Appendix B LilyPond index

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Index Entry  Section

# 1.2.1 LilyPond Scheme syntax
# 1.2.5 Importing Scheme in LilyPond
# 2.1 LilyPond code blocks
#@ 1.2.1 LilyPond Scheme syntax
#@ 1.2.5 Importing Scheme in LilyPond
#f 1.1.3 Scheme simple data types
#t 1.1.3 Scheme simple data types
#{ … #} 1.3.1 A first approach (example)
#{ … #} 2.1 LilyPond code blocks

$ 1.2.1 LilyPond Scheme syntax
$ 1.2.5 Importing Scheme in LilyPond
$ 2.1 LilyPond code blocks
$@ 1.2.1 LilyPond Scheme syntax
$@ 1.2.5 Importing Scheme in LilyPond

accessing Scheme 1 Scheme tutorial
\applyContext 2.6.1 Context evaluation
\applyOutput 2.6.2 Running a function on all layout objects

calling code during interpreting 2.6.1 Context evaluation
calling code on layout objects 2.6.2 Running a function on all layout objects
code blocks, LilyPond 2.1 LilyPond code blocks

debugging, Scheme code 1.2.3 Debugging Scheme code
define-event-function 2.4 Event functions
define-markup-list-command 2.5.4 New markup list command definition
define-music-function 2.3.1 Music function definitions
define-scheme-function 2.2.1 Scheme function definitions
define-void-function 2.2.3 Void Scheme functions
defining markup commands 2.5.1 Markup construction in Scheme
defining music functions 2.3.1 Music function definitions
displaying music expressions 1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
\displayLilyMusic 1.3.3 Music properties
\displayMusic 1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
displayMusic 1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
\displayScheme 2.5.1 Markup construction in Scheme

error message, in Scheme code 1.2.3 Debugging Scheme code
evaluating Scheme 1 Scheme tutorial
event functions 2.4 Event functions

grob-transformer 1.3.1 A first approach (example)
Guile 1 Scheme tutorial

horizontal spacing, overriding 2.8 Unpure-pure containers

internal representation, displaying 1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
internal storage 1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
interpret-markup Markup command definition syntax
interpret-markup-list 2.5.4 New markup list command definition

LilyPond code blocks 2.1 LilyPond code blocks
line number, for error message in Scheme code 1.2.3 Debugging Scheme code
LISP 1 Scheme tutorial
ly:assoc-get 2.6.1 Context evaluation
ly:context-grob-definition 2.6.1 Context evaluation
ly:context-property 2.6.1 Context evaluation
ly:context-pushpop-property 2.6.1 Context evaluation
ly:context-set-property! 2.6.1 Context evaluation
ly:stencil-scale 1.3.1 A first approach (example)

make-apply-context 2.6.1 Context evaluation
\markup Markup command definition syntax
markup macro Markup command definition syntax
markup, to string Converting markups to strings
markup->string Converting markups to strings
music functions 2.3 Music functions

normalize-color 1.3.1 A first approach (example)

overrides, temporary 2.3.4 Intermediate substitution functions

properties vs. variables 1.2.6 Object properties
properties, popping previous value 2.3.4 Intermediate substitution functions
pure container, Scheme 2.8 Unpure-pure containers

Scheme 1 Scheme tutorial
Scheme functions (LilyPond syntax) 2.2 Scheme functions
Scheme, debugging 1.2.3 Debugging Scheme code
Scheme, in-line code 1 Scheme tutorial
Scheme, pure container 2.8 Unpure-pure containers
Scheme, unpure container 2.8 Unpure-pure containers
source locations, in error messages for Scheme code 1.2.3 Debugging Scheme code
stencil-with-color 1.3.1 A first approach (example)

\temporary 2.3.4 Intermediate substitution functions
temporary overrides 2.3.4 Intermediate substitution functions

unpure container, Scheme 2.8 Unpure-pure containers

variables vs. properties 1.2.6 Object properties
\void 1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
\void 2.2.3 Void Scheme functions

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Extending LilyPond v2.25.18 (development-branch).