Orchestra, choir and piano template
This template demonstrates the use of nested StaffGroup
contexts to sub-group instruments of the same type
together, and a way to use \transpose
so that variables hold
music for transposing instruments at concert pitch.
#(set-global-staff-size 17) \paper { indent = 3.0\cm % add space for instrumentName short-indent = 1.5\cm % add less space for shortInstrumentName } \header { tagline = ##f } fluteMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b } % Pitches as written on a manuscript for Clarinet in A % are transposed to concert pitch. clarinetMusic = \transpose c' a \relative c'' { \key bes \major bes1 d } trumpetMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g''1 b } % Key signature is often omitted for horns hornMusic = \transpose c' f \relative c { d'1 fis } percussionMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g1 b } sopranoMusic = \relative c'' { \key g \major g'1 b } sopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { Lyr -- ics } altoIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b } altoIIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b } altoILyrics = \sopranoLyrics altoIILyrics = \lyricmode { Ah -- ah } tenorMusic = \relative c' { \clef "treble_8" \key g \major g1 b } tenorLyrics = \sopranoLyrics pianoRHMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g''1 b } pianoLHMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major g1 b } violinIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b } violinIIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b } violaMusic = \relative c { \clef alto \key g \major g'1 b } celloMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major g1 b } bassMusic = \relative c { \clef "bass_8" \key g \major g,1 b } \score { << \new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_woodwinds" << \new Staff = "Staff_flute" \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \fluteMusic \new Staff = "Staff_clarinet" \with { instrumentName = \markup { \concat { "Clarinet in B" \flat } } } % Declare that written Middle C in the music % to follow sounds a concert B flat, for % output using sounded pitches such as MIDI. %\transposition bes % Print music for a B-flat clarinet \transpose bes c' \clarinetMusic >> \new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_brass" << \new Staff = "Staff_hornI" \with { instrumentName = "Horn in F" } % \transposition f \transpose f c' \hornMusic \new Staff = "Staff_trumpet" \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet in C" } \trumpetMusic >> \new RhythmicStaff = "RhythmicStaff_percussion" \with { instrumentName = "Percussion" } << \percussionMusic >> \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Piano" } << \new Staff { \pianoRHMusic } \new Staff { \pianoLHMusic } >> \new ChoirStaff = "ChoirStaff_choir" << \new Staff = "Staff_soprano" \with { instrumentName = "Soprano" } \new Voice = "soprano" \sopranoMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoLyrics } \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_altos" \with { \accepts Lyrics } << \new Staff = "Staff_altoI" \with { instrumentName = "Alto I" } \new Voice = "altoI" \altoIMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altoI" { \altoILyrics } \new Staff = "Staff_altoII" \with { instrumentName = "Alto II" } \new Voice = "altoII" \altoIIMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altoII" { \altoIILyrics } >> \new Staff = "Staff_tenor" \with { instrumentName = "Tenor" } \new Voice = "tenor" \tenorMusic \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorLyrics } >> \new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_strings" << \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_violins" << \new Staff = "Staff_violinI" \with { instrumentName = "Violin I" } \violinIMusic \new Staff = "Staff_violinII" \with { instrumentName = "Violin II" } \violinIIMusic >> \new Staff = "Staff_viola" \with { instrumentName = "Viola" } \violaMusic \new Staff = "Staff_cello" \with { instrumentName = "Cello" } \celloMusic \new Staff = "Staff_bass" \with { instrumentName = "Double Bass" } \bassMusic >> >> \layout { } }
![[image of music]](../fa/lily-e6a5246e.png)