Alternative endings

Repeats with alternative endings can be written two ways. This is the preferred syntax:

\repeat volta repeatcount {
  \alternative {
    \volta numberlist musicexpr
    \volta numberlist musicexpr

where musicexpr is a music expression, musicexpr… is any number of them, and numberlist is a comma-separated list of volta numbers chosen from the range 1 to repeatcount.

\fixed c'' {
  \repeat volta 6 {
    c4 d e f
    \alternative {
      \volta 1,2,3 { c2 e }
      \volta 4,5 { f2 d }
      \volta 6 { e2 f }
[image of music]

An older syntax where the \alternative block follows outside the repeated music expression is still supported and has the same effect.

\repeat volta repeatcount musicexpr
\alternative {
  \volta numberlist musicexpr
  \volta numberlist musicexpr

\volta specifications within an \alternative block are optional on an all-or-none basis. If they are omitted, alternatives are used once each, but the first is repeated as needed to satisfy the repeat count.

\fixed c'' {
  \repeat volta 6 {
    c4 d e f
    \alternative {
      { c2 e }
      { f2 d }
      { e2 f }
[image of music]

\alternative blocks can be nested.

music = \fixed c' {
  \repeat volta 3 {
    \alternative {
      \volta 1 { s1_"B" }
      \volta 2,3 {
        \once \override Score.VoltaBracket.musical-length =
          \musicLength 1
        \alternative {
          \volta 2 { s1_"E" }
          \volta 3 { s1_"F" }

\score { \music }
\score { \unfoldRepeats \music }
[image of music]

Note: Every element in an \alternative block is treated as an alternative ending. Something as simple as a bar check on the wrong side of a bracket can produce unexpected results.

Note: If you include \relative inside a \repeat without explicitly instantiating the Voice context, extra (unwanted) staves will appear. See An extra staff appears.

Note: When alternative bar numbering is enabled, it is applied to the outermost bracketed alternatives.

LilyPond Notation Reference v2.25.25 (development-branch).