[Top][Contents][Index] |
LilyPond — Extending
This file explains how to extend the functionality of LilyPond version 2.25.25. |
1 Scheme tutorial | Programming inside LilyPond. | |
2 Interfaces for programmers | How to interface with Scheme. | |
3 LilyPond Scheme interfaces | Getting information in and out of music | |
Appendices | ||
Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License | License of this document. | |
Appendix B Index |
For more information about how this manual fits with the other documentation, or to read this manual in other formats, see Manuals. If you are missing any manuals, the complete documentation can be found at https://lilypond.org/. |
[ << Top ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Top ] | [ Up : Top ] | [ Introduction to Scheme > ] |
1 Scheme tutorial
LilyPond uses the Scheme programming language, both as part of the input syntax, and as internal mechanism to glue modules of the program together. This section is a very brief overview of entering data in Scheme. If you want to know more about Scheme, see https://www.schemers.org.
LilyPond uses the GNU Guile implementation of Scheme, which is based on the Scheme “R5RS” standard. If you are learning Scheme to use with LilyPond, working with a different implementation (or referring to a different standard) is not recommended. Information on guile can be found at https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/. The “R5RS” Scheme standard is located at https://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme tutorial ] | [ Up : Scheme tutorial ] | [ Scheme sandbox > ] |
1.1 Introduction to Scheme
We begin with an introduction to Scheme. For this brief introduction, we will use the Guile interpreter to explore how the language works. Once we are familiar with Scheme, we will show how the language can be integrated in LilyPond files.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Scheme variables > ] |
1.1.1 Scheme sandbox
The LilyPond installation includes the Guile implementation of Scheme. A hands-on Scheme sandbox with all of LilyPond loaded is available with this command line:
lilypond scheme-sandbox
Once the sandbox is running, you will receive a guile prompt:
You can enter Scheme expressions at this prompt to experiment with Scheme. If you want to be able to use the GNU readline library for nicer editing of the Scheme command line, check the file ly/scheme-sandbox.ly for more information. If you already have enabled the readline library for your interactive Guile sessions outside of LilyPond, this should work in the sandbox as well.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme sandbox ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Scheme simple data types > ] |
1.1.2 Scheme variables
Scheme variables can have any valid Scheme value, including a Scheme procedure.
Scheme variables are created with define
guile> (define a 2) guile>
Scheme variables can be evaluated at the guile prompt simply by typing the variable name:
guile> a 2 guile>
Scheme variables can be printed on the display by using the display function:
guile> (display a) 2guile>
Note that both the value 2
and the guile prompt guile
showed up on the same line. This can be avoided by calling the
newline procedure or displaying a newline character.
guile> (display a)(newline) 2 guile> (display a)(display "\n") 2 guile>
Once a variable has been created, its value can be changed with set!
guile> (set! a 12345) guile> a 12345 guile>
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme variables ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Scheme compound data types > ] |
1.1.3 Scheme simple data types
The most basic concept in a language is data typing: numbers, character strings, lists, etc. Here is a list of simple Scheme data types that are often used with LilyPond.
- Booleans
Boolean values are True or False. The Scheme for True is
and False is#f
.- Numbers
Numbers are entered in the standard fashion,
is the (integer) number one, while-1.5
is a floating point number (a non-integer number).- Strings
Strings are enclosed in double quotes:
"this is a string"
Strings may span several lines:
"this is a string"
and the newline characters at the end of each line will be included in the string.
Newline characters can also be added by including
in the string."this\nis a\nmultiline string"
Quotation marks and backslashes are added to strings by preceding them with a backslash. The string
\a said "b"
is entered as"\\a said \"b\""
There are additional Scheme data types that are not discussed here. For a complete listing see the Guile reference guide, https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/docs/docs-1.8/guile-ref/Simple-Data-Types.html.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme simple data types ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Pairs > ] |
1.1.4 Scheme compound data types
There are also compound data types in Scheme. The types commonly used in LilyPond programming include pairs, lists, alists, and hash tables.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme compound data types ] | [ Up : Scheme compound data types ] | [ Lists > ] |
The foundational compound data type of Scheme is the pair
. As
might be expected from its name, a pair is two values glued together.
The operator used to form a pair is called cons
guile> (cons 4 5) (4 . 5) guile>
Note that the pair is displayed as two items surrounded by
parentheses and separated by whitespace, a period (.
), and
more whitespace. The period is not a decimal point, but
rather an indicator of the pair.
Pairs can also be entered as literal values by preceding them with a single quote character.
guile> '(4 . 5) (4 . 5) guile>
The two elements of a pair may be any valid Scheme value:
guile> (cons #t #f) (#t . #f) guile> '("blah-blah" . 3.1415926535) ("blah-blah" . 3.1415926535) guile>
The first and second elements of the pair can be accessed by the
Scheme procedures car
and cdr
, respectively.
guile> (define mypair (cons 123 "hello there") … ) guile> (car mypair) 123 guile> (cdr mypair) "hello there" guile>
Note: cdr
is pronounced "could-er", according Sussman and
Abelson, see
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Pairs ] | [ Up : Scheme compound data types ] | [ Association lists (alists) > ] |
A very common Scheme data structure is the list. Formally,
a ‘proper’ list is defined to be either the empty list with its
input form '()
and length 0, or a pair whose
in turn is a shorter list.
There are many ways of creating lists. Perhaps the most common is
with the list
guile> (list 1 2 3 "abc" 17.5) (1 2 3 "abc" 17.5)
Representing a list as individual elements separated by whitespace and enclosed in parentheses is actually a compacted rendition of the actual dotted pairs constituting the list, where the dot and an immediately following starting paren are removed along with the matching closing paren. Without this compaction, the output would have been
(1 . (2 . (3 . ("abc" . (17.5 . ())))))
As with the output, a list can also be entered (after adding a quote to avoid interpretation as a function call) as a literal list by enclosing its elements in parentheses:
guile> '(17 23 "foo" "bar" "bazzle") (17 23 "foo" "bar" "bazzle")
Lists are a central part of Scheme. In, fact, Scheme is considered a dialect of lisp, where ‘lisp’ is an abbreviation for ‘List Processing’. Scheme expressions are all lists.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Lists ] | [ Up : Scheme compound data types ] | [ Hash tables > ] |
Association lists (alists)
A special type of list is an association list or alist. An alist is used to store data for easy retrieval.
Alists are lists whose elements are pairs. The car
of each
element is called the key, and the cdr
of each element
is called the value. The Scheme procedure assoc
used to retrieve an entry from the alist, and cdr
is used to
retrieve the value:
guile> (define my-alist '((1 . "A") (2 . "B") (3 . "C"))) guile> my-alist ((1 . "A") (2 . "B") (3 . "C")) guile> (assoc 2 my-alist) (2 . "B") guile> (cdr (assoc 2 my-alist)) "B" guile>
Alists are widely used in LilyPond to store properties and other data.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Association lists (alists) ] | [ Up : Scheme compound data types ] | [ Calculations in Scheme > ] |
Hash tables
A data structure that is used occasionally in LilyPond. A hash table is similar to an array, but the indexes to the array can be any type of Scheme value, not just integers.
Hash tables are more efficient than alists if there is a lot of data to store and the data changes very infrequently.
The syntax to create hash tables is a bit complex, but you can see examples of it in the LilyPond source.
guile> (define h (make-hash-table 10)) guile> h #<hash-table 0/31> guile> (hashq-set! h 'key1 "val1") "val1" guile> (hashq-set! h 'key2 "val2") "val2" guile> (hashq-set! h 3 "val3") "val3"
Values are retrieved from hash tables with hashq-ref
guile> (hashq-ref h 3) "val3" guile> (hashq-ref h 'key2) "val2" guile>
Keys and values are retrieved as a pair with hashq-get-handle
This is a preferred way, because it will return #f
if a key is
not found.
guile> (hashq-get-handle h 'key1) (key1 . "val1") guile> (hashq-get-handle h 'frob) #f guile>
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Hash tables ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Scheme procedures > ] |
1.1.5 Calculations in Scheme
Scheme can be used to do calculations. It uses prefix
syntax. Adding 1 and 2 is written as (+ 1 2)
rather than the
traditional 1+2.
guile> (+ 1 2) 3
Calculations may be nested; the result of a function may be used for another calculation.
guile> (+ 1 (* 3 4)) 13
These calculations are examples of evaluations; an expression like
(* 3 4)
is replaced by its value 12
Scheme calculations are sensitive to the differences between integers and non-integers. Integer calculations are exact, while non-integers are calculated to the appropriate limits of precision:
guile> (/ 7 3) 7/3 guile> (/ 7.0 3.0) 2.33333333333333
When the Scheme interpreter encounters an expression that is a list, the first element of the list is treated as a procedure to be evaluated with the arguments of the remainder of the list. Therefore, all operators in Scheme are prefix operators.
If the first element of a Scheme expression that is a list passed to the interpreter is not an operator or procedure, an error will occur:
guile> (1 2 3) Backtrace: In current input: 52: 0* [1 2 3] <unnamed port>:52:1: In expression (1 2 3): <unnamed port>:52:1: Wrong type to apply: 1 ABORT: (misc-error) guile>
Here you can see that the interpreter was trying to treat 1 as an operator or procedure, and it couldn’t. Hence the error is "Wrong type to apply: 1".
Therefore, to create a list we need to use the list operator, or to quote the list so that the interpreter will not try to evaluate it.
guile> (list 1 2 3) (1 2 3) guile> '(1 2 3) (1 2 3) guile>
This is an error that can appear as you are working with Scheme in LilyPond.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Calculations in Scheme ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ Defining procedures > ] |
1.1.6 Scheme procedures
Scheme procedures are executable Scheme expressions that return a value resulting from their execution. They can also manipulate variables defined outside of the procedure.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme procedures ] | [ Up : Scheme procedures ] | [ Predicates > ] |
Defining procedures
Procedures are defined in Scheme with define
(define (function-name arg1 arg2 … argn) scheme-expression-that-gives-a-return-value)
For example, we could define a procedure to calculate the average:
guile> (define (average x y) (/ (+ x y) 2)) guile> average #<procedure average (x y)>
Once a procedure is defined, it is called by putting the procedure name and the arguments in a list. For example, we can calculate the average of 3 and 12:
guile> (average 3 12) 15/2
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Defining procedures ] | [ Up : Scheme procedures ] | [ Return values > ] |
Scheme procedures that return boolean values are often called predicates. By convention (but not necessity), predicate names typically end in a question mark:
guile> (define (less-than-ten? x) (< x 10)) guile> (less-than-ten? 9) #t guile> (less-than-ten? 15) #f
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Predicates ] | [ Up : Scheme procedures ] | [ Scheme conditionals > ] |
Return values
Scheme procedures always return a return value, which is the value of the last expression executed in the procedure. The return value can be any valid Scheme value, including a complex data structure or a procedure.
