LilyPond — Changes

This document lists changes and new features in LilyPond version 2.25.20 since 2.24.

Note: LilyPond releases can contain syntax changes, which may require modifications in your existing files written for older versions so that they work in the new version. To upgrade files, it is strongly recommended to use the convert-ly tool distributed with LilyPond, which is described in Updating files with convert-ly. convert-ly can perform almost all syntax updates automatically. Frescobaldi users can run convert-ly directly from Frescobaldi using “Tools > Update with convert-ly…”. Other editing environments with LilyPond support may provide a way to run convert-ly graphically.

Major changes in LilyPond

  • Margins are now wider by default following the general layout of several publishers (and the recommendations of Elaine Gould).

    In order to switch back to the previous settings (e.g., to keep the same layout when upgrading an existing score to version 2.25.20), add the following code:

    \paper {
      top-margin = 5\mm
      bottom-margin = 6\mm
      top-system-spacing.basic-distance = 1
      top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = 0
      left-margin = 10\mm
      right-margin = 10\mm
      inner-margin = 10\mm
      outer-margin = 20\mm
      binding-offset = 0\mm
  • Instead of generating PostScript or SVG output by itself, LilyPond can now use the Cairo library to produce its output. This is referred to as the ‘Cairo backend’, and can be turned on using the -dbackend=cairo command-line option. This works for all output formats (PDF, SVG, PNG, PostScript), and brings speed and rendering fidelity improvements in SVG output in particular. However, keep in mind that this backend does not yet implement all features of the default backends. Among the features not currently supported are PDF outlines, the -dembed-source-code option for PDF, and the output-attributes property for SVG.
  • The distances between clefs and time signatures, together with the distances between clefs and key signatures, are now calculated differently. As a consequence, you will get better spacing for extra-wide clefs (like \clef "GG") or extra-slim clefs (like \clef "petrucci-c3").

    In the following image, both old and new positions are shown. The percentage gives the width difference of clef plus time signature and clef plus key signature, respectively.

    [image of music]

    Note that, as before, the widest clef in a staff group determines the horizontal position of all clefs in a system; this means, for example, that a piano score containing a treble and an alto clef doesn’t change at all.

    If you want to restore the previous default values for whatever reason, add

    \override =
                #'(minimum-space . 3.5)
    \override =
                #'(minimum-space . 3.5)
    \override =
                #'(minimum-space . 4.2)

    to your score.

  • The LilyPond major mode for the GNU Emacs text editor provided by the Emacs Lisp package lilypond-mode.el has been renamed from LilyPond-mode to lilypond-mode. The namespace prefix for the package is changed to all lowercase lilypond- from LilyPond-, meaning all its functions, variables, etc., now have the all-lowercase prefix. This change is made to comply with the idiomatic Emacs naming convention, most importantly, having the major mode name be the same as the package name that provides it. Therefore, this also makes it easier for new users to set up LilyPond in Emacs.

    As a result, this will break some existing Emacs configurations for the end users. However, it only requires minimal changes to the Emacs initialization file. Here’s an example of setting up lilypond-mode using the built-in use-package macro in Emacs:

    (use-package lilypond-mode
      :ensure nil
      :mode "\\.\\(ly\\|ily\\)$")

Notes for source compilation and packagers

This section is aimed at enthusiasts compiling LilyPond from source and packagers preparing LilyPond for distribution. If you are not part of either group, you can skip over this section.

  • LilyPond now requires Guile 3.0.7. As before, it is still strongly recommended to compile the .scm files into bytecode by first running make bytecode during compilation and then make install-bytecode in addition to make install.

New for musical notation

Pitches improvements

  • Certain spurious change clefs have been fixed.
      \clef treble

    [image of music]

Rhythm improvements

  • It is now possible to right-align different types of bar lines.
    \new StaffGroup
        \new Staff { \textMark "default" b1 }
        \new Staff { b1 \section }
    \new StaffGroup
        \new Staff
          { \textMark "right-aligned" b1 }
        \new Staff
          { b1
            \override StaffGroup.BarLine.right-justified = ##t
            \section }

    [image of music]

  • Bar checks (|) now implicitly create contexts. The developers deem this unlikely to impact real-world scores. Please report a bug if you find a problem without an obvious workaround.
  • The new option span-all-note-heads may be used to make tuplet brackets span all note heads (not just the stems) as recommended by Gould and Ross.

