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XEmacs is free; this means that everyone is free to use it and free to redistribute it on a free basis. XEmacs is not in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit everything that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. What is not allowed is to try to prevent others from further sharing any version of XEmacs that they might get from you. The precise conditions are found in the GNU General Public License that comes with XEmacs and also appears following this section.

The easiest way to get a copy of XEmacs is from someone else who has it. You need not ask for permission to do so, or tell any one else; just copy it.

If you have access to the Internet, you can get the latest version of XEmacs from the anonymous FTP server ‘ftp.xemacs.org’ in the directory ‘/pub/xemacs’. It can also be found at numerous other archive sites around the world; check the file ‘etc/DISTRIB’ in an XEmacs distribution for the latest known list.

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Getting Other Versions of Emacs

The Free Software Foundation’s version of Emacs (called FSF Emacs in this manual and often referred to as GNU Emacs) is available by anonymous FTP from ‘prep.ai.mit.edu’.

Win-Emacs, an older version of XEmacs that runs on Microsoft Windows and Windows NT, is available by anonymous FTP from ‘ftp.netcom.com’ in the directory ‘/pub/pe/pearl’, or from ‘ftp.cica.indiana.edu’ as the files ‘wemdemo*.zip’ in the directory ‘/pub/pc/win3/demo’.

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