Development for LilyPond 2.25.25
Note: These are unstable development versions. If you have the slightest doubt about how to use or install LilyPond, we urge you to use the stable Download, and read the stable Manuals.
Release numbers
There are two sets of releases for LilyPond: stable releases, and unstable development releases. Stable versions have an even-numbered ‘minor’ version number (e.g., 2.14, 2.16, 2.18). Development versions have an odd-numbered ‘minor’ version number (e.g., 2.15, 2.17, 2.19).
Instructions for git and compiling are in the Contributor’s Guide.
Documentation writers and testers will generally want to download the latest binary:
GNU/Linux x86_64: LilyPond 2.25.25
macOS x86_64: LilyPond 2.25.25
If you are unsure about how to install these binaries, please read the start of the Learning.
Contributor’s Guide
LilyPond development is a fairly complicated matter. In order to help new contributors, and to keep the whole system (mostly) stable, we have written a manual for development tasks.
- Contributor’s Guide (split HTML) −
the manual is split between many HTML pages.
(small download for each page) - Contributor’s Guide (big HTML) −
read this manual as one huge HTML page.
(large single download) - contributor.pdf −
download as a PDF file.
(large single download, 832K)
Regression tests
- Visual regression tests: This release’s regtests that contain (useful) visual output. (PDF version)
- MIDI regression tests: This release’s regtests that cover MIDI output. (PDF version)
- Other regression tests: This release’s regtests without visual output. (PDF version)
- MusicXML tests:
This release’s MusicXML tests (converted with
). (PDF version) - ABC tests:
This release’s ABC notation tests (converted with
). (PDF version)
Note: These manuals are for LilyPond 2.25.25; the latest manuals can be found at
Introduction | ||
Learning (split HTML) | Learning (big HTML) | learning.pdf |
Glossary (split HTML) | Glossary (big HTML) | music-glossary.pdf |
Essay (split HTML) | Essay (big HTML) | essay.pdf |
Regular | ||
Notation (split HTML) | Notation (big HTML) | notation.pdf |
Usage (split HTML) | Usage (big HTML) | usage.pdf |
Snippets (split HTML) | Snippets (big HTML) | snippets.pdf |
Visual Index (PDF) |