | Graphic notation inside markup |
| text, horizontal alignment | Text alignment |
| text, in columns | Selected Snippets |
| text, in columns | Text alignment |
| text, in volta bracket | Manual repeat marks |
| text, justified | Text alignment |
| text, keeping inside margin | See also |
| text, line width | Text alignment |
| text, multi-line | Text alignment |
| text, on bar line | Section labels |
| text, on bar line | Text marks |
| text, on multi-measure rest | Full measure rests |
| text, other languages | 1.8.1 Writing text |
| text, ottavation | Selected Snippets |
| text, outside margin | See also |
| text, padding | Graphic notation inside markup |
| text, separate | Separate text |
| text, spread over multiple pages | Text markup introduction |
| text, stand-alone | Separate text |
| text, top-level | Separate text |
| text, vertical alignment | Text alignment |
| text, wordwrapped | Text alignment |
| text-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| text-interface | A.12.8 Other |
| text-script-interface | 5.2.2 Layout interfaces |
| TextMark | See also |
| TextMarkEvent | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextScript | See also |
| TextSpanner | See also |
| TextSpanner | See also |
| Text_mark_engraver | Selected Snippets |
| The Emmentaler font | A.12.4 Music |
| thorough bass | Introduction to figured bass |
| tick bar line | Bar lines |
| tick bar line, in Gregorian chant | Divisiones |
| tick mark | Breath marks |
| tie | See also |
| Tie | See also |
| tie | See also |
| tie, alternative endings | Ties |
| tie, and volta bracket | Ties |
| tie, appearance | Ties |
| tie, dashed | Ties |
| tie, dotted | Ties |
| tie, from nothing | Ties |
| tie, in chord | Ties |
| tie, in lyrics | Multiple syllables to one note |
| tie, in repeats | Ties |
| tie, laissez vibrer | Ties |
| tie, manual engraving | Using ties with arpeggios |
| tie, modifying | Modifying ties and slurs |
| tie, placement | Ties |
| tie, repeating | Ties |
| tie, to nothing | Ties |
| tie, with arpeggios | Selected Snippets |
| tie-ing text | A.12.1 Font |
| TieColumn | Using ties with arpeggios |
| TieColumn | See also |
| tied note, accidental | Accidentals |
| tieWaitForNote | Selected Snippets |
| timbale | A.17 Percussion notes |
| time administration | Time administration |
| time signature | See also |
| time signature style | Time signature |
| time signature style | Mensural time signatures |
| time signature, compound | Different time signatures with unequal-length measures |
| time signature, default settings | Time signature |
| time signature, double | Polymetric notation |
| time signature, mensural | Mensural time signatures |
| time signature, mid-measure | Upbeats |
| time signature, polymetric | Polymetric notation |
| time signature, printing only numerator | Selected Snippets |
| time signature, properties, restoring default values | Time signature |
| time signature, visibility | Time signature |
| TimeScaledMusic | See also |
| TimeSignature | See also |
| TimeSignature | See also |
| timeSignatureFraction | Polymetric notation |
| Timing | Time administration |
| timing information and repeats | Known issues and warnings |
| timing mark, for glissando | Contemporary glissando |
| timing, within score | Time administration |
| Timing_translator | See also |
| Timing_translator | See also |
| Timing_translator | See also |
| Timing_translator | See also |
| Timing_translator | See also |
| title | 3.3 Titles and headers |
| toc | 3.3.6 Table of contents |
| tocFormatMarkup | Predefined commands |
| tocIndentMarkup | Predefined commands |
| tocItemMarkup | Predefined commands |
| tocTitleMarkup | Predefined commands |
| tom tom | A.17 Percussion notes |
| Top | LilyPond — Notation Reference |
| Top | LilyPond — Notation Reference |
| Top | 5. Changing defaults |
| top-level text | Separate text |
| top-margin | 4.1.3 Fixed vertical spacing \paper variables |
| top-markup-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| top-system-spacing | List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables |
| toplevel-bookparts | parser variable |
| toplevel-scores | parser variable |
| transcription of mensural music | Display bracket with only one staff in a system |
| transcription, mensural to modern | Ancient and modern from one source |
| transcription, modern of Gregorian music | Chant or psalms notation |
| transformation, modal | Modal transformations |
| transformation, retrograde | Retrograde |
| translating text | A.12.2 Align |
| translating text | A.12.2 Align |
| Translation | 5.2.1 Navigating the program reference |
| transparency, semi | Coloring objects |
| transparent note | Hidden notes |
| transparent, making objects | Making objects transparent |
| transpose | Transpose |
| transposed clef, visibility of | Transposed clefs |
| TransposedMusic | See also |
| transposing | Transpose |
| transposing clef | Clef |
| transposing fret diagram | Predefined fret diagrams |
| transposing instrument | See also |
| transposing instrument | See also |
| transposition | Transpose |
| transposition, and relative octave entry | See also |
| transposition, instrument | Instrument transpositions |
