3.2.16 bend-interface

The (curved) line representing a bent string. Available for the 'style property are 'hold, 'pre-bend and 'pre-bend-hold. The following properties may be set in the details list.


The stencil procedure for the BendSpanner arrow head.


Determines the horizontal part of a bend arrow as percentage of the total horizontal extent, usually between 0 and 1.


The height of the arrow head.


The width of the arrow head.


An alist with entries for 'quarter, 'half, 'three-quarter and 'full, which are used to print how much a string is bent.


For a broken BendSpanner, set the padding at the line end to subsequent objects like changed Clef, etc.


For a broken BendSpanner started from a chord the curves don’t match; there is a certain vertical gap specified by this value.


List of three numeric values representing on, off and phase of a dashed line.


A vector of three booleans to set visibility of the arrow head and the text at a line break. This is important for 'style set to 'hold, 'pre-bend or 'pre-bend-hold.


The amount of horizontal free space between a TabNoteHead and the starting BendSpanner.


An integer used as a factor determining the vertical coordinate of the starting BendSpanner. If successive-level is 1, the BendSpanner starts at the TabNoteHead. If consecutive BendSpanners are set this value should be set to an appropriate value for the first one; later on, this value is maintained by the engraver.


A boolean to decide whether the target TabNoteHead should be visible. For up-pointing bends this is usually true.


This numeric value determines the distance between the TabStaff and the arrow head of the BendSpanner.

User settable properties:

bend-me (boolean)

Decide whether this grob is bent.

details (alist, with symbols as keys)

Alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior. More information on the allowed parameters for a grob can be found by looking at the top of the Internals Reference page for each interface having a details property.

direction (direction)

If side-axis is 0 (or X), then this property determines whether the object is placed LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines whether the object is placed UP, CENTER or DOWN. Numerical values may also be used: UP=1, DOWN=-1, LEFT=-1, RIGHT=1, CENTER=0.

style (symbol)

This setting determines in what style a grob is typeset. Valid choices depend on the stencil callback reading this property.

This grob interface is used in the following graphical object(s): BendSpanner, NoteColumn, NoteHead and TabNoteHead.

LilyPond – Internals Reference v2.24.4 (stable-branch).