    [image of music]

  • Automatic beam subdivision has been reworked. Previously, many imperfections could be found in the results of automatic subdivision of many complex beaming patterns due to overreliance of the value of baseMoment. Now, LilyPond can correctly subdivide most beaming patterns and no longer uses the value of baseMoment to limit beam subdivision. Simply setting subdivideBeams to #t now automatically subdivides all intervals by default. 3 new properties have been introduced to tune automatic beam subdivision: minimumBeamSubdivisionInterval, maximumBeamSubdivisionInterval and respectIncompleteBeams. minimumBeamSubdivisionInterval limits subdivision intervals the same way as how baseMoment previously did (reducing frequency of subdivided beams). maximumBeamSubdivisionInterval limits the number of beamlets removed at subdivisions in general. respectIncompleteBeams limits the number of beamlets at subdivisions where the remaining length would not complete the metric value of the subdivision. Setting minimumBeamSubdivisionInterval to the value of baseMoment at all times, even when baseMoment implicitly changes, preserves old behavior.
  • New ‘stacked’ flag glyphs are available. All flag elements of a flag glyph have the same width but are vertically more compact.

    Use \flagStyleStacked to access them; with \flagStyleDefault you can switch back to the standard flag style.

    [image of music]

  • The TimeSignature style 'single-digit has been renamed to 'single-number.

Expressive mark improvements

  • Hairpins in the style of Ferneyhough now support al niente circles.
      \override Hairpin.circled-tip = ##t
      \override Hairpin.stencil = #flared-hairpin
      b1\< b\> b\> b2 b\< b2 b\!

    [image of music]

  • Two new variant glyphs for breathing signs are available: ‘laltcomma’ and ‘raltcomma’. These glyphs represent the old shapes of ‘lcomma’ and ‘rcomma’, respectively, before changing them to more common shapes.
      \override BreathingSign.text =
        \markup { \musicglyph "scripts.raltcomma" }
      f'2 \breathe f' |

    [image of music]

  • The wavy part of a TrillSpanner grob needs less vertical space now.

Repeat improvements

  • \repeat volta alternative endings no longer create invisible bar lines. This may affect line breaking, horizontal spacing, and VoltaBracket extent where an alternative begins or ends without a bar line. In the case of an undesired change, try adding \bar "" or another command that creates a BarLine at that point.
  • Using the new printInitialRepeatBar property, it is possible to make a start repeat bar line automatically printed even at the beginning of the piece.

    [image of music]

  • The volta number position relative to the the volta bracket can now be adjusted with the volta-number-offset property of VoltaBracket.

Editorial annotation improvements

  • NoteName grobs are now horizontally centered by default.

Text and font improvements

  • A new \bar-line markup command to print bar lines in text is now available.
    \markup {
      \override #'(word-space . 2)
        \line {
          \fontsize #-5 \translate-scaled #'(0 . 2) {
            \bar-line ":|."
            \bar-line ".|:"
            \bar-line ";!S!;"
            \bar-line "]{|}["

    [image of music]

  • The syntax for customizing text and music fonts has been changed. Instead of
    \paper {
      #(define fonts
           #:music "Name of music font"
           #:brace "Name of music brace font"
           #:roman "Name of serif font"
           #:sans "Name of sans-serif font"
           #:typewriter "Name of typewriter font"))


    \paper {
      #(define fonts
           "Name of serif font"
           "Name of sans-serif font"
           "Name of typewriter font"

    the new syntax is

    \paper { = "Name of music font"
      property-defaults.fonts.serif = "Name of serif font"
      property-defaults.fonts.sans = "Name of sans-serif font"
      property-defaults.fonts.typewriter = "Name of typewriter font"

    Unlike the previous syntax, the new syntax does not interfere with font sizes, which should be set separately using set-global-staff-size or layout-set-staff-size.