| transposition, MIDI | Instrument transpositions |
| transposition, modal | Modal transposition |
| transposition, of notes | Transpose |
| transposition, of pitches | Transpose |
| transposition, pitches, ‘smart’ | Selected Snippets |
| tre corde | Piano pedals |
| treble clef | Clef |
| treble clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| tremolo | Tremolo repeats |
| tremolo beam | Tremolo repeats |
| tremolo mark | Tremolo repeats |
| tremolo, cross-staff | Selected Snippets |
| triad | Common chords |
| triangle | A.17 Percussion notes |
| trill | See also |
| trill, pitched | Trills |
| trill, with accidental | Trills |
| TrillPitchAccidental | See also |
| TrillPitchGroup | See also |
| TrillPitchHead | See also |
| TrillPitchParentheses | See also |
| TrillSpanner | See also |
| TrillSpanner | See also |
| triplet | See also |
| triplet, formatting | Selected Snippets |
| Tunable context properties | Multiple notes to one syllable |
| Tunable context properties | See also |
| Tunable context properties | 5.3.2 The \set command |
| Tunable context properties | See also |
| tuning, banjo | Banjo tablatures |
| tuning, lute | Lute tablatures |
| tuning, non-Western | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| tuplet | See also |
| tuplet bracket, note head side | Controlling tuplet bracket visibility |
| tuplet bracket, placement | Tuplets |
| tuplet bracket, visibility | Tuplets |
| tuplet bracket, visibility | Non-default tuplet numbers |
| tuplet number , visibility | Tuplets |
| tuplet number, change | Entering several tuplets using only one tuplet command |
| tuplet number, non-default | Changing the tuplet number |
| tuplet slur | Tuplets |
| tuplet, beamed, line break within | Printing tuplet brackets on the note head side |
| tuplet, entering multiple | Selected Snippets |
| tuplet, formatting | Selected Snippets |
| tuplet, grouping | Tuplets |
| tuplet-slur | Tuplets |
| TupletBracket | See also |
| TupletNumber | Entering several tuplets using only one tuplet command |
| tupletSpannerDuration | Selected Snippets |
| Turkish makam | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| Turkish makam, example | Selected Snippets |
| Turkish music | References for Turkish classical music |
| Turkish note name | Turkish note names |
| Turkish, classical music | Extending notation and tuning systems |
| turn ornamentation, delayed | Controlling the vertical ordering of scripts |
| tweak , relation to \override | 5.3.5 \set vs. \override |
| tweaking | 5.3.4 The \tweak command |
| tweaking control point | Known issues and warnings |
| tweaking grace note | Grace notes |
| tweaking grace note | Using grace note slashes with normal heads |
| Tweaking methods | See also |
| Tweaking methods | 5.3.4 The \tweak command |
| Tweaking methods | See also |
| Tweaking output | 5. Changing defaults |
| Tweaking output | See also |
| two-column text | Selected Snippets |
| two-sided | \paper variables for two-sided mode |
| typeface | glyph |
| typeset text | Text markup introduction |
| typesetting, skip | 3.5.2 Skipping corrected music |
U | | |
| U.C. | Piano pedals |
| ukulele | Fret diagram markups |
| ultima volta | Alternative endings |
| una corda | Piano pedals |
| UnaCordaEvent | See also |
| UnaCordaPedal | See also |
| UnaCordaPedalLineSpanner | See also |
| unbreakable-spanner-interface | See also |
| underlining text | A.12.1 Font |
| underlying repeat bar line | Automatic bar lines |
| undertie-ing text | A.12.1 Font |
| unfold | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
| unfold repeat | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
| UnfoldedRepeatedMusic | See also |
| UnfoldedRepeatedMusic | See also |
| Unicode | Unicode |
| units, of measuring | 5.4.2 Distances and measurements |
| universal-color | Coloring objects |
| universal-color | Color-blind-safe colors |
| unmetered music | Unmetered music |
| unmetered music | Time administration |
| unmetered music, accidentals | Unmetered music |
| unmetered music, bar lines | Unmetered music |
| unmetered music, bar numbers | Unmetered music |
| unmetered music, beams | Unmetered music |
| unmetered music, line breaks | Unmetered music |
| unmetered music, page breaks | Unmetered music |
| up direction (^ ) | Articulation direction indicators |
| up-bow indication | Bowing indications |
| upbeat | Upbeats |
| upbeat, in a repeat | Simple repeats |
| UTF-8 | Text encoding |
V | | |
| varbaritone clef | Clef |
| varC clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| variables | 3.2.5 File structure |
| variables, use of | Using variables |
| variant ‘coda’ sign | Articulations and ornamentations |
| variant ‘coda’ sign | Segno repeat appearance |
| variant ‘coda’ sign | Instrument-specific scripts |
| Vaticana, Editio | 2.9 Ancient notation |
| Vaticana, Editio | 2.9.1 Overview of the supported styles |
| VaticanaStaff | Instantiating new staves |
| VaticanaStaff | Gregorian chant contexts |
| VaticanaVoice | Gregorian chant contexts |
| vertical alignment, dynamics | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| vertical alignment, text | Text alignment |
