3.1.19 Beam

A beam.

Beam objects are created by: Auto_beam_engraver, Beam_engraver, Chord_tremolo_engraver, Grace_auto_beam_engraver and Grace_beam_engraver.

Standard settings:

auto-knee-gap (dimension, in staff space):


If a gap is found between note heads where a horizontal beam fits and it is larger than this number, make a kneed beam.

beam-thickness (dimension, in staff space):


Beam thickness, measured in staff-space units.

beamed-stem-shorten (list):
'(1.0 0.5 0.25)

How much to shorten beamed stems, when their direction is forced. It is a list, since the value is different depending on the number of flags and beams.

beaming (pair):


Pair of number lists. Each number list specifies which beams to make. 0 is the central beam, 1 is the next beam toward the note, etc. This information is used to determine how to connect the beaming patterns from stem to stem inside a beam.

clip-edges (boolean):


Allow outward pointing beamlets at the edges of beams?

collision-interfaces (list):

A list of interfaces for which automatic beam-collision resolution is run.

damping (number):


Amount of beam slope damping.

details (alist, with symbols as keys):
'((secondary-beam-demerit . 10)
  (stem-length-demerit-factor . 5)
  (region-size . 2)
  (beam-eps . 0.001)
  (stem-length-limit-penalty . 5000)
  (damping-direction-penalty . 800)
  (hint-direction-penalty . 20)
  (musical-direction-factor . 400)
  (ideal-slope-factor . 10)
  (collision-penalty . 500)
  (collision-padding . 0.35)
  (round-to-zero-slope . 0.02))

Alist of parameters for detailed grob behavior. More information on the allowed parameters for a grob can be found by looking at the top of the Internals Reference page for each interface having a details property.

direction (direction):


If side-axis is 0 (or X), then this property determines whether the object is placed LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines whether the object is placed UP, CENTER or DOWN. Numerical values may also be used: UP=1, DOWN=-1, LEFT=-1, RIGHT=1, CENTER=0.

font-family (symbol):


The font family is the broadest category for selecting text fonts. Options include: sans, roman.

gap (dimension, in staff space):


Size of a gap in a variable symbol.

neutral-direction (direction):


Which direction to take in the center of the staff.

normalized-endpoints (pair):


Represents left and right placement over the total spanner, where the width of the spanner is normalized between 0 and 1.

positions (pair of numbers):


Pair of staff coordinates (start . end), where start and end are vertical positions in staff-space units of the current staff. For slurs, this value selects which slur candidate to use; if extreme positions are requested, the closest one is taken.

stencil (stencil):


The symbol to print.

transparent (boolean):

#<procedure 55e918a26180 at /build/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily/output-lib.scm:1461:0 (grob)>

This makes the grob invisible.

vertical-skylines (pair of skylines):

#<unpure-pure-container #<procedure ly:grob::vertical-skylines-from-stencil (_)> #<procedure ly:grob::pure-simple-vertical-skylines-from-extents (_ _ _)> >

Two skylines, one above and one below this grob.

X-positions (pair of numbers):


Pair of X staff coordinates of a spanner in the form (left . right), where both left and right are in staff-space units of the current staff.

This object supports the following interface(s): beam-interface, grob-interface, spanner-interface, staff-symbol-referencer-interface and unbreakable-spanner-interface.

This object is of class Spanner (characterized by spanner-interface).

LilyPond – Internals Reference v2.23.82 (development-branch).