    There is no brace key in the fonts alist; braces glyphs now always default to the music font. However, it is still possible to override this by using an extra font family, as shown in this example (which requires the LilyJAZZ font):

    \layout {
      \context {
        \override = "lilyjazz"
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff { c' }
      \new Staff { c' }
    \markup \override #'(fonts . ((music . "lilyjazz"))) \left-brace #20

    Because fonts is simply a property, it is possible to override it on a per-grob basis, e.g.,

    \layout {
      \override Score.SectionLabel.fonts.roman = "Custom font"

    This is preferable over the already existing font-name property, since the latter makes commands such as \bold ineffective, instead requiring to include “Bold” in the font-name string. Using fonts does not have such effects.

  • The \lookup markup command can now only be used for braces; for other glyphs, use the \musicglyph command. Instead of \lookup, it is also generally recommended to use \left-brace.
  • In markup, when a music font is used (such as for dynamic markings), a glyph absent from the music font was previously rendered in a normal text font. This is no longer the case; a warning about the missing glyph is output instead. In order to use a text font, use the \serif, \sans or \typewriter markup commands. For example:
    dolceP =
        \markup {
          \serif \normal-weight dolce
    { c'\dolceP }

    [image of music]

  • Small caps are now achieved by overriding font-variant to small-caps instead of overriding font-shape to caps. Since font-shape is primarily for achieving italics, this change makes it possible to use small caps and italics at the same time.
  • The font-series property is now more flexible and allows to specify values such as semibold and light instead of only normal and bold.

    The medium value is now an intermediate value between normal and bold rather than an equivalent of normal. Accordingly, the \medium markup command has been renamed to \normal-weight.

  • The new font-stretch property allows selecting a condensed or expanded font.
  • The text of a VoltaBracket grob, as set by \override Score.VoltaBracket.text = … or \set Score.repeatCommands = …, is no longer automatically typeset in a music font; use the \volta-number markup command on those parts that need to be. For example, convert
    \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "2, 5"))


    \set Score.repeatCommands =
      #`((volta ,#{ \markup {
                      \concat { \volta-number 2 , }
                      \volta-number 5 }
  • In markup, fingerings (\markup \finger) and bass figures (\markup \figured-bass) now get scaled along with normal text when using \fontsize.
    myText = \markup {
      The fingering \finger { 5-4 } for a \figured-bass { 7 "6\\" } }
    \markup\fontsize #6 \myText

    [image of music]

    The previous behavior can be restored by setting the global variables legacy-figured-bass-markup-fontsize and legacy-finger-markup-fontsize to #t, respectively:

    #(set! legacy-figured-bass-markup-fontsize #t)
    #(set! legacy-finger-markup-fontsize #t)
    myText = \markup {
      The fingering \finger { 4-5 } for a \figured-bass { 5+ 6 } }
    \markup\fontsize #6 \myText

    [image of music]

  • For best clarity, the \roman markup command has been renamed to \serif. Likewise, to cancel a setting of the font-family property to sans or typewriter, it should now be set to serif, not roman.
  • The \text markup command has been removed. Instead, the \serif, \sans or \typewriter markup commands should be used. These commands used to set the font style only if a normal text font was used (not a musical font, such as for dynamics), but now they both set the font style and make a normal text font used.
  • The font size used by the \volta-number markup command has been reduced to make it better fit with surrounding text. At the same time, the size for the volta bracket number (which uses \volta-number for formatting by default) has been increased by the opposite amount, thus compensating the change in the normal use case.
  • Some glyphs like ‘one’ or ‘accidentals.hufnagelM1’ in the Emmentaler font had too large glyph bounding boxes due to a bug in the font production chain. This is fixed now; be warned, however, that you might experience typesetting differences because tighter bounding boxes often lead to tighter typesetting.
  • New markup commands to print the textual representation of accidentals are added: \text-doubleflat, \text-flat, \text-natural, \text-sharp, \text-doublesharp and the general \text-accidental.
    \markuplist \override #'(padding . 1) \table #'(-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1) {
      "Accidentals for text:"
       \text-doubleflat \text-flat \text-natural \text-sharp
      "Accidentals for music:"
      \doubleflat \flat \natural \sharp \doublesharp

    [image of music]

