Unofficial MusicXML test suite

1 Introduction

Why a MusicXML test suite?

This test suite of sample MusicXML files is supposed to fill a severe gap for all developers implementing MusicXML support in their application: There is no complete test suite of MusicXML files available for testing purposes.

License of the test suite

This collection of MusicXML test files is distributed under the MIT license, which means that you can use the files for any purpose, as long as you leave the copyright notice (or the LICENSE file) intact.

Connection with LilyPond

At the same time as providing a generic test suite for MusicXML documents, this test suite also serves as proofs for the musicxml2ly script provided with LilyPond. The images shown in this document were generated by running musicxml2ly and lilypond on the MusicXML files. As musicxml2ly does not yet perfectly support every single aspect of MusicXML, the output is not supposed to be used as a definitive reference rendering, but rather as an indication how one particular application supports and interprets each of the test files.

If something does not seem right in the output, it might either be that this feature has not been implemented yet, has been wrongly implemented, or a regression has crept in recently...

In the web version of this document, you can click on the file name or figure for each example to see the corresponding .ly intermediary file.

Structure of this test suite

Each test file (typically hand-crafted from the MusicXML specification) checks one particular aspect of MusicXML. A short description of the particular feature for a file is given inside the file in a comment element of the form

  <miscellaneous-field name="description"> .... </miscellaneous-field>

The files are categorized by their first two digits with the following meaning:


Basics: pitches, rests, rhythm.


Staff attributes: time signatures, clefs, key signatures, staff details.


Notes: chords, note settings, tuplets, grace notes.


Notations and articulations: dynamics (staff-attached), notations (note-attached), spanners, print-object, color, and font size issues.


Parts: multiple parts, multi-voice parts, multi-staff parts.


Repeat and measure issues.


Page issues: header fields, page layout.


Exact positioning of items, offsets, etc.




Instrument-specific: guitar (chord, fretboards), transposing instruments, percussion, figured bass, other instruments.


MIDI generation (all sound-related issues).


Various other: compressed MusicXML files, compatibility with broken MusicXML files exported by other applications.

Some of the categories (in particular, the exact item positioning and the MIDI generation) don’t have any test cases yet.

2 Test cases

01 ... Pitches

All pitches from G to c”” in ascending steps. First without accidentals, then with a sharp and then with a flat accidental, then with explicit natural accidentals. Double alterations and cautionary accidentals are tested at the end.


[image of music]

All pitch intervals in ascending jump size.


[image of music]

The <voice> element of notes is optional in MusicXML (although Dolet always writes it out). Here, there is one note with lyrics, but without a voice assigned. It should still be correctly converted.


[image of music]

Some microtones: c flat-and-a-half, d half-flat, e half-sharp, f sharp-and-a half. Once in the lower and once in the upper region of the staff.


[image of music]

Accidentals have the attributes ‘cautionary’, ‘editorial’, ‘parenthesized’, and ‘bracketed’. The first two measures each have a cautionary accidental, an editorial, a cautionary with parentheses off, and an editorial and cautionary accidental. The next two measures each have a normal accidental, a bracketed, a parenthesized, and a bracketed and parenthesized accidental.


[image of music]

Microtone accidentals can be cautionary or editorial. Each measure has a normal accidental, an editorial, a cautionary and an editioal and cautionary accidental.


[image of music]

02 ... Rests

All different rest lengths: A two-bar multi-measure rest, a whole rest, a half, etc., until a 1024th-rest, then the same with dotted durations.


[image of music]

Rests can have explicit pitches to position them vertically. The first rest has no explicit pitch and should use the default position, all others are explicitly positioned somewhere else (E4, F5, A3, C6).


[image of music]

Five multi-measure rests: 3 measures, 15 measures, 1 measure, 12 measures, and 3 measures with ‘use-symbols’ set.


[image of music]

Multi-measure rests should always be converted into durations that are a multiple of the time signature.


[image of music]

In some cases, a rest might not have its type attribute set (this happens, for example, with voices in Finale, where you don’t manually insert a rest).


