Ancient notation

Ancient notation

Afegir un baix xifrat a sobre o a sota de les notes

En escriure un baix xifrat, podem ubicar les xifres a sobre a o a sota de les notes del baix, mitjançant la definició de la propietat BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction (exclusivament dins d’un context Staff). es pot escollir entre #UP (o #1, a sobre), #CENTER (o #0, centraat) i #DOWN (o #-1, a sota).

Aquesta propietat es pot canviar tantes vegades com volem. Utilitzeu \once \override si no voleu que la sobreescriptura s’apliqui a tota la partitura.

bass = {
  \clef bass
  g4 b, c d
  e d8 c d2

continuo = \figuremode {
  <_>4 <6>4 <5/>4
  \override Staff.BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.direction = #UP
  < _+ >4 <6>
  \set Staff.useBassFigureExtenders = ##t
  \override Staff.BassFigureAlignmentPositioning.direction = #DOWN
  <4>4. <4>8 <_+>4

\score {
    \new Staff = bassStaff \bass
    \context Staff = bassStaff \continuo

[image of music]

Ancient fonts

Aquí es mostren molts dels símbols del Lilypond per a la musica antiga.

upperStaff = \new VaticanaStaff = "upperStaff" <<
  \context VaticanaVoice <<
    \transpose c c {

      \override = #'vaticana.punctum
      \key es \major
      \clef "vaticana-fa2"
      c1 des e f ges

      \override = #'vaticana.inclinatum
      a! b ces'
      \bar "|"

      \override = #'vaticana.quilisma
      b! des'! ges! fes!
      \clef "vaticana-fa1"
      \override = #'vaticana.plica
      es d
      \override = #'vaticana.reverse.plica
      c d
      \bar "|"

      \override = #'vaticana.punctum.cavum
      es f
      \override = #'vaticana.lpes
      g as
      \override = #'vaticana.upes
      bes as
      \override = #'vaticana.vupes
      g f
      \override = #'vaticana.linea.punctum
      \once \override = #'(-1 . 1) \bar "|"

      es d
      \override = #'vaticana.epiphonus
      c d
      \override = #'vaticana.cephalicus
      es f

      \set Staff.alterationGlyphs =
      \override = #'medicaea
      \override = #'medicaea.punctum
      \clef "medicaea-fa2"
      ces des
      \bar "|"

      e! f! ges
      \clef "medicaea-do2"
      \override = #'medicaea.inclinatum
      a! b! ces'
      \override = #'medicaea.virga
      b! a!
      \bar "|"

      ges fes
      \clef "medicaea-fa1"
      \override = #'medicaea.rvirga
      e des ces

      \set Staff.alterationGlyphs =
      \override = #'hufnagel
      \override = #'hufnagel.punctum
      \clef "hufnagel-fa2"
      ces des es
      \bar "|"

      fes ges
      \clef "hufnagel-do2"
      \override = #'hufnagel.lpes
      as! bes! ces'
      \override = #'hufnagel.virga
      bes! as!
      \bar "|"

      ges! fes!
      \clef "hufnagel-do-fa"
      \override = #'hufnagel.punctum
      es! des ces des! es! fes!
      \bar "||"


lowerStaff = \new MensuralStaff = "lowerStaff" <<
  \context MensuralVoice <<
    \transpose c c {

      \key a \major
      cis'1 d'\breve gis'\breve e'\breve \[ e'\longa fis'\longa \]
      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "neomensural-c2"
      \bar "|"

      \[ g\breve dis''\longa \]
      b\breve \[ a\longa d\longa \]
      \clef "petrucci-c2"

      fis1 ces1
      \clef "petrucci-c2"
      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "mensural-c2"
      \bar "|"

      \clef "mensural-g"
      r4 r8 r16 r16
      \override = #'mensural
      \override = #'mensural
      \clef "petrucci-f"
      c8 b, c16 b, c32 b, c64 b, c64 b,
      d8 e d16 e d32 e d64 e d64 e
      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "petrucci-f"
      \bar "|"

      \clef "mensural-f"
      r2 r4 r8 r16 r16

      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "mensural-f"
      e\breve f g a1
      \clef "mensural-g"

      \[ bes'!\longa a'!\longa c''!\longa \]
      e'1 d' c' d' \bar "|"
      \bar "|"

      bes'!\longa fis'!1 as'!1 ges'!\longa % lig
      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "mensural-g"
      e'2 d' c' \bar "|"

      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "petrucci-g"
      c'2 d' e' f'
      \clef "petrucci-g"
      g' as'! bes'! cis''!
      bes'! as'! gis'! fis'!
      \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
      \clef "mensural-g"
      es'! des'! cis'!1 \bar "||"

\paper {
  line-thickness = #(/ staff-space 5.0)

\score {
  \layout {
    indent = 0.0
    \context {
      timing = ##f
    \context {
      \override = #'neomensural
      \override = #'neomensural
      \override = #'mensural
      \override Stem.thickness = #1.0
    \context {
      \revert  BarLine.transparent
      alterationGlyphs =
      clefGlyph = #"clefs.petrucci.c2"
    \context {
      \revert  BarLine.transparent
      \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #2.0
      alterationGlyphs =
      \override Custos.neutral-position = #4

[image of music]

Plantilla per a notació de música antiga (transcripció moderna de cant gregorià)

Aquest exemple mostra com fer una transcripció moderna de cant gregorià. El cant gregorià no té compàs ni pliques; utilitza sols caps de nota de blanca i de negra, i unes marques especials que indiquen silencis de diferents longituds.

