Alignement vertical de StaffGroups sans SystemStartBar

Cet extrait indique comment obtenir des regroupements StaffGroup alignés verticalement, disposant chacun de leur indication de groupe SystemStartBar, sans qu’il ne soient connectés entre eux.

#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\header { tagline = ##f }

\paper {
  indent = 0
  ragged-right = ##f
  print-all-headers = ##t

\layout {
  \context {
    \consists Text_mark_engraver
    \consists Staff_collecting_engraver
    systemStartDelimiterHierarchy =
      #'(SystemStartBrace (SystemStartBracket a b))

  \context {
    \remove Text_mark_engraver
    \remove Staff_collecting_engraver
    \override = #'bar-line
    \omit SystemStartBar
    \override SystemStartBrace.padding = #-0.1
    \override SystemStartBrace.thickness = #1.6
    \override StaffGrouper.staffgroup-staff-spacing.basic-distance = #15


txt =
\lyricmode {
  Wer4 nur den lie -- ben Gott läßt wal2 -- ten4
  und4 hof -- fet auf ihn al -- le Zeit2.

% First StaffGroup "exercise"

eI =
\relative c' {
  \textMark \markup {
          \bold Teacher:
          This is a simple setting of the choral. Please improve it.
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4

  \partial 4
  a b c b
  a b gis2
  e4\fermata g! g f
  e a a gis
  \bar ":|."

eII =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \partial 4
  e e e gis
  a f e2
  b4 b d d
  c c d d
  \bar ":|."

eIII =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass

  \partial 4
  c b a b
  c d b2
  gis4 g g b
  c a f e

eIV =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass

  \partial 4
  a' gis a e
  a, d e2
  e,4\fermata e' b g
  c f d e
  \bar ":|."

exercise =
\new StaffGroup = "exercise"

  \new Staff
      \new Voice \eI
      \new Voice \eII

  \new Lyrics \txt

  \new Staff
      \new Voice \eIII
      \new Voice \eIV

% Second StaffGroup "simple Bach"

sbI =
\relative c' {
  \textMark \markup { \bold" Pupil:" Here's my version! }
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4

  \partial 4
  a b c b
  a b gis2
  e4\fermata g! g f
  e a a gis
  \bar ":|."

sbII =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \partial 4
  c8 d
  e4 e e8 f g4
  f f e2
  b4 b8 c d4 d
  e8 d c4 b8 c d4
  \bar ":|."

sbIII =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass

  \partial 4
  a8 b
  c4 b a b8 c
  d4 d8 c b2
  gis4 g g8 a b4
  b a8 g f4 e

sbIV =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass

  \partial 4
  a' gis a e
  f8 e d4 e2
  e,4\fermata e' b a8 g
  c4 f8 e d4 e
  \bar ":|."

simpleBach =
\new StaffGroup = "simple Bach"

  \new Staff
      \new Voice \sbI
      \new Voice \sbII

  \new Lyrics \txt

  \new Staff
      \new Voice \sbIII
      \new Voice \sbIV

% Third StaffGroup "chromatic Bach"

cbI =
\relative c' {
  \textMark \markup {
    \bold "Teacher:"
    \column {
      "Well, you simply copied and transposed a version of J.S.Bach."
      "Do you know this one?"
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4

  \partial 4
  a b c b
  a b gis4. fis8
  e4\fermata g! g f
  e a a8 b gis4
  \bar ":|."

cbII =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \partial 4
  c8 d
  e4 e e8 fis gis4
  a8 g! f!4 e2
  b4 e e d
  d8[ cis] d dis e fis e4
  \bar ":|."

cbIII =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass

  \partial 4
  a8 b
  c[ b] a gis8 a4 d,
  e8[ e'] d c b4. a8
  gis4 b c d8 c
  b[ a] a b c b b c16 d

cbIV =
\relative c' {
  \key a \minor
  \time 4/4
  \clef bass

  \partial 4
  c, e a, b
  c d e2
  e4\fermata e a b8 c
  gis[ g] fis f e dis e4
  \bar ":|."

chromaticBach =
\new StaffGroup = "chromatic Bach"

  \new Staff
      \new Voice \cbI
      \new Voice \cbII

  \new Lyrics \txt

  \new Staff
      \new Voice \cbIII
      \new Voice \cbIV

% Score

\score {

  \header {
    title = \markup
               \column {
                 \combine \null \vspace #1
                 "Exercise: Improve the given choral"
                 " "
  \layout {
    \context {
      \override LyricText.X-offset = #-1
[image of music]

LilyPond snippets v2.25.25 (development-branch).