[image of music]

03 ... Rhythm

All note durations, from long, brevis, whole, etc., until 1024th. First with their plain values, then dotted, and finally double-dotted.


[image of music]

Two voices with a <backup> element that does not jump to the beginning of the measure for voice two but somewhere in the middle. Voice two thus won’t have any notes or rests for the first beat of the measure.


[image of music]

Although uncommon, the divisions of a quarter note can change somewhere in the middle of a MusicXML file. Here, the first half measure uses a division of 1, which then changes to 8 in the middle of the first measure and to 38 in the middle of the second measure.


[image of music]

Several durations can be written with dots. For multi-measure rests it is also possible to have durations that cannot be expressed with dotted notes (like 5/8).

In bar 15 there is only a 16th note and no rest for the remaining part of the bar.


[image of music]

No <divisions> element.


[image of music]

11 ... Time signatures

Various time signatures: 2/2 (alla breve), 4/4 (C), 2/2, 3/2, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 3/8, 6/8, 12/8.


[image of music]

A score without a time signature (but with a key and clefs). The first bar misses a <time> element altogether, the second bar sets a 2/2 time with ‘print-object="no"’ for both staves, and the third bar sets a 4/4 time with ‘print-object="no"’ only for the lower staff.


[image of music]

Compound time signatures with same denominator: (3+2)/8 and (5+3+1)/4.


[image of music]

Compound time signatures with separate fractions displayed: 3/8+2/8+3/4 and 5/2+1/8.


[image of music]

Compound time signatures of mixed type: (3+2)/8+3/4.


[image of music]

A time signature of 3/8 with the ‘symbol="cut"’ attribute and two ‘symbol="single-number"’ attributes with compound time signatures. Shall the symbol be ignored in this case?


[image of music]

Time signature displayed as a single number.


[image of music]

Senza-misura time signature. The first bar has three eighth notes, the second bar contains a full-measure rest (indicated by setting ‘measure="yes"’ for the <rest> element) with a length of a dotted half note, and the third bar contains four eighth notes.


[image of music]

12 ... Clefs

Various clefs: G, C, F, percussion, TAB, and ‘none’ (in measure 17). Some clefs are also shown with transposition and on other staff lines than their default.

Each measure shows a different clef; only measure 18 has the same treble clef as the first measure.


[image of music]

A score without a <key> or <clef> element (but with <time>). The default (4/4 in treble clef) should be used.


[image of music]

13 ... Key signatures

Various key signatures: from 11 flats to 11 sharps. Each signature is shown twice, with one measure in major and the other measure in minor.


[image of music]

All different modes: ‘major’, ‘minor’, ‘ionian’, ‘dorian’, ‘phrygian’, ‘lydian’, ‘mixolydian’, ‘aeolian’, ‘locrian’, and ‘none’. All modes are given with two sharps.


[image of music]

Non-traditional key signatures, where each alteration is separately given. The first signature is [f sharp, a flat, b flat]. The second one is [c flatflat, g sharp sharp, d flat, b sharp, f natural], with explicitly selected octaves for each alteration.


[image of music]

Non-traditional key signatures with microtone alterations: [g flat-and-a-half, a flat, b half-flat, c natural, d half-sharp, e sharp, f sharp-and-a-half].


[image of music]

Tests of key signature cancellation: at default location, at right, and before barline, then cancelling a key signature that does not exist.


[image of music]

Test the ‘print-object’ attribute of key signatures. The signature at the beginning of the second bar is a flat major and should be invisible; the following notes d flat, e flat, a flat, and b flat shouldn’t have a flat accidental.


[image of music]

14 ... Staff attributes

Testing staff line configurations and pitched notes. The number of staff lines can be modified by using the ‘staff-lines’ child of the ‘staff-details’ attribute. This can happen globally (the first staff has one line globally) or during the part at the beginning of a measure and even inside a measure (the second part has 5 lines initially, 4 at the beginning of the second measure, and 3 starting in the middle of the third measure). The fourth measure in the lower staff has five lines again but uses ‘print-object="no"’ in the ‘line-detail’ element to suppress the second and fourth staff line.


