New dynamic marks

The easiest way to create dynamic indications is to use \markup objects.

moltoF = \markup { molto \dynamic f }

\relative {
  <d' e>16_\moltoF <d e>
  <d e>2..

[image of music]

In markup mode, editorial dynamics (within parentheses or square brackets) can be created. The syntax for markup mode is described in Formatting text.

roundF = \markup {
    \center-align \concat { \bold { \italic ( }
           \dynamic f \bold { \italic ) } } }
boxF = \markup { \bracket { \dynamic f } }
\relative {

[image of music]

Simple, centered dynamic marks are easily created with the make-dynamic-script function.

sfzp = #(make-dynamic-script "sfzp")
\relative {
  c'4 c c\sfzp c

[image of music]

In general, make-dynamic-script takes any markup object as its argument. The dynamic font only contains the characters f, m, p, r, s, z, and n; if a dynamic mark that includes plain text or punctuation symbols is desired, markup commands that reverts font family and font encoding to normal text should be used, for example \normal-text. Using make-dynamic-script instead of an ordinary markup ensures vertical alignment of markup objects and hairpins that are attached to the same note head.

roundF = \markup { \center-align \concat {
           \normal-text { \bold { \italic ( } }
           \dynamic f
           \normal-text { \bold { \italic ) } } } }
boxF = \markup { \bracket { \dynamic f } }
mfEspress = \markup { \center-align \line {
              \hspace #3.7 mf \normal-text \italic espress. } }
roundFdynamic = #(make-dynamic-script roundF)
boxFdynamic = #(make-dynamic-script boxF)
mfEspressDynamic = #(make-dynamic-script mfEspress)
\relative {
  c'4_\roundFdynamic\< d e f

[image of music]

The Scheme form of markup mode may be used instead. Its syntax is explained in Markup construction in Scheme.

moltoF = #(make-dynamic-script
            (markup #:normal-text "molto"
                    #:dynamic "f"))
\relative {
  <d' e>16 <d e>
  <d e>2..\moltoF

[image of music]

To left-align the dynamic text rather than centering it on a note use a \tweak:

moltoF = \tweak DynamicText.self-alignment-X #LEFT
            (markup #:normal-text "molto"
                    #:dynamic "f"))
\relative {
  <d' e>16 <d e>
  <d e>2..\moltoF <d e>1

[image of music]

Font settings in markup mode are described in Selecting font and font size.

See also

Notation Reference: Formatting text, Selecting font and font size, Enhancing MIDI output, Controlling MIDI dynamics.

Extending LilyPond: Markup construction in Scheme.

Snippets: Expressive marks.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.20 (development-branch).