A.14 Llista d’articulacions

Les llistes següents relacionen totes els símbols del tipus de lletra Emmentaler que es poden adjunta a les notes (per exemple ‘f\accent’ o ‘f->’). Cada exemple mostra el símbol en les posicions superior, inferior i neutra, respectivament.

Indicacions d’articulació

\accent or ->

[image of music]


[image of music]

\marcato or -^

[image of music]

\portato or -_

[image of music]

or -!

[image of music]

\staccato or -.

[image of music]

\tenuto or --

[image of music]

Indicacions d’adorns


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

Indicacions de calderó


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

Indicacions específiques de certs instruments


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

\stopped or -+

[image of music]

Indicacions de repetició


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

Indicacions antigues


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]


[image of music]

LilyPond — Referència de la notació v2.23.82 (branca de desenvolupament).