Sometimes the user would like to have multiple Scheme expressions in
a procedure. There are two ways that multiple expressions can be
combined. The first is the begin
procedure, which allows
multiple expressions to be evaluated, and returns the value of
the last expression.
guile> (begin (+ 1 2) (- 5 8) (* 2 2)) 4
The second way to combine multiple expressions is in a let
In a let block, a series of bindings are created, and then a sequence
of expressions that can include those bindings is evaluated. The
return value of the let block is the return value of the last
statement in the let block:
guile> (let ((x 2) (y 3) (z 4)) (display (+ x y)) (display (- z 4)) … (+ (* x y) (/ z x))) 508
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Return values ] | [ Up : Introduction to Scheme ] | [ if > ] |
1.1.7 Scheme conditionals
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Scheme conditionals ] | [ Up : Scheme conditionals ] | [ cond > ] |
Scheme has an if
(if test-expression true-expression false-expression)
test-expression is an expression that returns a boolean
value. If test-expression returns #t
, the if
procedure returns the value of true-expression, otherwise
it returns the value of false-expression.
guile> (define a 3) guile> (define b 5) guile> (if (> a b) "a is greater than b" "a is not greater than b") "a is not greater than b"
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < if ] | [ Up : Scheme conditionals ] | [ Scheme in LilyPond > ] |
Another conditional procedure in Scheme is cond
(cond (test-expression-1 result-expression-sequence-1) (test-expression-2 result-expression-sequence-2) … (test-expression-n result-expression-sequence-n))
For example:
guile> (define a 6) guile> (define b 8) guile> (cond ((< a b) "a is less than b") ... ((= a b) "a equals b") ... ((> a b) "a is greater than b")) "a is less than b"
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < cond ] | [ Up : Scheme tutorial ] | [ LilyPond Scheme syntax > ] |
1.2 Scheme in LilyPond
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[ < Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ LilyPond variables > ] |
1.2.1 LilyPond Scheme syntax
The Guile interpreter is part of LilyPond, which means that Scheme can be included in LilyPond input files. There are several methods for including Scheme in LilyPond.
The simplest way is to use a hash mark #
before a Scheme
Now LilyPond’s input is structured into tokens and expressions, much like human language is structured into words and sentences. LilyPond has a lexer that recognizes tokens (literal numbers, strings, Scheme elements, pitches and so on), and a parser that understands the syntax. Once it knows that a particular syntax rule applies, it executes actions associated with it.
The hash mark #
method of embedding Scheme is a natural fit
for this system. Once the lexer sees a hash mark, it calls the Scheme
reader to read one full Scheme expression (this can be an identifier, an
expression enclosed in parentheses, or several other things). After the
Scheme expression is read, it is stored away as the value for an
in the grammar. Once the parser knows how to make use
of this token, it calls Guile for evaluating the Scheme expression.
Since the parser usually requires a bit of lookahead from the lexer to
make its parsing decisions, this separation of reading and evaluation
between lexer and parser is exactly what is needed to keep the execution
of LilyPond and Scheme expressions in sync. For this reason, you should
use the hash mark #
for calling Scheme whenever this is
Another way to call the Scheme interpreter from LilyPond is the use of
dollar $
instead of a hash mark for introducing Scheme
expressions. In this case, LilyPond evaluates the code right after the
lexer has read it. It checks the resulting type of the Scheme
expression and then picks a token type (one of several
in the syntax) for it. It creates a copy
of the value and uses that for the value of the token. If the value of
the expression is void (Guile’s value of *unspecified*
), nothing
at all is passed to the parser.
This is, in fact, exactly the same mechanism that LilyPond employs when
you call any variable or music function by name, as \name
, with
the only difference that the name is determined by the LilyPond lexer
without consulting the Scheme reader, and thus only variable names
consistent with the current LilyPond mode are accepted.
The immediate action of $
can lead to surprises, see
Importing Scheme in LilyPond. Using #
where the
parser supports it is usually preferable. Inside of music expressions,
expressions created using #
are interpreted as
music. However, they are not copied before use. If they are
part of some structure that might still get used, you may need to use
There are also ‘list splicing’ operators $@
and #@
that insert all elements of a list in the surrounding context.
Now let’s take a look at some actual Scheme code. Scheme procedures can be defined in LilyPond input files:
#(define (average a b c) (/ (+ a b c) 3))
Note that LilyPond comments (%
and %{ %}
) cannot
be used within Scheme code, even in a LilyPond input file, because
the Guile interpreter, not the LilyPond lexer, is reading
the Scheme expression. Comments in Guile Scheme are entered
as follows:
; this is a single-line comment #! This a (non-nestable) Guile-style block comment But these are rarely used by Schemers and never in LilyPond source code !#
For the rest of this section, we will assume that the data is entered
in a music file, so we add a #
at the beginning of each Scheme
All of the top-level Scheme expressions in a LilyPond input file can
be combined into a single Scheme expression by use of the
#(begin (define foo 0) (define bar 1))
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < LilyPond Scheme syntax ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Debugging Scheme code > ] |
1.2.2 LilyPond variables
LilyPond variables are stored internally in the form of Scheme variables. Thus,
twelve = 12
is equivalent to
#(define twelve 12)
This means that LilyPond variables are available for use in Scheme expressions. For example, we could use
twentyFour = #(* 2 twelve)
which would result in the number 24 being stored in the LilyPond
(and Scheme) variable twentyFour
Scheme allows modifying complex expressions in-place and LilyPond makes
use of this ‘in-place modification’ when using music functions. But
when music expressions are stored in variables rather than entered
directly the usual expectation, when passing them to music functions,
would be that the original value is unmodified. So when referencing a
music variable with leading backslash (such as \twentyFour
LilyPond creates a copy of that variable’s music value for use in the
surrounding music expression rather than using the variable’s value
Therefore, Scheme music expressions written with the #
should be used for material that is created ‘from scratch’ (or that is
explicitly copied) rather than being used, instead, to directly
reference material.
See also
Extending: LilyPond Scheme syntax.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < LilyPond variables ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Input variables and Scheme > ] |
1.2.3 Debugging Scheme code
When debugging large Scheme programs, it is helpful when an error
occurs to be pointed to the precise line in the program where it
was raised. In order to enable source locations to be shown for
errors in Scheme code, LilyPond must be run with the command-line
option -dcompile-scheme-code. Alternatively, writing
#(ly:set-option 'compile-scheme-code)
at the top of
the LilyPond file has the same effect.
Furthermore, to obtain even more information about the error, you
may use the -ddebug-eval option, or the code
#(debug-enable 'backtrace)
in the file. Under this mode,
when an error occurs, a verbose “backtrace” is displayed,
containing information about all function calls that led to the
problematic spot.
Known issues and warnings
Due to a limitation in the Guile implementation, the -dcompile-scheme-code option currently makes it impossible to compile LilyPond files with more than a few thousand Scheme expressions.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Debugging Scheme code ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Importing Scheme in LilyPond > ] |
1.2.4 Input variables and Scheme
The input format supports the notion of variables: in the following
example, a music expression is assigned to a variable with the name
traLaLa = { c'4 d'4 }
There is also a form of scoping: in the following example, the
block also contains a traLaLa
variable, which is
independent of the outer \traLaLa
traLaLa = { c'4 d'4 } \layout { traLaLa = 1.0 }
In effect, each input file is a scope, and all \header
, and \layout
blocks are scopes nested inside that
toplevel scope.
Both variables and scoping are implemented in the Guile module system. An anonymous Scheme module is attached to each scope. An assignment of the form:
traLaLa = { c'4 d'4 }
is internally converted to a Scheme definition:
(define traLaLa Scheme value of '…
This means that LilyPond variables and Scheme variables may be freely
mixed. In the following example, a music fragment is stored in the
variable traLaLa
, and duplicated using Scheme. The result is
imported in a \score
block by means of a second variable
traLaLa = { c'4 d'4 } #(define newLa (map ly:music-deep-copy (list traLaLa traLaLa))) #(define twice (make-sequential-music newLa)) \twice
![[image of music]](c8/lily-79e9e275.png)
This is actually a rather interesting example. The assignment will only
take place after the parser has ascertained that nothing akin to
follows, so it needs to check what comes next. It
reads #
and the following Scheme expression without
evaluating it, so it can go ahead with the assignment, and
afterwards execute the Scheme code without problem.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Input variables and Scheme ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Object properties > ] |
1.2.5 Importing Scheme in LilyPond
The above example shows how to ‘export’ music expressions from the
input to the Scheme interpreter. The opposite is also possible. By
placing it after $
, a Scheme
value is interpreted as if it were entered in LilyPond syntax.
Instead of defining \twice
, the example above could also have
been written as
… $(make-sequential-music newLa)
You can use $
with a Scheme expression anywhere you could use
after having assigned the Scheme expression to a
variable name. This replacement happens in the ‘lexer’, so
LilyPond is not even aware of the difference.
One drawback, however, is that of timing. If we had been using $
instead of #
for defining newLa
in the above example, the
following Scheme definition would have failed because traLaLa
would not yet have been defined. For an explanation of this timing
problem, LilyPond Scheme syntax.
A further convenience can be the ‘list splicing’ operators $@
and #@
for inserting the elements of a list in the surrounding
context. Using those, the last part of the example could have been
written as
… { #@newLa }
Here, every element of the list stored in newLa
is taken in
sequence and inserted into the list, as if we had written
{ #(first newLa) #(second newLa) }
Now in all of these forms, the Scheme code is evaluated while the input is still being consumed, either in the lexer or in the parser. If you need it to be executed at a later point of time, check out Void Scheme functions, or store it in a procedure:
#(define (nopc) (ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)) … #(nopc) { c'4 }
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Importing Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ LilyPond compound variables > ] |
1.2.6 Object properties
Object properties are stored in LilyPond in the form of alist-chains, which are lists of alists. Properties are set by adding values at the beginning of the property list. Properties are read by retrieving values from the alists.