\include ""

chant = \relative c' {
  \set Score.timing = ##f
  f4 a2 \divisioMinima
  g4 b a2 f2 \divisioMaior
  g4( f) f( g) a2 \finalis

verba = \lyricmode {
  Lo -- rem ip -- sum do -- lor sit a -- met

\score {
  \new GregorianTranscriptionStaff <<
    \new GregorianTranscriptionVoice = "melody" \chant
    \new GregorianTranscriptionLyrics = "one" \lyricsto melody \verba

[image of music]

Indicacions de compàs antigues

Les indicacions de compàs també es poden gravar en estil antic.

  \override = #'neomensural

[image of music]

Notació de responsos o salms

Aquest tipus de notació s’utilitza per als cants salmòdics, en les quals les estrofes no sempre tenen la mateixa longitud.

stemOff = \hide Staff.Stem
stemOn  = \undo \stemOff

\score {
  \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \key g \minor
    \stemOff a'\breve bes'4 g'4
    \stemOn a'2 \section
    \stemOff a'\breve g'4 a'4
    \stemOn f'2 \section
    \stemOff a'\breve^\markup { \italic flexe }
    \stemOn g'2 \fine

[image of music]


Es poden gravar «custos» en diferents estils.

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

\new Staff \with { \consists "Custos_engraver" } \relative c' {
  \override Staff.Custos.neutral-position = #4

  \override = #'hufnagel
  c1^"hufnagel" \break
  <d a' f'>1

  \override = #'medicaea
  c1^"medicaea" \break
  <d a' f'>1

  \override = #'vaticana
  c1^"vaticana" \break
  <d a' f'>1

  \override = #'mensural
  c1^"mensural" \break
  <d a' f'>1

[image of music]


En transcriure música mensural, és útil posar un incipit al començament de la peça per indicar la tonalitat i el compàs originals. Actualment els músics estan acostumats a les línies del pentagrama, però en el període de la música mensural encara no s’utilitzaven. Com a compromís, amb freqüència s’imprimeixen línies divisòries entre els pentagrames, un estil de disseny conegut com mensurstriche.

%% With 2.23. this throws:
%% programming error: Loose column does not have right side to attach to.
%% Likely "Hidden BarLine during note yields programming error"
%%  --Harm

% A short excerpt from the Jubilate Deo by Orlande de Lassus

global = {
  \set Score.skipBars = ##t
  \key g \major
  \time 4/4

  % the actual music
  \skip 1*8

  % let finis bar go through all staves
  \override Staff.BarLine.transparent = ##f

  % finis bar
  \bar "|."

discantusIncipit = {
  \clef "neomensural-c1"
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2

discantusNotes = {
  \transpose c' c'' {
    \clef "treble"
    d'2. d'4 |
    b e' d'2 |
    c'4 e'4.( d'8 c' b |
    a4) b a2 |
    b4.( c'8 d'4) c'4 |
    \once \hide NoteHead
    c'1 |
    b\breve |

discantusLyrics = \lyricmode {
  Ju -- bi -- la -- te De -- o,
  om -- nis ter -- ra, __ om-

altusIncipit = {
  \clef "neomensural-c3"
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2
  r1 f'1.

altusNotes = {
  \transpose c' c'' {
    \clef "treble"
    r2 g2. e4 fis g |
    a2 g4 e |
    fis g4.( fis16 e fis4) |
    g1 |
    \once \hide NoteHead
    g1 |
    g\breve |

altusLyrics = \lyricmode {
  Ju -- bi -- la -- te
  De -- o, om -- nis ter -- ra,

tenorIncipit = {
  \clef "neomensural-c4"
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2
  r1 c'1.

