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Key (Character) Index: D – M

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Index Entry Section

d (Calendar mode)26.5.3 Commands Displaying Diary Entries
DEL9.4 Deletion and Killing
DEL13.1 Killing Your Mistakes
DEL18. Major Modes
DEL21.1 Major Modes for Programming Languages
DEL (isearch-mode)12.1 Incremental Search
DEL (query-replace)12.7.4 Query Replace
DOWN4.2 Changing the Location of Point
DOWN4.2 Changing the Location of Point

END4.2 Changing the Location of Point
ESC2.1.2 Representing Key Sequences
ESC2.1.4 Assignment of the <META> Key
ESC (query-replace)12.7.4 Query Replace

F18. Help

g char (Calendar mode)26.5 Converting From Other Calendars
g d (Calendar mode) Particular Dates
g m l (Calendar mode)26.5.1 Converting from the Mayan Calendar

h (Calendar mode)26.2.1 Holidays
Help8. Help
HOME4.2 Changing the Location of Point
hyper key2.1 Keystrokes as Building Blocks of Key Sequences
hyper key2.1.1 Representing Keystrokes
hyper key2.1.5 Assignment of the <SUPER> and <HYPER> Keys

i a (Calendar mode)26.5.7 Special Diary Entries
i b (Calendar mode)26.5.7 Special Diary Entries
i c (Calendar mode)26.5.7 Special Diary Entries
i d (Calendar mode)26.5.6 Commands to Add to the Diary
i m (Calendar mode)26.5.6 Commands to Add to the Diary
i w (Calendar mode)26.5.6 Commands to Add to the Diary
i y (Calendar mode)26.5.6 Commands to Add to the Diary

LEFT4.2 Changing the Location of Point
LEFT4.2 Changing the Location of Point
LFD2.1.3 String Key Sequences
LFD18. Major Modes
LFD21.4.1 Basic Program Indentation Commands
LFD (TeX mode) TeX Editing Commands

m (Calendar mode)26.5.3 Commands Displaying Diary Entries
M (Calendar mode)26.2.3 Phases of the Moon
M-!26.7.1 Single Shell Commands
M-$13.4 Checking and Correcting Spelling
M-%12.7.4 Query Replace
M-'23.2 Controlling Abbrev Expansion
M-(21.7 Editing Without Unbalanced Parentheses
M-)21.7 Editing Without Unbalanced Parentheses
M-,21.11.6 Searching and Replacing with Tags Tables
M--4.9 Numeric Arguments
M-- M-c13.3 Case Conversion
M-- M-l13.3 Case Conversion
M-- M-u13.3 Case Conversion
M-.21.11.5 Finding a Tag
M-/23.5 Dynamic Abbrev Expansion
M-14.9 Numeric Arguments
M-:22.4 Evaluating Emacs-Lisp Expressions
M-;21.6 Manipulating Comments
M-<4.2 Changing the Location of Point
M-< (Calendar mode) Beginning or End of Week, Month or Year
M-=4.8 Cursor Position Information
M-= (Calendar mode)26.1.3 The Mark and the Region
M->4.2 Changing the Location of Point
M-> (Calendar mode) Beginning or End of Week, Month or Year
M-?20.1.1 Nroff Mode
M-@9.1.3 Commands to Mark Textual Objects
M-@20.2 Words
M-a20.3 Sentences
M-a (Calendar mode) Beginning or End of Week, Month or Year
M-b20.2 Words
M-c20.7 Case Conversion Commands
M-C-r12.4 Regular Expression Search
M-C-s12.4 Regular Expression Search
M-d9.4.3 Other Kill Commands
M-d20.2 Words
M-DEL9.4.3 Other Kill Commands
M-DEL13.1 Killing Your Mistakes
M-DEL20.2 Words
M-e20.3 Sentences
M-e (Calendar mode) Beginning or End of Week, Month or Year
M-f20.2 Words
M-g20.6.2 Explicit Fill Commands
M-h9.1.3 Commands to Mark Textual Objects
M-h20.4 Paragraphs
M-i19.2 Tab Stops
M-k9.4.3 Other Kill Commands
M-k20.3 Sentences
M-l20.7 Case Conversion Commands
M-LFD21.6.1 Multiple Lines of Comments
M-LFD (Fortran mode) Fortran Indentation Commands
M-m19.1 Indentation Commands and Techniques
M-n6.5 Repeating Minibuffer Commands
M-n20.1.1 Nroff Mode
M-n (isearch-mode)12.1 Incremental Search
M-n (minibuffer history)6.4 Minibuffer History
M-n (Shell mode)26.7.3 Shell Mode
M-p6.5 Repeating Minibuffer Commands
M-p20.1.1 Nroff Mode
M-p (isearch-mode)12.1 Incremental Search
M-p (minibuffer history)6.4 Minibuffer History
M-p (Shell mode)26.7.3 Shell Mode
M-q20.6.2 Explicit Fill Commands
M-r4.2 Changing the Location of Point
M-r (minibuffer history)6.4 Minibuffer History
M-s20.6.2 Explicit Fill Commands
M-s (minibuffer history)6.4 Minibuffer History
M-SPC9.4.1 Deletion
M-t13.2 Transposing Text
M-t20.2 Words
M-TAB21.8 Completion for Lisp Symbols
M-TAB24.3 Picture Mode Tabs
M-TAB (customization buffer) Changing an Option
M-TAB (isearch-mode)12.1 Incremental Search
M-u20.7 Case Conversion Commands
M-v4.2 Changing the Location of Point
M-v11.1 Scrolling
M-v (Calendar mode)26.1.2 Scrolling the Calendar through Time
M-w9.5.1 The Kill Ring
M-x7. Running Commands by Name
M-y9.5.3 Yanking Earlier Kills
M-z9.4.3 Other Kill Commands
M-\9.4.1 Deletion
M-\19.1 Indentation Commands and Techniques
M-^9.4.1 Deletion
M-^19.1 Indentation Commands and Techniques
M-{20.4 Paragraphs
M-{ (Calendar mode) Motion by Integral Days, Weeks, Months, Years
M-|26.7.1 Single Shell Commands
M-}20.4 Paragraphs
M-} (Calendar mode) Motion by Integral Days, Weeks, Months, Years
M-~14.3 Saving Files
META2.1.4 Assignment of the <META> Key
meta key2.1 Keystrokes as Building Blocks of Key Sequences

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