Setting a new value for a property requires assigning a value to the alist with both a key and a value. The LilyPond syntax for doing this is:
\override Stem.thickness = #2.6
This instruction adjusts the appearance of stems. An alist entry
'(thickness . 2.6)
is added to the property list of the
object. thickness
is measured relative to the thickness of
staff lines, so these stem lines will be 2.6
times the
width of staff lines. This makes stems almost twice as thick as their
normal size. To distinguish between variables defined in input files (like
in the example above) and variables of internal
objects, we will call the latter ‘properties’ and the former
‘variables.’ So, the stem object has a thickness
while twentyFour
is a variable.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Object properties ] | [ Up : Scheme in LilyPond ] | [ Offsets > ] |
1.2.7 LilyPond compound variables
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < LilyPond compound variables ] | [ Up : LilyPond compound variables ] | [ Fractions > ] |
Two-dimensional offsets (X and Y coordinates) are stored as pairs.
The car
of the offset is the X coordinate, and the cdr
the Y coordinate.
\override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(1 . 2)
This assigns the pair (1 . 2)
to the extra-offset
property of the
TextScript object. These numbers are measured in staff-spaces, so
this command moves the object 1 staff space to the right, and 2 spaces up.
Procedures for working with offsets are found in scm/lily-library.scm.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Offsets ] | [ Up : LilyPond compound variables ] | [ Extents > ] |
Fractions as used by LilyPond are again stored as pairs, this
time of unsigned integers. While Scheme can represent rational numbers
as a native type, musically ‘2/4’ and ‘1/2’ are not the same,
and we need to be able to distinguish between them. Similarly there are
no negative ‘fractions’ in LilyPond’s mind. So 2/4
in LilyPond
means (2 . 4)
in Scheme, and #2/4
in LilyPond means
in Scheme.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Fractions ] | [ Up : LilyPond compound variables ] | [ Property alists > ] |
Pairs are also used to store intervals, which represent a range of numbers
from the minimum (the car
) to the maximum (the cdr
Intervals are used to store the X- and Y- extents of printable objects.
For X extents, the car
is the left hand X coordinate, and the
is the right hand X coordinate. For Y extents, the car
is the bottom coordinate, and the cdr
is the top coordinate.
Procedures for working with intervals are found in scm/lily-library.scm. These procedures should be used when possible to ensure consistency of code.
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Extents ] | [ Up : LilyPond compound variables ] | [ Alist chains > ] |
Property alists
A property alist is a LilyPond data structure that is an alist whose keys are properties and whose values are Scheme expressions that give the desired value for the property.
LilyPond properties are Scheme symbols, such as 'thickness
[ << Scheme tutorial ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ Interfaces for programmers >> ] |
[ < Property alists ] | [ Up : LilyPond compound variables ] | [ LilyPond’s box model > ] |
Alist chains
An alist chain is a list containing property alists.
The set of all properties that will apply to a grob is typically stored as an alist chain. In order to find the value for a particular property that a grob should have, each alist in the chain is searched in order, looking for an entry containing the property key. The first alist entry found is returned, and the value is the property value.
The Scheme procedure chain-assoc-get
is normally used to get
grob property values.
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1.2.8 LilyPond’s box model
The ‘classical’ box model for text (as used, for example, in TeX), comprises the three dimensions width, height, and depth: glyphs are positioned on a horizontal text base line; the height of a glyph is the vertical size above this line, the depth the size below this line, and the width holds the horizontal size of the glyph. LilyPond adds a fourth dimension, breapth,1 to extend the horizontal size by a part left of the glyph’s ‘reference point’, denoted with ‘(0, 0)’ in the image below. The main reason for this extension is that many glyphs like fermatas are symmetrical horizontally (and also symmetrically attached to a note head), and the best reference point for such glyphs is consequently the horizontal center. Other glyphs like the quarter-tone accidental shown on the left in the image also have considerable breapth.
As demonstrated by the custos glyph on the right side of the image, the box defined for a glyph often differs considerably of what gets actually printed: LilyPond positions the right side of the custos glyph box at the end of a staff, making the long extension line stick out to the right into the margin.
This box model is not only used for LilyPond’s musical glyphs but
also for markup of any kind. Both the horizontal and vertical
dimensions are specified as an extent; using Scheme notation, the
left glyph in the image above has a horizontal extent of
#'(-9 . 26)
and a vertical extent of #'(-10 . 29)
LilyPond also uses some extensions to the box model to cover special cases.
- If a box should not take part in LilyPond’s music spacing
algorithm along a certain axis, set the extents of this axis to
the otherwise nonsensical value
#'(+inf.0 . -inf.0)
, also available as the symbolempty-interval
. - In markup, spacing (which normally causes horizontal or
vertical movement of the next object in the markup) is also set up
as a box internally: the extent along the orthogonal axis is set
as a marker, and a spacing value s is represented as the extent#'(0 . s)
. Contrary to ‘normal’ boxes, spacing can be also negative: for example, the horizontal extent of the markup command\hspace #-4
is#'(0 . -4)
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1.2.9 Internal music representation
Internally, music is represented as a Scheme list. The list contains various elements that affect the printed output. Parsing is the process of converting music from the LilyPond input representation to the internal Scheme representation.
When a music expression is parsed, it is converted into a set of Scheme music objects. The defining property of a music object is that it takes up time. The time it takes up is called its duration. Durations are expressed as a rational number that measures the length of the music object in whole notes.
A music object has three kinds of types:
- music name: Each music expression has a name. For example, a note
leads to a NoteEvent, and
leads to a SimultaneousMusic. A list of all expressions available is in the Internals Reference manual, under Music expressions. - ‘type’ or interface: Each music name has several ‘types’ or
interfaces, for example, a note is an
, but it is also anote-event
, arhythmic-event
, and amelodic-event
. All classes of music are listed in the Internals Reference, under Music classes. - C++ object: Each music object is represented by an object of the C++
The actual information of a music expression is stored in properties.
For example, a NoteEvent has pitch
properties that store the pitch and duration of that
note. A list of all properties available can be found in the
Internals Reference, under Music properties.
A compound music expression is a music object that contains other
music objects in its properties. A list of objects can be stored in
the elements
property of a music object, or a single ‘child’
music object in the element
property. For example,
SequentialMusic has its children in elements
and GraceMusic has its single argument in
. The body of a repeat is stored in the element
property of VoltaRepeatedMusic, and the alternatives in
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1.3 Building complicated functions
This section explains how to gather the information necessary to create complicated music functions.
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1.3.1 A first approach (example)
- The problem
Using the following input, the ‘espressivo’ sign (i.e., the two small hairpins) should become wider, but not taller.
{ f'\espressivo }
- Possible solutions
- create a new stencil
- scale the default stencil in direction of the X-axis
- Thoughts about previous item
Solution A is doable. However, it will result in a higher coding effort. On the other hand, solution B is cheaper, but it has the disadvantage that it doesn’t print acceptable results in all cases (although you may not know this before you’ve actually tried).
⇒ choose solution B.
- Coding
- If you want to manipulate the default stencil you have to find
information about it.
The espressivo sign is a
grob. Looking this up in the IR (Script), we see‘stencil’ (stencil): ‘ly:script-interface::print’
Let us test whether this is correct. To be sure that we affect the correct grob we are going to use colors. There is a predefined function for that, see Scheme functions.
-- Function: stencil-with-color stencil color Return a modified version of the given stencil that is colored with the given color. See ‘normalize-color’ for possible color formats.
-- Function: normalize-color color Convert a color given in any of the supported formats into a list of 4 numbers: R, G, B, A. Possible formats are: such a list of 4 numbers; a list of 3 numbers (transparency defaults to 1.0); a CSS string (named color, or “#RRGGBB”, or “#RRGGBBAA”, or “#RGB”, or “#RGBA”).
Using a named color (‘red’), this results in the following code.
colorDefaultStencil = \once \override Script.stencil = % `lambda` starts a procedure; its argument is `grob`. #(lambda (grob) ;; With `let`, local variables are defined. (let ((stil (ly:script-interface::print grob))) ;; The procedure returns the colored default stencil. (stencil-with-color stil red))) { \colorDefaultStencil f'\espressivo }
Fine, works.
- This kind of operation – taking a default stencil or property and
returning a modified version of it – is very common, and LilyPond
provides a special function for it:
.-- Function: grob-transformer property func Create an override value good for applying FUNC to either pure or unpure values. FUNC is called with the respective grob as first argument and the default value (after resolving all callbacks) as the second.
Let’s try that. (The concept of pure vs. unpure gets explained later, see Unpure-pure containers; we can ignore it for now).
colorDefaultStencil = \once \override Script.stencil = #(grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (stencil-with-color orig red))) { \colorDefaultStencil f'\espressivo }
- To get a scaled stencil we have to use
-- Function: ly:stencil-scale stil x y Scale stencil STIL using the horizontal and vertical scaling factors X and optional Y (defaulting to X). Negative values flip or mirror STIL without changing its origin; this may result in collisions unless it is repositioned.
from the same chapter in the Internals Reference.
scaleColorDefaultStencil = \once \override Script.stencil = #(grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (stencil-with-color (ly:stencil-scale orig ;; 1 is the neutral element with ly:stencil-scale, ;; i.e., scaling with '1 1' (for x- and y-axis) ;; returns a visibly unchanged stencil. 2 1) red))) { \scaleColorDefaultStencil f'\espressivo }
Apart from the color that seems to be the desired output.
- There are some problems, though, as can be seen in the following example
{ \scaleColorDefaultStencil f'_\espressivo ^\fermata }
- − The fermata is scaled, too.
- − Having to type the command before the note(s) and
after the note(s) is annoying.