tenorNotes = {
  \transpose c' c' {
    \clef "treble_8"
    R1 |
    R1 |
    R1 |
    % two measures
    r2 d'2. d'4 b e' |
    \once \hide NoteHead
    e'1 |
    d'\breve |

tenorLyrics = \lyricmode {
  Ju -- bi -- la -- te

bassusIncipit = {
  \clef "mensural-f"
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2

bassusNotes = {
  \transpose c' c' {
    \clef "bass"
    R1 |
    R1 |
    R1 |
    R1 |
    g2. e4 |
    \once \hide NoteHead
    e1 |
    g\breve |

bassusLyrics = \lyricmode {
  Ju -- bi-

\score {
    \new StaffGroup = choirStaff <<
      \new Voice = "discantusNotes" <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Discantus"
        \incipit \discantusIncipit
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto discantusNotes { \discantusLyrics }
      \new Voice = "altusNotes" <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Altus"
        \incipit \altusIncipit
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto altusNotes { \altusLyrics }
      \new Voice = "tenorNotes" <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor"
        \incipit \tenorIncipit
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto tenorNotes { \tenorLyrics }
      \new Voice = "bassusNotes" <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bassus"
        \incipit \bassusIncipit
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto bassusNotes { \bassusLyrics }
  \layout {
    \context {
      %% no bar lines in staves or lyrics
      \hide BarLine
    %% the next two instructions keep the lyrics between the bar lines
    \context {
      \consists "Bar_engraver"
      \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
    \context {
      %% no slurs
      \hide Slur
      %% Comment in the below "\remove" command to allow line
      %% breaking also at those bar lines where a note overlaps
      %% into the next measure.  The command is commented out in this
      %% short example score, but especially for large scores, you
      %% will typically yield better line breaking and thus improve
      %% overall spacing if you comment in the following command.
      %%\remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"
    indent = 6\cm
    incipit-width = 4\cm

[image of music]

Disposició Mensurstriche (línies divisòries entre pentagrames)

La disposició «mensurstriche» en els quals les línies divisòries no estan dibuixades sobre els pentagrames, sinó entre ells, es pot aconseguir amb un StaffGroup en comptes d’un ChoirStaff. La línia divisòria sobre els pentagrames s’esborra usant \hide.

\layout {
  \context {
    measureBarType = "-span|"

music = \fixed c'' {
  d2 \section e2
  f1 \fine

\new StaffGroup <<
  \new Staff \music
  \new Staff \music

[image of music]

Estils de silencis

Els silencis es poden imprimir en diferents estils.

\new Staff \relative c {
  \omit Score.TimeSignature

  \override = #'mensural
  r\maxima^\markup \typewriter { mensural }
  r\longa r\breve r1 r2 r4 r8 r16 s32 s64 s128 s128
  \bar ""

  \override = #'neomensural
  r\maxima^\markup \typewriter { neomensural }
  r\longa r\breve r1 r2 r4 r8 r16 s32 s64 s128 s128
  \bar ""

  \override = #'classical
  r\maxima^\markup \typewriter { classical }
  r\longa r\breve r1 r2 r4 r8 r16 r32 r64 r128 s128
  \bar ""

  \override = #'z
  r\maxima^\markup \typewriter { z-style }
  r\longa r\breve r1 r2 r4 r8 r16 r32 r64 r128 s128
  \bar ""

  \override = #'default
  r\maxima^\markup \typewriter { default }
  r\longa r\breve r1 r2 r4 r8 r16 r32 r64 r128 s128

[image of music]

Using tags to produce mensural and modern music from the same source

Using tags, it is possible to produce both mensural and modern notation from the same music. In this snippet, a function menrest is introduced, allowing mensural rests to be pitched as in the original, but with modern rests in the standard staff position. Tags can also be used where other differences are needed: for example using “whole measure rests” (R1, R\breve, etc.) in modern music, but normal rests (r1, r\breve, etc.) in the mensural version. Converting mensural music to its modern equivalent is usually referred to as “transcription”.

menrest = #(define-music-function (note)
    \tag #'mens $(make-music 'RestEvent note)
    \tag #'mod $(make-music 'RestEvent note 'pitch '())

MenStyle = {
  \override = #'petrucci
  \override Score.BarNumber.transparent = ##t
  \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up

finalis = \section

Music = \relative c'' {
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key f \major
  \time 4/4
  g1 d'2 \menrest bes4 bes2 a2 r4 g4 fis2.

MenLyr = \lyricmode { So farre, deere life, deare life }
ModLyr = \lyricmode { So far, dear life, dear life }

\score {
  \keepWithTag #'mens {
      \new MensuralStaff
        \new MensuralVoice = Cantus
          \clef "mensural-c1" \MenStyle \Music
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto Cantus \MenLyr

\score {
  \keepWithTag #'mod {
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff
        \new Voice = Sop \with {
          \remove "Note_heads_engraver"
          \consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
          \remove "Rest_engraver"
          \consists "Completion_rest_engraver" }
          \shiftDurations #1 #0 { \autoBeamOff \Music }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto Sop \ModLyr

[image of music]

Línia vertical com una articulació barroca

Aquesta línia curta vertical a sobre de la nota és d’ús comú en la música barroca. El seu significat varia, però en general indica notes que s’han de tocar amb més “pes”. L’exemple següent mostra com aconseguir aquesta notació.

upline =
\tweak stencil
  #(lambda (grob)
    (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \draw-line #'(0 . 1) #}))

\relative c' {
  a'4^\upline a( c d')_\upline

[image of music]

LilyPond — Fragments v2.24.4 (branca estable).