Section divisions

The \section command marks a point where one section of music ends and another begins. It does not have to be followed by more music: it may also be used to emphasize that the written end of the music is not the end of the piece, such as at a D.C. instruction or where one movement continues into the next without a break. \section normally creates a double bar line, but its effect can depend on other notation, e.g., repeat bar lines.

The \fine command ends the piece, normally with a final bar line. It is not limited to use at the written end of the music: it may also appear inside \repeat (see Al-fine repeats).

A section can optionally be named with \sectionLabel (see Section labels).

\fixed c' {
  \sectionLabel "Refrain"
[image of music]

For details on interactions of \fine and \section bar lines with other types of bar lines, and options for changing their appearance, see Automatic bar lines.

See also

Music Glossary: fine.

Notation Reference: Automatic bar lines, Divisiones, Al-fine repeats, Section labels.

Internals Reference: FineEvent, SectionEvent.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).