Solution for both: use
!{ f'-\tweak stencil #(grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (stencil-with-color (ly:stencil-scale orig 2 1) red))) _\espressivo ^\fermata }
This does what we want, however, typing so much isn’t nice – let’s define a variable and use it with the tweak. With some copy and paste we get
#(define longer-script (grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (stencil-with-color (ly:stencil-scale orig 2 1) red)))) { f'-\tweak stencil #longer-script _\espressivo ^\fermata }
Works fine, though the scaling values are hard-coded, and typing
-\tweak stencil #longer-script
repeatedly is still awkward.To fix that, let’s first introduce some variables in
for x and y scaling values.#(define (longer-script x y) (grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (stencil-with-color (ly:stencil-scale orig x y) red))))
Second, to reduce typing, we define an event function, see Event functions. The elements in the first parenthesis group (‘(x-val y-val)’) are the function variables, the elements in the second parenthesis group the respective variable types (two times we check for a number; see Predefined type predicates for possible tests).
scaleEspr = #(define-event-function (x-val y-val) (number? number?) #{ \tweak stencil #(longer-script x-val y-val) \espressivo #}) { f'_\scaleEspr 2 1 ^\fermata }
Works as expected, fine! Note the use of
#{ … #}
: Within this Scheme construction, we can use LilyPond syntax, and the function’s arguments (like x-val) are properly expanded. See LilyPond code blocks.
- If you want to manipulate the default stencil you have to find
information about it.
- The finished code
Finally, we want to do some clean-up.
- − We only want scaling in the x-direction, so let’s hard-code y-scaling in the event function.
- − Delete the color.
This eventually leads to the following code.
#(define (longer-script x y) (grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (ly:stencil-scale orig x y)))) longEspressivo = #(define-event-function (x-val) (number?) #{ \tweak stencil #(longer-script x-val 1) \espressivo #}) { f'^\longEspressivo #2 _\fermata }
The main benefit of using
is that we no longer have to take care of the actual name of the stencil function. In the next example we rotate the stencil of a slur and a beam by 90 degrees – that the actual stencil functions are calledly:slur::print
, respectively, is of no concern here.#(define rotate-90 (grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (ly:stencil-rotate orig 90 0 0)))) { f'8( g') f'8-\tweak stencil #rotate-90 ( g') f'8[ g'] f'8-\tweak stencil #rotate-90 [ g'] }
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[ < A first approach (example) ] | [ Up : Building complicated functions ] | [ Music properties > ] |
1.3.2 Displaying music expressions
When writing a music function it is often instructive to inspect how
a music expression is stored internally. This can be done with the
music function \displayMusic
{ \displayMusic { c'4\f } }
will display
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent 'text "f")) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))))
By default, LilyPond will print these messages to the console along
with all the other messages. To split up these messages and save
the results of \display{STUFF}
, you can specify an optional
output port to use:
{ \displayMusic #(open-output-file "display.txt") { c'4\f } }
This will overwrite a previous output file whenever it is called; if you need to write more than one expression, you would use a variable for your port and reuse it:
{ port = #(open-output-file "display.txt") \displayMusic \port { c'4\f } \displayMusic \port { d'4 } #(close-output-port port) }
Guile’s manual describes ports in detail. Closing the port is actually only necessary if you need to read the file before LilyPond finishes; in the first example, we did not bother to do so.
A bit of reformatting makes the above information easier to read:
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'AbsoluteDynamicEvent 'text "f")) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))))
A { … }
music sequence has the name
, and its inner expressions are stored as a list
in its 'elements
property. A note is represented as a
object (storing the duration and pitch properties) with
attached information (in this case, an AbsoluteDynamicEvent
a "f"
text property) stored in its articulations
returns the music it displays, so it will get
interpreted as well as displayed. To avoid interpretation, write
before \displayMusic
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[ < Displaying music expressions ] | [ Up : Building complicated functions ] | [ Doubling a note with slurs (example) > ] |
1.3.3 Music properties
Let’s look at an example:
someNote = c' \displayMusic \someNote ===> (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
The NoteEvent
object is the representation of someNote
Straightforward. How about putting c’ in a chord?
someNote = <c'> \displayMusic \someNote ===> (make-music 'EventChord 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))))
Now the NoteEvent
object is the first object of the
property of someNote
The display-scheme-music
function is the function used by
to display the Scheme representation of a music
#(display-scheme-music (first (ly:music-property someNote 'elements))) ===> (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))
Then the note pitch is accessed through the 'pitch
of the NoteEvent
#(display-scheme-music (ly:music-property (first (ly:music-property someNote 'elements)) 'pitch)) ===> (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0)
The note pitch can be changed by setting this 'pitch
#(set! (ly:music-property (first (ly:music-property someNote 'elements)) 'pitch) (ly:make-pitch 0 1 0)) ;; set the pitch to d'. \displayLilyMusic \someNote ===> d'4
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[ < Music properties ] | [ Up : Building complicated functions ] | [ Adding articulation to notes (example) > ] |
1.3.4 Doubling a note with slurs (example)
Suppose we want to create a function that translates input like
into { a( a) }
. We begin by examining the internal
representation of the desired result.
\displayMusic{ a'( a') } ===> (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction -1)) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 5 0)) (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction 1)) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 5 0))))
The bad news is that the SlurEvent
must be added ‘inside’ the note (in its articulations
Now we examine the input.
\displayMusic a' ===> (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 5 0))))
So in our function, we need to clone this expression (so that we have
two notes to build the sequence), add a SlurEvent
to the
property of each one, and finally make a
with the two NoteEvent
elements. For adding to a
property, it is useful to know that an unset property is read out as
, the empty list, so no special checks are required before we
put another element at the front of the articulations
doubleSlur = #(define-music-function (note) (ly:music?) "Return: { note ( note ) }. `note` is supposed to be a single note." (let ((note2 (ly:music-deep-copy note))) (set! (ly:music-property note 'articulations) (cons (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction -1) (ly:music-property note 'articulations))) (set! (ly:music-property note2 'articulations) (cons (make-music 'SlurEvent 'span-direction 1) (ly:music-property note2 'articulations))) (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'elements (list note note2))))
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1.3.5 Adding articulation to notes (example)
The easy way to add articulation to notes is to juxtapose two music expressions. However, suppose that we want to write a music function that does this.
A $variable
inside the #{…#}
notation is like
a regular \variable
in classical LilyPond notation. We
could write
{ \music -. -> }
but for the sake of this example, we will learn how to do this in Scheme. We begin by examining our input and desired output.
% input \displayMusic c4 ===> (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0)))) ===== % desired output \displayMusic c4-> ===> (make-music 'NoteEvent 'articulations (list (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type 'accent)) 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1/1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0))
We see that a note (c4
) is represented as a NoteEvent
expression. To add an accent articulation, an ArticulationEvent
expression must be added to the articulations
property of the
To build this function, we begin with
(define (add-accent note-event) "Add an accent ArticulationEvent to the articulations of `note-event`, which is supposed to be a NoteEvent expression." (set! (ly:music-property note-event 'articulations) (cons (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type 'accent) (ly:music-property note-event 'articulations))) note-event)
The first line is the way to define a function in Scheme: the function
name is add-accent
, and has one variable called
. In Scheme, the type of variable is often clear
from its name. (this is good practice in other programming languages,
"Add an accent…"
is a description of what the function does. This is not strictly necessary, but just like clear variable names, it is good practice.
You may wonder why we modify the note event directly instead of working
on a copy (ly:music-deep-copy
can be used for that). The reason
is a silent contract: music functions are allowed to modify their
arguments: they are either generated from scratch (like user input) or
are already copied (referencing a music variable with ‘\name’ or
music from immediate Scheme expressions ‘$(…)’ provides a
copy). Since it would be inefficient to create unnecessary copies, the
return value from a music function is not copied. So to heed
that contract, you must not use any arguments more than once, and
returning it counts as one use.
In an earlier example, we constructed music by repeating a given music
argument. In that case, at least one repetition had to be a copy of its
own. If it weren’t, strange things may happen. For example, if you use
or \transpose
on the resulting music containing
the same elements multiple times, those will be subjected to
relativation or transposition multiple times. If you assign them to a
music variable, the curse is broken since referencing ‘\name’ will
again create a copy which does not retain the identity of the repeated
Now while the above function is not a music function, it will normally
be used within music functions. So it makes sense to heed the same
contract we use for music functions: the input may be modified for
producing the output, and the caller is responsible for creating copies
if it still needs the unchanged argument itself. If you take a look at
LilyPond’s own functions like music-map
, you’ll find that they
stick with the same principles.
Where were we? We now have a note-event
we may modify, not
because of using ly:music-deep-copy
but because of a long-winded
explanation. We add the accent to its 'articulations
(set! place new-value)
Here, what we want to set (the ‘place’) is the 'articulations
property of note-event
(ly:music-property note-event 'articulations)
is the function used to access music properties
(the 'articulations
, 'duration
, 'pitch
, etc, that we
see in the \displayMusic
output above). The new value is the
former 'articulations
property, with an extra item: the
expression, which we copy from the
(cons (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type 'accent) (ly:music-property result-event-chord 'articulations))
is used to add an element to the front of a list without
modifying the original list. This is what we want: the same list as
before, plus the new ArticulationEvent
expression. The order
inside the 'articulations
property is not important here.
Finally, once we have added the accent articulation to its
property, we can return note-event
, hence
the last line of the function.
Now we transform the add-accent
function into a music function (a
matter of some syntactic sugar and a declaration of the type of its
addAccent = #(define-music-function (note-event) (ly:music?) "Add an accent ArticulationEvent to the articulations of `note-event`, which is supposed to be a NoteEvent expression." (set! (ly:music-property note-event 'articulations) (cons (make-music 'ArticulationEvent 'articulation-type 'accent) (ly:music-property note-event 'articulations))) note-event)
We then verify that this music function works correctly:
\displayMusic \addAccent c4
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2 Interfaces for programmers
Advanced tweaks may be performed by using Scheme. If you are not familiar with Scheme, you may wish to read our Scheme tutorial.
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[ < Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Up : Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Scheme functions > ] |
2.1 LilyPond code blocks
Creating music expressions in Scheme can be tedious, as they are heavily nested and the resulting Scheme code is large. For some simple tasks this can be avoided by using LilyPond code blocks, which enable common LilyPond syntax to be used within Scheme.
LilyPond code blocks look like
#{ LilyPond code #}
Here is a trivial example:
ritpp = #(define-event-function () () #{ ^"rit." \pp #} ) { c'4 e'4\ritpp g'2 }![]()
LilyPond code blocks can be used anywhere where you can write Scheme code. The Scheme reader actually is changed for accommodating LilyPond code blocks and can deal with embedded Scheme expressions starting with ‘$’ and ‘#’.
