click to filter rows by type: ly / profiling / signature / midi / log / gittxt / reset to all

1273 below threshold

2432 unchanged

distance v2.19.51-1 v2.19.52-1



@@ -37,10 +37,11 @@
   embed-source-code (#f)      Embed the source files inside the generated PDF document.
   eps-box-padding (3.0)       Pad left edge of the output EPS bounding box by
                               given amount (in mm).
-  font-export-dir (#f)        Directory for exporting fonts as PostScript files.
-  gs-load-fonts (#f)          Load fonts via Ghostscript.
-  gs-load-lily-fonts (#t)     Load only LilyPond fonts via Ghostscript.
-  gs-never-embed-fonts (#f)
+  font-export-dir ('/home/gub/NewGub/gub/target/linux-x86/build/
+                              Directory for exporting fonts as PostScript files.
+  gs-load-fonts (#t)          Load fonts via Ghostscript.
+  gs-load-lily-fonts (#f)     Load only LilyPond fonts via Ghostscript.
+  gs-never-embed-fonts (#t)
                               Make Ghostscript embed only TrueType fonts and no other font format.
   gui (#f)                    Run LilyPond from a GUI and redirect stderr to
                               a log file.
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@
   include-settings (#f)       Include file for global settings, included before the score is processed.
   job-count (8)               Process in parallel, using the given number of
-  log-file ("lilypond-multi-run-2")
+  log-file ("lilypond-multi-run-1")
                               If string FOO is given as argument, redirect
                               output to log file `FOO.log'.
   max-markup-depth (1024)     Maximum depth for the markup tree. If a markup has more levels,

time    : 0
cells   : 998100

time    :        0 (0.000)
cells   :  1280202 (-0.124)

time    : 0
cells   : 1306016

time    :        0 (0.000)
cells   :  1019172 (0.123)

time    : 0
cells   : 780904

time    :        0 (0.000)
cells   :   719525 (0.041)

time    : 0
cells   : 1988903

time    :        0 (0.000)
cells   :  2155020 (-0.040)

-e HEAD is:

083b99742f8089f5ad1018e7e69db1b947e7d736 Release: bump Welcome versions.

-e HEAD is:

1f42b413de732a86da5ecda7f809e24c74dbdb4a Release: bump Welcome versions.