New for specialist notation

  • For orthogonality with other ancient clefs, five new mensural clefs are available: "mensural-f2", "mensural-f3", "mensural-f4" (same as "mensural-f"), "mensural-f5", "mensural-g1", "mensural-g2" (same as "mensural-g").
  • The default time signature and accidental style in a PetrucciStaff context is now the same as in MensuralStaff.
  • White mensural ligatures now support some rare ligatures (semibreves alone or in the middle), and allow tweaks to show some non-necessary stems.
    \score {
      \relative {
        \set Score.timing = ##f
        \set Score.measureBarType = #'()
        \override = #'petrucci
        \override = #'mensural
        \clef "petrucci-c4"
        \[ a1 g f e \]
        \[ a1 g\longa \]
        \[ \once \override NoteHead.left-down-stem = ##t
           a\breve b
           \once \override NoteHead.right-down-stem = ##t
           g\longa \]
        \[ \once \override NoteHead.right-down-stem = ##t
           \once \override NoteHead.right-up-stem = ##t
           g\longa \]
      \layout {
        \context {
          \remove Ligature_bracket_engraver
          \consists Mensural_ligature_engraver

    [image of music]

  • The use of the is deprecated. While still working for backward compatibility, it should be replaced with a VaticanaScore context together with some manual \layout changes (if necessary): code like
    \include ""
    \score {
      \new VaticanaStaff { ... }

    should become

    \new VaticanaScore {
      \new VaticanaStaff { ... }
    \layout {
      indent = 0
      ragged-last = ##t
  • LilyPond’s ‘arabic’ note name language is deprecated. While still working for backward compatibility (if you load, it is recommended to use ‘english’, ‘italiano’, or your preferred note name language instead.
  • Defaults for fret diagram fret labels have changed.
    • The default value for fret-label-vertical-offset is set to -0.5, which centers the label in the fret space.
    • The default number format is now 'custom, with a format string of "~dfr" (resulting in ‘3fr’, for example), instead of 'roman-lower.
  • Command \autoBeamOff now stops auto-beaming immediately. Previously, its effect was delayed if a beam generated by the auto-beamer engraver was still active.
  • It is no longer necessary to switch off auto-beaming while using \crossStaff.
  • The \upbow and \downbow signs are now properly inverted if used below a staff. As a consequence, the glyphs script.upbow and script.downbow have been renamed to script.uupbow and script.udownbow, respectively, and the new inverted glyphs are named script.dupbow and script.ddownbow.
    \relative c' {
      f4^\downbow f^\upbow f_\downbow f_\upbow

    [image of music]

Miscellaneous improvements

  • Embedding PNG images is now supported using the new \image markup command. This supplements the existing \epsfile command for EPS images.

    \image works for both PNG and EPS images. For EPS images, the difference between using \image and \epsfile is that \image adds a white background by default, while \epsfile does not.

  • The new \qr-code markup command inserts a QR code of the specified size for the specified URL. This can be used to link to, e.g., the website of a composer or publisher, the LilyPond source files for the score, recordings, etc.
    \markup \qr-code #10 ""

    [image of music]

  • Parentheses for text markup have been added to the Emmentaler fonts, which harmonize with digits (in contrast to the already available parentheses for accidentals).
  • A figure-dash glyph (U+2012) and an en-dash glyph (U+2013) have been added to the Emmentaler fonts.
  • A figure space (U+2007), a thin space (U+2009), and a hair space (U+200A) have been added to the Emmentaler fonts.
  • The -dinclude-settings option can now be given multiple times to include several stylesheets.
  • In the LaTeX backend of lilypond-book, all inline images are now vertically shifted. The amount can be controlled globally with command-line option --inline-vshift and locally with an argument to the snippet option inline.
  • Two new command-line options -dfirst and -dlast have been introduced; they are equivalent to setting showFirstLength and showLastLength, respectively, in a LilyPond input file. For example, saying
    lilypond -dlast=R1*5 ...

    makes LilyPond render only the last five measures (assuming a 4/4 time signature).