[image of music]

21 ... Chorded notes

One simple chord consisting of two notes.


[image of music]

Some subsequent (identical) two-note chords. In the second bar, the chords are tied (top note, bottom note, both notes).


[image of music]

Some three-note chords, with various durations.


[image of music]

Chords in the second measure, after several ornaments in the first measure and a ‘p’ at the beginning of the second measure.


[image of music]

Check for proper chord detection after a pickup measure (i.e., the first beat of the measure is not aligned with a multiple of the time signature)!


[image of music]

Between the individual notes of a chord there can be <direction> elements, which already belong to the next <note> element after the current one. The segno and the piano sign should be attached to the rest after the chord.


[image of music]

Different tremolos on different chord notes. The tremolo on the last chord is of type ‘unmeasured’.


[image of music]

A chord with normal, cautionary, and editorial accidentals.


[image of music]

22 ... Note settings, heads, etc.

Different note styles, using the <notehead> element. First, each note head style is printed with four quarter notes, two with filled heads, two with unfilled heads, where first the stem is up and then the stem is down. After that, each note head style is printed with a half note (should have an unfilled head by default). Finally, the Aiken note head styles are tested, once with stem up and once with stem down.


[image of music]

Staff-connected note styles: slash notation, hidden notes (with and without hidden staff lines).


[image of music]

Different note styles for individual notes inside a chord, using the <notehead> element.


[image of music]

Parenthesized note heads. A normal parenthesized note, a parenthesized note with an ‘x’ note head, a three-note chord with the middle note parenthesized, a three-note chord with all notes parenthesized, a normal quarter rest in parentheses, and a pitched quarter rest in parentheses.


[image of music]

23 ... Triplets, Tuplets

Some tuplets (3:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:2, 4:1, 7:3, 6:2) with the default tuplet bracket displaying the number of actual notes played. The second tuplet does not have a number attribute set.


[image of music]

Different tuplet styles: default, none, x:y, x:y-note, and x-note:y-note; each with bracket, slur, and without bracket. Finally, non-standard 4:3 and 17:2 tuplets are given.


[image of music]

Displaying tuplet note types that might not coincide with the displayed note. The first two tuplets take the type from the note, the second two from the <time-modification> element, the remaining pair of tuplets from the <tuplet> notation element.

The tuplets in measure 3 specify both a number of notes and a type inside the <tuplet-actual> and <tuplet-normal> elements, the ones in measure 4 specify only a note type (but no number), and the ones in measure 5 specify only a number of tuplet notes (but no type, which is deduced from the note’s type).

The first tuplet of measures 3 to 5 uses ‘display-type="actual"’, the second one ‘display-type="both"’.

FIXME: The tuplet-normal should coincide with the real notes!


[image of music]

Tuplets can be nested. The first bar contains a 5:2 tuplet (with 16th notes) in the middle of a 3:2 tuple (with eighth notes). The second bar has a 5:2 tuplet at the beginning and at the end (with the tuplet number forced below) of a 3:2 tuple (with the bracket forced above).


[image of music]

Tremolo tuplets. The first bar contains normal eighth triplets with staccato points, the second bar holds three tremolo tuplets, the third bar holds a sextuple followed by a triplet, the third bar contains a sextuple (starting on the second beat) with a ‘fp’ sign, and the fifth bar is identical to the third bar.


[image of music]

Tuplets without brackets, using only <time-modification>. The upper staff contains two quarters followed by a quarter triplet. The lower staff holds two eighths, an eighths triplet, four 16th notes, and a 16th sextuplet.


[image of music]

24 ... Grace notes

Different kinds of grace notes. First bar: single 1/16 grace note, beamed 1/16 grace notes, 1/16 appoggiatura, 1/8 appoggiatura. Second bar: slashed single 1/16 grace note, beamed 1/16 grace notes (with both notes marked as slashed), 1/16 acciaccatura, 1/16 grace note (without slash) right before the measure bar. Third bar: no grace note before chord, 1/4 grace note with sharp, two 1/4 grace notes with flats, 1/16 slashed grace note before rest.