The reader extracts the LilyPond code block and generates a runtime
call to the LilyPond parser to interpret the LilyPond code.
Scheme expressions embedded in the LilyPond code are evaluated in the
lexical environment of the LilyPond code block, so all local variables
and function parameters available at the point the LilyPond code block
is written may be accessed. Variables defined in other Scheme modules,
like the modules containing \header
and \layout
are not accessible as Scheme variables, i.e., prefixed
with ‘#’, but they are accessible as LilyPond variables, i.e.,
prefixed with ‘\’.
All music generated inside the code block has its ‘origin’ set to the current input location.
A LilyPond code block may contain anything that you can use on the right side of an assignment. In addition, an empty LilyPond block corresponds to a void music expression, and a LilyPond block containing multiple music events gets turned into a sequential music expression.
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2.2 Scheme functions
Scheme functions are Scheme procedures that can create Scheme expressions from input written in LilyPond syntax. They can be called in pretty much all places where using ‘#’ for specifying a value in Scheme syntax is allowed. While Scheme has functions of its own, this chapter is concerned with syntactic functions, functions that receive arguments specified in LilyPond syntax.
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2.2.1 Scheme function definitions
The general form for defining Scheme functions is:
function = #(define-scheme-function (arg1 arg2 …) (type1? type2? …) body)
nth argument.
A Scheme type predicate for which
must return#t
. There is also a special form(predicate? default)
for specifying optional arguments. If the actual argument is missing when the function is being called, the default value is substituted instead. Default values are evaluated at definition time (including LilyPond code blocks!), so if you need a default calculated at runtime, instead write a special value you can easily recognize. If you write the predicate in parentheses but don’t follow it with a default value,#f
is used as the default. Default values are not verified with predicate? at either definition or run time: it is your responsibility to deal with the values you specify. Default values that happen to be music expressions are copied while settingorigin
to the current input location.body
A sequence of Scheme forms evaluated in order, the last one being used as the return value of the Scheme function. It may contain LilyPond code blocks enclosed in hashed braces (
), like described in LilyPond code blocks. Within LilyPond code blocks, use ‘#’ to reference function arguments (e.g.,#arg1
) or to start an inline Scheme expression containing function arguments (e.g., ‘#(cons arg1 arg2)’). Where normal Scheme expressions using ‘#’ don’t do the trick, you might need to revert to immediate Scheme expressions using ‘$’, for example as$music
.If your function returns a music expression, it is given a useful value of
Suitability of arguments for the predicates is determined by actually calling the predicate after LilyPond has already converted them into a Scheme expression. As a consequence, the argument can be specified in Scheme syntax if desired (introduced with ‘#’ or as the result of calling a Scheme function), but LilyPond will also convert a number of LilyPond constructs into Scheme before actually checking the predicate on them. Currently, those include music, postevents, simple strings (with or without quotes), numbers, full markups and markup lists, score, book, bookpart, context definition and output definition blocks.
ambiguities LilyPond sorts out by checking with predicate
functions: is ‘-3’ a fingering postevent or a negative number? Is
"a" 4
in lyric mode a string followed by a number, or a lyric
event of duration 4
? LilyPond tries the argument
predicate on successive interpretations until success, with an
order designed to minimize inconsistent interpretations and
For example, a predicate accepting both music expressions and
pitches will consider c''
to be a pitch rather than a music
expression. Immediately following durations or postevents will
change that interpretation. It’s best to avoid overly
permissive predicates like scheme?
when the application
rather calls for more specific argument types.
For a list of available predefined type predicates, see Predefined type predicates.
See also
Notation Reference: Predefined type predicates.
Installed Files: lily/music-scheme.cc, scm/c++.scm, scm/lily.scm.
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2.2.2 Scheme function usage
Scheme functions can be called pretty much anywhere where a Scheme
expression starting with ‘#’ can be written. You call a
Scheme function from LilyPond by writing its name preceded by
, followed by its arguments. Once an optional argument
predicate does not match an argument, LilyPond skips this and all
following optional arguments, replacing them with their specified
default, and ‘backs up’ the argument that did not match to the
place of the next mandatory argument. Since the backed up
argument needs to go somewhere, optional arguments are not
actually considered optional unless followed by a mandatory
There is one exception: if you write \default
in the place of an
optional argument, this and all following optional arguments are skipped
and replaced by their default. This works even when no mandatory
argument follows since \default
does not need to get backed up.
The mark
and key
commands make use of that trick to
provide their default behavior when just followed by \default
Apart from places where a Scheme value is required, there are a few places where ‘#’ expressions are currently accepted and evaluated for their side effects but otherwise ignored. Mostly those are the places where an assignment would be acceptable as well.
Since it is a bad idea to return values that can be misinterpreted in some context, you should use normal Scheme functions only for those cases where you always return a useful value, and use void Scheme functions (see Void Scheme functions) otherwise.
For convenience, Scheme functions may also be called directly from
Scheme bypassing the LilyPond parser. Their name can be used like
the name of an ordinary function. Typechecking of the arguments
and skipping optional arguments will happen in the same manner as
when called from within LilyPond, with the Scheme value
taking the role of the \default
reserved word for explicitly skipping optional arguments.
Optional arguments at the end of an argument list can just be
omitted without indication when called via Scheme.
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[ < Scheme function usage ] | [ Up : Scheme functions ] | [ Music functions > ] |
2.2.3 Void Scheme functions
Sometimes a procedure is executed in order to perform an action rather
than return a value. Some programming languages (like C and Scheme) use
functions for either concept and just discard the returned value
(usually by allowing any expression to act as statement, ignoring the
result). This is clever but error-prone: most C compilers nowadays
offer warnings for various non-‘void’ expressions being discarded.
For many functions executing an action, the Scheme standards declare the
return value to be unspecified. LilyPond’s Scheme interpreter Guile has
a unique value *unspecified*
that it usually (such when using
directly on a variable) but unfortunately not consistently
returns in such cases.
Defining a LilyPond function with define-void-function
sure that this special value (the only value satisfying the predicate
) will be returned.
noPointAndClick = #(define-void-function () () (ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)) … \noPointAndClick % disable point and click
If you want to evaluate an expression only for its side-effect and
don’t want any value it may return interpreted, you can do so by
prefixing it with \void
\void #(hashq-set! some-table some-key some-value)
That way, you can be sure that LilyPond will not assign meaning to the
returned value regardless of where it encounters it. This will also
work for music functions such as \displayMusic
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[ < Void Scheme functions ] | [ Up : Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Music function definitions > ] |
2.3 Music functions
Music functions are Scheme procedures that can create music expressions automatically, and can be used to greatly simplify the input file.
[ << Interfaces for programmers ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ LilyPond Scheme interfaces >> ] |
[ < Music functions ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Music function usage > ] |
2.3.1 Music function definitions
The general form for defining music functions is:
function = #(define-music-function (arg1 arg2 …) (type1? type2? …) body)
quite in analogy to Scheme function definitions. More often than not, body will be a LilyPond code block.
For a list of available type predicates, see Predefined type predicates.
See also
Notation Reference: Predefined type predicates.
Installed Files: lily/music-scheme.cc, scm/c++.scm, scm/lily.scm.
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[ < Music function definitions ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Simple substitution functions > ] |
2.3.2 Music function usage
With regard to handling the argument list, music functions don’t differ from Scheme functions, Scheme function usage.
A ‘music function’ has to return an expression matching the predicate
. This makes music function calls suitable as arguments
of type ly:music?
for another music function call.
When using a music function call in other contexts, the context may cause further semantic restrictions.
- At the top level in a music expression a post-event is not accepted.
- When a music function (as opposed to an event function) returns an
expression of type post-event, LilyPond requires one of the named
direction indicators (
, and_
) in order to properly integrate the post-event produced by the music function call into the surrounding expression. - As a chord constituent. The returned expression must be of a
type, most likely aNoteEvent
‘Polymorphic’ functions, like \tweak
, can be applied to
post-events, chord constituent and top level music expressions.
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[ < Music function usage ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Intermediate substitution functions > ] |
2.3.3 Simple substitution functions
Simple substitution functions are music functions whose output music expression is written in LilyPond format and contains function arguments in the output expression. They are described in Substitution function examples.
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[ < Simple substitution functions ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Mathematics in functions > ] |
2.3.4 Intermediate substitution functions
Intermediate substitution functions involve a mix of Scheme code and LilyPond code in the music expression to be returned.
Some \override
commands require an argument consisting of
a pair of numbers (called a cons cell in Scheme).
The pair can be directly passed into the music function,
using a pair?
manualBeam = #(define-music-function (beg-end) (pair?) #{ \once \override Beam.positions = #beg-end #}) \relative c' { \manualBeam #'(3 . 6) c8 d e f }
Alternatively, the numbers making up the pair can be passed as separate arguments, and the Scheme code used to create the pair can be included in the music expression:
manualBeam = #(define-music-function (beg end) (number? number?) #{ \once \override Beam.positions = #(cons beg end) #}) \relative c' { \manualBeam #3 #6 c8 d e f }![]()
Properties are maintained conceptually using one stack per property
per grob per context. Music functions may need to override one or
several properties for the duration of the function, restoring them
to their previous value before exiting. However, normal overrides
pop and discard the top of the current property stack before
pushing to it, so the previous value of the property is lost when it
is overridden. When the previous value must be preserved, prefix the
command with \temporary
, like this:
\temporary \override …
The use of \temporary
causes the (usually set) pop-first
property in the override to be cleared, so the previous value is not
popped off the property stack before pushing the new value onto it.
When a subsequent \revert
pops off the temporarily overriden
value, the previous value will re-emerge.
In other words, calling \temporary \override
and \revert
in succession on the same property will have a net effect of zero.
Similarly, pairing \temporary
and \undo
on the same
music containing overrides will have a net effect of zero.
Here is an example of a music function which makes use of this.
