3.7 Condividere l’indice

Queste funzioni sono già incluse nel pacchetto OrchestralLily:

Alcuni utenti preferiscono esportare l’indice da lilypond e leggerlo da dentro LaTeX per la sua maggiore flessibilità nella gestione del testo.

Esportare l’indice da LilyPond

Per questo esempio si presume che lo spartito abbia vari movimenti nello stesso file di output di lilypond.

#(define (oly:create-toc-file layout pages)
  (let* ((label-table (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'label-page-table)))
    (if (not (null? label-table))
      (let* ((format-line (lambda (toc-item)
             (let* ((label (car toc-item))
                    (text  (caddr toc-item))
                    (label-page (and (list? label-table)
                                     (assoc label label-table)))
                    (page (and label-page (cdr label-page))))
               (format #f "~a, section, 1, {~a}, ~a" page text label))))
             (formatted-toc-items (map format-line (toc-items)))
             (whole-string (string-join formatted-toc-items ",\n"))
             (output-name (ly:parser-output-name))
             (outfilename (format #f "~a.toc" output-name))
             (outfile (open-output-file outfilename)))
        (if (output-port? outfile)
            (display whole-string outfile)
            (ly:warning (G_ "Unable to open output file ~a for the TOC information") outfilename))
        (close-output-port outfile)))))

\paper {
  #(define (page-post-process layout pages) (oly:create-toc-file layout pages))

Importare l’indice in LaTeX

In LaTeX l’intestazione deve includere:


dove \includescore viene definito in questo modo:

% \includescore{PossibleExtension}

% Read in the TOC entries for a PDF file from the corresponding .toc file.
% This requires some heave latex tweaking, since reading in things from a file
% and inserting it into the arguments of a macro is not (easily) possible

% Solution by Patrick Fimml on #latex on April 18, 2009:
% \readfile{filename}{\variable}
% reads in the contents of the file into \variable (undefined if file
% doesn't exist)
{\catcode`\^^M=10\global\read\readfile@f to \readfile@tmp}%
\openin\readfile@f=#1 %
\typeout{No TOC file #1 available!}%


LilyPond: manuale d’uso del programma v2.25.23 (development-branch).