[image of music]

Chords as grace notes. The last (unslashed and beamed) grace group consists of two chords with one tie between the two grace chords and another tie between the last grace chord and the main chord.


[image of music]

A grace note that appears at the measure end (without any steal-from-* attribute set). Some applications need to convert this into an after-grace.


[image of music]

Some grace notes and after-graces indicated by ‘steal-time-previous’ (for the first grace note) and ‘steal-time-following’ (for the second one). The remaining grace notes have no such attribute.


[image of music]

A grace note on a different staff than the actual note.


[image of music]

A grace note with a slur to the actual note. The <grace> element has no ‘slash’ attribute; since MusicXML does not provide a default value it is up to the application to interpret the grace note as an acciaccatura or an appoggiatura.


[image of music]

31 ... Dynamics and other single symbols

All <direction> elements defined in MusicXML. The lyrics for each note describes the direction element assigned to that note. Not marked with lyrics is a <scordatura> element at the very beginning.


[image of music]

Tempo Markings: ’quarter.=100’, ’quarter..=half.’, ’(quarter.=half..)’, ’(quarter.=77)’.


[image of music]

This tests various combinations of <direction> children. The lyrics for each note describe the compound elements assigned to that note.


[image of music]

32 ... Notations and Articulations

All <notation> elements defined in MusicXML. The lyrics show the notation assigned to each note.


[image of music]

Text markup with different font sizes, weights, colors, horizontal positions, and vertical positions.


[image of music]

It should not make any difference whether two articulations are given inside two different notation elements, inside two different articulations children of the same notation element or inside the same articulations element. Thus, all three notes should have a staccato and an accent.


[image of music]

Different arpeggio kinds and directions.


[image of music]

33 ... Spanners

Several spanners defined in MusicXML: tuplet, slur (solid, dashed), wedge (cresc, dim), trill with accidental mark and wavy-line (with another accidental mark on the second beat), single-note trill spanner, octave-shift (8va,15mb), bracket (solid down/down, dashed down/down, solid none/down, dashed none/up, solid none/none), dashes, glissando (wavy), slide (solid), grouping, two-note tremolo, hammer-on, pull-off, pedal line (down, change, up), pedal text (down, up).


[image of music]

Two simple tied whole notes


[image of music]

A note can be the end of one slur and the start of a new slur. Also, in MusicXML, nested slurs are possible like in the second measure where one slur goes over all four notes, and another slur goes from the second to the third note.


[image of music]

All types of octave shifts (15ma on the third eighth note, 15mb on the fourth and fifth, 8va on the sixth and seventh, and 8vb on the last two 16th notes). This test file positions <octave-shift type="stop"/>> before the associated note, as expected in MusicXML import of Finale and Sibelius, for example. Consequently, it contains ‘Sibelius’ as the <software> tag.

Note that the end of the last octave shift is anchored at the following bar line.


[image of music]

All types of octave shifts (15ma on the third eighth note, 15mb on the fourth and fifth, 8va on the sixth and seventh, and 8vb on the last two 16th notes). This test file positions <octave-shift type="stop"/>> after the associated note, as expected in MusicXML import of MuseScore, for example. Consequently, it contains ‘MuseScore’ as the <software> tag.

Note that the end of the last octave shift is anchored at the following bar line.


[image of music]

Invalid octave-shifts: 27 down, 11 up.


[image of music]

A trill spanner that spans a grace note and ends on an after-grace note at the end of the measure.


[image of music]

Slurs on chorded notes: Only the first note of the chord should get the slur notation. Some applications print out the slur for all notes – these should be ignored.


[image of music]

All different types of glissando defined in MusicXML


[image of music]

Several ties that have their end tag missing.


[image of music]

Tests for double-note tremolo beams. The first bar shows a half-note tremolo (one beam, two strokes) followed by a dotted quarter-note tremolo with chords (three strokes). The second bar shows a half-note triplet with three tremolos (no beams, three strokes) followed by three beamed eighths-note chords with a tremolo (two strokes) between the second and third chord.