  • A visual index of all LilyPond graphical objects (grobs) is now available as a manual. This is based on Joram Berger’s work for LilyPond 2.19.
  • The printing of arpeggios has been improved, using new, different default values for the Arpeggio.positions property. Adjustments of this property must probably be updated.
  • LilyPond provides support for in-notes, i.e., footnote-like annotations between music systems. This isn’t new (it was actually available since version 2.15.17, published in 2011) but it had some flaws and wasn’t documented until now.
  • The lilysong script has been removed. Besides lacking any documentation, it hasn’t been maintained for a long time. Additionally, it has been using an external speech synthesis program called festival, which is no longer maintained either.
  • Two new spacing styles are available for the space-alist grob property: shrink-space and semi-shrink-space; these spaces only shrink and don’t stretch. They are also used directly in LilyPond, improving the formatting of tightly spaced staves.
  • The lilypond binary has a new command-line option -dstaff-size to set the global staff size, equivalent to setting set-global-staff-size in a LilyPond input file.
  • Instead of the functions \bookOutputName and \bookOutputSuffix we now recommend to use the paper variables output-filename and output-suffix (which are not new but stayed undocumented until now). While the former will work unchanged, the latter is more coherent and easier to understand, especially if combined with predefined paper variables.
  • The Stem.details.lengths property now also accepts pairs as list elements, allowing to set the length for up and down stems separately.
  • The ly:self-alignment-interface::aligned-on-x-parent function (used by many grobs to compute the x-offset) now listens to a new PaperColumn property called X-alignment-extent. Set by default, it provides a fallback width for the PaperColumn grob in case it doesn’t contain note heads. This helps align dynamic scripts that are attached to spacer rests, for example.
    music =
      \new Staff <<
        { f'2 g'2 }
        { s4\f s\f s\f s\f }
    \score {
    \score {
      \layout {
        \context {
          \override PaperColumn.X-alignment-extent = ##f

    [image of music]

  • BassFigureContinuation grobs now support horizontal-line-spanner-interface; the padding property has been replaced with the corresponding sub-properties in bound-details.
  • The \align-on-other markup command now accepts #f as a value for the alignment, indicating a markup’s reference point.
  • A new function \withRelativeDir is now available for markup commands that include files, and where such files should be found relative to the input file. Example:
    \markup { \image #X #3 \withRelativeDir "test.png" }
  • The positioning of horizontal (analysis) brackets has been improved; in particular, the HorizontalBracket grob now has an outside-staff-priority value of 800. As a consequence, however, nested horizontal brackets might be positioned differently than before. You can fix this by adjusting outside-staff-priority values with \tweak (where the outermost bracket should get the highest priority value).
  • A new Scheme function to-staff-space is provided to convert absolute dimensions (in various units) to staff-space units. Examples:
    top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = #(to-staff-space 2 'cm)
    % default unit is pt
      \override #`(baseline-skip . ,(to-staff-space 20))
      \column {
  • Two new markup functions \abs-hspace and \abs-vspace are available to provide absolute dimensions that stay the same regardless of the current staff size.
  • The data emitted by the command-line option -dshow-available-fonts is now sent to standard output.
  • Function ly:font-config-display-fonts got an optional argument to select the output port.
  • The Scheme command-line option handling is now more robust. In course of the new implementation, some minor changes were necessary.
    • On the command line, the argument for the -dpaper-size option no longer needs to be extra-quoted, i.e., a call like -dpaper-size=a3 works just fine.
    • The pixmap-format option now expects a string as a value, not a symbol. No change on the command line, but a call like
      #(ly:set-option 'pixmap-format 'pngalpha)

      must be changed to

      #(ly:set-option 'pixmap-format "pngalpha")

      The same holds for options separate-page-formats and tall-page-formats. Note that convert-ly can handle this automatically.

  • The side-position-interface got two new properties, X-padding and minimum-X-space, to control the horizontal padding and minimum distance to a grob’s parent object, independently of the vertical padding and minimum distance. This is useful for grobs like Fingering that can be attached either horizontally or vertically to note heads, and which need different padding values for the X- and Y-axis, respectively.
  • \pushContextProperty and \popContextProperty are two new commands for manipulating context properties. The first one pushes the current value to a stack and sets a new value, while the second one pops off the value from the stack and uses it to restore the previous value.
      \pushContextProperty Staff.fontSize 3
      \pushContextProperty Staff.fontSize 6
      \popContextProperty Staff.fontSize
      \popContextProperty Staff.fontSize

    [image of music]

For older news, go to, or go back to the Documentation index.

LilyPond Changes v2.25.20 (development-branch).