Note: LilyPond is a text-based music engraver; it is more similar to a programming language than a graphical score editing program. Before downloading LilyPond, please read about our Text input. Once you have downloaded LilyPond, read the start of the Learning Manual for a gentle introduction on how to install it and use it.
Generic Packages or Distribution-Specific Packages?
Many distributions include LilyPond within their normal package repositories that are often significantly older than the current stable version. While these older packages may be easier to install, we strongly recommend that you use our generic packages. In this case, check that your LilyPond editor is using the correct version. See Easier editing.
Generic Packages
GNU/Linux x86: LilyPond 2.22.2-1 32bit Systems.
GNU/Linux 64: LilyPond 2.22.2-1 64bit Systems.
In the shell, type:
cd PATH-TO-DOWNLOAD-DIRECTORY sh lilypond-2.22.2-OS-TYPE.sh
In the shell, type:
In the shell, type:
sh lilypond-2.22.2-OS-TYPE.sh --help
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Tux the Linux Penguin was created by lewing@isc.tamu.edu with the Gnu Image Manipulation Program.