| vertical alignment, text scripts | Printing hairpins in various styles |
| vertical direction, default, of grobs | Articulation direction indicators |
| vertical direction, forced, of grobs | Articulation direction indicators |
| vertical distance, figured bass elements | Displaying figured bass |
| vertical lines between staves | Grid lines |
| vertical ordering, of scripts | Modifying default values for articulation shorthand notation |
| vertical padding in markup | Text alignment |
| vertical positioning of dynamics | Dynamics |
| vertical spacing | 4.4 Vertical spacing |
| vertical spacing | 4.5.5 Line width |
| VerticalAxisGroup | Within-system spacing properties |
| VerticalAxisGroup | See also |
| VerticalAxisGroup | Within-system spacing properties |
| VerticalAxisGroup | See also |
| VerticalAxisGroup | See also |
| VerticalAxisGroup | See also |
| VerticalAxisGroup | See also |
| VerticalAxisGroup | A.22 Context modification identifiers |
| VerticalAxisGroup | A.22 Context modification identifiers |
| VerticalAxisGroup | A.22 Context modification identifiers |
| vertically centering text | A.12.2 Align |
| vibraslap | A.17 Percussion notes |
| violin clef | Clef |
| violin clef | A.11 Clef styles |
| Visibility and color of objects | See also |
| Visibility and color of objects | See also |
| Visibility and color of objects | See also |
| Visibility and color of objects | See also |
| Visibility and color of objects | 5.1.4 Modifying context plug-ins |
| Visibility and color of objects | 5.4.7 Visibility of objects |
| Visibility and color of objects | Using break-visibility |
| Visibility and color of objects | See also |
| visibility of object | 5.4.7 Visibility of objects |
| visibility of transposed clef | Transposed clefs |
| visibility of tuplet brackets | Non-default tuplet numbers |
| visibility of tuplets | Tuplets |
| Vocal ensembles templates | Placing lyrics vertically |
| Vocal ensembles templates | See also |
| Vocal ensembles templates | References for choral |
| Vocal ensembles templates | See also |
| Vocal ensembles templates | See also |
| Vocal ensembles templates | See also |
| Vocal ensembles templates | 5.1.2 Creating and referencing contexts |
| vocal score | 2.1.6 Opera and stage musicals |
| vocal score, adding cues | Selected Snippets |
| Voice | Single-staff polyphony |
| voice | Automatic accidentals |
| Voice | See also |
| voice | Automatic accidentals |
| Voice | See also |
| Voice | See also |
| Voice | See also |
| Voice | See also |
| Voice | 4.5.1 Horizontal spacing overview |
| Voice | 5.2.3 Determining the grob property |
| voice accidental style | Automatic accidentals |
| voice style | Voice styles |
| voice, additional, in polyphonic music | Selected Snippets |
| voice, ambitus | Selected Snippets |
| voice, divided | Selected Snippets |
| voice, extra, for handling breaks | Selected Snippets |
| voice, following | Staff-change lines |
| voice, multiple | Collision resolution |
| voice, quoting | Quoting other voices |
| voice, quoting | Formatting cue notes |
| voice, shifting | Collision resolution |
| voice, with ottavation | Changing ottava text |
| voice, \partCombine with \autoBeamOff | Changing beam knee gap |
| VoiceFollower | See also |
| VoiceFollower | See also |
| Voices contain music | See also |
| Voices contain music | See also |
| volta | See also |
| volta | Alternative endings |
| volta bracket | Manual repeat marks |
| volta bracket, and tie | Ties |
| volta bracket, in additional staves | Shortening volta brackets |
| volta bracket, shortened | Selected Snippets |
| volta bracket, with text | Manual repeat marks |
| volta repeat, below chords | Adding bar lines to ChordNames context |
| volta, double repeat style | Selected Snippets |
| volta, prima | Alternative endings |
| volta, seconda | Alternative endings |
| volta, ultima | Alternative endings |
| VoltaBracket | See also |
| VoltaBracket | See also |
| VoltaRepeatedMusic | See also |
| VoltaRepeatedMusic | See also |
| Volta_engraver | Shortening volta brackets |
| vowel transition | See also |
| VowelTransition | See also |
W | | |
| Walker shape note head | Shape note heads |
| whistle | A.17 Percussion notes |
| white mensural ligature | White mensural ligatures |
| whiteout | Ties |
| whiteout | Painting objects white |
| whitespace | 3.2.5 File structure |
| whole rest, for a full measure | Full measure rests |
| wind instrument | References for wind instruments |
| wind instruments, fingering symbols | Selected Snippets |
| Within-staff objects | The direction property |
| Within-staff objects | See also |
| woodblock | A.17 Percussion notes |
| woodwind diagram, key lists | Changing the size of woodwind diagrams |
| woodwind diagram, list | Selected Snippets |
| woodwind diagrams, modifying | Woodwind diagrams listing |
| wordwrapped text | Text alignment |
| Working on input files | See also |
| writing music in parallel | Writing music in parallel |
| written-out repeat | 1.4.1 Long repeats |
X | | |
| X-offset | Within-system spacing properties |
| x11 color | Coloring objects |
| x11 color | See also |
| x11-color | Coloring objects |
| x11-color | See also |
| x11-color | X color names |