[image of music]

34 ... Attribute issues

Test various spanner elements (mostly from <notations>) starting from a <note> object with ‘print-object’ set to ‘no’, then test spanners ending with such a note object: beam, tuplet, slur, trill + wavy-line, glissando (wavy), slide (solid), two-note tremolo, hammer-on, pull-off. Spanners starting from an invisible object should be suppressed.


[image of music]

Colors. The elements in the first bar have the ‘color’ attribute set to red for <note>, <notehead>, <stem>, <dot>, and <accidental>, respectively.

The elements in the second bar have the ‘color’ attribute set to red for <down-bow>, <tremolo>, <accent>, and <note> again (for the rest), respectively, followed by a red unpitched note.

The third and fourth bar consists of a red two-bar rest.

The fifth bar has a red rehearsal mark on its starting bar line. The first note has three fingerings, with the middle one in red; also attached is a red ‘ff’ sign. The second note has three plucks, with the first one in red. A red ‘Adagio’ tempo indication is on top of the third beat, which consists of a quadruplet with a red number. The fourth beat holds a red arpeggio, and the fifth beat demonstrates lyrics in red.

The sixth bar holds a red beamlet, a red beam, a red slur, a red pedal marker that gets continued with a blue one, and a red octave shift.

Measure seven contains a red trill with a black wavy line, a black trill with a red wavy line, a red bracket, a red glissando, and a red wedge.

Bar eight starts with a red and black tie connecting two chords, followed by ’cresc.’ and dashes in red, followed by ’dim.’ in black with red dashes.

The ninth measure demonstrates a red 6/8 time signature, followed by a red two-stem tremolo, a red breath mark.

Bar ten begins with a red, non-traditional key change, followed by a red, traditional one.

The eleventh bar starts with a red bass clef (actually, still in bar seven), followed by a blue percussion clef on a red two-line staff (where the middle line is omitted).

Measures 12 to 14 holds a repeat structure with two endings, with red bar lines at the beginning of measures 12 and 14, a blue bar line at the beginning of measure 13, and a red prima-volta bracket and number.


[image of music]

Font sizes. The elements in the first bar have the ‘font-size’ attribute set to a larger value for <note>, <notehead>, <trill-mark>, <dot>, and <accidental>, respectively.

The elements in the second bar have the ‘font-size’ attribute set to a larger value for <down-bow>, <accidental-mark>, <accent>, and <note> again (for the rest), respectively, followed by a larger percussion clef and a larger unpitched note.

The third and fourth bar consists of an oversized two-bar rest.

The fifth bar has an oversized rehearsal mark on its starting bar line. The first note has three fingerings, with the middle one oversized; also attached is an oversized ‘ff’ sign. The second note has three plucks, with the first one oversized. An oversized ‘Adagio’ tempo indication is on top of the third and fourth beats, which consist of a quadruplet with an oversized number. The fifth beat demonstrates oversized lyrics.

The sixth bar holds an oversized pedal marker with an oversized octave shift, an oversized trill with a wavy line, and an oversized ‘cresc.’ with dashes.

The seventh measure demonstrates an oversized, non-traditional key change, followed by an oversized 6/8 time signature, an oversized breath mark, an oversized bass clef, and an oversized, traditional key change.


[image of music]

41 ... Multiple parts (staves)

A piece with four parts (P0, P1, P2, P3; different from what Finale creates!). Are they converted in the correct order?


[image of music]

A piece with 20 parts to check whether an application supports that many parts and whether they are correctly sorted.


[image of music]

A huge orchestra score with 28 parts and different kinds of nested bracketed groups. Each part/group is assigned a name and an abbreviation to be shown before the staff. Also, most of the groups show unbroken barlines, while the barlines are broken between the groups.


[image of music]

Two properly nested part groups: One group (with a square bracket) goes from staff 2 to 4) and another group (with a curly bracket) goes from staff 3 to 4.


[image of music]

Part names and abbreviations can contain line breaks.