The use of \temporary
ensures the values of the
and style
properties are restored on exit
to whatever values they had when the crossStaff
function was
called. Without \temporary
the default values would have been
set on exit.
crossStaff = #(define-music-function (notes) (ly:music?) (_i "Create cross-staff stems") #{ \temporary \override Stem.cross-staff = #cross-staff-connect \temporary \override Flag.style = #'no-flag #notes \revert Stem.cross-staff \revert Flag.style #})
[ << Interfaces for programmers ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ LilyPond Scheme interfaces >> ] |
[ < Intermediate substitution functions ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Functions without arguments > ] |
2.3.5 Mathematics in functions
Music functions can involve Scheme programming in addition to simple substitution,
AltOn = #(define-music-function (mag) (number?) #{ \override Stem.length = #(* 7.0 mag) \override NoteHead.font-size = #(inexact->exact (* (/ 6.0 (log 2.0)) (log mag))) #}) AltOff = { \revert Stem.length \revert NoteHead.font-size } \relative { c'2 \AltOn #0.5 c4 c \AltOn #1.5 c c \AltOff c2 }![]()
This example may be rewritten to pass in music expressions,
withAlt = #(define-music-function (mag music) (number? ly:music?) #{ \override Stem.length = #(* 7.0 mag) \override NoteHead.font-size = #(inexact->exact (* (/ 6.0 (log 2.0)) (log mag))) #music \revert Stem.length \revert NoteHead.font-size #}) \relative { c'2 \withAlt #0.5 { c4 c } \withAlt #1.5 { c c } c2 }![]()
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[ < Mathematics in functions ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Void music functions > ] |
2.3.6 Functions without arguments
In most cases a function without arguments should be written with a variable,
dolce = \markup{ \italic \bold dolce }
However, in rare cases it may be useful to create a music function without arguments,
displayBarNum = #(define-music-function () () (if (eq? #t (ly:get-option 'display-bar-numbers)) #{ \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##f #} #{#}))
To actually display bar numbers where this function is called,
invoke lilypond
lilypond -d display-bar-numbers FILENAME.ly
[ << Interfaces for programmers ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ LilyPond Scheme interfaces >> ] |
[ < Functions without arguments ] | [ Up : Music functions ] | [ Event functions > ] |
2.3.7 Void music functions
A music function must return a music expression. If you want to
execute a function only for its side effect, you should use
. But there may be cases where you
sometimes want to produce a music expression, and sometimes not (like
in the previous example). Returning a void
music expression
via #{ #}
will achieve that.
[ << Interfaces for programmers ] | [Top][Contents][Index] | [ LilyPond Scheme interfaces >> ] |
[ < Void music functions ] | [ Up : Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Markup functions > ] |
2.4 Event functions
To use a music function in the place of an event, you need to write a
direction indicator before it. But sometimes, this does not quite match
the syntax of constructs you want to replace. For example, if you want
to write dynamics commands, those are usually attached without direction
indicator, like c'\pp
. Here is a way to write arbitrary
dyn=#(define-event-function (arg) (markup?) (make-dynamic-script arg)) \relative { c'\dyn pfsss }![]()
You could do the same using a music function, but then you always would
have to write a direction indicator before calling it, like
c-\dyn pfsss
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[ < Event functions ] | [ Up : Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Markup construction in Scheme > ] |
2.5 Markup functions
Markups are implemented as special Scheme functions which produce a
object given a number of arguments.
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[ < Markup functions ] | [ Up : Markup functions ] | [ How markups work internally > ] |
2.5.1 Markup construction in Scheme
Markup expressions are internally represented in Scheme using the
(markup expr)
To see a markup expression in its Scheme form, use the
\displayScheme \markup { \column { \line { \bold \italic "hello" \raise #0.4 "world" } \larger \line { foo bar baz } } }
Compiling the code above will send the following to the display console:
(markup #:line (#:column (#:line (#:bold (#:italic "hello") #:raise 0.4 "world") #:larger (#:line ("foo" "bar" "baz")))))
To prevent the markup from printing on the page, use
‘\void \displayScheme markup’. Also, as with the
command, the output of \displayScheme
can be saved to an external file. See
Displaying music expressions.
This example demonstrates the main translation rules between regular
LilyPond markup syntax and Scheme markup syntax. Using #{
… #}
for entering in LilyPond syntax will often be most
convenient, but we explain how to use the markup
macro to get a
Scheme-only solution.
LilyPond Scheme \markup markup1
(markup markup1)
\markup { markup1 markup2 … }
(markup markup1 markup2 …)
\center-column { … }
#:center-column (…)
The whole Scheme language is accessible inside the
macro. For example, You may use function calls inside
in order to manipulate character strings. This is
useful when defining new markup commands (see
New markup command definition).
Known issues and warnings
The markup-list argument of commands such as #:line
, and #:column
cannot be a variable
or the result of a function call.
(markup #:line (function-that-returns-markups))
is invalid. One should use the make-line-markup
, or make-column-markup
functions instead,
(markup (make-line-markup (function-that-returns-markups)))
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[ < Markup construction in Scheme ] | [ Up : Markup functions ] | [ New markup command definition > ] |
2.5.2 How markups work internally
In a markup like
\raise #0.5 "text example"
is actually represented by the raise-markup
function. The markup expression is stored as
(list raise-markup 0.5 "text example")
When the markup is converted to printable objects (Stencils), the
function is called as
(apply raise-markup \layout object list of property alists 0.5 the "text example" markup)
The raise-markup
function first creates the stencil for the
text example
string, and then it raises that Stencil by 0.5
staff space. This is a rather simple example; more complex examples
are in the rest
of this section, and in scm/define-markup-commands.scm.
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[ < How markups work internally ] | [ Up : Markup functions ] | [ Markup command definition syntax > ] |
2.5.3 New markup command definition
This section discusses the definition of new markup commands.
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[ < New markup command definition ] | [ Up : New markup command definition ] | [ On properties > ] |
Markup command definition syntax
New markup commands can be defined using the
Scheme macro, at top-level.
(define-markup-command (command-name layout props arg1 arg2 …) (arg1-type? arg2-type? …) [ #:properties ((property1 default-value1) …) ] [ #:as-string expression ] …command body…)
The arguments are
the markup command name
the ‘layout’ definition.
a list of associative lists, containing all active properties.
ith command argument
a type predicate for the ith argument
If the command uses properties from the props
the #:properties
keyword can be used to specify which
properties are used along with their default values.
Arguments are distinguished according to their type:
- a markup, corresponding to type predicate
; - a list of markups, corresponding to type predicate
; - any other Scheme object, corresponding to type predicates such as
, etc.
There is no limitation on the order of arguments (after the
standard layout
and props
arguments). However,
markup functions taking a markup as their last argument are
somewhat special as you can apply them to a markup list, and the
result is a markup list where the markup function (with the
specified leading arguments) has been applied to every element of
the original markup list.
Since replicating the leading arguments for applying a markup function to a markup list is cheap mostly for Scheme arguments, you avoid performance pitfalls by just using Scheme arguments for the leading arguments of markup functions that take a markup as their last argument.
Markup commands have a rather complex life cycle. The body of a
markup command definition is responsible for converting the
arguments of the markup command into a stencil expression which is
returned. Quite often this is accomplished by calling the
function on a markup expression, passing
the layout and props arguments on to it. Those
arguments are usually only known at a very late stage in
typesetting. Markup expressions have their components assembled
into markup expressions already when \markup
in a LilyPond
expression or the markup
macro in Scheme is expanded. The
evaluation and typechecking of markup command arguments happens at
the time \markup
are interpreted.
But the actual conversion of markup expressions into stencil
expressions by executing the markup function bodies only happens
when interpret-markup
is called on a markup expression.
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[ < Markup command definition syntax ] | [ Up : New markup command definition ] | [ A complete example > ] |
On properties
The layout
and props
arguments of markup commands bring a
context for the markup interpretation: font size, line width, etc.
The layout
argument allows access to properties defined in
blocks, using the ly:output-def-lookup
For instance, the line width (the same as the one used in scores) is
read using:
(ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-width)
The props
argument makes some properties accessible to markup
commands. For instance, when a book title markup is interpreted, all
the variables defined in the \header
block are automatically
added to props
, so that the book title markup can access the book
title, composer, etc. It is also a way to configure the behavior of a
markup command: for example, when a command uses font size during
processing, the font size is read from props
rather than having a
argument. The caller of a markup command may change
the value of the font size property in order to change the behavior.
Use the #:properties
keyword of define-markup-command
specify which properties shall be read from the props
The example in next section illustrates how to access and override properties in a markup command.
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[ < On properties ] | [ Up : New markup command definition ] | [ Adapting builtin commands > ] |
A complete example
The following example defines a markup command to draw a double box around a piece of text.
Firstly, we need to build an approximative result using markups.
Consulting the Text markup commands shows us the \box
command is useful:
\markup \box \box HELLO![]()
Now, we consider that more padding between the text and the boxes is
preferable. According to the \box
documentation, this command
uses a box-padding
property, which defaults to 0.2. The
documentation also mentions how to override it:
\markup \box \override #'(box-padding . 0.6) \box A![]()
Then, the padding between the two boxes is considered too small, so we override it too:
\markup \override #'(box-padding . 0.4) \box \override #'(box-padding . 0.6) \box A![]()
Repeating this lengthy markup would be painful. This is where a markup
command is needed. Thus, we write a double-box
markup command,
taking one argument (the text). This draws the two boxes, with some
#(define-markup-command (double-box layout props text) (markup?) "Draw a double box around text." (interpret-markup layout props #{\markup \override #'(box-padding . 0.4) \box \override #'(box-padding . 0.6) \box { #text }#}))
or, equivalently
#(define-markup-command (double-box layout props text) (markup?) "Draw a double box around text." (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:override '(box-padding . 0.4) #:box #:override '(box-padding . 0.6) #:box text)))
is the name of the command argument, and markup?
type: it identifies it as a markup. The interpret-markup
function is used in most of markup commands: it builds a stencil, using
, props
, and a markup. In the second case, this
markup is built using the markup
Scheme macro, see Markup construction in Scheme. The transformation from \markup
expression to Scheme markup expression is straight-forward.
