Beams across line breaks

Normally, LilyPond refuses to automatically break a line at places where a beam crosses a bar line. This behavior can be changed by setting the Beam.breakable property to #t.

This property does not affect manual breaks inserted with commands like \break.

music = {
  \repeat unfold 8 c8
  c8 \repeat unfold 7 { c[ c] }  c
  \repeat unfold 8 c8

\relative c'' {
  <>^\markup { \typewriter Beam.breakable set to \typewriter "#t" }
  \override Beam.breakable = ##t

\relative c'' {
  <>^\markup { \typewriter Beam.breakable not set }

\paper {
  line-width = 100\mm
  tagline = ##f
[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.25 (development-branch).