[image of music]

MusicXML allows for overlapping part-groups, while many applications do not allow overlapping groups, but require them to be properly nested. In this case, one group (within parenthesis) goes from staff 1 to 4 and another group (also within parenthesis) goes from staff 3 to 5.


[image of music]

This piece has more part elements than the part-list section gives. One can either convert all the parts present, but not listed in the part-list, or simply not import / ignore them.


[image of music]

MusicXML allows part-name and part-name-display in the score-part element. If part-name-display is given, it overrides the part-name for display.

The first staff uses only part-name, while the second one (same part-name) overrides it with a custom text. Similar for the part-abbreviation used in subsequent staves.


[image of music]

This score has multiple display-text elements in its part-name-display block. This is handled without crashing.


[image of music]

42 ... Multiple voices per staff

Two voices share one staff. Each voice is assigned some lyrics.


[image of music]

A multi-voice / multi-staff part with a clef change in the middle of a measure and a <backward> for voice 2 jumping back beyond that clef change.


[image of music]

43 ... One part on multiple staves

A simple piano staff


[image of music]

A piano staff with different keys and clefs for each of its staves. The keys and clefs for both staves are given at the very beginning of the measure.


[image of music]

A piano staff with different keys and clefs for each of its staves. The key and clef for the second staff is given only after a backward, just before the first note of the second staff is given, but after the whole measure for staff 1 has been given.


[image of music]

Staff changes in a piano staff. The voice from the second staff has some notes/chords on the first staff. The final two chords have some notes on the first, some on the second staff.


[image of music]

A piano staff with dynamics and clef changes, where each element (ffff, wedge and clef changes) applies only to one voice or one staff, respectively.


[image of music]

45 ... Repeats

A simple, repeated measure (repeated 5 times)


[image of music]

A simple repeat with two alternative endings (volta brackets).


[image of music]

Repeats can also be nested.


[image of music]

Nested repeats, each with alternative endings.


[image of music]

Some more nested repeats with alternatives. The barline between measure 7 and 8 will probably be messed up! (Should be a repeat on both sides!)


[image of music]

Some more nested repeats with alternatives, where the MusicXML file does not make sense in the first place. How well are applications able to cope with improper repeats and alternatives?


[image of music]

A forward-repeating bar line without an ending repeat bar.


[image of music]

46 ... Barlines, Measures

Different types of (non-repeat) barlines: default (no setting), regular, dotted, dashed, heavy, light-light, light-heavy, heavy-light, heavy-heavy, tick, short, none.


[image of music]

Barlines can appear at mid-measure positions, without using an implicit measure!


[image of music]

A clef change in the middle of a measure, using either an implicit measure or simply placing the attributes in the middle of the measure.


[image of music]

A 3/8 pickup measure, a measure that is split into one (incomplete, only 2/4) measure and an implicit measure, and an incomplete measure (containg 3/4).


[image of music]

Voice 2 should start at 2nd beat of first full measure.


[image of music]

Measures can contain less notes than the time signature says. Here, the first and third measures contain only two quarters instead of four.


[image of music]

Pickup measure with chord names and figured bass.


[image of music]

51 ... Header information

Several header fields and part names can contain quotes ("). This test checks whether they are converted/imported without problems (i.e. whether they are correctly escaped when converting).


[image of music]

There can be multiple <rights> tags in the identification element of the score. The conversion shall still work, ideally using both of them.


[image of music]

A piece with an empty (but existing) work-title, but a non-empty movement-title. In this case the movement-title should be chosen, even though the work-title exists.


[image of music]

52 ... Page layout

Several page layout settings: paper size, margins, system margins and distances, different fonts, etc.


[image of music]

System and page breaks, given in a <print> element


[image of music]

61 ... Lyrics

Some notes with simple lyrics: Syllables, notes without a syllable, syllable spanners.


[image of music]

Multiple (simple) lyrics. The order of the exported stanzas is relevant (identified by the number attribute in this test case)


[image of music]

Lyrics assigned to the voices of a piano staff containing two simple staves. Each staff is assigned exactly one lyrics line.