The new command can be used as follow:
\markup \double-box A
It would be nice to make the double-box
command customizable:
here, the box-padding
values are hard coded, and cannot be
changed by the user. Also, it would be better to distinguish the
padding between the two boxes, from the padding between the inner box
and the text. So we will introduce a new property,
, for the padding between the two boxes. The
will be used for the inner padding. The new code is
now as follows:
#(define-markup-command (double-box layout props text) (markup?) #:properties ((inter-box-padding 0.4) (box-padding 0.6)) "Draw a double box around text." (interpret-markup layout props #{\markup \override #`(box-padding . ,inter-box-padding) \box \override #`(box-padding . ,box-padding) \box { #text } #}))
Again, the equivalent version using the markup macro would be:
#(define-markup-command (double-box layout props text) (markup?) #:properties ((inter-box-padding 0.4) (box-padding 0.6)) "Draw a double box around text." (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:override `(box-padding . ,inter-box-padding) #:box #:override `(box-padding . ,box-padding) #:box text)))
Here, the #:properties
keyword is used so that the
and box-padding
properties are read from
the props
argument, and default values are given to them if the
properties are not defined.
Then, these values are used to override the box-padding
properties used by the two \box
commands. Note the backquote and
the comma in the \override
argument: they allow you to introduce
a variable value into a literal expression.
Now, the command can be used in a markup, and the boxes padding be customized:
#(define-markup-command (double-box layout props text) (markup?) #:properties ((inter-box-padding 0.4) (box-padding 0.6)) "Draw a double box around text." (interpret-markup layout props #{\markup \override #`(box-padding . ,inter-box-padding) \box \override #`(box-padding . ,box-padding) \box { #text } #})) \markup \double-box A \markup \override #'(inter-box-padding . 0.8) \double-box A \markup \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \double-box A![]()
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[ < A complete example ] | [ Up : New markup command definition ] | [ Converting markups to strings > ] |
Adapting builtin commands
A good way to start writing a new markup command, is to take example on a builtin one. Most of the markup commands provided with LilyPond can be found in file scm/define-markup-commands.scm.
For instance, we would like to adapt the \draw-line
command, to
draw a double line instead. The \draw-line
command is defined as
follow (documentation stripped):
(define-markup-command (draw-line layout props dest) (number-pair?) #:category graphic #:properties ((thickness 1)) "…documentation…" (let ((th (* (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness) thickness)) (x (car dest)) (y (cdr dest))) (make-line-stencil th 0 0 x y)))
To define a new command based on an existing one, copy the definition,
and change the command name. The #:category
keyword can be
safely removed, as it is only used for generating LilyPond
documentation, and is of no use for user-defined markup commands.
(define-markup-command (draw-double-line layout props dest) (number-pair?) #:properties ((thickness 1)) "…documentation…" (let ((th (* (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness) thickness)) (x (car dest)) (y (cdr dest))) (make-line-stencil th 0 0 x y)))
Then, a property for setting the gap between two lines is added, called
, defaulting, e.g., to 0.6:
(define-markup-command (draw-double-line layout props dest) (number-pair?) #:properties ((thickness 1) (line-gap 0.6)) "…documentation…" …
Finally, the code for drawing two lines is added. Two calls to
are used to draw the lines, and the resulting
stencils are combined using ly:stencil-add
#(define-markup-command (my-draw-line layout props dest) (number-pair?) #:properties ((thickness 1) (line-gap 0.6)) "..documentation.." (let* ((th (* (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'line-thickness) thickness)) (dx (car dest)) (dy (cdr dest)) (w (/ line-gap 2.0)) (x (cond ((= dx 0) w) ((= dy 0) 0) (else (/ w (sqrt (+ 1 (* (/ dx dy) (/ dx dy)))))))) (y (* (if (< (* dx dy) 0) 1 -1) (cond ((= dy 0) w) ((= dx 0) 0) (else (/ w (sqrt (+ 1 (* (/ dy dx) (/ dy dx)))))))))) (ly:stencil-add (make-line-stencil th x y (+ dx x) (+ dy y)) (make-line-stencil th (- x) (- y) (- dx x) (- dy y))))) \markup \my-draw-line #'(4 . 3) \markup \override #'(line-gap . 1.2) \my-draw-line #'(4 . 3)![]()
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[ < Adapting builtin commands ] | [ Up : New markup command definition ] | [ New markup list command definition > ] |
Converting markups to strings
Markups are occasionally converted to plain strings, such as when
outputting PDF metadata based on the title
header field or
for converting lyrics to MIDI. This conversion is inherently
lossy, but tries to as accurate as feasible. The function used
for this is markup->string
composerName = \markup \box "Arnold Schönberg" \markup \composerName \markup \typewriter #(markup->string composerName)![]()
For custom markup commands, the default behavior is to convert all markup or markup list arguments first, and join the results by spaces.
#(define-markup-command (authors-and layout props authorA authorB) (markup? markup?) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup \fill-line { \box #authorA and \box #authorB } #})) defaultBehavior = \markup \authors-and "Bertolt Brecht" "Kurt Weill" \markup \defaultBehavior \markup \typewriter #(markup->string defaultBehavior)![]()
can also receive the named arguments
#:layout layout
and #:props props
, with
the same meaning as in the definition of a markup command.
However, they are optional because they cannot always be provided
(such as the layout
argument when converting to MIDI).
To support special conversions in custom markup commands, the
parameter can be given to
. It expects an expression, which is
evaluated by markup->string
in order to yield the string
#(define-markup-command (authors-and layout props authorA authorB) (markup? markup?) #:as-string (format #f "~a and ~a" (markup->string authorA #:layout layout #:props props) (markup->string authorB #:layout layout #:props props)) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup \fill-line { \box #authorA and \box #authorB } #})) customized = \markup \authors-and "Bertolt Brecht" "Kurt Weill" \markup \customized \markup \typewriter #(markup->string customized)![]()
Within the expression, the same bindings are available as in the
main markup command body, namely layout
and props
the command argument, and optionally the properties.
#(define-markup-command (authors-and layout props authorA authorB) (markup? markup?) #:properties ((author-separator " and ")) #:as-string (format #f "~a~a~a" (markup->string authorA #:layout layout #:props props) (markup->string author-separator #:layout layout #:props props) (markup->string authorB #:layout layout #:props props)) (interpret-markup layout props #{ \markup { \box #authorA #author-separator \box #authorB } #})) customized = \markup \override #'(author-separator . ", ") \authors-and "Bertolt Brecht" "Kurt Weill" \markup \customized \markup \typewriter #(markup->string customized)![]()
Most often, a custom handler only needs to call
recursively on certain arguments, as
demonstrated above. However, it can also make use of the
and props
directly, in the same way as in the
main body. Care must be taken that the layout
argument is
if no #:layout
has been given to
. The props
argument defaults to the
empty list.
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[ < Converting markups to strings ] | [ Up : Markup functions ] | [ Contexts for programmers > ] |
2.5.4 New markup list command definition
Markup list commands are defined with the
Scheme macro, which is similar to the
macro described in
New markup command definition, except that where the latter returns
a single stencil, the former returns a list of stencils.
In a similar vein, interpret-markup-list
is used instead of
for converting a markup list into a list
of stencils.
In the following example, a \paragraph
markup list command is
defined, which returns a list of justified lines, the first one being
indented. The indent width is taken from the props
#(define-markup-list-command (paragraph layout props args) (markup-list?) #:properties ((par-indent 2)) (interpret-markup-list layout props #{\markuplist \justified-lines { \hspace #par-indent #args } #}))
The version using just Scheme is more complex:
#(define-markup-list-command (paragraph layout props args) (markup-list?) #:properties ((par-indent 2)) (interpret-markup-list layout props (make-justified-lines-markup-list (cons (make-hspace-markup par-indent) args))))
Besides the usual layout
and props
arguments, the
markup list command takes a markup list argument, named
. The predicate for markup lists is markup-list?
First, the function gets the indent width, a property here named
, from the property list props
. If the
property is not found, the default value is 2
. Then, a
list of justified lines is made using the built-in markup list command
, which is related to the
function. A
horizontal space is added at the beginning using \hspace
(or the
function). Finally, the markup list is
interpreted using the interpret-markup-list
This new markup list command can be used as follows:
\markuplist { \paragraph { The art of music typography is called \italic {(plate) engraving.} The term derives from the traditional process of music printing. Just a few decades ago, sheet music was made by cutting and stamping the music into a zinc or pewter plate in mirror image. } \override-lines #'(par-indent . 4) \paragraph { The plate would be inked, the depressions caused by the cutting and stamping would hold ink. An image was formed by pressing paper to the plate. The stamping and cutting was completely done by hand. } }
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[ < New markup list command definition ] | [ Up : Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Context evaluation > ] |
2.6 Contexts for programmers
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[ < Contexts for programmers ] | [ Up : Contexts for programmers ] | [ Running a function on all layout objects > ] |
2.6.1 Context evaluation
Contexts can be modified during interpretation with Scheme code. In a LilyPond code block, the syntax for this is:
\applyContext function
In Scheme code, the syntax is:
(make-apply-context function)
should be a Scheme function that takes a
single argument: the context in which the \applyContext
command is being called. The function can access as well as
override/set grob properties and context properties. Any actions
taken by the function that depend on the state of the context are
limited to the state of the context when the function is
called. Also, changes effected by a call to \applyContext
remain in effect until they are directly modified again, or
reverted, even if the initial conditions that they depended on
have changed.
The following Scheme functions are useful when using
look up a context property value
set a context property
look up a grob property value
do a
\temporary \override
or a\revert
on a grob property
The following example looks up the current fontSize
value, and
then doubles it:
doubleFontSize = \applyContext #(lambda (context) (let ((fontSize (ly:context-property context 'fontSize))) (ly:context-set-property! context 'fontSize (+ fontSize 6)))) { \set fontSize = -3 b'4 \doubleFontSize b' }![]()
The following example looks up the current colors of the
, Stem
, and Beam
grobs, and then changes
each to a less saturated shade.
desaturate = \applyContext #(lambda (context) (define (desaturate-grob grob) (let* ((grob-def (ly:context-grob-definition context grob)) (color (ly:assoc-get 'color grob-def black)) (new-color (map (lambda (x) (min 1 (/ (1+ x) 2))) color))) (ly:context-pushpop-property context grob 'color new-color))) (for-each desaturate-grob '(NoteHead Stem Beam))) \relative { \time 3/4 g'8[ g] \desaturate g[ g] \desaturate g[ g] \override NoteHead.color = #darkred \override Stem.color = #darkred \override Beam.color = #darkred g[ g] \desaturate g[ g] \desaturate g[ g] }![]()
This also could be implemented as a music function, in order to
restrict the modifications to a single music block. Notice how
is used both as a
\temporary \override
and as a \revert
desaturate = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) #{ \applyContext #(lambda (context) (define (desaturate-grob grob) (let* ((grob-def (ly:context-grob-definition context grob)) (color (ly:assoc-get 'color grob-def black)) (new-color (map (lambda (x) (min 1 (/ (1+ x) 2))) color))) (ly:context-pushpop-property context grob 'color new-color))) (for-each desaturate-grob '(NoteHead Stem Beam))) #music \applyContext #(lambda (context) (define (revert-color grob) (ly:context-pushpop-property context grob 'color)) (for-each revert-color '(NoteHead Stem Beam))) #}) \relative { \override NoteHead.color = #darkblue \override Stem.color = #darkblue \override Beam.color = #darkblue g'8 a b c \desaturate { d c b a } g b d b g2 }![]()
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2.6.2 Running a function on all layout objects
The most versatile way of tuning an object is \applyOutput
works by inserting an event into the specified context
(ApplyOutputEvent). Its syntax is either
\applyOutput Context proc
\applyOutput Context.Grob proc
where proc
is a Scheme function, taking three arguments.
