Using marklines in a Frenched score
Using MarkLine
contexts (such as in
LSR1010) in a Frenched
score can be problematic if all the staves between two MarkLine
are removed in one system. The Keep_alive_together_engraver
be used within each StaffGroup
to keep the MarkLine
only as long as the other staves in the group stay alive.
bars = { \tempo "Allegro" 4=120 s1*2 \repeat unfold 5 { \mark \default s1*2 } \bar "||" \tempo "Adagio" 4=40 s1*2 \repeat unfold 8 { \mark \default s1*2 } \bar "|." } winds = \repeat unfold 120 { c''4 } trumpet = { \repeat unfold 8 g'2 R1*16 \repeat unfold 4 g'2 R1*8 } trombone = { \repeat unfold 4 c'1 R1*8 d'1 R1*17 } strings = \repeat unfold 240 { c''8 } #(set-global-staff-size 16) \paper { systems-per-page = 5 ragged-last-bottom = ##f } \layout { indent = 15\mm short-indent = 5\mm \context { \name MarkLine \type Engraver_group \consists Output_property_engraver \consists Axis_group_engraver \consists Mark_engraver \consists Metronome_mark_engraver \consists Staff_collecting_engraver \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty = ##t \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-layer = #'any \override VerticalAxisGroup.staff-affinity = #DOWN \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding = 1 keepAliveInterfaces = #'() } \context { \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-empty = ##t \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-layer = ##f } \context { \StaffGroup \accepts MarkLine \consists Keep_alive_together_engraver } \context { \Score \remove Mark_engraver \remove Metronome_mark_engraver \remove Staff_collecting_engraver } } \score { << \new StaffGroup = "winds" \with { instrumentName = "Winds" shortInstrumentName = "Winds" } << \new MarkLine \bars \new Staff \winds >> \new StaffGroup = "brass" << \new MarkLine \bars \new Staff = "trumpet" \with { instrumentName = "Trumpet" shortInstrumentName = "Tpt" } \trumpet \new Staff = "trombone" \with { instrumentName = "Trombone" shortInstrumentName = "Tbn" } \trombone >> \new StaffGroup = "strings" \with { instrumentName = "Strings" shortInstrumentName = "Strings" } << \new MarkLine \bars \new Staff = "strings" { \strings } >> >> }
![[image of music]](../55/lily-412621eb.png)