[image of music]

How to treat lyrics and slurred notes. Normally, a slurred group of notes is assigned only one lyrics syllable.


[image of music]

Assigning lyrics to chorded notes.


[image of music]

Grace notes shall not mess up the lyrics, and they shall not be assigned to a syllable.


[image of music]

A lyrics syllable can have both a number and a name attribute. The question is: What should be used to put syllables of the same voice together. This example uses different number/name combinations to check how different applications handle this unspecified case (The advice on the MusicXML mailing list was "there is no correct way, each application can do what it thinks is best").


[image of music]

Beaming or slurs can indicate melismata for lyrics. Also make sure that notes without an explicit syllable are treated as if they were part of a melisma.

In the second bar, ‘start’, ‘continue’, and ‘stop’ types are used for <extend>, together with a red color for the extender line.


[image of music]

Each note of a chord can have some lyrics attached. In this case, each note of the chord has lyrics of the form "Lyrics [123]" attached, where each lyrics has a different number attribute to distinguish them. These syllables should be imported into three different stanzas and the timing should be correct.


[image of music]

Multiple lyrics syllables assigned to a single note are implemented either using a space in the lyrics’ <text> element or by using <elision>.

The first note has a single syllable, the second note has two syllables separated by a space, the third has two syllables with <elision> set to an undertie, and the fourth has three syllables (the first and third one in red, and the second one being in italic and overriding the color with blue), with a green undertie between the first and second syllable and an empty <elision> element between the second and third syllable, causing an application-specific elision glyph.


[image of music]

Lyrics spanners: continued syllables and extenders, possibly spanning multiple notes. The intermediate notes do not have any <lyric> element.


[image of music]

71 ... Guitar notation

A normal staff with several (complex) chord names displayed.


[image of music]

A staff with chord names and some fretboards shown. The fretboards can have an arbitrary number of frets/strings, can start at an arbitrary fret and can even contain fingering information.


[image of music]

Chords and fretboards assigned to the voices in a multi-voice, multi-staff part. There should be fret diagrams above each of the two staves.


[image of music]

Some tablature staves, with explicit fingering information and different string tunings given in the MusicXML file.


[image of music]

All chord types defined in MusicXML. The staff will only contain one c’ note (NO chord) for all of them, but the chord names should be properly printed.


[image of music]

There can be multiple subsequent harmony elements, indicating a harmony change during a note


[image of music]

72 ... Transposing instruments

Transposing instruments: Trumpet in Bb, Horn in Eb, Piano; All of them show the C major scale (the trumpet with 2 sharp, the horn with 3 sharp).


[image of music]

Various transposition. Each part plays a c”, just displayed in different display pitches. The second-to-last staff uses a transposition where the displayed c’ is an actual f”’ concert pitch. The final staff is an untransposed instrument.


[image of music]

An instrument change from one transposition (Clarinet in Eb) to another transposing instrument (Clarinet in Bb). The displayed instrument name should also be updated.

The whole piece is in Bb major (sounding), so first the key signature should be one flat, after the change it should have no accidentals.


[image of music]

73 ... Percussion

Three types of percussion staves: A five-line staff with bass clef for Timpani, a five-line staff with percussion clef, and a one-line percussion staff with only unpitched notes.


[image of music]

74 ... Figured bass

Some figured bass containing alterated figures, bracketed figures and slashed figures.

Note that this file does not contain any extenders!


[image of music]

75 ... Other instrumental notation

All possible accordion registrations.


[image of music]

90 ... Compressed MusicXML files

A compressed MusicXML file, containing a simple MusicXML score and the corresponding .pdf output for reference.


[image of music]

99 ... Compatibility with broken MusicXML

Dolet 3 for Sibelius (5.1) did not print out any closing beam tags, only starting and continuing beam tags. For such files, one either needs to ignore all beaming information or close all beams


[image of music]

If we properly ignore all beaming information from the Dolet 3 for Sibelius export file, make sure that the lyrics syllables are still assigned to the correct notes.


[image of music]

Unofficial MusicXML test suite v2.25.20 (development-branch).