When interpreted, the function proc
is called for
every layout object (with grob name Grob if specified) found
in the context Context
at the current time step, with
the following arguments:
- the layout object itself,
- the context where the layout object was created, and
- the context where
is processed.
In addition, the cause of the layout object, i.e., the music
expression or object that was responsible for creating it, is in the
object property cause
. For example, for a note head, this is a
NoteHead event, and for a stem object,
this is a Stem object.
Here is a function to use for \applyOutput
; it blanks
note-heads on the center-line and next to it:
#(define (blanker grob grob-origin context) (if (< (abs (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position)) 2) (set! (ly:grob-property grob 'transparent) #t))) \relative { a'4 e8 <<\applyOutput Voice.NoteHead #blanker a c d>> b2 }![]()
To have function interpreted at the Score
or Staff
level use these forms
\applyOutput Score… \applyOutput Staff…
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[ < Running a function on all layout objects ] | [ Up : Interfaces for programmers ] | [ Unpure-pure containers > ] |
2.7 Callback functions
Properties (like thickness
, direction
, etc.) can be
set at fixed values with \override
, e.g.
\override Stem.thickness = #2.0
Properties can also be set to a Scheme procedure:
\override Stem.thickness = #(lambda (grob) (if (= UP (ly:grob-property grob 'direction)) 2.0 7.0)) \relative { c'' b a g b a g b }![]()
In this case, the procedure is executed as soon as the value of the property is requested during the formatting process.
Most of the typesetting engine is driven by such callbacks. Properties that typically use callbacks include
The printing routine, that constructs a drawing for the symbol
The routine that sets the horizontal position
The routine that computes the width of an object
The procedure always takes a single argument, being the grob.
That procedure may access the usual value of the property, by first calling the function that is the usual callback for that property, which can by found in the Internals Reference or the file ’define-grobs.scm’:
\relative { \override Flag.X-offset = #(lambda (flag) (let ((default (ly:flag::calc-x-offset flag))) (* default 4.0))) c''4. d8 a4. g8 }
It is also possible to get the value of the existing default by
employing the function grob-transformer
\relative { \override Flag.X-offset = #(grob-transformer 'X-offset (lambda (flag default) (* default 4.0))) c''4. d8 a4. g8 }![]()
From within a callback, the easiest method for evaluating a markup is to use grob-interpret-markup. For example:
my-callback = #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup "foo")))
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2.8 Unpure-pure containers
Note: While this subsubsection reflects the current state, the given example is moot and does not show any effect.
Unpure-pure containers are useful for overriding Y-axis spacing
calculations – specifically Y-offset
and Y-extent
– with a
Scheme function instead of a literal (i.e., a number or pair).
For certain grobs, the Y-extent
is based on the stencil
property, overriding the stencil property of one of these will
require an additional Y-extent
override with an unpure-pure
container. When a function overrides a Y-offset
it is assumed that this will trigger line breaking
calculations too early during compilation. So the function is not
evaluated at all (usually returning a value of ‘0’ or
‘'(0 . 0)’) which can result in collisions. A ‘pure’ function
will not affect properties, objects or grob suicides and therefore will
always have its Y-axis-related evaluated correctly.
Currently, there are about thirty functions that are already considered ‘pure’ and Unpure-pure containers are a way to set functions not on this list as ‘pure’. The ‘pure’ function is evaluated before any line-breaking and so the horizontal spacing can be adjusted ‘in time’. The ‘unpure’ function is then evaluated after line breaking.
Note: As it is difficult to always know which functions are on this
list we recommend that any ‘pure’ functions you create do not use
or VerticalAlignment
An unpure-pure container is constructed as follows;
(ly:make-unpure-pure-container f0 f1)
where f0
is a function taking n arguments (n >= 1)
and the first argument must always be the grob. This is the function
that gives the actual result. f1 is the function being labeled
as ‘pure’ that takes n + 2 arguments. Again, the first argument
must always still be the grob but the second and third are ‘start’
and ‘end’ arguments.
start and end are, for all intents and purposes, dummy
values that only matter for Spanners
(i.e Hairpin
), that can return different height estimations based on a
starting and ending column.
The rest are the other arguments to the first function (which may be none if n = 1).
The results of the second function are used as an approximation of the value needed which is then used by the first function to get the real value which is then used for fine-tuning much later during the spacing process.
#(define (square-line-circle-space grob) (let* ((pitch (ly:event-property (ly:grob-property grob 'cause) 'pitch)) (notename (ly:pitch-notename pitch))) (if (= 0 (modulo notename 2)) (make-circle-stencil 0.5 0.0 #t) (make-filled-box-stencil '(0 . 1.0) '(-0.5 . 0.5))))) squareLineCircleSpace = { \override NoteHead.stencil = #square-line-circle-space } smartSquareLineCircleSpace = { \squareLineCircleSpace \override NoteHead.Y-extent = #(ly:make-unpure-pure-container ly:grob::stencil-height (lambda (grob start end) (ly:grob::stencil-height grob))) } \new Voice \with { \remove Stem_engraver } \relative c'' { \squareLineCircleSpace cis4 ces disis d \smartSquareLineCircleSpace cis4 ces disis d }![]()
In the first measure, without the unpure-pure container, the spacing engine does not know the width of the note head and lets it collide with the accidentals. In the second measure, with unpure-pure containers, the spacing engine knows the width of the note heads and avoids the collision by lengthening the line accordingly.
Usually for simple calculations nearly-identical functions for
both the ‘unpure’ and ‘pure’ parts can be used, by only
changing the number of arguments passed to, and the scope of, the
function. This use case is frequent enough that
constructs such a second
function by default when called with only one function argument.
Note: If a function is labeled as ‘pure’ and it turns out not to be, the results can be unexpected.
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2.9 Difficult tweaks
There are a few classes of difficult adjustments.
- One type of difficult adjustment involves the appearance of
spanner objects, such as slurs and ties. Usually, only one
spanner object is created at a time, and it can be adjusted with
the normal mechanism. However, occasionally a spanner crosses a
line break. When this happens, the object is cloned. A separate
object is created for every system in which the spanner appears.
The new objects are clones of the original object and inherit all
properties, including
s.In other words, an
always affects all pieces of a broken spanner. To change only one part of a spanner at a line break, it is necessary to hook into the formatting process. Theafter-line-breaking
callback contains the Scheme procedure that is called after the line breaks have been determined and layout objects have been split over different systems.In the following example, we define a procedure
. This procedure- determines if the spanner has been split across line breaks
- if yes, retrieves all the split objects
- checks if this grob is the last of the split objects
- if yes, it sets
This procedure is installed into Tie, so the last part of the broken tie is repositioned.
#(define (my-callback grob) (let* ( ;; have we been split? (orig (ly:grob-original grob)) ;; if yes, get the split pieces (our siblings) (siblings (if (ly:grob? orig) (ly:spanner-broken-into orig) '()))) (if (and (>= (length siblings) 2) (eq? (car (last-pair siblings)) grob)) (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'extra-offset '(1 . -4))))) \relative { \override Tie.after-line-breaking = #my-callback c''1 ~ \break c2 ~ 2 }
When applying this trick, the new
callback should also call the old one, if such a default exists. For example, if using this withHairpin
should also be called. - Some objects cannot be changed with
for technical reasons. They can be changed with the\overrideProperty
function, which works similar to\once \override
, but uses a different syntax.2\overrideProperty [ContextName].GrobName.property-name[.subproperty-name] value
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3 LilyPond Scheme interfaces
This chapter covers the various tools provided by LilyPond to help Scheme programmers get information into and out of the music streams.
TODO – figure out what goes in here and how to organize it
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Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License
Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. https://fsf.org/ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document free in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.
We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law.
A “Modified Version” of the Document means any work containing the Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or translated into another language.
A “Secondary Section” is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the Document’s overall subject (or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.
The “Invariant Sections” are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. If a section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant Sections then there are none.
The “Cover Texts” are certain short passages of text that are listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.
A “Transparent” copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy, represented in a format whose specification is available to the general public, that is suitable for revising the document straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent. An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount of text. A copy that is not “Transparent” is called “Opaque”.
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The “publisher” means any person or entity that distributes copies of the Document to the public.
A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, “Endorsements”, or “History”.) To “Preserve the Title” of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a section “Entitled XYZ” according to this definition.
The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has no effect on the meaning of this License.
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If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.
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You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
- Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
- List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
- State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
- Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
- Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
- Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
- Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice.
- Include an unaltered copy of this License.
- Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
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- Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
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- Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
- Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.
You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
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ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:
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If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.
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Appendix B Index
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A C D E G H I L M N O P S T U V |
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Table of Contents
- 1 Scheme tutorial
- 1.1 Introduction to Scheme
- 1.2 Scheme in LilyPond
- 1.3 Building complicated functions
- 2 Interfaces for programmers
- 3 LilyPond Scheme interfaces
- Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License
- Appendix B Index
This artificial name was derived from the English word ‘breadth’, which means approximately the same as ‘width’.
Over time, \overrideProperty
is being replaced with the more usual \once \override
command. If you still find yourself needing \overrideProperty
a bug report would be appreciated.